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Coconut oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice that works to remineralize teeth and improve oral health. Learn how often you should do it.


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Oil pulling may help reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in your mouth and decrease the risk of some health conditions. It is an ancient Indian folk remedy that claims to whiten your teeth, freshen breath, and improve oral hygiene. Unfortunately, no scientific research confirms these claims, but this article aims to explore whether oil pulling is effective, or just another trend. 

Oil pulling is somewhat controversial, despite its thousand-year history. It is an Ayurvedic practice that helps care not only for the mouth, but also for the entire body. Oral health extends beyond the teeth and gums, so adding coconut oil pulling to your oral hygiene routine may come with added health benefits. 

What Is Oil Pulling?

This ancient remedy from Ayurveda originated in India over a thousand years ago. The practice is simple: you take a small amount of high-quality, organic oil and swish it in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. You can use various oils, but they need to be high-quality, food-grade oils. Coconut oil is the preferred oil to use because it exhibits antibacterial properties. The primary benefit of oil pulling is that it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which create biofilm on the teeth, also known as plaque. 

Having a small amount of plaque on the teeth is fairly normal. It only becomes problematic if it gets out of hand, leading to the following potential outcomes:

How Does Oil Pulling Work?

By swishing the oil around in your mouth, it helps sweep away and dissolve bacteria in the oil. As previously mentioned, oil pulling works best with extra-virgin coconut oil, but it will work with almost any oil. Coconut oil has a more pleasant taste and a higher fatty acid profile, especially lauric acid, which exhibits antimicrobial activity. 

What Are The Benefits?

There are many purported benefits of oil pulling and it enhances your oral care routine of flossing and brushing. Many people agree that it is better for your teeth than harsh mouthwashes, which typically contain toxic chemicals and alcohol. When you swish the oil around your mouth, it binds to plaque buildup on the teeth. Not only does this help strengthen the teeth and gums, but it also helps prevent cavities and tooth decay. It also can reduce the bacteria that causes periodontitis and halitosis. 

Some people report that oil pulling helped them get rid of bad breath, which usually happens because of the chemicals and gasses produced by oral bacteria. Getting rid of some of these bacteria can help improve oral health and reduce the likelihood of bad breath. More studies are still necessary to determine the efficacy of oil pulling to reduce halitosis. 

Ultimately, oil pulling can reduce the presence of Streptococcus mutans in the mouth. This bacteria is a key player in the development of plaque buildup and tooth decay. A 2016 study involving 60 adults found that oil pulling with coconut oil for 10 minutes daily significantly reduced the number of Streptococcus mutans in saliva in just two weeks. A previous study in children  found that coconut oil was just as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash at reducing Streptococcus mutans. These results are promising, but more studies are necessary to prove the efficacy of oil pulling. 

Dangers Of Oil Pulling

This is not a death-defying feat, but it’s always beneficial to understand the risks or cons involved with an alternative remedy. Oil pulling can be a great addition to your oral hygiene routine. There are no known side effects to it, but some people report negative reactions to coconut oil. If you have a topical or internal reaction to coconut in any way, do not use coconut oil for oil pulling. Sesame oil would be a better alternative.

Some people also have concerns about oil pulling with amalgam or mercury-based fillings. According to some holistic dentists, oil pulling is safe with mercury fillings and it may help pull toxic metals out of the nerve endings. If you swallow the oil, though, it may give you a slight stomach ache. Make sure you do not swallow the oil, or else you may reabsorb the bacteria that you’re trying to eliminate!


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An Ayurvedic Facial Massage To Brighten Your Skin https://www.dherbs.com/articles/an-ayurvedic-facial-massage-to-brighten-your-skin/ Fri, 09 Jun 2023 09:31:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=161567

Every person has their specific beauty routine, but it may not include this unique Ayurvedic facial massage that helps brighten your skin.


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According to historians, cultures around the world have used massage techniques to promote healing for thousands of years. Different massages have helped improve circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, and encourage detoxification. When considering those benefits, it makes sense that these healing modalities have stood the test of time. Additionally, if full-body massage techniques benefit the body, facial massages also do wonders for your face, right? 

In each culture, the rules and tools vary between facial massages. In Ayurveda, for example, there is a specific facial massage, Abhyanga, that involves gentle scrapes along the jawline. Below, we will detail how to do this massage, which may help lift, de-puff, and detoxify your facial skin.

Get The Right Tools For The Job

You don’t have to go out and get a jade roller or anything like that, but a great carrier oil is necessary. Oil helps your fingers glide easily across your face without tugging or pulling on the skin. If you are too aggressive and use dry fingers on your face, you may either create or worsen wrinkles or fine lines. When you select a carrier oil, try to use a tri-doshic oil because that works for all skin types. Sesame oil tends to be a safe bet for all doshas, which are health types. Saffron oil is also great, especially because it exhibits potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 

For the Abhyanga facial massage, you can use your own two hands or opt for a tool. If you decide to use a tool, make sure to use one with pure kansa, which helps detoxify the skin. In Ayurveda, the Kansa Wand is the most sacred facial tool, and it is a mixture of copper and tin, both of which have purifying and anti-inflammatory properties. 

How To Do The Abhyanga Massage

Once you have your carrier oil ready, please follow the instructions. Keep in mind that you do not have to apply firm pressure; rather, slight pressure will be effective and yield optimal results. 

  • Apply several drops of the carrier oil to your facial skin. 
  • Hold your fingers, or the Kansa Wand, at the center of your chin. Massage in circular motions to warm the oil and then follow one side of your jawline until you end at the bottom of your ear. Repeat this process four to five times and then switch sides. 
  • Hold the wand or your fingertips at one corner of your mouth and massage in circular motions, moving outwards up your cheekbone. Stop once you reach the center of your ear, repeating four or five times before switching sides. 
  • To end the massage, make gentle figure-eight motions around your temples, forehead, and just above the eyebrows.

Rinse The Residue

As you perform the massage, especially if you use the Kansa Wand, you may notice a gray residue appear on the skin. That’s a good thing, according to Ayurveda practitioners. The metals in the wand actually draw out inflammation and interact with the skin’s natural oils, resulting in that light gray residue. The Kansa Wand oxidizes the oils on the skin as it purifies it, but you do have to rinse that residue after the massage. It washes off easily with a gentle cleanser and cloth. As always, follow up your face wash with a nourishing face cream or moisturizer to lock in hydration. 

Regular facial massages can help promote tighter, firmer, and more lifted skin. If you follow this Ayurvedic facial massage technique, you’ll also promote facial skin detoxification, which promotes a brighter complexion. Even if you don’t have the Kansa wand, the massage is still effective if you only use your fingertips.


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The Best Ayurvedic Herbs For A Healthy Thyroid https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-best-ayurvedic-herbs-for-a-healthy-thyroid/ Sat, 12 Jun 2021 09:06:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=127314

Learn how Ayurvedic herbs can help create balance in the body. Some of these ancient herbs may lead to optimal, healthy thyroid function.


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The American Thyroid Association estimates that 20 million Americans have a thyroid disorder. Generally speaking, thyroid disorders result from an overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormones. Standard treatment tends to involve some form of medication to establish a healthy hormonal balance. Some doctors even convince people to remove the thyroid, and they end up taking thyroid hormones for the rest of their lives. 

With more and more attention on alternative medicine and treatment options, people have a growing interest in remedying the thyroid without conventional medicine. According to Ayurvedic medicine, many herbs can help create balance in the thyroid. In Ayurveda, the thyroid connects with the increase in kapha dosha and vata in the body. Doshas are essentially biological energies that maintain the body’s mental and physical processes. If the kapha and vata doshas are out of balance in the body, it’s possible to experience thyroid problems. 

Since the thyroid regulates and monitors metabolism, heart rate, and other key functions in the body, optimizing thyroid health is paramount to overall health. Failure to balance the thyroid can lead to poor immune function, low energy, mood swings, and extreme weight loss or weight gain. Some of the Ayurvedic herbs (below) complement conventional thyroid treatments. If you don’t understand proper dosage or recommendation for your thyroid condition, consult with your doctor about taking the following herbs.


Guggul has a reputation for regulating thyroid function, but it also has positive effects on blood lipids. Guggul’s antioxidant properties work to protect the thyroid gland from oxidative stress. This ultimately decreases lipid peroxidation in the liver and increases the liver’s ability to transform thyroxine (T4) into triiodothyronine (T3). One animal study found that guggul has strong thyroid stimulating actions, and may even increase iodine uptake. 

Shigru (Moringa)

Known for regulating hormone levels and ensuring optimal thyroid function, moringa is an excellent herb if you suffer from hyperthyroidism. At the same time, hypothyroidism patients also benefit from moringa because it has a rich iodine content. More often than not, iodine deficiency is a primary cause of hypothyroidism. According to several studies, moringa extract exhibits anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. It can help to stimulate metabolism by regulating the production of T3 and T4 hormones. Finally, it may help to inhibit bone damage that results from an overabundance of T4 in the body. 


If you are familiar with Ayurveda, you know that ashwagandha has a healing reputation. It’s an adaptogenic herb, helping to naturally relieve stress and anxiety, but it also promotes internal balance in the body. In one study, ashwagandha exhibited an ability to increase T3 and T4 levels without significantly increasing iodothyronine 5’-monodeiodinase. In basic terms, ashwagandha was able to increase thyroid function. Other studies found that it helped decrease gluconeogenesis and improve antioxidant activity to protect the thyroid. Ashwagandha also stimulates the endocrine system and works to encourage lipid peroxide levels in the liver.


Piperine is the active ingredient in long pepper and black pepper. It is an alkaloid that has been able to reduce thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and insulin to almost normal levels. This is great news for people with hyperthyroidism. Piperine’s thyrogenic activity may also help to improve levels of A-1, T3, T4, and iodine. An animal study confirmed that piperine exhibited an ability to alter lipid profiles, hormone levels, and apolipoproteins. 

Bauhinia Purpurea

Bauhinia purpurea is a flowering plant that is native to the Indian subcontinent. A study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology monitored female mice that received bauhinia purpurea bark extract for 20 days. The conclusion of the study was that the bark extract increased both T3 and T4 concentrations. In human trials, Bauhinia purpurea helped to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, while protecting the thyroid from oxidative stress. It works to enhance antioxidant enzyme secretion, which may help to reverse metformin-induced hypothyroidism.


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5 Health Benefits Of Rose Petals https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-health-benefits-of-rose-petals/ Sun, 29 Nov 2020 09:12:55 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=119496

Rose petals contain compounds that can clear up the skin, improve metabolism, and aid with weight loss. See more of their benefits here.


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Whoever said roses could only be given to your true love was a liar. Roses have myriad health benefits and have historically been used in fragrances, tonics, or baths to improve skin. Some people argue that roses look as beautiful as their nutrients make you feel. Is that true? We cannot say for certain, but we can say that roses may help reduce stress, improve sexual health, boost your mood, and more

What Is The Rose?

There are over 300 species of roses, which belong to the flowering genus Rosa. While most species are native to Asia, many varieties grow in Europe, northwestern Africa, and North America. Many cultures revere the almighty rose, or the flower holds some significance in the culture. Some people praise roses for their beauty, while others rely on roses to maintain healthy skin. Let’s take a look at some of the most impressive benefits below. 

#1: Sore Throat Remedy

One of the most classic preparations of rose petals is to brew them into a tea. In Ayurvedic medicine, rose water was prescribed to help soothe sore throats. The natural antioxidants in rose petals work to enhance immune function. Specifically, the anthocyanins, terpines, and flavonoids benefit respiratory and cardiovascular health, helping you overcome a sore throat. Little scientific research supports this, but many anecdotal reports are in existence. 

#2: Acne Fighter

Do you have some unappealing acne that you want to get rid of? Well, treat yourself to a bouquet of roses so that you can use the petals to fight back against breakouts. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in rose petals help to soothe inflamed skin, redness, or irritated skin. Additionally, rose petals contain phony ethanol, which is an antiseptic compound that fight bacteria on the skin

#3: Stress Reliever

When stress levels are high, you have an increased risk of making poor dietary choices, losing sleep, and having intense mood swings. Statistically, people with higher stress levels are more fatigued and irritable. The Department of Physiology and Pathology/LTF at University of Para ba-Caixa conducted a study on the body’s response to the scent of roses. When test subjects inhaled rose essence, the researchers noticed a sedative effect and a reduction in stress levels. Adding rose petals to your bath is very calming, but you can also put a bowl of hot water with rose petals and a floating tea candle in any room to promote relaxation.

#4: Weight Loss Helper

Believe it or not, a lot of people use rose tea or rosewater to help promote detoxification. Rose petals have chemical compounds that work to eliminate toxins from the body. Roses also have metabolism-boosting properties, meaning that they aid in weight loss. Additionally, rose petals actually satiate your senses, helping you avoid overeating because your body thinks it is full. Simply steep 10-15 fresh rose petals in a cup of hot water and wait until the water turns pink; you can sweeten with a little agave or stevia. Drink this tea in the morning to help shed those extra pounds. 

#5: A Natural Aphrodisiac

You can eat fresh rose petals, so long as you wash them to remove any dirt or bacteria. Many people eat rose petals as a source of natural energy, but they also energize your sexual appetite. Ayurveda used rose petals to increase sexual activity by activating specific doshas, energies, in the body that are responsible for sexual feelings. The idea is that rose petals help align the mind, heart, and nervous system to revitalize your sexual appetite


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5 Home Remedies To Get Rid of a Sinus Infection https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/5-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-a-sinus-infection/ Wed, 20 Jun 2018 11:45:07 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=82235

Don't wait for your sinus infection to go away or bandage it with medications. Take action and naturally get rid of it with these remedies.


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The sinuses are small cavities in the skull that are normally filled with air. They make mucus, which helps keep the nasal passages clear of allergens and pollutants. When the sinuses are blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection. Sinus infections are typically caused by inflammation in the nose and many cases tend to go away on their own without any medical treatment. Don’t wait for the infection to go away. Be proactive and use these home remedies to help get rid of the infection quicker.

Rinse Your Nasal Passages

Nasal irrigation (as weird as that sounds) with a saline solution can clear out mucus and keep your sinuses moist. Use distilled, sterile, or boiled water to make up the irrigation solution. A saline wash thins mucus and helps flush it out of the nasal passages. Saline washes have been studied and proven to be effective, and should be the first line of defense against sinus infections.

Drink Water

One easy and natural remedy to help thin out the mucus and clear any stuffiness is to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water will also help to thin mucus within the sinuses, which reduces any blockages. A general guideline is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. If you weigh 150 pounds and divide that by two to get 75, you should drink 75 ounces of water.


Hot water vapor can help loosen mucus in the sinuses. A hot, steamy shower or bath can also help to loosen up mucus and debris that is stuck inside your nostrils. You can also breathe in steam from a bowl of warm water. Create a tent by draping a towel over your head and the bowl. The steam vapors ease congested and swollen nasal passages. You can also add eucalyptus essential oil to the water to promote better breathing.

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods such as mustard seed, hot peppers, curry, and fresh wasabi root may help clear sinuses. The reaction of a runny nose and watery eyes to spicy foods will help release the blocked mucus and open the blocked nasal airways. Another option is to make a tea with ginger. A useful tea is made with ginger, lemon, and honey to help decongest the sinuses.

Allergy-proof Your Home

Get ride of excess dust, install an air filter system, use bedding with allergen-barriers, and keep any pets out of the bedroom to help alleviate nasal allergies. Remove items that collect dust, such as tabletop books and magazines. Find an air filter that has a small particle or HEPA filter. Encase pillows, mattresses, and box springs in dust-mite-proof covers. Wash sheets and blankets a least once a week in hot water.


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Benefits of Dry Brushing And How To Do It Right https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/benefits-of-dry-brushing-and-how-to-do-it-right/ Tue, 06 Mar 2018 12:00:10 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=77941

What's all the hype around dry brushing? Try this popular Ayurveda practice to promote healthy lymphatic flow and decrease cellulite.


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In case you haven’t noticed, dry brushing has become incredibly popular; and it’s not something to just brush aside either! After that terrible pun, we have to back it up with some good reasoning as to why dry brushing is an amazing practice for keeping your lymphatic system healthy.

What Is Dry Brushing?

Dry brushing is a cleansing technique that belongs to Ayurveda. It takes less than five minutes to do and helps to soften your skin. One of the most important things to remember is to not wet your skin. Dry brushing, as the name suggests, is meant to be done without any moisture. It works to increase blood circulation, promote detoxification, strengthen the immune system, and reduce cellulite.

How To Dry Brush

It is best to dry brush in the morning before you shower. You can do this once or twice a day to help exfoliate the skin and make it look healthier. Using a brush with firm bristles, start lightly brushing the soles of feet and then continue brushing upwards on your legs. Don’t brush too hard; rather, use a combination of light and firm strokes and avoid sensitive areas like scars or rashes. A great rule of thumb is to always brush towards your chest, where the lymphatic system drains; do this until you have brushed your entire body (you can use a long-handled brush to get your back). Don’t dry brush for longer than five minutes. In fact, two to three minutes is ideal. Shower when you are finished to wash away dead skin cells.

Note: Your skin should never be red after dry brushing. Slightly pink is acceptable, but don’t brush so hard that your skin is in pain.

Getting Rid Of Cellulite

Dry brushing helps to increase circulation and break up cellulite. A great routine is to dry brush, rinse off, and then apply virgin coconut oil to the affected areas. The skin absorbs the natural properties of coconut oil and can help break up the toxins, which comprise the cellulite.


People who dry brush for the first time typically experience this as the first benefit. The entire process of dry brushing removes dead skin cells to naturally exfoliate the skin. After the first few days, you should notice that your skin feels softer and clearer. It is recommended to avoid the face, though.

Lymphatic Support

The lymphatic system is made up of lymph nodes, organs, ducts, and vessels, which help to transport lymph (a fluid containing white blood cells) throughout the body. Running just below the skin, lymph needs healthy flow in order to naturally detoxify. Dry brushing helps to stimulate lymphatic flow and keep the lymphatic system healthy.


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