Artificial Sweeteners - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:12:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sucralose: 4 Reasons To Avoid This Artificial Sweetener Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:27:00 +0000

Artificial sweeteners can prevent diabetes and obesity, right? Not so fast! Researchers want you to avoid them, especially sucralose.


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One of the biggest lies in the modern world is that artificial sweeteners can prevent diabetes and obesity. These sweeteners exist in low-calorie and diet foods and beverages. Although the marketing makes it seem like these are healthier food and beverage options, there are serious health risks associated with these artificial sweeteners, such as Splenda (sucralose). Research continues to uncover the negative health effects of artificial sweeteners like sucralose. 

Instead of grabbing one or two white or brown cane sugar packets, people opt for yellow or pink packets of artificial sweeteners, such as Splenda. The “sugar-free” option is a healthier substitute, or at least that’s what manufacturers want you to think. The reality is that it is better to opt for healthier sugar alternatives that provide natural sweetness, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 

What Is Sucralose?

As a chlorinated sucrose derivative, sucralose is derived from sugar and contains chlorine. There is a multistep process that goes into creating sucralose. One has to replace three hydrogen-oxygen groups of sugary with chlorine atoms. This process ultimately intensifies the sweetness of sucralose, which was found via the development of an insecticide compound. Later, the public was introduced to sucralose as a “natural sugar substitute.” And in 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved sucralose for use in 15 food and beverage categories. These categories included products like gum, water- and fat-based products, baked goods, frozen dairy desserts, and beverages. 

Data shows that the range of product utilization with sucralose is quite extensive. It is very popular in food and beverage products because it is readily soluble with ethanol, methanol, and water. For this reason, it has applications in water- and fat-based products. Other artificial sweeteners, like saccharin and aspartame, are not as soluble. 

Reasons To Avoid Sucralose

Linked To Leaky Gut Syndrome

As of now, the understanding is that the body cannot digest sucralose. It travels through the digestive tract and damages as it goes, harming the intestinal walls, which can potentially cause leaky gut syndrome. According to one animal study from Duke University, Splenda reduces beneficial bacteria in the gut and increases fecal pH levels. That indicates the amount of nutrients you can absorb in the gut. 

Associated With Weight Gain

Isn’t it interesting that the food that was supposed to help you lose weight does the opposite? There are epidemiological human studies that suggest an association between the consumption of artificial sweeteners and weight gain. Artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Although these studies didn’t directly identify sucralose’s effect on weight gain, they did show that it doesn’t help with weight loss

One study monitored two groups of children, which received either an eight-ounce can of no-calorie sweetened beverage or sugar-sweetened beverage. At the end of the study, the overall calorie consumption was greater for the group that consumed sugar-sweetened beverages. That said, the sucralose group gained more weight during the study period. 

Increases Risk Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ongoing evidence supports that sucralose may cause symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. One researcher made note of this years ago after examining a rapid increase of IBS among residents of Alberta, Canada. Sucralose seems to have a more detrimental effect on gut bacteria than other artificial sweeteners. A more recent study found that the use of artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, doubles the risk of Crohn’s disease. 

May Increase Diabetes Risk

One study found that consuming sucralose dramatically increased the risk of diabetes. Another small study found that daily consumption of diet soda increased the risk of metabolic syndrome by 36% and type 2 diabetes by 67%. Researchers note that these findings indicate that sucralose is one of the many unexpected triggers of diabetes. The answer, then, is that sucralose is dangerous for diabetics and non-non-diabetics alike. 

For the first time, researchers evaluated this phenomenon in human subjects. 17 obese and insulin-sensitive individuals took oral glucose tolerance tests after consuming sucralose with water. The tests revealed an increase in peak plasma glucose concentrations, but they also noted a 23% decrease in insulin sensitivity, which prevents glucose absorption in cells.


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These Are The Worst Foods For Gut Health Sun, 21 May 2023 09:35:00 +0000

If you want to improve gut health, or at least look after it, look to your diet for the answer and start avoiding the foods in this article.


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If you pay attention to your body, you know that your gut feels a certain way after you eat foods that either benefit or sabotage it. A big burger with fries or several slices of pizza is going to affect your gut differently than a bowl of quinoa, roasted sweet potatoes, and fresh vegetables. This is because certain foods promote the growth of good bacteria, while others cause digestive distress and upset the health of your microbiome. 

What Is The Microbiome?

Consisting of trillions of microorganisms, microbiota or microbes, the microbiome is a healthy balance of fungi, parasites, bacteria, and viruses. In a healthy person, these microbes coexist peacefully, and the number of healthy bacteria is greater than unhealthy bacteria. This delicate balance can support immune function, optimal digestion, and more bodily functions. When you eat foods that are not conducive to the health of your microbiome, your overall health begins to suffer, putting you at greater risk for disease. 

If you don’t know which foods upset your gut, read on to learn about them. Avoiding these foods may reduce your risk of gut-related health issues. 

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are similar to sugar alcohols, in that they can cause stomach pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Not everyone has these reactions to artificial sweeteners, but eating enough of them can easily upset your microbiome. Artificial sweeteners have the potential to change gut bacteria that influence metabolism, increasing the risk for obesity. To avoid these sweeteners, make sure to read nutritional labels and look for words ending in “-ol,” for example, sorbitol. 

Red Meat

In moderation, grass-fed/grass-finished beef will not cause irreparable damage to the gut. Studies confirm that eating a lot of red meat can increase inflammation, especially in the colon, increasing the risk of colon cancer. Statistics are startling as well, with studies revealing that eating excess red and processed meat has caused nearly 18% of lower bowel cancer cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies processed meat as a class 1 carcinogen, meaning it is known to cause cancer in humans.

Fried Foods

Gastroenterologists say that fried foods are bad for gut health for several reasons. First off, fried foods commonly trigger gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which occurs when stomach acid regularly goes back into the esophagus. Fried foods also contain high concentrations of saturated fats, which are very difficult to digest and take a long time to break down. That can be a serious problem for anyone, but especially people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Additionally, fried meat can increase gut endotoxins and systemic inflammation by messing with gut microbiome. The consumption of fried foods also creates lower diversity of gut bacteria. 

Highly Processed Foods

Pre-made meals and ready-to-eat foods (like frozen pizza or microwavable dinners) are easy to enjoy if you’re pressed for time. Your gut never thanks you for eating these foods, though. Despite their convenience, they are highly inconvenient for the gut. Ultra-processed foods not only increase the risk of IBD, but they also contain ingredients like added sugars, thickeners, flavorings, emulsifiers, and preservatives, all of which harm the gut. Studies indicate that dietary emulsifiers promote colon inflammation by changing gut microbiome and damaging gut lining. Try to limit or completely avoid processed or convenience foods, especially processed meats, frozen meals, and canned soups.


A lot of people love to imbibe on occasion for various reasons. Some want to take the edge off and reduce stress, while others just want to cut loose. Unfortunately, drinking a daily alcoholic beverage can negatively affect your gut. Booze can damage the lining, or mucosa, of the digestive tract. To put it simply, alcohol is a gut toxin and should be one of the first foods/beverages you avoid if you are concerned about gut health. 


Lactose intolerance is far more common than most people realize, affecting about 36-40% of Americans. Dairy causes a range of symptoms that result from lactose intolerance, decreased lactase enzyme, and FODMAP intolerance or milk allergy. Some dairy products even contain harmful hormones and antibiotics that can wreck your gut. Antibiotics in dairy products can destroy or damage beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can disrupt the balance of gut flora.


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Is Sweetener Just As Bad As Sugar? Thu, 24 Nov 2022 20:00:15 +0000

Do you know what you're consuming? This season, The Toxic Inspector will go over everyday household items that contain toxic chemicals and health risks.


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Do you know what you’re consuming? This season, The Toxic Inspector will go over everyday household items that contain toxic chemicals and health risks. This week, we’ll be going over ASPARTAME. Have we been increasing our health risks all along?


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Artificial Sweeteners May Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease Fri, 30 Sep 2022 09:07:00 +0000

A new study found that eating artificial sweeteners may was associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.


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At any given moment, there are millions, perhaps billions, of people who want to lose weight or cut down on calories. In an effort to be healthier, many people switch to artificial sweeteners, which are commonly in pudding, candy, jams and jellies, diet soft drinks, and dairy products. While the zero-calorie or low-calorie aspect may seem enticing, consuming artificial sweeteners may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a new study.

The study followed more than 100,000 adults for about a decade, making it among the largest to date to identify heart-related problems with sugar substitutes. The BMJ noted that artificial sweeteners increased the overall risk of any form of cardiovascular disease by 9%. Consuming artificial sweeteners increased the risk of stroke by 18%. Additionally, the participants in the study experienced an increased risk of cerebrovascular disease, which refers to a group of conditions that affect blood flow to the brain.

The BMJ Study

At the beginning of the study none of the participants had a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Nobody was diagnosed with either of these conditions during the first two years of the study. Over these initial two years, participants completed five food questionnaires, which revealed that 37% of them consumed artificial sweeteners. Those who did consumed an average of 43 milligrams (mg) per day. That is roughly the amount in one tabletop sweetener packet. People with the highest artificial sweetener consumption ingested about 78 mg per day, while participants who consumed the least took in 7.5 mg per day.

Over the course of the study, there were 1,502 cardiovascular events, including strokes, heart attacks, clogging of blood vessels, and more. There were also medical procedures that had to restore blood flow in the obstructed arteries or veins. According to researchers, the annual absolute risk of cardiovascular disease was 314 cases per 100,000 people among the participants who didn’t consume artificial sweeteners. The number of cases increased to 346 for people who took in the most artificial sweeteners. 

Were Risks Higher Based On Different Sweeteners?

The study concluded that the risks of cardiovascular disease increased if participants consumed certain sweeteners. The consumption of aspartame, which is in NutraSweet and Equal sweeteners, increased the risk of stroke by 17%. Acesulfame potassium, sold under names like Sunett and Sweet One, was linked to a 40% increased risk of coronary heart disease. 

Because this was not a controlled study, the primary goal was not to determine if artificial sweeteners directly caused cardiovascular episodes. The results may have been skewed by the poor recollection of participants, regarding what they ate and drank. 

Is It Safe To Consume Artificial Sweeteners?

It’s natural for people to turn to foods or beverages with artificial sweeteners if they want to control blood sugar or lose weight. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is not healthy for the brain, heart, or body in general. Artificial sweeteners have been around for more than 100 years, though, originally found in the Sweet’N Low sugar substitute in 1879. Since then, researchers have found other artificial sugar substitutes like sucralose, aspartame, stevia, and xylitol. 

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, controversy and artificial sweeteners have gone hand in hand. There have been warnings and concerns about type 2 diabetes and weight gain, but results are varied and inconclusive. Despite concerns from health officials, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers the consumption of artificial sweeteners safe. The caveat is that people do not exceed the acceptable daily intake for each sweetener. For example, the FDA says that a 132-pound person could consume 23 packets of sucralose (in Splenda) before exceeding the daily limit. 

The more artificial sweeteners you consume, the more you increase your risk of certain health disorders. As the study found, the participants that consumed more artificial sweeteners experienced higher rates of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. An occasional sweetener may not ruin your life, but regular consumption, especially in excess, may compromise your overall health. The general recommendation: limit your consumption altogether because foods that contain artificial sweeteners also contain other harmful preservatives, toxins, and chemicals. Consider switching to natural options like stevia, allulose, and monk fruit for better long-term health.


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4 Foods That Slow Down Your Metabolism Sun, 18 Sep 2022 09:44:00 +0000

Don’t sabotage your weight loss or weight management efforts by eating foods that slow down your metabolism. Stay away from these foods!


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There are many all-natural ways to speed up your metabolism. That would be a magical statement if people didn’t regularly  sabotage their metabolism and ability to burn fat. How do they do this? Well, as with most things that relate to your health, it all comes back to what you put in your body. That’s right, folks, there are many foods that slow your metabolism and prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. 

The problem with “healthy diets” is that many of the foods that sabotage your weight loss efforts. You may engage in moderate aerobic exercise for 30-40 minutes per day for weeks on end without seeing any progress. Well, the foods you eat can plateau your weight loss by slowing your metabolism. What is it about these foods that makes them slow your metabolism, though? Some foods kick your immune system into overdrive and throw your blood sugar out of whack. If you are intolerant to certain foods, then you may experience chronic inflammation, keeping your nervous system in a constant state of fight-or-flight. Finally, some foods negatively affect the gut and take very long for the body to digest. If you want to know what foods are ruining your metabolism, continue reading. 

Canola Oil And Vegetable Oils

Canola oil and processed vegetable oils are extremely popular in various cooking applications. Safflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil can be used for cooking or frying foods, or in salad dressings. Unfortunately, these oils are processed and rich in unhealthy fats that may interfere with appetite regulation, your mood, and hormone levels. Canola oil, in particular, has a reputation of being a “heart-healthy oil,” when it is not in reality. Most canola oil is genetically modified, meaning that the crops used to produce the oil are rich in pesticides. Several studies indicate that GMO foods cause cellular change and toxicity, two things that don’t help your body’s metabolism. Instead, it is better to consume oils that are naturally rich in monounsaturated fats. Some of these oils include cold-pressed olive oil, virgin coconut oil, and avocado oil.

Fruit Juice

Fat in your diet isn’t the primary culprit that makes your waist bigger. More often than not, it is the excess sugar you consume. Sugar hides in many different beverages and foods, and consuming too much sugar wrecks your metabolism. Too much sugar in your body contributes to sluggishness, unhealthy food cravings, and inflammation, all of which slow down your metabolism. Some of the most sugar-laden beverages are bottled fruit juices, including orange, grape, and apple juices. These are more like sugar water than juice, and they are extremely unhealthy for you, even though they sound healthy. Store bought fruit juices do not contain the benefits from the fruit, unlike juices that you make yourself. Consider this: one eight-ounce serving of fruit juice can contain up to 30 grams of sugar! If you are going to drink juice, do so sparingly and make sure that you are making your own juice

White Flour

White bread and white pasta are the enemy, in addition to all of the other white flour floods. All purpose white flour is essentially processed wheat that is bleached, enriched, and stripped of all the antioxidants and fiber. Because white flour lacks fiber, your body breaks it down quicker than whole grains, which take longer to digest. The body doesn’t burn extra calories to break down white flour foods, leaving your metabolism operating at a slower level. Alternatively, whole grains that are high in fiber ramp up your metabolism because it has to work harder to break down the fiber. 

Artificial Sweeteners

Similar to high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners slow your metabolism like no other food. Aspartame is linked to lots of adverse health effects, such as apoptotic changes in the brain, free radical damage, and altered brain antioxidant status. In addition to these adverse health effects, artificial sweeteners trick your body into wanting more food because of how sweet they actually are. For example, one study evaluated the effects of diet soda on people with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Consuming just one diet soda a day significantly increased the risk for weight gain. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose increase your cravings for carbohydrates. So although diet drinks are “calorie savers,” you end up eating calorically dense foods as a result of drinking them.


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Healthy Frozen Lemonade Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:34:00 +0000

Do you love lemonade but hate the excess sugar and calories that come with it? You're in for a treat with this healthier, frozen rendition!


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There’s nothing quite like sipping homemade lemonade on a hot summer day. It’s tart, refreshing, and nostalgic, but it often contains a lot of sugar or excess calories. If you’re trying to make healthier decisions, your beverage game needs to change because too many drinks contain unhealthy ingredients. Fortunately, this recipe of frozen lemonade is much healthier for you because it only contains fresh ingredients. There are no artificial sweeteners or high-fructose corn syrup!

One of the best things you can do for your health is to vary your fruit and vegetable intake. The more colors you can eat, the better! That means that you are eating the rainbow, which delivers more antioxidants that help fight free radicals and inflammatory markers in the body. In the case of this recipe, you will utilize green grapes and lemons. Although green grapes exhibit a mildly tart flavor profile, they do offer a pleasant sweetness that balances the sour nature of lemons.

To make your frozen lemonade better than you could ever imagine, you should use Meyer lemons, which are sweeter and more flavorful than your average lemons. In fact, Meyer lemons are the best lemons for making lemonade. If you are lucky enough to grow them, use them. Otherwise, they typically show up in early fall and stay in stores until the beginning of winter. Meyer lemons are just sweeter, and you could even eat them like you would an orange. Use them, if you can, for this recipe and thank us later.


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These Popular Drinks Contribute To Chronic Inflammation Thu, 21 Jul 2022 09:32:00 +0000

There are drinks and foods that work to reduce inflammation in the body, but there are popular drinks that cause chronic inflammation.


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As you may know by now, inflammation is both helpful and harmful. On the one hand, inflammation is the body’s way of fighting infection, helping the body heal itself. On the other hand, inflammation that’s left unchecked can be detrimental to your overall health. In fact, chronic inflammation increases your risk of developing serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and more. 

How does inflammation reach a point where it is harmful to the body? More often than not, your diet is the culprit. Various foods and beverages contain ingredients that elevate inflammatory markers in the body. After a certain point, these inflammatory markers start to attack the different systems in the body. While sleeping enough, exercising, self-care habits, and healthy meals can counteract inflammation, it’s often difficult to recover from the damage. Fortunately, there are steps you can take, and beverages you can eliminate from your diet, that will help you lower inflammation in the body. The following drinks are pro-inflammatory and you should avoid them as much as possible. 


Some people despise soda, while others can’t get enough of it. Some people drink as many as six 12-ounce cans per day! Sodas contain lots of refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, dyes, and high fructose corn syrup, depending on the variety. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners, which are known for increasing inflammatory markers. One study proved that excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened soda increased the risk of inflammatory diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, a long-term study from 2013 monitored people who regularly drank artificially sweetened beverages like diet soda. The researchers of the study observed an increase in metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain.


The occasional glass of wine isn’t a problem, but drinking too much daily can increase inflammation in the body. For example, a 2017 study found that excess alcohol intake leads to intestinal inflammation. It did this by altering the function and composition of gut microbiome, weakening the intestinal lining. In doing so, alcohol actually comprised the integrity of the intestines’ mucosal immunity. Compromising gut microbiome can affect the way your immune system functions. If it influences the immune system to attack the body, you may develop an autoimmune disorder. 

Energy Drinks

Similar to sodas, energy drinks also contain artificial dyes and sweeteners or high amounts of sugar. Regularly consuming lots of sugar is a surefire way to increase inflammatory markers in the body. Studies show that a high intake of refined sugar can suppress immune function and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, sugar-free energy drinks typically contain sucralose or aspartame, two artificial sweeteners that are inflammatory. 

Drinks With Artificial Sweeteners

As we previously mentioned, artificial sweeteners have an inflammatory effect on the body. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame actually trigger the immune system in such a way that results in an inflammatory response. The Arthritis Foundation discourages arthritis patients from consuming artificially-sweetened beverages because they can cause joint stiffness by increasing inflammation. One study found that increased intake of artificial sweeteners, especially in regards to sweetened beverages, can cause subclinical inflammation. 

Oat Milk

This is a popular dairy-free milk alternative that people incorporate into lattes, smoothies, or in a bowl with cereal. It may surprise you to learn that people who consume a lot of oat milk have blood sugar spikes soon after consumption. Even if oat milk doesn’t contain added sugar, it does contain about seven grams per cup. The reason for this is due to the enzymatic breakdown of oat starch. If you love to enjoy an oat milk latte every day, you may increase inflammatory markers in the body. Because it increases inflammation and blood sugar, you may experience a crash not too long after you consume it. If you want to enjoy dairy-free milk alternatives, consider unsweetened cashew, soy, or pea milk instead.


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These Drinks Are Shortening Your Life Tue, 19 Jul 2022 09:02:00 +0000

Are you shaving years off your life by making the wrong beverage choices? Consuming these drinks is not conducive to longevity.


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According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, the human body consists of 60% water. This high concentration of water means that the fluids you consume are of great importance. Regular consumption of water can help replenish what you lose and sustain bodily functions that contribute to optimal health. Water plays a role in flushing out toxins, repairing tissues, balancing chemicals, and more. 

If you want to live a longer, healthier life, you already know that you have to take a closer look at what you eat. You also have to take a look at what you drink because certain beverages actually shave years off your life. In fact, scientific evidence shows that sodas, sugary coffee drinks, energy drinks, and more increase signs of aging and are not conducive to longevity. In this article, we discuss which drinks you should avoid if you want to live a longer life. Plus, avoiding these drinks will have a positive impact on your overall health!

Sodas And Diet Sodas

Unfortunately, there is nothing but bad news surrounding sodas and diet sodas. One study, for example, found that consuming any type of soft drink contributes to early death. That means that drinking soda shortens your lifespan, people! This study looked at data from nearly half a million people with an average age of 50. The results showed that no matter what soft drinks they drank, be they diet sodas or sugary sweet, they shortened life span. Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners that may affect brain chemistry, slow metabolism, and cause hunger cravings. Plus, these drinks are not beneficial to your gut microbiome. 

Sugary Coffee Creamers

The average person does not take their coffee black, and that poses several problems. An occasional cup of black coffee can have several health benefits, but adding sugary creamers and other dairy is where the problems begin. Coffee creamers tend to contain unhealthy fats, added sugars, and processed ingredients. One tablespoon of your average coffee creamer tends to contain five grams of added sugars and 1.5 grams of fat. Most people don’t add just one tablespoon, though, and they often drink more than one cup of coffee with those creamers. Excessive sugar intake increases your risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, all of which shorten life expectancy. 

Sweetened Teas

A cup of tea, especially herbal tea or green tea, exhibits myriad health benefits that improve overall health. Sweetened teas are an entirely different story, being loaded with artificial sweeteners, which can negatively impact your life expectancy. One study concluded that artificially sweetened beverages increase the risk of premature death, in addition to other health issues. Many health officials say that you should never drink sweetened teas, especially ones that come in bottles or from fountain drink dispensers. Oftentimes, one of these bottles contains 25 or more grams of sugar, making them devoid of nutrients. 


First of all, alcohol is a toxin that can damage almost every cell in the body. The body can process some alcohol and clear it from the system, but long-term use and excess consumption contribute to liver disease, cancer, cognitive impairment, and heart disease. Drinking a lot of alcohol also weakens immune function, increasing your risk of dementia and cognitive problems. On top of that, roughly one in 10 deaths among working-age adults is the result of excessive alcohol intake. All of that is to say that alcohol is a beverage that shaves years off your life, so opt for healthier beverages or cut back on your intake if you decide to drink. 

Fruit Juice

Surprising, right? Well, not really if you regularly inspect the nutritional labels of various fruit juice containers. Fruit juices are nearly as sugary as sweetened teas or sodas, meaning they are just as damaging to your health. One study found that drinking more than eight ounces of bottled fruit juice increases your chances of coronary disease and obesity. Both of those health conditions increase the risk of early death by 42%. Should you want to drink fruit juice, cold-pressed or homemade fruit juice is a better option. An even better option is to eat whole fruit, because then you get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and the fiber.


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These Are The Worst Foods For Your Skin Mon, 20 Jun 2022 09:11:00 +0000

There are serums and creams you can use to enhance the health of your skin, but what you put inside your body is equally as important.


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As the largest organ in the body, the skin requires extra special care. Most people tend to focus on topical or external care, applying all sorts of serums, oils, moisturizers, creams, lotions, scrubs, and more for optimal health. Although an excellent skin care routine can help improve your complexion, a healthy diet is truly at the foundation for healthy skin. On the other hand, the wrong diet can promote inflammation and lead to early signs of premature aging. This article highlights the worst foods for your skin

How Diet Affects Your Skin

One single food will not make or break the health of your skin, but certain eating patterns can. For example, certain foods have the ability to turn on or turn off certain gene expressions. This is in regards to genetic predispositions that make people more prone to things like acne, psoriasis, or eczema. Eating a standard American diet is one such eating pattern that promotes inflammatory markers that worsen the appearance and health of the skin. 

Over time, a diet that is rich in unhealthy fats, sugars, caffeine, and processed foods can also affect your gut. The gut has a direct connection to the skin via the gut-skin-axis, a bi-directional highway between gut cells and skin cells. According to research, inflammation in the gut can result in inflammatory skin responses, including swelling, redness, clogged pores, and more. Continue reading to learn about foods that negatively affect the health of your skin. 


Dairy products stimulate the release of hormone insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which activates the skin’s oil glands. This may explain why dairy worsens acne for some people. At this time, experts don’t know why dairy products don’t affect everyone’s skin. Current research concludes that certain dairy products are bigger triggers for acne than others. Cow’s milk, especially skim milk, can lead to acne breakouts, but the exact connection is still a subject of debate. Is it the hormones transferred to the milk from lactating cows or the high sugar level in skim milk? More research is still necessary. 

Processed Meats

Salty foods promote dehydration, which can deplete your skin’s moisture levels. If the skin becomes too dry, the body produces more oil to moisturize it naturally, which can aggravate acne-prone skin. Processed meats are very salty and contain lots of saturated fats. Additionally, they contain nitrites, which are associated with the development of certain cancers. 

Whey Protein

Whey protein is very common in bars, powders, and other protein supplements. It is popular amongst people who want to build muscle and shed weight because it provides the body with fuel and keeps you feeling full. Although it may help you reach your lifting goals, it contains IGF-1, which stimulates the production of androgens and insulin. The increased production of these two substances increases sebum production on the skin, resulting in acne. If you want to continue supplementing with protein, consider plant-based powders or bars to form a healthier habit. 

Sugary Cereals

One serving of supposedly “healthy” cereals can contain as much sugar as a candy bar. When you consume excess sugar, you increase the risk of acne and premature aging. According to research, consuming too much sugar can disrupt the collagen balance in the body. Collagen is a protein found in skin and connective tissue, contributing to the skin’s elasticity and strength. If you compromise the collagen balance, your skin may look less plump and supple. 


One of the primary reasons that alcohol hinders the health of your skin is because it promotes inflammation within the body. The reason it does this is because the body interprets it as a toxin, which may trigger inflammatory responses in the skin. Additionally, many people mix alcohol with soda or juice, increasing your intake of sugar. This causes the body to produce more IGF-1, which stimulates your oil glands. Similar to processed meats, alcohol also has a dehydrating effect on the body and may even deplete the skin of antioxidant levels. 

Sweetened Drinks

Sugar lurks in the sneakiest of places, but one of the easiest places to find it is in beverages. Sodas, juices, energy drinks, and other drinks are the primary sources of added sugars in the American diet. These sugars create inflammation that activates the skin’s oil glands, exacerbating acne and contributing to premature signs of aging. When your blood sugar levels are high, sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers in the process of glycation. When collagen hardens, it breaks easily and results in fine lines or wrinkles.


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These 4 Foods Are Fooling Your Brain, So Look Out Thu, 13 Jan 2022 09:02:00 +0000

Certain foods can deceive your brain chemistry. They trick you appetite by distracting you from flavors you crave without the calories.


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A lot of people are under the impression that it’s completely natural to gain a lot of weight as they age. This is far from the truth because there wasn’t a significant weight problem in North America 40 years ago. How did we go from a healthier nation to a nation where 36% of adults over the age of 20 are obese? 

Something changed in North America, but it wasn’t the people. Food changed, and processed foods are to blame. The food industry figured out that it could sell more food if it contained higher amounts of fat, sugar, and salt. In fact, these foods make it nearly impossible for some people to stop eating. One could argue that these processed foods fool your brain into thinking that you’re hungry, even when you aren’t.

When it comes to nutritious foods, you should feel a sense of satiety after finishing a meal or snack. Foods that are rich in fat, sugar, and salt have the opposite effect, though. These ingredients make you want more and don’t ease hunger. Have you ever noticed that you can eat an entire bag of chips and still feel hungry? Even if you are full, the need to eat is tremendous. How does this happen and can you do anything to escape this trap?

How Can Foods Fool Your Brain?

The brain sends signals to the rest of the body when you eat different foods, and it’s safe to say that your brain doesn’t like surprises. The body doesn’t use the same metabolic processes to digest protein as it does for carbohydrates, for example. When you taste food, the brain knows what’s coming and how to signal your body to process it. 

Speaking solely from an evolutionary standpoint, the brain associates sweeter, fattier, and starchier foods with more calories. A sweeter fruit has more calories, just as a fattier piece of meat has more calories. This relationship between flavors and calories is how the brain knows that it’s satisfied. When you eat foods that contain thickeners, artificial sweeteners, or ingredients that mimic a sensorial experience, the brain gets thrown for a spin. It thinks that the food has more calories than it does, even when it doesn’t. 

When you consume ultra-processed foods, the brain thinks that it gets more calories because of the taste. Then the brain makes the body eat more due to the lack of calories. Because the brain is designed to help you avoid a caloric low, it decides that the body needs more calories, just to avoid starvation. 

The Foods That Fool Your Brain

There are foods that taste “out of sync” with their actual nutrition. These are what you call brain-fooling foods. Manufacturers manipulate food to change the relationship between how it tastes and how nutrient-dense it actually is. Consider the following foods that fool your brain.

Artificial Sweeteners

These offer the sugary flavor without the calories, but they don’t satisfy your brain for long. For instance, a “sugar-free” or “zero-sugar” beverage may be non-caloric, but it still influences your metabolism. Not only do artificial sweeteners fool your brain, but they also wreck your gut health. The sweet taste impacts GLP-1 receptors on the tongue and trigger more insulin release, which is not ideal. 

Thickeners & Emulsifiers

Both thickeners and emulsifiers are food additives that change the texture of foods. Although they may add creaminess, they also affect the flavor experience. These processed ingredients either extend the shelf life of ultra-processed foods, or they prevent the food from separating. The manipulation of food can affect the way your brain reacts after eating foods that contain thickeners or emulsifiers. 


Over the last several decades, American agriculture directed its attention to increasing volume and appearance. Instead of a smaller apple or tomato, it will appear large, juicy, and perfect. The flavors of these foods, however, are often lacking, and they are blander than organic produce. The harsh agricultural methods mean that lab flavorings are necessary for a pleasurable eating experience. That means that a modified mango, for example, may not be interpreted correctly by the brain.

Fat Replacers

They resemble the taste and feel of traditional fats, and yet they are lower in calories. Natural oils and butters contain healthy fats that are higher in calories. Upon eating foods that contain fat replacers, the brain signals you to eat more because of the lower calorie count. They are in more foods than you realize, so start looking out for them. ‘

The bottom line is that you should avoid ultra-processed foods. They trick your brain into thinking you need to eat more than the body needs. Eating these foods, then, only increases the risk of obesity. 


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