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Whether you eat a late dinner or midnight snack, a new study reveals that eating late at night may come with unwanted side effects.


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It’s not uncommon to eat late at night. Perhaps you leave a concert or comedy show and have a hankering for some tacos, or you settle for whatever is open. Typically, the food you eat late at night, or even as a midnight snack, is not the healthiest. With new research stating that eating late at night may yield unwanted side effects, you may rethink your late night eating habits. 

Studying The Impact Of Late-Night Eating

Study authors stated that they looked at three key factors associated with obesity risk and weight regulation during the study. These three factors included: 

  • Energy expenditure (calories burned)
  • Appetite
  • Molecular changes in fat tissue

In order to do this, they had 16 overweight or obese participants follow two meal schedules. The first schedule was an “early meal schedule.” The second one was the exact same schedule, only everything was four hours late. People ate at 5 p.m. for the first schedule and 9 p.m. for the second schedule. 

During both sets of meal schedules, participants noted their hunger levels, gave blood samples and had their temperature and energy expenditure measured. Study authors also collected data from some participants’ adipose tissue (body fat). They were also very careful to eliminate any compounding variables with protocol, including what the participants ate and sleep schedules. 

What Did The Research Find?

After reviewing the study findings, the study authors concluded that eating late is linked to obesity risk, especially in people who are already overweight or obese. When participants followed the later meal schedule, they woke up feeling hungrier, were less effective at burning calories, and had adipose tissue that displayed an increase in fat growth. Eating four hours later makes a big difference for hunger levels, the way a person burns calories after eating, and the way a person stores fat. 

Because the research only included overweight or obese participants, the study authors state that further research is necessary. Other studies are required to see if the results would translate to a larger population. Given that eating late at night can disrupt sleep and cause blood sugar spikes, though, it’s worth avoiding if you can help it. 

The Takeaway

If you eat late at night, or find that you frequently eat a snack before bed, you may want to ditch that habit. Ideally, you should have your largest meal during the middle of the day for lunch and eat a lighter dinner. That way, the body has more time to digest the food you eat. Nevertheless, more research is needed to determine exactly what eating late does to the body. This study simply encored the fact that you should avoid large meals and unhealthy options late at night. 


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What Lifestyle Choices Cause High Triglyceride Levels? Sun, 28 Apr 2024 08:55:00 +0000

High triglyceride levels can increase the risk of conditions like heart attack or stroke. Different factors can contribute to higher levels.


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The body stores blood fats, triglycerides, in order to give you energy throughout the day. The extra calories, sugars, and alcohol that you consume convert into triglycerides. And if you need a little extra energy between meals, hormones release triglycerides. That sounds wonderful, and it is necessary for the body to function, but too many triglycerides in the bloodstream can be dangerous to your overall health. 

The liver can convert triglycerides into glucose, but excess triglycerides end up in fat cells, or adipose tissue. Fatty buildup in the arteries can stem from excess triglycerides in the bloodstream. Higher triglyceride levels can also cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. 

Are There Symptoms Of High Triglycerides?

There are many lifestyle habits that can cause high triglyceride levels, also known as dyslipidemia. You typically won’t develop symptoms if you have high triglyceride levels, though. That said, there are several complications that can result from high levels, some of which include:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Stroke
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Multifactorial chylomicronemia syndrome 
  • Lipemia retinalis, a condition that changes how the blood vessels in the eyes look

Risk Factors For High Triglycerides

You may have a higher risk of high triglyceride levels because of the following: 

  • Menopause
  • Lipid metabolism disorder
  • A family history of high triglyceride or cholesterol levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Being of Mexican or South Asian ancestry

What Causes High Triglycerides But Normal Cholesterol?

This is a bit of conundrum because the two usually go hand in hand, or so you’ve been told. Despite what some people say, cholesterol and triglycerides are two different substances in the bloodstream. Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body, storing extra calories and converting them into energy. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver that produces hormones and builds cells, among other functions. If you have normal cholesterol levels but high triglyceride levels, consider the following:

  • Obesity
  • Insufficient exercise
  • A diet high in carbohydrates, saturated fats, and calories
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Liver or autoimmune diseases

Knowing all of this information can help you make better lifestyle choices to avoid high triglyceride levels. You may be unaware of certain lifestyle habits that are raising triglycerides. Learn more about these habits below. 

Lack Of Exercise

You burn off excess calories when you exercise, which means those calories don’t convert into triglycerides. Exercise boosts the production of lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that aids with the removal of triglycerides from your bloodstream. According to a small study of 38 people with coronary heart disease, participants who performed moderately intense aerobic exercise for eight weeks significantly reduced triglyceride levels compared to the group that didn’t exercise. 

What And How Much You Eat And Drink

A diet high in sugar and simple carbohydrates can raise triglyceride levels. These foods contain hydrogenated oils, trans fats, or white flour. Oils, butters, and fats that you eat also create triglycerides, and the extra calories from those foods produce more triglycerides. Drinking a lot of alcohol can also raise triglyceride levels. In fact, one study monitored people who had eight or more alcoholic drinks per week. Their odds of developing high triglyceride levels increased two- to eightfold. 

Certain Health Conditions

There are several health conditions that can cause high triglyceride levels, some of which include:

  • Liver disease: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and cirrhosis can cause metabolic issues that affect the liver’s ability to secrete triglycerides and increase their production.
  • Thyroid disease: An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), can slow hormone production and the rate at which you burn calories. Together, those two things can raise triglyceride levels. 
  • Chronic kidney disease: If your kidneys are damaged, they may produce more triglycerides and decrease the body’s ability to clear them from your bloodstream.
  • Obesity: If you are obese, the excess body fat, especially the body fat around your stomach, can release free fatty acids that convert into triglycerides when they enter the bloodstream.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Diabetes is a metabolic condition that can raise triglyceride levels because of insulin resistance, which can potentially cause buildup in the bloodstream. 

Certain Medications

Sometimes, you have to consult your doctor about the different side effects of medications, especially if you have elevated triglyceride levels. Common medications that increase triglycerides include:

  • Retinoids for acne
  • Diuretics and older beta blockers that treat high blood pressure
  • Corticosteroids that reduce inflammation
  • Estrogen in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
  • Antiretroviral drugs that treat HIV


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Need To Burn Some Fat? Try These Foods! Mon, 15 Apr 2024 18:30:33 +0000

These foods have shown that they can help in your weight loss journey by burning helping burn abdominal fat.


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These foods have shown that they can help in your weight loss journey by burning helping burn abdominal fat. Watch and learn which foods can help!


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6 Health Benefits Of Swimming Fri, 19 Aug 2022 09:07:00 +0000

Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular workout that benefits your health in several ways. Learn why you should be in the water more often.


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Swimming is a popular summer activity, whether you’re at the community pool, the lake, or the beach. It’s also a common sport that many people participate in when they’re young. Somewhere along the line, kids start to slack off and start swimming less and less. Statistically, children swim more than adults now, but people swam more overall in previous decades. 

Swimming is one of the best full-body, cardiovascular workouts you can do. You want to know the best part? It isn’t a high-impact activity that can take a toll on your knees, ankles, hips, back, or other joints. The constant worry of whether or not you will injure yourself is a common reason to avoid a certain exercise. Fortunately, swimming is excellent for people who deal with joint issues, as the body is near weightless in the water. 

Water has some pretty unique properties and immediate physical benefits, pain modulation being one of them. According to research, people tend to have long-term benefits to mental and physical health in people who swim on a regular basis. Since this is the case and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week, why not make swimming your primary form of activity? To begin, try working in 30 minutes of lap swimming three times a week. Use the other days to complete other forms of exercise, including resistance training and walking. Don’t believe that swimming is the real deal? Continue reading to learn about swimming’s amazing health benefits

Gives You A Mood Boost

Let go of the idea that swimming can only take place during the summer months. Break out the swimsuit during any season because you can always swim at indoor pools throughout the year. One study found that people who swam between October and January reported less fatigue, improved memory, and better well being. Swimming is thought to lower levels of anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps to put you in a clearer, more optimal state of mind. 

Improves Lung Strength

The more laps you swim, the stronger your lungs get. Swimming works to train the muscles that the body uses for respiration. That means that swimming on a regular basis can help improve breathing technique and lung volume. Improving the strength and function of the lungs is especially beneficial for those with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The pool is a great setting for asthmatics, as it is humid, warm, and a low-pollen environment. If your lung condition interferes with your ability to exercise, consider talking to your doctor before you pick up swimming. 

Boosts Your Brain

There are several studies that link regular exercise with improved cognitive function. When researchers studied the relationship between swimming and cognition, they discovered a unique benefit. This study monitored participants who completed a 20-minute moderate-intensity swim. Researchers noted that they were able to process visual information and respond quicker on cognitive tests both before and after their swim. The fact that swimming made a small but measurable difference in cognition excites researchers on how else swimming can benefit the body and brain. 

Helps To Keep You Lean

Swimming is a full-body workout and it can be quite intense if you increase your speed and intervals. After a swim, you should feel like you worked your arms, shoulders, legs, back, glutes, and core. By engaging all of the major muscle groups, you get more cardio bang for your buck. Researchers estimate that a 155-pound person can burn about 432 calories by swimming for an hour. Compare that to the 266 calories you burn while walking for an hour and you can see the difference. One study even found that swimming helped to decrease body fat and body mass index.

Helps You Live Longer

Add swimming to your list if you want to extend your life. In addition to eating healthier, swimming may help decrease your risk of early death. One study monitored over 40,000 men between the ages of 20 and 90. The participants who swam or engaged in pool exercises (water jogging or aqua aerobics) reduced their risk of death from any cause by 50% compared to sedentary men. 

Boosts Heart Health

One study of patients with osteoarthritis found that swimming was just as effective as cycling for improving cardiovascular function. Additionally, researchers suggest that swimming helps to reduce inflammation just as much as other forms of exercise. However, a 2018 meta-analysis revealed that swimming offered beneficial effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition. The review noted that swimmers experienced improvements in exercise performance, ventilation, body mass, and lean mass.


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How To Tell If You’re Losing Weight Without A Scale Mon, 31 Jan 2022 09:04:00 +0000

Learn how to tell if you’re losing weight without stepping on the scale. It seems difficult, but there are many indicators of weight loss.


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What’s the number one tool that people use to measure weight loss? The scale, primarily because it doesn’t lie, or does it? Although the scale can be helpful in tracking weight loss, it may not always indicate where you are in your transformation. In fact, there are many other ways to notice if you are losing weight, and they aren’t as intimidating as stepping on the scale daily.

The number on the scale doesn’t always reveal progress or fitness success. This is the case whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle. For example, engaging in physical activity every day may cause you to burn fat while simultaneously gaining muscle. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, which is a great thing because it can help you burn fat more efficiently. Muscle is also denser than fat, meaning that you can gain weight even if your fat percentage reduces. In that sense, the scale doesn’t give you an accurate picture of what’s happening with your body. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to step on the scale every day to determine if your body is changing. Some people may not lose weight; rather, they may lose inches and old clothes may start to feel loose. Continue reading to get a more accurate picture of your gains without the aid of a scale. 

Go Shopping In Your Closet

Go ahead and step into your closet to pick out clothes that you wear regularly. You know how a certain dress or pair of jeans fits, so you’ll be able to easily notice if it fits differently. Alternatively, you can try on something you know is smaller than your other clothes to see if you fit in it. The greatest part about this technique is that you’ll be able to notice if clothes fit differently within the first five to 15 pounds of weight loss. Some items may start falling off your body or you may fit into clothes that you couldn’t before starting your weight loss journey.

Snap Some Selfies

This isn’t a very difficult thing to do, especially since every phone is equipped with a camera. It’s always beneficial to take a before and after picture so that you can see a visual representation of your transformation. Not only do before and after pictures hold you accountable, but they also let you see your progress. When you can see the difference in your body, you don’t need to step on the scale to understand if you lost weight or not. A weekly selfie may be the best way to track your progress. 

Invest In A Measuring Tape

When you measure different parts of the body, you can get a general estimate of where you lose weight and how many inches you lose. The measuring tape may not indicate if you lose fat or muscle, but it is a starting point. Everyone loses weight at a different pace, some faster than others. Measuring the waist, arms, thighs, buttocks, and chest are the essential measurements you want. Taking those measurements every couple weeks can help you track your progress and weight loss. 

Measure Body Fat

Body fat percentage is one of the best ways to measure fat tissue versus lean mass. A person with a higher body fat percentage, even if they are not obese, means that they are vulnerable to myriad health complications, especially heart disease and diabetes. A body fat percentage that exceeds 23.1% for men and 33.3% for women is very dangerous to overall health. Use a body fat caliper to measure body fat every month or two. If the number goes down then you know you are losing weight from the previous measurement. Be sure to research how to correctly use the caliper, though, so that you can get accurate measurements. 

Get A Check Up

A yearly physical can help you stay on top of your health and overall goals. Knowing what a healthy weight is and if you are overweight can help you make changes to correct your course. Cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and inflammatory levels are also indicators of health, not simply weight. Reducing your weight by 10% may not seem like a lot in regards to weight, but it can do wonders for your overall health. 


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How To Get Your Dream Body: Understanding Your Body Type With Dherbs Wed, 07 Feb 2018 00:57:05 +0000

Are you an ectomorph, endomorph, or a mesomorph? AD Dolphin helps you identify your body type and the type of workouts you should be doing to slim down.


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Are you an ectomorph, endomorph, or a mesomorph? AD Dolphin helps you identify your body type and the type of workouts you should be doing to slim down. Keep watching to find out what cleansing and raw foods can do for you.


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Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Belly Fat Wed, 13 Dec 2017 18:20:46 +0000

Yoga is all about engaging your core muscles. Do these poses every day and you could get rid of some belly fat in just one week.


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Whether you have a muffin top, extra love around the mid-section, unwanted rolls, or whatever you want to call it, nobody likes having belly fat. While fat plays a role in the body, having an excess amount of fat is not beneficial to your health. Too much fat can inhibit proper organ function and can hinder one’s overall health.

How Yoga Can Help

Yoga is a natural stress-relieving exercise that works to promote healthy circulation in the body. Breathing is one of the most important aspects of yoga, but so is engaging your core. A lot of people try to use other muscle groups for poses that require core muscles, and they end up doing the poses incorrectly. Follow the short yoga video below once a day to help get rid of belly fat in one week.


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Recipe: Belly Fat Be Gone With This Metabolism-Boosting Drink Wed, 05 Jul 2017 12:15:58 +0000

It's time to say goodbye to belly fat, and we have the ticket to send it off. Sip on this drink every day and watch the flab go away.


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We always stress the importance of staying sufficiently hydrated. Not only can being hydrated help you flush toxins from you body, but it can also help you lose weight. If you decide to infuse fresh ingredients like pineapples, lemons, or cucumbers in your water, it will only help you on your quest to detoxifying the body.

When you add fresh ingredients to your water, you have to choose ingredients that help you achieve what your goals are. If you are looking to improve the health of your skin or fight free radicals, fresh lemons are the way to go. If you are looking to improve digestion, it is beneficial to add fresh pineapples to your water. Now, boosting your metabolism and burning belly fat can be achieved if you add two special ingredients to your water.


Apples are available in grocery stores all year. They are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to eliminate waste from the colon, and they contain pectin, a compound that helps to naturally lower cholesterol and aid digestion. Apples also help slow the way the body metabolizes carbohydrates, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.


Cinnamon is one of the best spices to have in your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Cinnamon helps to increase your metabolism and moderate blood sugar. Additionally, cinnamon helps to lower bad cholesterol, while promoting mental acuity and reducing fatigue.

It seems as though apples and cinnamon were made for each other. The two ingredients work together to dramatically improve your digestive system and help to detox your system. Make one or both of the two detox water recipes below to say goodbye to your belly fat.

Recipe #1: Iced Apple Cinnamon Drink


  • 1 organic apple, cored and thinly sliced
  • 1 cinnamon stick (non-irradiated)
  • 1 pitcher of water
  • Ice


  • Add the apple slices and cinnamon stick to an empty pitcher. Fill the picture half way with ice and then fill it up with filtered water.
  • Store in the fridge for an hour or more before you drink it.

Recipe #2: Apple Water


  • 1 gallon of filtered water
  • 4-6 organic apples, cored and sliced
  • 6 cinnamon sticks (non-irradiated)


  • In a large pot over medium heat, bring 1 gallon of water to a simmer. Add the apples and cinnamon sticks and continue to simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and let it cool to room temperature before drinking. You can store it in a pitcher in the fridge or separate it into various glass jars to drink throughout the week.

It is beneficial, for both recipes, to drink 8 ounces of the detox water roughly 30 minutes before a meal. You can continue to use the apples and cinnamon sticks for three days before swapping them out for new ones.


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The Secret To Getting Rid Of Belly Fat Mon, 12 Jun 2017 12:30:30 +0000

Aren't you excited that we have the secret to getting rid of belly fat? We guarantee that it isn't what you think it is. Find out right here.


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The secret to losing belly fat has finally arrived! No, the answer is not doing 1,000 crunches a day. A bunch of ab workouts will strengthen your muscles, but that won’t make the flab go away. In fact, getting little in the middle is about mixing it up.

When it comes to exercising, you want to avoid working out at a consistent pace. It’s all about the intervals. What are intervals, you ask? Interval training is all about incorporating bursts of high-energy exercise into a moderate workout. For example, if you are walking at a steady pace, sprint for 20 seconds every other minute.

A workout study, using exercise bikes, was conducted between two groups of women. The study revealed that women, who rode exercise bikes for 20 minutes, doing 8-second sprints and 12 seconds of moderate cycling, lost more fat than those who cycled at a consistent pace for 40 minutes. What this means is that your workouts will be a half as long, but you’ll burn more fat.

You can incorporate intervals in almost any activity or exercise routine. Use the examples below to boost your workout!

Use Time

The clock can help keep you on track with your workout itinerary. So many people like to socialize during their workout, which means they aren’t exercising at a sufficient pace to lose weight. Go at a normal pace for two minutes and then amp up your workout for 1 minute. Repeat this cycle for 30 minutes.

Use Music

A lot of people like to workout to different playlists. Use music to your advantage by having an even mix of upbeat and moderately paced songs. You can walk, run, dance, Zumba, or bicycle to the music.

Use Visual Goals

If you are exercising outside, jog or bike at a comfortable pace. Keep your eyes ahead of you and sprint to, for example, a stop sign that is roughly 20 yards away. When you reach your target, go back to your original pace. When your breathing returns to normal, set another marker to sprint to, and so on and so forth.

Make This Drink


  • 6 cups filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, grated
  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1/3 cup mint leaves


  • Mix all of the ingredients together in a pitcher and store it in the fridge overnight, so that the flavors can infuse. Drink it all the next day. It will help flush fat from your body.


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Drink A Glass Of Carrot Juice Every Day: Your Body Will Thank You Tue, 16 May 2017 16:00:12 +0000

Most people don't realize what carrots can actually do for the body. All you have to do is drink 1 cup of fresh carrot juice every day to find out.


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Carrots are one of the most popular root vegetables around the world. They come in baby form, medium, size, and oddly crooked form, which are typically found at farmers markets. Whichever way you eat them, carrots provide a world of health benefits. One of the best ways to consume them, however, is to juice them. Drinking a glass of carrot juice once a day can completely change your health.

The list of nutrients in carrots is quite extensive. They contain everything from potassium, fiber, biotin, manganese, pantothenic acid, folate, copper, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K, in addition to a few others. You don’t have to solely drink a glass of carrot juice to reap these benefits. You can also add carrots to smoothies or add other ingredients like ginger, oranges, beets, and pineapples to the juice.

Note: Make sure you drink freshly made carrot juice to absorb the following benefits. Buying pre-bottled carrot juice is a waste because it often contains added sugars and preservatives.

Reduces Cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol or have difficulty regulating your levels, try drinking some carrot juice on the daily. Because carrots contain potassium, which helps reduce sodium levels in the body, drinking carrot juice can help naturally your lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Makes Your Bones Strong

When people think of vegetables that make your bones strong, they typically think of leafy greens. They aren’t wrong because they all contain vitamin K, but so do carrots. Vitamin K helps to bind calcium, which is crucial for strengthening your bones, so drink your carrot juice!

Helps Relieve Bloating

Whether you ate too much or just feel a little gassy, drinking carrot juice can help remedy the situation. Carrot juice helps to naturally get rid of gas, which gets stored inside your stomach and intestines.

Promotes Healthy Urination

When you are urinating healthily, you can help get rid of almost 4% of your body fat. Carrot juice has been known to be a healthy diuretic, helping to remove excess uric acid and bile, while also helping to keep the kidneys clean and healthy.

Beneficial For Lactation

Lactating mothers can benefit from drinking carrot juice because it helps with milk production. Women can start drinking carrot juice during pregnancy to improve the quality and richen the vitamin A content of breast milk. Vitamin A helps with cell growth, making it great for developing fetuses.


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