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What makes someone attractive to you? Your biology and personal experiences may explain what turns you off and what turns you on.


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How many times do you or people you know swipe right, swipe left, or initiate a conversation with a person you find attractive? Are there certain things that make one person more attractive to you than others? Researchers and psychologists agree that a person’s personal experiences and biology can explain why the heart wants what it wants. That may also explain why one person’s looks or persona may turn someone on and turn another person off. 

Attraction isn’t just about a smile that makes your knees weak or a sense of humor that melds with your own. Culture and values, certain life experiences, biology, and evolution all influence who you are attracted to and why. Experts agree that there are five, largely universal elements of attraction. We are going to explain what the experts say about turn-ons and turn-offs below.


Familiarity can often breed attraction, which is why it is common for people to start out as friends and before getting romantically involved. It doesn’t have to be that way, though, because you may just bump into the same person at the gym or coffee shop. The more you grow fond of that person, the more likely you are to be attracted to them. Think of this like listening to a song: the more you listen to it, the catchier it becomes.


What you have in common with someone can often influence your attraction. You may share the same level of education, interests, looks, and goals with a person, but you don’t have to share all of these things in common for that spark to ignite. Is it convenient if you share the same passion for Thai food and have similar interests in music? Sure, but recent research shows that you may be drawn to people like you because your shared attributes reflect something deeper. Some researchers say this connection is strong because you both see things the same way, and that can be very attractive. That’s not to say that you have to agree on everything, because disagreeing is often healthy. 


Are you more likely to find someone attractive if you feel that they like you? This is the concept of reciprocity, but if that factor fades, so too can the relationship. When you put a lot of effort into something and receive nothing in return, it then becomes less meaningful. In the case of a relationship, that flame can die out and attraction fades. 

Physical Attractiveness

Not everything comes down to how you think someone looks. Physical attractiveness can change across cultures, generations, and even in individuals at different stages in life, or points in a relationship. What’s on the outside does play a role in how attracted you are to another person, though. Sociologists suggest that physical attractiveness matters from an evolutionary standpoint. Appearance, scent, and even sound may give you insight to a person’s age and health. One review of studies found that people can accurately detect characteristics from cooperativeness to body size in a potential partner only from hearing their voice. 


Some people like to play hard to get, while others like to respond immediately. One controlled experiment found that people who were less responsive were rated as less attractive. You may not need to respond to someone instantaneously, but maybe don’t wait two days to respond to a text. People are on their phones regularly, so the excuse, “Sorry, I’m just seeing this,” may not be a great indicator of your or the other person’s character. 

Biology Plays A Role

What turns you on may not turn on another person, even if that person is your best friend. Some preferences seem to be hardwired over millennia of human evolution. Researchers looked at surveys of more than 14,000 people across 45 countries. They found that men prefer physically attractive, younger partners, while women prefer older, financially stable partners. That is even true in cultures with more gender equality. 

Regarding men, the emphasis on looks and youth may reflect an evolutionary desire to pass on genes. A woman’s higher premium on wealth may be related to an evolutionary need for support during childbearing years. Before birth control, it is likely that women spent most of their reproductive years either pregnant or lactating. Those things require a lot of human resources, regarding food, time, and energy. More research on this topic is still necessary, especially surrounding dating preferences in the LGBTQ+ community.


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Low Libido? Here’s What Your Body’s Telling You Sat, 23 Sep 2023 09:05:00 +0000

It is perfectly natural for your libido to ebb and flow throughout your life. If your libido is low, here’s what your body's telling you.


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Everyone has a different sex drive. Some people are completely satisfied with occasional sexual intimacy, while others enjoy sex daily. Just like most things in life, your libido, or desire for sexual activity, can ebb and flow throughout your life. You may experience low libido or high libido at one point or another, which is completely natural. 

There is only one thing that matters about your sex drive being high or low: your opinion about it. As long as you are happy, your libido level is not something to worry about. If your interest in sexual activity is low and it bothers you or your partner, you may want to find out why the mood doesn’t strike you as often. There are various factors that influence your libido, and your body may be trying to tell you something if it is lower than usual. 

What Is Low Libido?

Low libido is characterized by a temporary or long-term decline in the frequency and/or intensity of previous desire for sex. No interest in any type of sex, a decrease in sexual fantasies or thoughts, or feeling unhappy or stressed about sexual desire can indicate low libido. A drop in sex drive is completely normal and very common. About one-fifth of the male population, and an even greater number of the female population, will experience low libido at some point in life. Continue reading to learn about causes of low libido and how you can remedy the situation.

You’re Taking Certain Medications

Your libido can take a dip if you take certain medications. Health experts explain that birth control pills can increase sex-hormone binding globulin, which acts like a sponge, soaking up other hormones that aid libido. Other forms of contraception can also decrease your sex drive as well, and they are:

  • Progestogen-only birth control pill
  • Depo-Provera injection
  • Combined hormonal contraception, including combined pill, vaginal ring, or birth control patch
  • Contraceptive implant

Other medications that may negatively affect sex drive include:

  • Antipsychotics
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Chemotherapy drugs

If your medication is to blame for your low libido, consider talking with your doctor. Work with your doctor to find the right type of medication and dose that will help you, but won’t ruin your sexual desire. Certain antidepressants, for example, may help improve your sex drive!

You Are On Your Period

Your monthly cycle can influence your sex drive in a serious way. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest during your period, causing a dip in your libido. The decreased interest in sexual activity serves a purpose because you tend to have the highest libido around ovulation. If your libido is low during your period, it is most likely not a permanent issue. Once your cycle completes, your sexual desire will most likely return to whatever is normal for you.

You Exercise Too Much Or Not Little

Exercise makes you feel good because it naturally boosts endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good chemicals. Making exercise a part of your daily routine can support a healthy libido. In fact, research states that men who engage in regular physical activity have higher libidos, testosterone levels, and fertility. That connection may be associated with better overall mood because regular physical activity helps keep you at healthy weight. Failure to exercise can increase the risk of health complications, many of which can destroy your libido. The opposite may also be true, as too much exercise can sabotage your sex drive. Chronic endurance training can interfere with hormones that affect libido. 

If your libido is down and you don’t exercise a lot, consider moving a little more. Researchers note that a little exercise goes a long way for your libido. Just 10-15 minutes of exercise per day can be enough. Additionally, remember not to overdo it because there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. 

You Drink Or Smoke Too Much

A little wine may help you unwind, but too much imbibing can also decrease your sex drive. The Mayo Clinic notes that too much alcohol can decrease testosterone levels and lead to erectile dysfunction. The same applies for smoking, which can suppress testosterone and reduce blood flow, causing less pleasurable sexual arousal. Other recreational drugs may also negatively impact your sex drive. Substances can both lower testosterone levels and change the brain’s response to pleasure. Activities that you once enjoyed, like sex, may not feel as good as they used to. The simple fix is to cut back on your consumption, or stop altogether. When you limit your alcohol intake and quit smoking, your libido and overall health will benefit. 

You Lack Sleep

Sleep deprivation can negatively affect all aspects of your health, from brain and heart function to your libido. The body requires sleep to repair and function properly. If you’ve been exhausted, you know that you don’t function at your best. If you don’t sleep enough and you lack power and energy, sex is probably not your number one priority. Insufficient sleep has been linked to low libido and sexual arousal in both men and women, according to a 2017 study. If sleep is plaguing your libido, try to focus on getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Keep a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet, and turn off screens about two hours before bedtime.


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These Medications Can Cause Hair Loss Thu, 17 Nov 2022 09:12:00 +0000

If you take birth control pills, antidepressants, blood thinners, or other medications, you may notice an unfortunate side effect: hair loss.


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Hair loss affects men and women alike, and genetics, health issues, circumstances, and medications all factor into the equation. Some forms of hair loss are merely temporary, while others, like pattern baldness, are permanent. The reality is that hair loss is more common than most people realize and common culprits are popular medications that people take. 

Certain medications cause hair loss because they interfere with normal, healthy growth cycles of hair follicles. Studies report that if hair follicles cannot grow properly, or if something inhibits the growth cycle, that is when hair may fall out. The good news is that hair loss from medications is often temporary, meaning that once you stop the drug, your hair will come back to normal. The hair loss process, though, can chip away at your self-esteem and cause confidence issues. 

Medications And Hair Loss

Medications can disrupt growth at different stages. Short-term or temporary hair loss, often takes place during the resting phase, or telogen effluvium. Another type of hair loss caused by medications is anagen effluvium, which is a long-term type of loss that can lead to thinning and body hair loss as well. Anagen effluvium takes place in the hair’s new growth phase. Below, you’ll find common drugs that can cause both of these types of hair loss. 

Anticoagulants (Blood Thinners)

This class of medications helps prevent blood clots. Anticoagulants, or blood thinners, work by stopping blood clots from forming. There are numerous cases of hair loss as a result of taking blood thinners, and it can take some time to determine that they are the cause. If hair loss starts after taking a certain blood thinner, consult with your doctor about a newer class of blood thinners, which are less likely to cause hair loss. 

Certain Antidepressants

Anxiety or stress can cause hair loss, but so can the medications people take to treat those conditions. In addition to causing hair loss, certain antidepressants can affect reproductive hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. Altering the production of either of these hormones can affect hair growth, according to medical experts. Common antidepressants that may cause hair loss include selective serotonin inhibits like prozac, and tricyclic antidepressants like elavin. 

Beta Blockers

Beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure and several other heart conditions. Propranolol, atenolol, metoprolol, and timolol eye drops are some of the most commonly used beta blockers that can cause hair loss. Cozaar, another type of blood pressure medication, can also cause hair loss, but it isn’t a known side effect of that medication. 

Prescription Anti-Inflammatory Medication

People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can experience hair loss. Sometimes, though, the medications that people take to relieve symptoms of these conditions have the same effect. Two of the most common anti-inflammatory medications that cause hair loss include Arava, which causes hair loss in 10% of all users, and methotrexate, which causes hair loss in 3% of all users. 


This common cancer treatment works to kill cancer cells. An unfortunate reality is that many people who receive chemotherapy experience hair loss because the medication kills other fast-growing cells in the body, including hair follicles. Hair loss can occur within days or weeks after receiving the medication, and hair loss effects are fairly noticeable after one or two months. Hair typically grows back within one to three months after completing treatment. 

Acne Medication

Although acne medication may benefit acne-prone skin, this medication may damage your scalp, according to dermatologists. Acne medication is derived from vitamin A, which is an integral nutrient for hair and eyesight. When you take it in high amounts, hair follicles kick into overdrive. As a result, your hair reaches the ends of the development phase faster than it normally does, causing it to fall out. Because the body cannot produce new hair quickly enough to replace it, you experience hair thinning or bad patches. 

Hormonal Contraceptives

Any birth control method, such as the pill, patch, or vaginal ring, that contains estrogen can cause hair loss. As mentioned earlier in this article, hormonal changes that occur in the body can affect hair growth. When the body experiences shock or stress (e.g. hormonal changes via birth control pills), hair roots are pushed into their resting state prematurely. During that time, about 70% of your scalp sheds hair. Don’t worry because this is a temporary side effect and your body tends to adjust to the pill’s hormonal effects over time.


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7 Natural Remedies For Getting Rid Of Gallstones Thu, 08 Feb 2018 19:36:26 +0000

Getting rid of gallstones can be done naturally if the right steps are taken. Use these 7 tips to see if they help remedy your situation.


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Gallstones are hard lumps of digestive fluid that form inside the gallbladder.  The gallbladder is filled with bile, which gets released into the small intestine as part of the digestion process. Cholesterol, calcium carbonate, and calcium bilirubinate can form into gallstones if they are out of balance. Ranging in size, gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. People may only develop one or many gallstones, and it is a fairly common condition in America.

Most doctors aren’t sure of the exact cause of gallstones, but the common belief is that they are the result of an imbalance in the gallbladder. About 80% of gallstones are comprised of cholesterol and the other 20% are made up of calcium salts and bilirubin. Another probably cause is if the gallbladder isn’t functioning properly. If the gallbladder is not emptying bile, gallstones can form.

Natural Remedies

Avoid Fad Diets

Try to avoid rapid weight loss and fad diets, for example, low calorie diets. The rapid weight loss can trigger nutritional deficiencies or electrolyte imbalances, both of which can lead to the formation of gallstones. It is best to maintain a healthy diet, comprised of plant-based foods, and avoid processed foods, meat, dairy products, fried foods, sugars, and salty foods to help maintain a healthy bodyweight

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

It can be beneficial to eat anti-inflammatory foods, as well as foods that help promote optimum kidney and gallbladder health. The anti-inflammatory foods help regulate your body’s cholesterol and reduce overall inflammation. Green leafy vegetables, celery, beets, blueberries, pineapple, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, turmeric, ginger, and coconut oil are great anti-inflammatory foods to incorporate into your diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy because it can stop the liver from making the cholesterol that comprises most gallstones. If you have a gallstone attack, mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of fresh apple juice, which you juice yourself. Alternatively, you can mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and consume it once or twice a day.

Drink Peppermint Tea

Drinking peppermint tea can be helpful because peppermint aids healthy digestion by stimulating bile flow. It also contains a compound that can help dissolve gallstones. It is best to drink a cup of peppermint tea twice a day if you have gallstones, or immediately after you feel a sharp pain near your gallbladder.

Use A Castor Oil Pack

It may be beneficial to place a warm castor oil pack on your upper right abdomen, where your gallbladder is, to help relieve pain or the number of gallstones you have. You can purchase a castor oil pack, or you can make your own. Apply the castor oil pack four times a week for one month, or until symptoms subside.

Be More Active

You can help yourself by being more active. As well as contributing to overall health, exercise helps to promote better circulation, proper digestion, and keeps your weight in check. It is optimal to exercise for about 30-60 minutes, three or four days a week. Beneficial and moderate exercises include swimming, walking, cycling, Tai Chi, yoga, or Pilates.

Women…Avoid Birth Control Pills

If you are a woman, you may want to reconsider taking birth control pills because these can cause the formation of gallstones by changing your hormonal balance. Birth control pills increase the body’s estrogen stores, which increases cholesterol production as a result. Non-hormonal birth control pills may be worth looking into.


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Uneven Skin Tone Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000

Uneven skin tone can be caused by either hormonal or physical reactions.


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Uneven skin tone can be caused by either hormonal or physical reactions. The condition can affect anyone. Generally, changes in skin tone are harmless, but sometimes the changes can signify a larger problem in the body.


Both hormonal and physical reactions cause melanin to build up in uneven quantities in the skin. Melanin is what gives our skin color. If patches of skin contain more melanin than other areas and they come in contact with sunlight, the melanin can darken the skin. This results in a dark, patchy appearance.

Physical causes of uneven skin tone generally have to do with sun exposure, over exfoliation, or scarring. Sunlight can create dark spots in the skin. These spots can be unsightly and difficult to get rid of. Avoiding extended periods of time in the sun and making sure your skin is adequately protected are good steps to take in preventing sun damage to your skin.

Over exfoliation can also cause uneven skin tone to occur. People who frequently have deeper exfoliation procedures such as micro dermabrasion, chemical peels and laser resurfacing can be more susceptible to scarring. If these procedures are performed too often or by a non professional, the skin can be seriously damaged.

Uneven skin tone can also be due to hormonal changes. This is especially common in women. During pregnancy and while using birth control pills, women produce higher levels of estrogen. The higher levels of estrogen cause melanin to reproduce at a higher rate. The increased melanin can cause the skin to become discolored or splotchy. The “mask” of discoloration on the skin during pregnancy is called melasma. The discoloration usually goes away after pregnancy.

Natural Solutions

Living a healthy and holistic lifestyle is the first step in treating your uneven skin tone. Health begins on the inside and by treating the inside of our body first, we can help achieve a clearer, more radiant complexion on the outside.

Being mindful of what goes on your skin is equally as important. Our skin is the largest organ of the body. What goes on the skin ultimately enters the body, so attention should be paid to ingredients that go on the skin.

Try using all-natural skin care products. They are formulated with ingredients that tend to not be harmful to the skin. Oils can be very beneficial to the skin. Some excellent natural oils to try include:

  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Almond Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Kukui Nut Oil
  • Rose Hip Seed Oil

Avoid using petroleum products on the skin. These oils do not allow the skin to breathe properly.

Consider switching from perfumes and colognes to natural essential oils. Nature has produced many flowers that produce wonderful fragrances. Try replacing your current perfume or cologne with the following essential oils:

Dherbs Solutions

In addition to a healthy, natural lifestyle, Dherbs recommends several products that may be beneficial in improving your overall health and uneven skin tone. Look for the following products on

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of


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Impotence, Infertility, and Sterility Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Celibacy or temporary periods of sexual or ejaculatory fasting allows the spark plugs of the genitals to recharge rejuvenate and revitalize.


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Male impotence and sterility and female infertility and sterility are common medical issues that occur around the world. Impotence and sterility are sexual dysfunctions. Infertility is a physical condition.

There can be physical or psychological roots to impotence, which is generally curable with the proper treatment.

Impotence and sterility are not the same thing. This article will help explain the difference.

Impotence/erectile dysfunction

Erections occur when blood rushes and is retained by sponge-like bodies within the penis, and typically occurs during times of sexual arousal. When men are unable to develop or maintain an erection, it is referred to as impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).


There are two kinds of reasons why men would experience erectile dysfunction. It is generally either an indication of a physical ailment or imbalance in the body, or it has psychological roots. Physical impotence can be caused by a circulatory issue, such as a change to the voltage-gated potassium channel (as occurs during arsenic poisoning), or it could be related to a cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hormonal insufficiency, or the side effects of a drug such as anti-depressants and nicotine. Aging also plays a key role in erectile dysfunction, as it is four times higher in men in their sixties than men in their forties.

Psychological impotence based off of the negative thoughts and feelings that the man may be experiencing. These factors can lead to impotence:

  • Performance anxiety
  • Stress
  • Mental disorders (clinical depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse, panic disorder, etc.).


Different treatment options for impotence are available depending on the cause of. If the erectile dysfunction is based in a physical issue, then attempt to treat the underlying issue (such as potassium deficiency or arsenic contamination). In rarer cases, penile prostheses, a penis pump may be needed.

Although psychological impotence occurs less frequently, it has shown positive responses to treatment. If the impotence has psychological roots, then there tends to be a positive response to placebo treatment.

Natural Healing Solutions

Although the Food and Drug Administration does not recommend alternative therapies or medications, there are several herbal formulas that can help erectile dysfunction. These “herbal Viagra” products can be popular, although the FDA warns that there are no clinical trials or scientific studies that suggest that they prevent erectile dysfunction.


The medical community describes someone as infertile if they do not become pregnant after one year of trying to conceive. If a woman is over 35 and they try unsuccessfully to conceive after six months, they are considered infertile.

Infertility isn’t limited to women. About one-third of infertility problems are attributed to men, usually due to low sperm count, low sperm motility and testicle size (the larger the testicles, the more likely fertility may be an issue). About one-third is attributed to problems that both the man and the woman have.


Infertility can be caused for many different reasons.

In women, it’s caused by:

  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Other issues with the uterus
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Too much exercise
  • Being too thin or excessively overweight

In men, it’s caused by:

  • Previous illness (such as mumps, kidney disease or hormone issues)
  • Wearing ‘jockey’ style underwear

Causes that impact both men and women include:

  • Smoking, drinking and doing drugs
  • Poor diet and exercise habits
  • Environmental toxins
  • Taking prescription medications

Natural Healing Solutions

First, balance the body-and thus hormones-by performing a Full Body Cleanse

Eat a diet rich in hormone balancing vegetables such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Mushrooms
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Bok choy
  • Kohlrhabi
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Rutabaga
  • Turnip greens

Consider supplementing your diet with:

  • Zinc
  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
  • Folic Acid
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A


Sterility describes an individual’s physiological inability to reproduce. It can refer to any living organism, such as a plant, animal, or human.


There a few different potential causes for sterility. As counterintuitive as it may seem, some creatures actually inherit sterility, as with the mule. Mules are genetically unable to reproduce. Sterility may be acquired from the physical environment, such as by drinking contaminated water. It may also originate from physical injury, disease, or exposure to radiation.

Historical Background and Current Usage

Although this practice is very much frowned upon during modern times, sterility has also been used as a weapon. For instance, during World War II, the Nazis sterilized many Jewish women and women of other races that they found impure. It has also been occasionally used as a form of birth control for developing countries where the population is growing at an exponential and destructive rate. Compulsory sterilization was popular in many countries during the first half of the twentieth century, including Canada, Japan, Sweden, and the United States.

The US was the first country to enact compulsory sterilization for eugenic purposes as a national program. The program primarily sought to sterilize people who were mentally handicapped or mentally ill, although some states targeted the blind, deaf, epileptic, and physically deformed people. Activist Angela Davis alleges that some states targeted African American and Native American women. The program was eventually discontinued following ethical concerns, especially after the extent of Hitler’s eugenics movement was discovered post-WWII.

Some countries offer benefits such as medical care, land, or housing to people who agree to be sterilized. Although India’s policy is somewhat controversial, it continues to be practiced today. Recently, human rights organizations such as Amnesty International have accused China of inflicting compulsory sterilization on women who have already reached their one child limit, as per the famous “One Child Policy.”

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Adverse Side Effects of The Pill Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Birth control pills stop the cleansing process, keeping waste inside the body, which can become cancerous. That doesn't have to be the case.


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The birth control pill was created in the 1950s by American endocrinologist Gregory Goodwin Pincus and approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for millions of American women in 1960.

The birth control pill was actually the result of a medical accident, believe it or not. Pincus and Boston gynecologist John Rock had been researching infertility and the two began experimenting with chemical drugs to produce an oral contraceptive for women. In the midst of their experiments, a batch of synthetic progesterone was inadvertently contaminated with the pharmaceutical drug mestranol, an estrogen-like substance. The scientist discovered that the two hormones worked in tandem to block conception.

Pincus first found fame in the 1930s when he achieved in-vitro fertilization of rabbit eggs. He later worked with endocrinologist Hudson Hoagland. Together they founded their own research facility, the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology. In 1951, aided by biologist Min Cheuh Chang, Pincus started testing the contraceptive value of the hormone progesterone, which was derived from the root of the wild yam.

The Worcester experiments attracted the attention of Margaret Sanger, America’s leading birth control advocate since the 1920s; Sanger notified her friend McCormick of the project. McCormick and G.D. Searle, the Chicago pharmaceutical firm, became Pincus’s most generous benefactors. After the accidental occurrence of the progesterone contamination with the drug mestranol, Searle began manufacturing the progesterone-estrogen compound for extensive testing and this became the drug approved by the FDA in 1960.

Adverse Effects

Oral contraceptives are unsafe drugs with numerous side effects:

  • permanent infertility
  • high blood pressure
  • blood clots
  • stroke
  • heart disease
  • kidney failure
  • varicose veins
  • breast cancer
  • uterine cancer, and
  • liver cancer

Oral contraceptives also deplete a female’s body of:

  • iron (anemia)
  • zinc
  • iodine (weight fluctuation)
  • selenium (sex and hormonal nutrient)
  • all B vitamins

Other Problems from Oral Contraceptives

Birth control pills or oral contraceptives also greatly reduce the flow and time of female’s menstrual cycle. But this is not healthy. The pill or oral contraceptives greatly throw off a female’s rhythmic and moon cycle, to her detriment. This is why a woman’s cycle after discontinuing the pill is very irregular, making it hard for her to know when it is coming or going.

Birth control pills and contraceptives throw off the female glandular system by essentially deceiving the body. In fact, birth control pills work inside a female’s body by deceiving the brain and making the body think the female is pregnant when in reality she is not.

The inundation of an exogenous synthetic progesterone-like hormone (with synthetic estrogen) suppresses ovulation (the release of fertile eggs). But as was stated earlier, you can’t fool Mother Nature. When a woman is pregnant, her natural endogenous levels of estrogen and progesterone rise and further egg production is stopped. The hormone levels continue to rise during pregnancy, signaling the brain to stop secreting its egg-stimulating hormones. The contraceptive pill hormones mimic this effect and continually make the brain think that pregnancy has occurred, thus suppressing ovulation.

Natural Alternatives

A female can take the herb known as wild yam root. Mexican wild yam root is the best, safest, and most effective natural oral, or internally taken, form of birth control. It contains the highest amount of natural bio-progesterone. Too much progesterone suppresses ovulation, even though progesterone is the hormone conducive to conception. In fact, pharmaceutical-grade oral contraceptive was first derived from wild yam root by extracting the chief alkaloid (or constituent) called dioscegeni.

It is vitally important that a woman know that it takes approximately seven weeks for wild yam roots contraceptive properties to take effect, so intimacy or sex must be abstained from during this time or the male should use a condom if abstinence is out of the question. A female should take seven capsules of wild yam root daily to reap the effects of this herb. If taken in extract form, 2-3 tablespoons should be taken daily. The great thing about wild yam root is, should a female decide to become pregnant, she can start the conception process the day after discontinuation of wild yam root without having to detoxify her body.

Beneficial female specific herbs that are ideal to take after coming off harmful birth control pills include:

  • Motherwort (for hormone balancing)
  • Bayberry (to reduce toxic waste accumulations in the uro-genito tract)
  • Black Cohosh (regulates hormonal production)
  • Chaste Tree berries (hormonal balancing)
  • Yarrow
  • Burdock
  • Dandelion
  • Goldenseal
  • Chaparral, and
  • Red Clover tops

The Rhythm Method

Natural birth control has become known as the rhythm method.

A calendar based on the moon’s cycle has 28 days, not 30 days. Twenty-eight is a both a lunar and feminine number. Generally, females have a 28-day moon cycle. The female body’s two major hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are divided into phases, which last approximately two weeks each. If a woman knows her cycle, she can successfully perform the rhythm method. Every woman has a two-week estrogen period where she is not prone to conception or fertilization, and a two-week progesterone period where she is very fertile and prone to conception.


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Female Hormonal Replacement Therapy? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

The Earth has what you need natural, safe, and effective herbs that provide a balance of bio-hormonal precursors which get into the female body and stimulate the natural production of hormones by the body's endocrine system.


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Female Hormonal Replacement therapy is a therapy whereby women, usually older women in their menopausal years, undergo a treatment of having synthetic estrogenic hormones placed in their bodies via consumption of pills (or liquids in some cases).

HRT erroneously and dangerously gives a woman more estrogen. It is true that as women age, their hormonal production and secretions decline and as such, a woman can feel quite unlike her normal self. But it’s not just their estrogen hormone level that declines. God and Nature deal with balance. A woman or female does not only have estrogen, she has progesterone too which balances the estrogen. She also has a minutia of balanced male hormones (‘testosterone’ and ‘androsterone’) too. You can find the principle of Yin and Yang in both males and females.

Problems with Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Now here’s the problem with HRT. When hormonal levels decrease in a woman, both hormones decrease, not just one. Western doctors are giving women extra estrogen; a synthetic and harmful pharmaceutical grade of estrogen which the body does not recognize and which causes the proliferation of white blood cell activity (because the body sees the estrogen drug as foreign to the body).

However, you cannot give a woman extra estrogen without giving her extra progesterone as well to balance the extra or added estrogen. This is what causes hormonal imbalance in the body in addition to toxicity because hormones are synthetic to begin with. So in attempting to correct hormonal imbalance, doctors are actually facilitating hormonal imbalance.

Too much synthetic estrogen causes cancer! Female reproductive cancers, to be exact; as synthetic estrogen adversely affect the female reproductive system and its organs.

When a woman starts experiencing hormonal imbalance before taking drugs (HRT), the studies show that it is progesterone that declines more so and before estrogen. Progesterone is the hormone that is responsible for conception or pregnancy, explaining why women are less likely to become pregnant after the age of forty. Estrogen, on the other hand, is conducive to sexual heat or sexual stimulation for purposes of copulation so that conception can take place.

HRT is playing a major role in female reproductive cancers just like birth control pills are. HRT and birth control pills have something in common – both of them provide the female with extra estrogen that they don’t need and which is also unnatural. Thus, HRT and birth control pills are dangerous and can prove fatal.

Correcting Hormonal Replacement Therapy

To properly correct hormonal imbalance, seek answers and assistance from Nature. Go to that which God has provided for you. Psalms 104:14 clearly tells you that God created the herbs for the service of humanity.

So consult the Earth as Job advised us to do in Job 12:7 of the Bible. The Earth has natural, safe, and effective herbs that provide a balance of bio-hormonal precursors which get into the female body and stimulate the natural production of hormones by the body’s endocrine system.

Dietary Intervention

Certain herbs contain phyto-estrogens which are plant-based estrogen precursors. Phyto means “plant.” Some plants naturally contain estrogen (and progesterone) precursors that can help a woman or young girl to correct her hormonal imbalance.

These female specific herbs include:

  • Red Raspberry Leaf
  • Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex)
  • Black Cohosh
  • Red Clover Tops
  • Blue Cohosh
  • Squawvine
  • Canada Snake Root
  • Angelica
  • Bala
  • Ashwagandha
  • Bayberry
  • Mugwort
  • Beth (Birth) Root
  • Muira Puama
  • Ashoka
  • Cramp Bark
  • Maca Maca
  • Blessed Thistle
  • Damiana
  • Black Haw
  • Dong Quai
  • Rehmannia
  • Sarsaparilla
  • False Unicorn
  • Licorice
  • Burdock
  • Gokshura (Tribulis Terrestris)
  • Fo Ti
  • Horsetail
  • Lady’s Mantle
  • Shatawari
  • Honeysuckle
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Lovage
  • Motherwort
  • Pennyroyal
  • Rue
  • Wild Yam
  • Saw Palmetto Berries
  • Peony Root
  • Musta
  • Sage
  • Yohimbe
  • Vidari
  • Schizandra, and
  • Yarrow

There are also many good female hormonal-specific essential oils too. They include:

  • Clary Sage
  • Fennel
  • Cypress
  • Rose Geranium
  • Grapefruit Peel
  • Cananga
  • Buddha Wood
  • Combava
  • Davana
  • Jasmine
  • Champaca
  • Pink Lotus
  • Neroli
  • Vitex
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Blue Yarrow and
  • Tuberose

What you may be eating plays a major role in throwing off your hormonal balance. Remember, all meat and dairy products contain synthetic hormones (estrone and estradiol, cancer-causing hormones) and should be avoided.

If you consume dairy products you are consuming female hormones. Milk comes from female cows. Milk and dairy are mammary gland-derived things. Dairy cows are pumped full of man-made synthetic hormones.

Additionally, good crystals and gemstones that can be used to correct hormonal imbalance include Carnelian, Moonstone, Green Jade, Malachite, Aquamarine, Tiger’s Eye, Pearl, Citrine, Ammonite, and Chrysocolla.

Dherbs Natural Healing Products

Dherbs offers these products to assist with hormone balancing:

Thank you for reading.


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Birth Control: Wild Yam vs. Pennyroyal Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:45 +0000

Wild Yam Root is the most effective herb available today for natural birth control, effective and reliable. Small doses, Wild Yam aids in miscarriage prevention. Large does it will serve as an abortafcaient. Pennyroyal is very effective for PMS and menstrual problems.


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Although there are many different forms and types of birth control that can be prescribed to you by doctors, many women are unaware of the natural forms of birth control that specific plants provide. For people trying to move away from a reliance on prescribed drugs and pills, these plants are a good alternative.

When it comes to natural forms of birth control with use of herbs, two herbs always come up: Mexican Wild Yam Root and Pennyroyal.

Mexican Wild Yam Root

There are over 600 species of wild yam, although only twelve are considered edible. Some species are actually used in laboratories to make steroids. Some women apply wild yam creams to their faces to reduce symptoms associated with hot flashes. Indeed, wild yam is popularly believed to be a natural alternative to estrogen therapy, so it is used to alleviate many such symptoms or maladies relating to women’s reproductive health.

It can be taken in capsules or as a tea. Additionally, the powder can also be added to creams or vaginal ointments.


The term pennyroyal refers to two plants in the mint family. These plants have been appropriated for culinary and medical usages for hundreds of years. Although the oil is extremely poisonous, the fresh or dried herb is safe for consumption in limited quantities. In addition to the reproductive benefits, it has also been used to soothe an upset stomach, relieve flatulence, or treat colds and the influenza.

Reproductive Benefits for Each Herb

Both herbs only serve as abortifacients in very large doses, i.e. 6-7 capsules daily which may be a bit extreme for the majority of women to take.

Of the two herbs, Mexican Wild Yam root is the most effective herb available today for natural birth control.

Although Pennyroyal is a herb and provides a natural hormonal regulation, it is more effective for menstrual problems. It’s also a good herb to take to prepare the birth canal during the last month of pregnancy (3 capsules daily).

Wild Yam is more hormonal regulating and balancing than pennyroyal but pennyroyal is a better herb to take for female menstrual complaints than is Wild Yam root.

In small doses, Wild Yam will aid in miscarriage prevention and in large does it will serve as an abortafcaient.

Overall, Wild Yam has more uses than Pennyroyal but when you combine both these powerful herbs you get a dynamic duo that will greatly help in all female complaints from PMS, menstrual irregularities, breast problems (including tenderness), hormonal imbalance, abdominal spasms, morning sickness, and uterine atrophy to name a few.

However, when it comes to natural forms of birth control, Mexican Wild Yam Root is more effective and reliable than Pennyroyal (or even Neem) and so DHerbs chooses to endorse Mexican Wild Yam Root. This herb is superior to any other form of birth control.

Thank you for reading!


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Can Herbs Reverse Tubal Ligation? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:41 +0000 Tubal Ligation

There are no plants in Nature that reverse tubal ligation. Tubal ligation is informally known as “getting one’s tubes tied.” It is a form of permanent female sterilization. With tubal ligation, the Fallopian tubes are severed and sealed in order to prevent fertilization. Tubal ligation is 99% effective after the first year it is performed. […]


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Tubal Ligation

There are no plants in Nature that reverse tubal ligation.

Tubal ligation is informally known as “getting one’s tubes tied.” It is a form of permanent female sterilization.

With tubal ligation, the Fallopian tubes are severed and sealed in order to prevent fertilization. Tubal ligation is 99% effective after the first year it is performed. However, in some cases, the tubes can reconnect or reform which can lead to unwanted pregnancy, a pregnancy that if occurs will result in ectopic pregnancy (33% chance).

To reverse tubal ligation, a woman would need to undergo “tubal reversal”, a form of microsurgery. Though it is the stance of not to embrace surgery (unless it’s life-saving), surgery is a woman’s best chance to reverse tubal ligation. As of now, there are no plants that can help a woman to reverse the process.

Before Considering Tubal Ligation…

Before undergoing tubal ligation, a woman should really contemplate the decision, looking down the tunnel of time and at the possibility of having more children in the future, perhaps with the right man if Mr. Wrong is presently on the scene and is partially responsible for the decision to have one’s tubes tied.

Most people allow society to compel them into making changes that affect their body, be it abortion, tubal ligation, vasectomy, silicon breasts (breast augmentation or enhancement), Depo birth control injection, etc. Yet it is important to remember that alternative ways of living exist. It is possible to live in harmony with nature, even in the modern world.

Our bodies allow us to experience certain life experiences and these experiences are recorded in our etheric bodies which form the basis of our subsequent lives’ bodies and if we have unlearned lessons or karma recorded in certain organs, the blue print of the organ(s) is recorded in the etheric blueprint. There is no escaping the aftermath of anything you do, good or bad, or positive or negative, and this applies to the human body.

So people should be very conscious of every decision they make, especially pertaining to their physical bodies.

In Conclusion…

There are no plants (or herbs) that can reverse a tubal ligation just as there are no plants or herbs to enlarge your breasts. Either you get the process done and live with it, or, you get it done and realize that your only option to undo it is surgery or microsurgery.

Thank you for reading!


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