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According to a new study, a mere 12% of Americans eat half the nation’s beef, creating environmental impacts and health concerns.


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A recent study found that a very low percentage (just 12%) of Americans are responsible for eating most of the beef consumed in the country on any given day. This discovery may help consumer groups and government agencies develop educational messaging about the impacts of beef consumption

The study found that those 12% are most likely men or people between the ages of 50 and 65. These people eat what researchers noted as a disproportionate amount of beef on a daily basis. That is a distinction that differs from the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, suggesting four ounces per day of either meat, poultry, or eggs. Four ounces is a quarter pound patty, if you think about it in the form of a burger patty. That measurement is in line with a 2,200-calorie per day diet.

The Data Behind The Study

The study analyzed data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. That survey kept track of more than 10,000 adults over a 24-hour period. Researchers note that the global food system emits 17 billion tons of greenhouse gases per year, which equates to a third of all planet-warming gases produced by humans. It’s estimated that the beef industry is a heavy contributor to those gases, producing eight to 10 times more emissions than chicken, and over 50 times more than beans.

That makes beef an environmentally extravagant protein. Beef is like a car that gets nine miles per gallon. Every time you rev the engine, you lose $20 worth of gas. The reason that beef was the focus of the study is because of its environmental impact and saturated fat content. Plus, the study’s intention was to inform educational programs about those who eat disproportionate amounts of beef. By honing messaging about the environmental impact of beef, programs can implement changes and educate students about their impact on the environment. 

Reactions To The Study

If only 12% of Americans account for half the country’s beef consumption, you could make plans to help change their eating habits. On the other hand, they may be the group that is most resistant to change. The glass-half-full takeaway may be that the remaining 88% of Americans have information about dietary guidelines, or some knowledge of a food guidance system. Does that mean that dietary guidelines can effect change for eating behaviors? Or does it mean that more people have access to information about health, eating plans, and better foods to eat nowadays? 

The Beef That People Consume

About one-third of the beef consumed came from cuts like brisket or steak. Researchers note that some of the top 10 sources included dishes such as burgers, tacos, meatloaf, spaghetti with meat sauce, and burritos. People who eat a disproportionate amount of beef may be able to alter eating habits if they choose beef-less versions of those foods. For example, choose chicken or fish in place of beef if you get tacos or burritos. You can always go meatless and opt for veggies!

Researchers note that the people below the age of 29 and above age 66 were least likely to eat large amounts of beef. There is hope in the younger generation, then, considering that they will inherit the planet and want to implement positive change. Plus, more and more young people have a deeper interest in diet, how it impacts the environment, and what they can do about it. Grass-fed, grass-finished beef has beneficial nutrients, but poultry, fish, and nuts can have the same nutrients. That just goes to show you that there are many food options out there and being resistant to them won’t benefit the body or the future of the planet. Only time will reveal if people’s beef-eating habits change. Let’s hope they do!


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5 Foods That Are Killing Your Metabolism Fri, 11 Aug 2017 12:30:00 +0000

Are you eating foods that are killing your metabolism and making you gain weight? You need to avoid these foods if you want to lose weight.


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When you start an exercise or diet program, you are anxious to see results. That makes sense, especially if you are working hard to eat healthier. Are you positive that you are eating the right foods, though? There may be hidden foods in your diet that are counteracting your weight loss efforts by killing your metabolism.

Not all foods are healthy, even if you think they are. Since weight loss is about 80% diet and 20% exercise, it’s crucial to provide your body with the right foods. To achieve your weight loss goals, it is beneficial to avoid the foods in this article. Most of these foods can cause the following:

  • Weight Gain
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Blood Sugar Imbalance
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Unhealthy Cravings
  • Digestive Discomfort

Farmed Beef

Farmed beef is full of antioxidants that destroy healthy gut bacteria. As you can imagine, this leads to digestive problems and weight gain. A recent study found that the antibiotics in farmed beef alter the way the body processes food. This is why it is best to avoid meat and meat products. The results of a meaty diet can be detrimental to not only your metabolism, but your overall health as well.

Fruit Juice

Where do we begin with fruit juice? Let us first start by saying that fat in your diet isn’t typically the first thing that is adding inches to your waist. Consuming foods with hidden sugars, such as bottled fruit juice, can cause cravings, inflammation, and can slow your metabolism. The most common fruit juices people consume are orange, apple, and grape, all of which are basically sugar water. A typical eight-ounce glass of fruit juice contains about 30 grams of sugar. Instead of drinking these sugar drinks, you can make your own juice using a juicer, or you can add fresh fruit to water. You can also make homemade lemonade by squeezing fresh lemons in water and adding a little stevia.

“Healthy” Chips & Crackers

There are a lot of so-called “healthy” chips and snacks out there, but they often contain processed vegetable oils such as safflower or sunflower oils, both of which have omega-6 fats. Unlike healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are in walnuts, avocados, flaxseeds, or cabbages, omega-6 fats is correlated with obesity. There used to be a balance between omega-3s and omega-6s in the American diet, but high consumption of processed foods has led to a high omega-6/omega-3 ratio. These “healthy” chips, for instance, can also contain trans fats and soybean oil. Plus, it takes the body almost 3 times longer to process these foods than it does to process fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

White Flour

It’s no secret that Americans love pasta and bread. Well, white flour is processed and devoid of all the health benefits that whole, sprouted grains offer. White flour is wheat that doesn’t have any of wheat’s benefits, which include dietary fiber and antioxidants. Because it doesn’t have any fiber, it does nothing for your metabolism or intestinal health. Typically, white flour and refined grains slow your digestion. This is why it is beneficial to eat sprouted grains like barley wheat or quinoa, both of which work to encourage a healthy metabolism.

Artificial Sweeteners

Probably one of the worst foods for your metabolism, artificial sweeteners are attractive to people because they lie to you by saying you can consume them guilt-free. Aspartame, for instance, has been linked to free radical damage, accelerated aging, increased cravings for carbs, and apoptotic changes in the brain. Artificial sweeteners are typically found in diet sodas. Drinking one diet soda a day significantly increase a person’s risk of weight gain and adds inches to the waist. Avoid artificial sweeteners and use stevia, agave nectar, or organic grade B maple syrup instead. The best part with all of these alternatives is that a little goes a long way.


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How To Eliminate Meat From Your Diet Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:40 +0000

Many people claim to have an addiction to meat but these people are really addicted to the chemicals that are added to the meats.


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Many people claim to have an addiction to meat but these people are not really addicted to the meats themselves, they are addicted to the chemicals that are added to the meats.

Meats produced in commercialized and industrial nations can be toxic because of how the animals are reared, killed, and processed in slaughterhouses and factory farms.

Contrary to popular belief, meat is not a necessary source of protein, especially if the meat is cooked. No true carnivore eats his or her meat cooked.

The human being is not a carnivore by nature. It is the mind of man and woman that deludes him or herself into thinking and believing they are carnivores or herbivores.

Dangers of Eating Meat

Cooking the meat alters it’s molecular structure and it’s impossible to acquire the complete protein with 22 amino acids without consuming the entire animal.

Animals in the wild acquire complete protein because they eat everything on an animal that they have captured for purposes of devouring. True carnivores have large amounts of hydrochloric acid in their bodies to digest animal meat and animal scales, fur, wool, feathers, and even the bones. Humans, of course, do not have large amounts of hydrochloric acid in their systems and are not meant to eat these sorts of things.

In industrialized nations such as the United States, animal meat contains a plethora of harmful chemical drugs due to the injections and food that is fed to the animals. These drugs and harmful substances include DDT, Arsenic (used in cattle feed as a growth stimulant), Sodium Sulfate (used to give meat that “fresh” red color), DES (a synthetic hormone and known carcinogen), Sodium Nitrate (another known carcinogen), and BGH (bovine growth hormone).

These factory farm bred and raised animals are fed Cement (to make them weigh more for purposes of the auction block), Sodium Bicarbonate (which makes them expel gas), Antibiotics, and even road-kill. Yes, dead animals are being added to animal feed and fed to animals that are vegetarian by nature which makes these animals go mad, hence “Mad Cow Disease.”

Even slaughtered cows are being ground up and fed to cows.

Most people who eat meat are not willing to go out and kill any of the animals they eat themselves. Corporations conveniently provide the meat for their consumers. This is the same reason why some people consume unhealthy foods. People are more willing to purchase goods that are readily available and accessible. Convenience plays a role in our daily habits and we need to be more mindful of this.

As humans, everything we to survive, including nutrition, are freely provided for by the land on Earth.

Today, man eats a lot of meat because of taste preference. If you cook your meat, you are altering the molecular structure of the animal and not deriving complete protein.

Lastly, remember that if you eat meat, your chances of bringing parasites into your body are greater.

How To Cut Out and Eventually Eliminate Meat From Your Diet

The first thing you need to do is a full body detox about every 3-6 months. The more you detox the more pure your body becomes, helping to remove the chemical residues from the meat and unhealthy foods that you consume. It also helps you gain much-needed experience with eating raw foods.

After detoxing, you may resume eating animal meat if you choose to do so, but remember to take it one day at a time and think about undoing the harm you have done to yourself by eating meat.

If you can’t avoid eating meat completely, simply eliminate eating the meat of one animal at a time.

Decide how long you will continue to eat the meats of certain animals until you have removed all meat from your diet.

To start off, try giving up meat one day a week. Instead of eating meat for seven days a week, eat meat only six days a week. On the day that you don’t eat meat, try eating vegan and/or raw foods for that particular day. This will help you acclimate to a vegan and raw foods diet and lifestyle.

Once you feel comfortable, try going 2-3 weeks on this diet diet: 6 days meat consumption, 1-day vegan/raw foods consumption.


Despite advertising pork as “the other white meat,” it’s actually one of the more unhealthier meats. Pork can be detrimental to your health because it can contain parasites and worms, give you headaches, raise your blood pressure, and raise your cholesterol level. Eliminate all pig or pork products first.

Pork products include but are not limited to pork chops, pork ribs, pastrami, pork wieners (hot dogs, frankfurters), bacon, ham, chitterlings, pork skins, pig feet, pig snouts, salt pork, salami, hog head cheese, fat back, pepperoni, bologna, pork sausage, ham hock, Vienna sausage, potted meat, deli ham slices, liver, and Spam.

Next, since you gave up pork, now give up beef. At the same time, give up two days of eating meat. So, instead of eating meat for six days of the week, eat meat only five days of the week. Two days a week, eat vegan and/or raw foods and stay away from meat.


Beef includes but is not limited to hamburger, barbecued beef ribs, steak (tenderloin, Salisbury), beef wieners, ground beef, beef sausage, pastrami, neck bones, meat loaf, beef stew, liver, and beef jerky.

For each type of meat you give up, also give up a day of eating meat.

For example:

No pork consumption = 1 day of not eating any meat and only eating vegan/raw foods for that one day.

No beef consumption = 2 days of not eating meat and eating vegan/raw foods. This means, two days of eating meat and two days of eating vegan/raw foods.

After you have given up beef, also give up lamb (if you eat lamb). Lamb is a favorite meat for many Muslims those living in the Mediterranean world and culture.


Lamb (baby sheep) includes but is not limited to lamb chops, veal, shish kabob, lamb korma, lamb rogan, liver, and lamb keema.

So, instead of eating meat for five days a week, only eat meat four days a week. These three particular days can be back-to-back-to-back or just any three days out of the week that you choose to eat vegan and/or raw foods.

Cutting out pork = 1 meatless day

Cutting out beef = 2 meatless days

Cutting out lamb = 3 meatless days

After you give up lamb, also give up chicken and turkey.

Fowl and Poultry

The next step is eliminating fowl and poultry from your diet.

A fowl (cock or hen) and poultry (chicken, turkey, ducks, and geese) include but are not limited to chicken wings, chicken breasts, chicken thighs, drumsticks, chicken nuggets, ground chicken, turkey bacon, turkey, ground turkey, Rock cornish hen, squab, Peking duck, grilled chicken, deli turkey, chicken and turkey jerky, and chicken slices.

Instead of eating meat for four days a week, now only eat meat three days a week. Take the four meatless days out of the week and eat vegan and/or raw foods. These days can be back-to-back-to-back-to-back or just any four days out of the week that you choose to eat vegan and/or raw foods.

When you get to this point, now you’re eating less meat and your week consists of eating mainly vegan and raw foods. You’re now well on your way to becoming meatless or vegetarian.

After you give up fowl and poultry, give up seafood in the form of crustaceans.

Crustaceans (Shellfish)

Crustaceans includes but is not limited to crabs, lobsters, shrimps, barnacles, clams, and oysters.

Many crustaceans are scavengers in nature and eat dead remain in the ocean. Technically, fish is considered seafood because fish is food that comes out of the sea for humans. Octopus is also technically considered seafood.

So, instead of eating meat for three days a week, only eat meat for two days a week. Take the five meatless days out of your week and eat vegan and/or raw foods. These particular days can be back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back or just any five days out of the week that you choose to eat vegan and/or raw foods.

Fish (Fresh water and salt water)

Lastly, you give up fish, the best meat you could eat if you had to or chose to eat animal meat.

Fish includes, but is not limited to anchovy, sardine, tuna (albacore), salmon, whiting, buffalo, red snapper, catfish (a scavenger); cod, halibut, mackerel, mako (shark); rainbow trout, swordfish, and trout.

Because fish is the very last meat you should give up, it will constitute the last 2 days. Once you give up fish, there won’t be any days scheduled to eat meat in this specific diet.

After giving up fish, you technically be a vegetarian.


On your path to becoming a vegetarian, it is important to take certain products to help digest the meat in your intestinal tract and get rid of any left over residue from the meat.

If you need to consume some enzymes while you’re still eating meat, enzymes from a fruit-based source such as pineapple (bromelain) and papaya (Papain) would be best.

These enzymes will help the meat digest in the stomach. Remember that our bodies were not designed to consume raw or cooked animal meat. Humans don’t have the necessary amounts of hydrochloric acid in their bodies to digest animal meat.

Bromelain and Papain help digest animal proteins. Most commercial brands of enzyme supplements are in hardened pill or tablet form, but vegan or gelatin-free capsules.

If you eat meat, you should also consider consuming Cayenne as well as periodically perform a parasite and worm cleanse.

Meat lacks enzymes, especially cooked meat. It is not going to move in the intestinal tract and thus your colon may become impaired. It is the enzymes in live foods such as sun-cooked organic raw foods that stimulate peristalsis in the bowels.

Peristalsis is the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles in the intestines, creating a wavelike movement that pushes the contents of the canal forwards.

Meat does not stimulate peristalsis because whereas fruits and vegetables are alive, meat, especially cooked meat, is dead.

Fruits and vegetables contain enzymes, meat does not.

The herb ‘Senna’ is so powerful an herb that experiments have been done on the bowels of dead people with this native African plant.

Colon hydrotherapy is another highly recommended regimen. You should perform a series of three colonic sessions in a one-week period, every 3 months if possible.

Enemas are also recommended because meat has a tendency to get stuck in the rectum.

Periodic fasting is also recommended.

In closing, a person who eats meat would really do themselves wonders and justice by eliminating animal products from their diet. There is no comparison in health benefits when comparing a plant-based diet to a meat-based one.


Consider the following:

Respected nutrition and health researcher, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of “The China Study” reveals “People who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease… People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease.

Further, scientific studies have correlated animal-based diets with disease. The authors of the China Study conclude that diets high in protein, particularly animal protein (including casein in cow’s milk are strongly linked to diseases such as heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

There is a relationship between the consumption of animal products and illnesses such as cancers of the breast, prostate, kidneys, the colon; diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, degenerative brain disease fibroid tumors, kidney stones, high cholesterol, respiratory disorders, menstrual complaints, and macular degeneration.

The authors of The China Study recommend that people eat a whole food, plant-based diet and avoid consuming beef, poultry and milk as a means of minimizing and/or reversing the development of chronic disease.

For meatless recipes to assist in one’s transition to a vegan diet, please visit Dherbs Recipes section for recipes and the Dherbs Directory for a list of vegan and raw food restaurants in major U.S. cities.

For a directory of vegan and raw food restaurants around the globe, visit Happy


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