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The exotic dragon fruit is both visually striking and nutritionally dense. Learn about the fruit’s impressive health benefits in this article.


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Dragon fruit comes from a variety of cactus species and has a striking appearance, sweet taste, and unique texture. It has a bright white flesh speckled with small black seeds, which resemble poppy seeds. Naturally rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, dragon fruit makes a great addition to your diet. It may help to support immune function, improve iron levels, promote gut health, and provide the body with lots of magnesium.

What Is Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit looks like something from a fantastical realm, but it is native to Central America, dating back to the 13th century. Dragon fruit, actual name pitaya or pitahaya, made its way to Vietnam and Malaysia, where it is widely grown. Most of the dragon fruits in the U.S. come from Israel, where the fruit is commercially grown. Israeli growers tend to call it pitaya, while Vietnamese growers refer to it as dragon fruit. According to nutritional data, one cup of dragon fruit offers the following nutrients:

  • 136 calories
  • 29 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 9% of the daily value (DV) of vitamin C
  • 7 grams of fiber
  • 8% of the DV of iron
  • 18% of the DV of magnesium
  • 4% of the DV of vitamin E

Beyond these nutrients, dragon fruit exhibits several plant compounds that benefit the body, both internally and externally. The carotenoids and betacyanins in dragon fruit may be useful in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmetic applications. Continue reading to learn more about the health benefits of dragon fruit.

Rich In Fiber

Dietary fibers are non-digestible carbohydrates that offer lots of health benefits. According to health officials, adult women should consume 25 grams of fiber per day, while men should consume 38 grams per day. Similar to antioxidant supplements, fiber supplements don’t have the same health benefits as the fiber you get from whole foods. Fiber is well known for the role it plays in the digestive process, but many studies suggest that it may help manage body weight, protect against heart disease, and manage type 2 diabetes. No studies have linked dragon fruit to the aforementioned benefits, but consuming dragon fruit can help you meet your recommended daily intake RDI of fiber. 

Enhance Immune Function

Several nutrients in dragon fruit are responsible for its ability to support the immune system. Firstly, dragon fruit is an excellent source of carotenoids and vitamin C, both of which help to optimize immune function. The betacyanins and betaxanthins are pigments in dragon fruits that work to combat free radicals, protecting white blood cells from infection. A 2018 study confirmed that the antioxidants in dragon fruit may work to lower the risk of developing inflammatory conditions like gout and arthritis. 

Boost Iron Levels

There are not that many fruits that contain iron, but dragon fruit happens to be one of them. Iron is necessary for breaking down food into energy, but it also helps transport oxygen throughout the body. Many in the world do not meet the RDI of iron, with about 30% of the world’s population being iron deficient. This makes iron the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide. Dragon fruit is a great option to help boost iron levels, as one cup offers 8% of the RDI. 

It Has Prebiotic Properties

Prebiotics are special plant fibers that contribute to the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. They essentially make your digestive system work more efficiently. When you ingest dragon fruit, it has a prebiotic effect on the body. It works to nourish gut bacteria and the oligosaccharides stimulate healthy bacterial growth in the stomach and intestines. By enhancing your gut microbiome, you naturally boost immune function and decrease the risk of intestinal infections. 

Rich In Fatty Acids

Dragon fruit contains a lot of tiny black seeds, which exhibit significant nutritional value. A 2018 study found that these seeds are decent sources of fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. Increasing your intake of these omegas may help to reduce your risk of cognitive decline, inflammatory conditions, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Meeting your RDI of omega-3s may benefit your overall mental health as well. A 2016 study found that increasing omega-3 intake helped decrease symptoms of depression. 

A Great Supply Of Magnesium

Magnesium assists with many bodily functions. It works to form and maintain bones, break down food, create DNA, contract muscles, and support healthy nerve function. One cup of dragon fruit satisfies 18% of the RDI of magnesium, helping you meet your daily goal. Some preliminary studies show that magnesium may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, but more research is necessary on this matter.


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]]> Products Mention On The Breakfast Club Radio Show Sat, 06 Jun 2015 21:07:31 +0000 products mention on the Breakfast Club radio show. Dherbs site: Dherbs store: Dherbs Black Seed Formula - .VXNgbaaJzP0


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]]> products mention on the Breakfast Club radio show.

Dherbs Black Seed Formula.


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Dherbs Black Seed Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:33:10 +0000

Black Seed supports optimal health and helps maintain healthy breathing, digestion, circulation, waste filtering, and supports the immune system.


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Black Seed supports optimal health and helps maintain healthy breathing, digestion, circulation, waste filtering, and supports the immune system.


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Dherbs Black Seed & Moringa Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:24:25 +0000

Black Seed supports optimal health and helps maintain healthy breathing, digestion, circulation, waste filtering, and supports the immune system.


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Black Seed supports optimal health and helps maintain healthy breathing, digestion, circulation, waste filtering, and supports the immune system.

Moringa is an herbal supplement rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that’s intended to help strengthen your immune system.


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The Many Health Benefits Of Black Seed Sat, 02 May 2020 17:06:45 +0000

Known by many names, black seed has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of conditions. See how it can benefit your health.


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People have used medicinal plants to remedy ailments and cure diseases for thousands of years. Indigenous cultures prepared these medicinal plants in various ways to create herbal remedies, some of which are still used today. With an increased focus on using plants for their medicinal properties, many studies have been conducted to evaluate their abilities. One plant of focus is known as Nigella sativa, black seed.

In recent years, black seed has emerged as some sort of “miracle herb,” despite the fact that it has a rich history of pharmacological and religious use. Black seed is the most common name, but it also goes by fennel flower, black cumin, kalonji, black caraway, cumin noir, small fennel, or seed of blessing. The plant is native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean, but it currently grows in Europe, the Middle East, and throughout India.

Traditional Uses Of Black Seed

Black seed was used in folk medicine to treat a variety of disorders related to digestive, kidney, liver, cardiovascular, immune, and respiratory health. Black seed has a long history of use in Indian and Arabic civilizations as a food medicine, while southeast Asian and Middle Eastern countries used it for asthma, rheumatism, bronchitis, and other inflammatory conditions. Tinctures were made for internal use, while the oil was used topically as an antiseptic.

Health Benefits

Research suggests that black seed has the potential to remedy numerous conditions. Scientists believe that the healing properties are attributed to thymoquinone, an active ingredient in black seed that has anti-tussive, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, antifungal, and anti-hypertensive properties. Continue reading to learn more about you can benefit from black seed’s many health properties.

For Immune Disorders

Extensively studied for its biological activity, black seed has exhibited an ability to help people with autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, allergic asthma, eczema, sinusitis, and Hashimoto’s disease. In a 2018 placebo-controlled eight-week clinical trial, results indicated that patients who received two grams of black seed daily experienced a reduction of anti-TPO antibodies from an average of 295-148. Other studies also found that black seed can act as an immunosuppressive agent to reduce oxidative stress that results from ionizing radiation.

For Cardiovascular Diseases

Research has shown that black seed possesses qualities that may be beneficial for patients with cardiovascular diseases. Black seed has shown that it can help reduce LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, plaque formation, and decrease inflammation. According to a 2013 study, the anti-hypertensive properties of black seed significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in all 70 participants. Other studies suggest that taking one gram of black seed twice daily before meals for one month can reduce triglyceride and LDL levels in people with high cholesterol.

For Asthma

A 2013 review, which investigated the therapeutic properties of black seed extract, found that black seed extract has the potential to alleviate asthma symptoms. The reason it is able to do this is because it helps to widen the bronchioles, promoting better airflow to the lungs. Additionally, a month-long study in 2011 found that black seed helped reduce symptoms of rhinitis, including runny nose and sneezing, within the first two weeks of patients taking it.

For Skin Disorders

Early research has found that the combination of black seed, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and biotin, admitted orally, may help suppress itchy or inflamed skin. This is especially beneficial for people with eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. The antifungal properties of black seed also exhibited strong defenses against fungal infections on the skin.

For Cancer

The antioxidant properties of black seed are well known, and they may be the reason for the anti-cancer properties. Both in vitro and animal studies have found that black seed helps to inhibit the growth and reduce tumor size in various types of cancer, including pancreatic, liver, skin, kidney, breast, blood, colon, and prostate. There has also been evidence that thymoquinone, the active ingredient in black seed, helps to sensitize brain cancer cells to chemotherapy, which can make treatment more effective.


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Could H. pylori Bacteria Be Why You Are Bloated? Wed, 05 Apr 2017 20:30:21 +0000

Bloating sometimes gets shrugged off as nothing, but could there be a more serious issue that is causing it. Find out if you are at risk of this.


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Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that affects about two-thirds of the world’s population. The bacterium is typically transmitted through unclean water or food sources. If this is left untreated then the person can develop peptic ulcers or even stomach cancer, worst-case scenario.

When H. pylori infects the lining of the stomach, the most common symptom is bloating. Other symptoms can include a burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, or frequent burping. Rather than going for antibiotics, which can induce negative side effects like diarrhea, loss of appetite, or nausea, there are natural remedies that are growing in popularity.

If you are bloated, it doesn’t mean that you have H. pylori in your system, but it is a high possibility, considering that 66% of the world has it. If you do have the bacterium and are bloated, use the following remedies to help.

Green Tea

Regularly consuming green tea naturally helps prevent stomach inflammation. A 2009 study actually showed that green tea was effective at slowing the growth, and even killing, H. pylori. Green tea also helps calm gaseousness or nausea.

Black Seed

Several studies have found that a daily dose of 2 grams of black seed is about as effective as triple therapy, which includes two antibiotics and an acid blocker, when it comes to treating H. pylori. Black seed helps naturally rid the bacteria from the body, but each person may respond to this treatment differently.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has a strong antibacterial response to H. pylori strains. Since three of these strains are resistant to antibiotics, olive oil may be a better approach to naturally rid it from the body.

Broccoli Sprouts

Sulphoraphane is the compound in broccoli sprouts that may be helpful in fighting H. pylori. A study showed that 78% of people, who ate broccoli sprouts twice a day for a week straight, had stools that were free of the infection. The powerful compound has been identified to help treat over 150 diseases.

In addition to the above remedy, you can also drink a smoothie that consists of:

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
  • a bunch of cilantro or parsley
  • 4 ounces of water

Blend the ingredients in a blender and add a little ice if you like your smoothie colder.

Always remember to stay hydrated. Water does not make you bloated and doesn’t cause water retention. In fact, water actually helps flush toxins from your body and it keeps you from becoming bloated.


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7 Tips to Lower High Blood Pressure Tue, 17 May 2016 17:43:03 +0000

High blood pressure (hypertension) isn't something that should burden you. Here are 7 tips that will help lower your blood pressure.


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So you want to lower your high blood pressure. You are not alone. High blood pressure or hypertension is an extremely common condition that affects nearly everyone at some point. Poor dietary choices, obesity, chronic stress, lack of exercise, or high alcohol consumption are some of the causes that lead to high blood pressure or hypertension. Fortunately, it is easily detectable and you can start working on how to lower it.

What is High Blood Pressure?

The heart has to work to pump blood through the arteries. If the arteries are narrow and the heart has to pump more blood, the person will likely have higher blood pressure because of the restricted blood flow. A person with a blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or higher is considered to have high blood pressure. If you don’t take action and treat high blood pressure, there is a higher risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or even having kidney failure.

High Blood Pressure in Men and Women

1 in every 3 American adults has high blood pressure and women are just as likely to develop it as men. High blood pressure affects more men under age 45 than it does women. Between the ages of 45 and 54, the percentage of men and women with hypertension is roughly equal, but the percentage of women increases after age 55. The reason the for the increased percentage of women with high blood pressure in later years is because estrogen levels fall after menopause. Women and men can develop high blood pressure similarly via physical inactivity, poor eating habits, obesity, or high salt intake. Contraceptive pills may increase a woman’s risk for high blood pressure, so check it regularly if on a birth control pill.

Tips to Lower High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

1. Lower Salt Intake

When your diet has a high amount of salt in it, your body will hold extra water, which increases blood pressure. In addition to avoiding salt, it’s best to steer clear of fast foods, processed foods, or canned foods. Use salt-free seasonings, or Himalayan or sea salt in low amounts. A salt alternative, which is more beneficial to the body, is Dulse. Dulse flakes are the perfect salt substitute for those on a low salt diet. Dulse provides sodium and potassium, which is an essential sodium-balcancing mineral. Both sodium and potassium work together to provide proper fluid balance inside and outside each cell. Additionally, keep a heart-healthy diet, which avoids hydrogenated ingredients, high fat content, and incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Lower Stress

This may seem like it is easier said than done, but there are many ways one can easily reduce stress. First, identify what makes you stressed and then eliminate it or channel that energy towards something like yoga, meditation, or tai chi. You can also increase your daily intake of magnesium, as it helps to naturally lower stress. You can take a magnesium supplement, or you can incorporate magnesium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, spinach, raw almonds, pine nuts, cashews, lima beans, chickpeas, or Swiss chard into your diet.

3. Lemon

Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals. Lemon keeps blood vessels soft and loosens things up, which can help reduce your blood pressure. Do not drink bottled lemon juice or anything from concentrate, as it can have sweetener or added sugars. Take the juice of half a lemon, mix it in a cup (8oz) of warm water, and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. Garlic

With garlic, you get a whole bunch of health benefits in addition to lower pressure. Raw or cooked garlic has blood pressure lowering effects, and can help reduce cholesterol levels. Garlic stimulates nitric oxide production by relaxing your blood vessels. Your recommended daily garlic intake should be at least 1-2 crushed cloves. Why crushed cloves? This creates hydrogen sulfide, which promotes proper blood flow, removes gas, and decreases pressure on the heart. Always remember fresh garlic can be more beneficial for the body. Once the garlic is cut, the hydrogen sulfide rapidly loses its potency and will all but disappear within an hour of chopping.

5. Exercise

A little exercise goes a long way to helping reduce high blood pressure. It’s important to exercise daily, as this can reduce stress and promote healthy circulation. Don’t go overboard when you begin exercising, though. Start off by incorporating a daily walk into your routine. Make a scheduled time every day to exercise and stick to it. Once exercise becomes regular you can work out at different times, but a consistent workout time helps you to get in the habit at first. If you are limited by knee, hip, or back injuries, try swimming, yoga, rebounding, or using a recumbent bike. Aim for 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity 3-4 times per week if you want to lower blood pressure or cholesterol.

6. Restore Alkalinity

You may be wondering what alkalinity is. If you have a poor diet or eat lots of sodium, chances are that your body’s pH balance is heavily acidic. It’s best to avoid alcohol, sugar, meat, processed foods, and grains because these are the top 5 acid forming foods. To keep your heart healthy and lower blood pressure it’s ideal to have a neutral pH balance. You can do this by incorporating alkaline foods into your diet. Eat dark leafy greens, organic apple cider vinegar, berries, peaches, or root veggies like beets and turnips.

7. Black Seed

Black seed, or black cumin, has been known as a powerful cure for almost everything. You get a two for one with black seed because it helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. There are many anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen the immune system and reduce high blood pressure. You can also take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil and mix it with fresh fruit juice or herbal tea. You can also take the 1 teaspoon by itself if you don’t mind the taste.

High blood pressure is something that you can easily avoid if you take the right steps. It doesn’t have to be an inevitable condition. You can easily use some or all of the tips above to start living a healthier, more energetic life.


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10 Reasons Black Seed (Cumin) is Jaw-Dropping for Your Health Mon, 21 Sep 2015 12:28:32 +0000

Nearly every day some new study comes out touting the benefits of black cumin seeds. Originally from Egypt, black cumin grows in a tiny pod that requires soaking before the tiny seeds can be released.


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The Prophet Muhammad reportedly said that the seeds of the black cumin plant (commonly known as black seed) could “cure everything but death.” Cure is a strong word, but he may have been onto something. Nearly every day some new study comes out touting the benefits of black cumin seeds. Originally from Egypt, black cumin grows in a tiny pod that requires soaking before the tiny seeds can be released. Upon consumption, the body benefits from a powerful substance called crystalline nigellone as well as over a hundred other compounds.

Take a look at this amazing list to read more about the benefits of Black Seed.

  1. Asthma
    Research suggests that taking black seed extract by mouth improves coughing, wheezing and lung function in people with asthma.
  2. Infection 
    Researchers at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College found that Black Seed oil inhibited the growth of 67% of the antibacterial-resistant “super bugs” they tested. This is an important finding as scientists scramble to find new ways to kill off infections that are becoming increasingly resistant to standard anti-bacterial regiments.
  3. Cancer
    Croatian scientists determined that two phytochemicals found in Black Seed reduced tumors in mice by 52%. But this is only the beginning: studies by researchers all over the world have found Black Seed to have a powerful effect on all sorts of cancers from liver to lung, brain to breast, leukemia to colon.
  4. Liver Health
    In a recent study, scientists discovered that black seed oil benefits the function of the liver and helps prevent both damage and disease.
  5. Diabetes
    Researchers from the Indian Council of Medical Research found that black seed oil helped those suffering from diabetes in a number of ways. The compound caused partial regeneration of pancreatic cells, increased lowered serum insulin concentrations, and decreased elevated glucose. They went on to say that it worked as well as metformin, a popular diabetes drug, without any of the side effects.
  6. Weight Loss
    The Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders determined that that black seed oil was amongst “the most effective natural remedies on the planet” for those trying to lose weight. Black Seed addresses several weight gain triggers such as appetite, glucose absorption, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides.
  7. Hair
    Probably one of the most unique black seed oil benefits is its uncanny ability to help restore hair loss. No one quite understands why it happens, but it’s not too hard to guess that it has something to do with its powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
  8. Skin
    Iranian researchers found that it was as effective as the skin cream Betamethasone in decreasing severity of hand eczema.
  9. High Blood Pressure
    Early research suggests that taking black seed extract twice daily for 8 weeks might slightly improve blood pressure in some people.
  10. Opiate Withdrawal
    Research has suggested that black seed oil taken by mouth three times a day may decrease symptoms associated with heroin withdrawal.
  11. Bonus: Epilepsy
    We’ve included it here, because the study was very small. But in any case, researchers found that Black Seed extract significantly reduced seizure activity in children suffering from Epilepsy.


Clearly, Black Seed is a powerful natural remedy for all sorts of ailments and diseases. For those of us who are lucky enough to be healthy already, a daily regiment of Black Seed may help keep you that way.


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