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If you want to improve your overall sleep quality, it is best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. You can stop tossing and turning by…


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Anxiety, stress, and overstimulation are a few of the factors that can cause you to toss and turn at night. If you have ever spent a night tossing and turning without getting more than a total hour of sleep, you understand the struggle. The sun rises and you are immediately in a bad mood because you were unsuccessful at getting proper shuteye. In this article, we will explore why tossing and turning occurs and how to put it to bed, pun fully intended. 

There are numerous reasons that cause you to toss and turn all night. Overstimulation, an underlying medical condition, anxiety, and more are all potential causes. Let’s take a closer look at more causes and how they impact your sleep. 

Feelings Of Stress

Stress can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms that can make it harder to fall asleep. High stress levels can cause tense muscles, which can make it difficult for your body to relax while lying in bed. A study from 2017 found that higher stress levels reduced overall sleep quality in medical students. 

Inconsistent Sleep Schedule

Going to bed when you are not tired, or going to bed too late or too early, can affect overall sleep quality. It seems strange that being overly tired can make it harder to fall asleep, but it happens a lot. The main thing researchers want you to know is that a consistent sleep schedule can reduce tossing and turning and increase sleep duration. 

Feeling Anxious

If you have an anxiety disorder, increased anxiety at night can make it harder to fall asleep and remain asleep. A 2017 study found that somatic anxiety significantly impacted sleep quality. An anxious or racing mind can make you feel restless, which can cause you to toss and turn more than normal. 

Being Overstimulated

The National Sleep Foundation notes that blue light from phones, TVs, and other electronic devices can delay the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Loud noises and bright lights from outside the bedroom can also stimulate the senses. The combination of blue light exposure and loud noises can cause you to toss and turn. 

Imbalanced Diet

Never underestimate the repercussions of a poor diet. There are nutrients in foods that support the body’s production of melatonin, in addition to other neurotransmitters that regulate sleep. An imbalance in these nutrients can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Keep track of the foods you eat and consider modifying your diet, focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean protein, whole grains, and legumes. 

Underlying Health Conditions

Certain health conditions can lead to poor sleep quality. The most common conditions that cause sleep troubles are as follows:

  • Sleep apnea: This sleep disorder causes people to repeatedly stop breathing and breathe shallowly while sleeping. The interruption of your breath during sleep can impact your ability to sleep soundly; thus, you can toss, turn, and wake up frequently throughout the night. 
  • Restless leg syndrome: This causes a person to have an overwhelming urge to move their legs. Researchers note that this restless sensation most commonly occurs when the body is at rest, such as lying down in bed. Due to the constant need for movement, people with this condition can experience frequent tossing and turning. 
  • Insomnia: Characterized by the inability to fall or stay asleep, insomnia can cause people to rely on various things to achieve the smallest amount of sleep. Insomnia can also be caused by other health conditions. Insomnia can cause a lot of movement in bed, but is typically characterized by an inability to fall asleep. 

How To Stop Tossing And Turning At Night

If you frequently toss and when you finally lay your head to rest, you are in need of a good night’s sleep. Continue reading to learn how to improve sleep hygiene and reduce tossing and turning.

  • Turn off the electronics at least one hour before bed to help prepare your body and mind for sleep. That means that you should not be looking at your phone or watching TV in that hour before bed. Choose to read a good book to help relax the body before bed
  • Follow a consistent sleep schedule by aiming to go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. Traveling, appointments, or concerts and performances can get in the way of your bedtime. Whenever possible, do your best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule in order to help your body fall asleep every night. 
  • Establish good sleep hygiene by creating a bedroom that you feel comfortable sleeping in. Get yourself a high-quality bed and invest in bedding that suits your body. Perhaps you require cooling sheets or a flatter pillow. Whatever you need, do yourself a favor and make your body comfortable. You spend one-third of your life sleeping, so invest in yourself!
  • Engage in exercise or some form of physical activity during the day to help improve sleep quality. Sitting, sitting, and more sitting will not burn off excess energy. If you find that you have a lot of energy at the end of the day, consider moving your body more throughout the day.
  • Practice a variety of relaxation techniques to find out which one works best to calm your mind and body. Research indicates that various breathing techniques can help relax the body and improve sleep quality. You can engage in meditation, deep breathing, grounding techniques, or visualizing to ready the body for sleep.


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How To Be There For A Partner Struggling With Their Mental Health Mon, 14 Oct 2024 08:59:00 +0000

How do you handle a partner struggling their mental health without worsening the situation? These tips may be of great use to you.


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It can be very difficult to see a partner, a friend even, struggling with their mental help. They fall into a slump and that can strain the relationship. For anyone in a long-term relationship, a mental health slump will likely occur at some point. In fact, about 50% of Americans will experience some form of mental illness at some point during their lifetime. 

How do you approach a partner who is experiencing a mental health slump? There are supportive strategies that can be highly beneficial for both of you. Just remember that you are there for your partner, even in times of hardship. Continue reading to learn how you can help support a partner who is struggling.

No Toxic Positivity Allowed

There is no need to be an ever-positive ray of sunshine when it comes time to help a partner in need. There is no need to say things like, “Be positive!” Don’t remind them how much they have to be grateful for because that will usually cause them to feel shame. It may also make them feel as though you misunderstand their situation. 

Do Not Ignore The Situation

Ignoring something does not make it go away. The last thing you want to do is bottle up feelings and hope for the best, and you shouldn’t want that for your partner either. Do not ignore your partner’s mental health slump because that will only cause them to feel more isolated. Begin the dialogue and proceed in a gentle way.

Begin The Conversation Sensitively

Ideally, you should approach this conversation with a sensitive and delicate touch. Your partner is in a fragile state, so begin with a phrase like, “I’ve been thinking about you and I’m curious how you are doing.” You can also say something like, “I care about you and want to be here for you.” Ask if there is a special way that you can support them, as you may not be aware of how to do that.

Be Clear On How They Want To Be Supported

Everyone requires their own solutions for their given difficulties. Some people may choose or not choose to accept support. That is why it is paramount for you to get clear about your partner’s needs. Perhaps they need you to just be there and be silent, or you take walks together. Understanding and respecting your partner during their mental health challenges will only strengthen the connection between both of you. Plus, your relationship will remain in better standing as you support them, while also allowing them to experience their own symptoms. 

Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice

It is almost human nature to offer advice or suggestions when someone is in need. There is a time and place for advice, though. Sometimes, the best advice you can give is nothing at all. Oftentimes, your presence and quiet time is appreciated above all else. Just be there for your partner, show them respect, and understand that they are going through a mental health slump. Your relationship will likely become stronger when you offer your support and allow them to work through their depressive symptoms.

Validate Your Partner

People usually crave validation and safety in times of hardship. They want to feel love and there is nothing wrong with them wanting that. Even if your partner feels shame, confusion, or anger, use phrases like, “I can see that you are struggling and how much effort you’re putting forth.” You can also say something like, “What you are saying and feeling is understandable.”

Make Plans To Do Something Fun

It is very common for mental health issues to tell the person lies. For example, a person’s mind may tell them that they will not enjoy an activity that usually invites joy. You should suggest and plan activities that can help shift your partner’s energy. If they are really against the suggestion, though, do not force them to engage. Your suggestions can be very low-maintenance, such as going for a walk or hike, playing a board game, or getting a massage. 

Know Your Own Limits

For your own mental health, make sure that you know where the line in the sand is. There is a distinction between being a partner and being your partner’s therapist. You can always encourage your partner to find support, be that in the form of a therapist, life coach, or support group. That doesn’t mean that you abandon your partner; rather, it just reaffirms the boundaries in your relationship. You are not your partner’s sole emotional caretaker!


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Can Acupuncture Alleviate Your Anxiety? Tue, 08 Oct 2024 09:11:00 +0000

Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by acupuncturists. Some research shows that it may alleviate anxiety.


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Doesn’t the idea of sticking a bunch of needles in your skin when you have anxiety sound like a wonderfully relaxing idea? As terrifying as it may sound, acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that has been used for thousands of years to alleviate pain and treat numerous conditions. Acupuncturists insert needles into specific points in the body to address the given conditions. 

For anxiety, acupuncture needles go in areas like the insides of your wrists, ears, and between your eyes. Using acupuncture to alleviate anxiety is not merely anecdotal, as it also has scientific evidence to back up its effectiveness. Continue reading to learn how acupuncture may help people with anxiety

Does Acupuncture Really Work For Anxiety?

According to acupuncturists, acupuncture works to ease anxiety by regulating the nervous system. Specifically, it works to bring parts of the autonomic nervous system back into balance. The autonomic nervous system helps regulate involuntary physiological processes, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestion. Shifting the body back into a relaxed state allows the sympathetic nervous system to be more balanced. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) states that “qi,” the body’s internal energy, flows up and down throughout various pathways within the body. If that energy is blocked or it isn’t balanced, the body is put under stress. Acupuncture helps to restore the natural balance within the body and encourages healing as a result. 

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture is a holistic approach to health and many include recommendations for nutrition, psychotherapy, and exercise to enhance the treatment. There is no separation between the physical and mental aspects of a person, according to TCM. If you explain to an acupuncturist that you feel anxious and wake up sweaty in the middle of the night, they will not think that these issues are separate. 

In fact, that description is a common symptom of “yin deficiency,” according to TCM. Yin, along with its counterpart yang, allows a person to experience aligned qi. TCM explains that a yin deficiency can indicate emotional problems, including night sweats, anxiety, depression, and tension. 

Where Do Needles Go For Anxiety?

An acupuncturist does not merely stick needles in random places on the body. There are specific acupuncture points that influence physical and mental symptoms. Some of these points can include:

  • Insides of the wrists
  • On the feet
  • Between the eyebrows
  • On your breastbone or ears

Benefits Of Acupuncture

One review looked at 20 studies of using acupuncture on people with generalized anxiety disorder. The authors’ conclusion was that acupuncture can be beneficial for alleviating some anxiety symptoms when compared to medication or other non-acupuncture therapies. At this time, though, it is still not clear whether people with other types of anxiety benefit from acupuncture. Higher quality, randomized controlled trials are still needed to understand how acupuncture could help treat different anxiety disorders. Such disorders to consider include:

  • Panic disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Selective mutism
  • Phobias
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Separation anxiety disorder

Acupuncture may also be beneficial for certain surgical procedures. One study compared acupuncture to pharmacological treatment. People who receive acupuncture before gallbladder surgery or hernia repair experienced less preoperative anxiety than those who took Midazolam, an anti-anxiety medication. Acupuncture may also benefit people with knee, lower back, and neck pain. A lot of people find that it can alleviate headaches as well. Some evidence shows that acupuncture may be useful for easing anxiety in people with chronic pain. 

If you are feeling anxious, you may want to consider acupuncture as a natural remedy. Just make sure that you visit an acupuncturist for the best care. Research indicates that acupuncture may reduce anxiety symptoms and there are minimal risks when done correctly.


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These Common Habits Fuel Erectile Dysfunction Mon, 30 Sep 2024 09:02:00 +0000

According to urologists, common behaviors can fuel erectile dysfunction. You may want to stop these habits to improve your sexual health.


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Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a normal part of having a penis, to put it bluntly. Sorry, folks, but these issues are part of manhood, especially as men age. Ongoing ED issues can interfere with your sex life, but they can also cause issues outside the bedroom. 

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. If you have trouble achieving an erection from time to time, you don’t need to worry or doom scroll different medical websites. If ED is an ongoing issue, though, it may cause stress and affect your self-confidence, two things that can create relationship problems. Underlying health conditions can also increase the risk of ED, so you may want to treat the conditions in order to remedy the ED problem.

In the past, health professionals thought that ED resulted from psychological causes. These days, experts say that ED is commonly caused by physical health issues, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and vascular disease. Some prescription drugs, including antidepressants, blood pressure meds, and sedatives, can also cause ED. In some cases, a combination of physical and psychological factors may cause the issue. Below, we will highlight everyday habits that can worsen ED. You may not even know that you are causing the problem!

Being Sedentary

If you do not engage in regular physical activity, then you are at a higher risk for developing ED. Research indicates that regular aerobic exercise, such as swimming, cycling, or walking, can significantly improve ED. A 2023 study found that exercise can improve ED symptoms just as effectively as medications like Viagra. Just remember that ED can serve as a barometer for underlying cardiovascular health. Urologists suggest that you engage in aerobic exercise to improve cardiovascular health to positively influence erectile health and function.

Using Marijuana

As of 2024, marijuana is legalized for recreational use in 24 states, plus the District of Columbia. People use it to help promote relaxation, improve sleep, and reduce anxiety. Although some people report that using cannabis increases libido and improves sexual performance, it may be harmful in the long run. According to researchers, THC, the active compound in cannabis, affects the brain’s neurotransmitters. Over time, that can disrupt the necessary signals to achieve an erection. Chronic marijuana use can also reduce testosterone levels, which can impair sexual performance and libido. In some individuals, marijuana can increase feelings of anxiety and paranoia, which can contribute to performance anxiety and worsen ED. 

Insufficient Sleep

If you do not get enough sleep, cortisol levels can increase and testosterone levels can decrease. How significant that decrease is will depend on how sleep-deprived you are. Higher cortisol levels can increase levels of stress and anxiety, in addition to weight gain, moodiness, and mental performance. If you do not regularly get enough sleep, you may experience fatigue and a reduced interest in sexual activity. That lack of interest can worsen sexual dysfunction, both of which feed off each other. Urologists note that men who do not sleep enough may not produce sufficient signal from the pituitary gland, and ultimately suffer from low testosterone and ED.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Health experts note that a drink or two here and there will most likely not have a big impact on sexual health. Excessive alcohol intake, however, can lead to ED problems in the short- and long-term. Alcohol is a depressant that can interfere with the brain’s ability to send the right signals that trigger an erection. Heavy drinking can also reduce testosterone levels, which are integral for optimal sexual function. Additionally, chronic alcohol use can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can negatively impact sexual health.


In case you needed another reason to stop smoking cigarettes, this is it. Smoking can damage blood vessels, which reduces blood flow through the body, including to the penis. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, limiting the circulation necessary for an erection. Long-term smoking can also lead to permanent vascular damage, making erections much more difficult to achieve. Finally, smoking increases the risk of developing other health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, all of which can cause ED. In fact, men who smoke cigarettes are almost two times as likely to develop ED compared to men who don’t smoke.


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These Mindset Shifts May Help Women Thrive During Menopause Sun, 29 Sep 2024 09:20:00 +0000

Don’t let hot flashes and mood swings bring you down, ladies. Use these mindset shifts to help you thrive during menopause!


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The body goes through many changes during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. These changes can affect how women feel and the way the body functions. It can be a frustrating and difficult time, as women can experience increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment, mood swings, and depression. Roughly 85% of women report experiencing varying degrees of these symptoms during these three stages. 

Why does the body go through these changes during these stages of menopause? Health experts note that intricate neurotransmitter and hormonal changes impact the brain and cells within the nervous system. Cognition, sleep, and mood are significantly impacted by these menopausal changes, contributing to the physical and mental changes. As with most things, symptoms vary from person to person and each menopausal individual may experience these changes in varying severity. 

Women can address these symptoms with different lifestyle changes, supplements, and medical interventions. The most underrated way to address these symptoms, however, is through mindset shifts. According to research conducted by menopausal experts, the way women and society approach menopause can make it an empowering time, not a dreadful experience. 

Cultures That Embrace Menopause Experience Better Outcomes

Menopause is shrouded in mystery and shame for women in most western cultures. A 2023 survey of women in the United States found that 60% consider menopause to be stigmatized. A study from 2023 found that 83% of women felt that the menopausal symptoms were stigmatized. Additionally, 37% of women said that they felt shame associated with their own symptoms. Other research indicates that nearly 50% of women do not feel informed enough about menopause, and 60% say they didn’t learn about it until they started experiencing symptoms. 

By changing the cultural narrative surrounding menopause, women may feel more empowered about facing menopause. There are other cultures around the world where women do not fear menopause, which correlates to fewer symptoms. In Japan, for example, the word for menopause is konenki, which translates to “renewed energy.” It is a new phase of life that women should not dread. Interestingly enough, research has found that Japanese women report fewer struggles during menopause than women in the United States. 

Mindset Shifts To Make For Menopause

The way women approach menopause can change how they experience it. Now that there is more information about the topic, women can stay more informed. Additionally, they don’t need to feel shame or hide the fact that they are going through the different stages of menopause. It is a time of transition and there are inevitable changes that need to occur in the body. That said, there are mindsets and outlooks that can help make menopause a greater experience

Menopause Can Serve As A Time For Professional Growth

From a professional standpoint, menopause can serve as a time for growth and renewed sense of self. Many women report that they experience the height of their careers during menopause. They are wiser and have more life experiences, in addition to being more sure of themselves. Embracing that power can make a huge difference in the workplace. By being more self-aware and accepting of bodily changes, women can let go of worry. A 2023 survey found that the majority of women don’t feel supported in the workplace during menopause. That means that there is room for a cultural shift around menopause! 

Shed Expectations Of Youth And Fertility

Quite literally, menopause marks the end of having a menstrual cycle. That sets off hormonal changes in the body, resulting in common menopausal symptoms. This time should not be viewed as an ending; rather, look at it as a new beginning. There are no constraints of fertility, the monthly cycle, and unattainable expectations forced on women during their younger years. Menopause can be a liberating experience if women shed those expectations of fertility and youth! When women free themselves from those expectations, they may feel more grounded and powerful, even while experiencing hormonal changes and bodily changes. 

A Time For Rediscovery

Sometimes, it is perfectly acceptable to be selfish. Menopause, much like other moments in life, is a transitional phase, meaning there are opportunities for rediscovery. Part of the process is physical, as there are many physical changes that happen during menopause. But a lot of menopausal changes can be caused by a disconnect between the mind and body. The body responds differently to things it used to do, which can affect how women think about themselves. For example, workouts that used to be effective are no longer effective. Decreased estrogen levels can make it harder to build lean muscle mass. That can be frustrating, but it can also be a time to discover new ways or techniques that support the body. 

By developing a growth mindset and being curious and open, it is possible to be rewarded with another third or half of life that holds opportunity and creativity. During menopause, women can focus on themselves and learn how to approach things differently. Advocating for the self can be very powerful!


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What Are The Health Benefits Of Qigong? Thu, 26 Sep 2024 08:43:00 +0000

Qigong is an ancient practice that you can do almost anywhere. Research shows that it offers physiological and psychological benefits.


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Researchers have been examining the psychological and physiological benefits of qigong and Tai Chi, as they are growing in popularity. Since it is safe to say that most people suffer from stress, the search for stress-relieving practices is at an all time high. Although qigong is an ancient Chinese practice, it is having a moment in the present day. This article aims to inform you as to how this practice can reduce stress and help your body function at an optimal level. 

What Is Qigong?

Qigong is more ancient than Tai Chi and one could argue that it is the more original, overarching discipline. In fact, it originated in China about 4,000 years ago. Both practices incorporate a wide variety of physical movements that are slow, meditative, and flowing. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), qigong is a practice focused on the qi, or energy, that is present in everyone. 

A person’s qi must flow throughout the body in order for someone to live and feel their best. If qi is stagnant in a certain area, health problems can occur, according to TCM principles. Qigong uses slow and simple poses, accompanied by breathing patterns, to encourage the healthy flow of qi. By encouraging proper flow, the body can utilize its own healing processes to the best of its ability. The translation of qigong is “to work with qi.”

Yoga vs. Qigong

Qigong is not yoga, nor is it a form of yoga. Yoga poses typically require a lot more strength, stretching, and balance than qigong. Yoga also originated in India and is not rooted in TCM. Qigong involves slow, purposeful movements that require less strength than yoga poses. The movements are also less challenging for balance, making it so most people can do them or modify them. If people cannot do standing qigong movements, they can engage in chair-based qigong. 

The Health Benefits Of Qigong

There have been numerous studies showing that qigong offers a variety of health benefits. That said, larger, more controlled studies are still needed to prove qigong’s ability to prevent, treat, or aid in the relief of certain health problems. The exciting news is that qigong offers potential health benefits, making it worthwhile to practice. Continue reading to learn what the research says about qigong. 

Reduces Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome causes severe tiredness and health experts are unsure of the exact cause. The condition does not go away with rest and the condition itself makes it hard for people to carry out day-to-day activities. In one study involving 64 people with chronic fatigue, study authors noted improvements in symptoms after practicing qigong for four months. They experienced better mental functioning and less fatigue than those who did not do qigong. If you are regularly fatigued and the doctor has ruled out other conditions, give qigong a shot as it may help. 

May Boost Immune Function

The immune system’s job is to protect the body against foreign invaders, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and pathogens. This is a very big job and doing things to enhance immune function only helps the body. Qigong may offer a helping hand to the immune system. A review of several studies found that qigong had a noticeable impact on immune function. The review concluded that it increased levels of certain immune cells in people who practiced it regularly. 

May Reduce Depression And Relieve Stress

According to one study, qigong may help reduce symptoms of depression. During the study, people who practiced qigong also experienced a reduction in anxiety and an improvement in mood compared to those who did not. Qigong also exhibited positive effects on bone and cardiovascular health. It may help you improve balance, too!

If you want to get started with qigong, you can search instructional videos online. There are probably classes at local parks, recreation centers, or community centers as well. Sometimes, you can find a group of friends that just do it together, and it won’t cost you a dime!


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3 Beginner Breathwork Techniques And The Best Time To Do Them Fri, 20 Sep 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Meditation is a powerful practice that can connect the mind and boy. Learn the best times to practice three beginner breathwork techniques.


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Meditation can be a little intimidating because, like most difficult things, it takes time to master. It requires practice, but also patience to become comfortable sitting in meditation. You will not be a zen master after your first two meditation sessions. Practice makes perfect, though, and you will be able to quiet the mind soon enough. Thoughts will race and sensations will bubble up, but allow them to come like strangers in the night.

Breathwork is an active form of meditation, during which you disconnect from the mind and let your heart and body guide you. The goal is for you to actively exhale your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and actions that do not support growth. You return to your breath to handle stress, anxiety, and any lingering trauma. Different techniques may be more effective for certain people and not for others. Below, you will find three beginner breathing techniques and when to use them. 

The 4-4-4-4 Breath: When You Need An Energy Boost

The 4-4-4-4 breathing practice, also known as box breathing or square breathing, comes from the Navy SEALs. This breathing technique aims to slow your heart rate and enhance concentration. It may also increase efficiency and mental performance, in addition to relieving stress. Ideally, you engage in this breathwork after you wake up in the morning, or in the middle of the day when you feel sleepy. To practice this technique:

  • Sit up straight and start by releasing all of the air from your chest. Hold your breath for four seconds and then breathe in through your nose for four seconds. 
  • Hold your breath for four seconds and then exhale out of your nose for four seconds. Repeat this cycle for five full minutes to feel the effects. 

During your inhales, imagine that the earth is nourishing the physical body. When you hold your breath, imagine that your breath is going through your mind like the wind, clearing out any thoughts that do not serve you. During your exhale, imagine that the fire element is pushing out any negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions from your belly. 

The 4-7-8 Breath: When You Feel Overwhelmed

This is a relaxing breathing method that was developed by Andrew Weil, M.D. It aims to calm the body and slow down your heart rate, bringing you into the present moment. This breathing technique is ideal when you feel anxious, angry, overwhelmed, triggered, or have difficulty sleeping. It also teaches the body to take in less, creating space between each inhale and exhale to release excess energy and thought. To practice this technique:

  • Ideally, this technique aims to empty the lungs of air. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale out of the mouth for eight seconds. 
  • Repeat this cycle at least four times for the full effects. 

When you inhale, imagine that the earth is grounding and nourishing your breath. Allow that energy to come into the body and when you hold your breath, visualize that energy spiraling throughout your body. Allow that energy to extract any thought that does not serve you. During your exhale, think about releasing all of that energy, not just through your mouth, but through your entire body.

The 5-5 Breath: When You Feel Worked Up

The natural tendency is to breathe at a rate of two to three seconds per minute. The 5-5 breath, however, is a controlled practice that slows your breathing to four seconds and then five seconds. The 5-5 breath works to improve your overall sense of calm and can be practiced throughout the day. To practice this breathing technique:

  • To begin, focus on the natural rhythm of your breath to get a baseline for the length of each inhale and exhale. 
  • For one minute, inhale for four seconds and exhale for four seconds. 
  • For the next minute, repeat that process, but inhale and exhale for five seconds. Continue for six seconds and you can gradually extend to 10 seconds if you want to. 
  • In the initial stages, this practice should take five minutes, and you can work your way up to 20 minutes over time. 

During this practice, imagine that the earth’s energy is rising up through your body during every inhale. When you exhale, let that same energy wash out any negative thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that you no longer want to hold onto.


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DIY Bedtime Balm For Better Sleep Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:18:00 +0000

In 2020, data from a National Health Interview Survey found that 14.5% of adults had trouble falling asleep most days. The number of adults who had a hard time falling asleep increased as family income and educational attainment decreased. Additionally, the percentage continued to increase as family income decreased and the place of residence became […]


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In 2020, data from a National Health Interview Survey found that 14.5% of adults had trouble falling asleep most days. The number of adults who had a hard time falling asleep increased as family income and educational attainment decreased. Additionally, the percentage continued to increase as family income decreased and the place of residence became more rural.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends seven to eight hours of sleep per night for optimal health. Over 25% of adults do not meet this recommendation on a regular basis. If you have a hard time falling asleep, that decreases your ability to get a sufficient amount of sleep per night. Sometimes, it is difficult to relax, and that can be the result of an irregular circadian rhythm. Instead of resorting to sleeping pills, since they have a long list of side effects, you may want to consider experimenting with the bedtime balm in this article. 

Does Lavender Promote Sleep?

One study compared the effects of lavender and sleep hygiene versus sleep hygiene alone on sleep quantity and quality. The goal was to determine if participants experienced a sustained effect two weeks after the study. Study authors noted that the lavender and sleep hygiene group demonstrated better sleep quality at the two-week follow-up. Additionally, study authors noted that the lavender group woke up feeling more refreshed. 

Several studies indicate that inhaling lavender aroma may help reduce anxiety. Scientists have found similar results for lavender’s effectiveness in treating depression. Lavender essential oil is also popular in aromatherapy because of its ability to promote relaxation and sleep. Some studies found that the use of lavender oil for aromatherapy improved sleep quality not only in people without sleep or mental health disorders, but also in people with depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Inhaling lavender essential oil’s aroma may also increase the time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep. 

Some research indicates that lavender may have a calming effect on the central nervous system. For this reason, lavender may benefit people who experience circadian rhythm disorders or occasionally sleeplessness. 

Where Do You Apply The Bedtime Balm?

Once you make the bedtime balm, apply a small amount to your wrists, collarbones, or temples when you get ready for bed. It is unclear how quickly the sleep balm works. It usually depends on how sensitive you are to the aromas in the balm. For the average person, it may start to calm you down and promote sleep in about 15-30 minutes. As with any natural remedy, though, it may take a few tries for it to be effective. Continue using it and experiment with different placements. Lastly, before we give you the recipe, make sure to do a small patch test on your arm and see if you have a reaction within 24 hours. 

DIY Bedtime Balm


  • 1.5 ounces beeswax pellets
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil
  • 10 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 10 drops myrrh essential oil
  • 8 drops cedarwood essential oil
  • 6 drops vetiver essential oil
  • 6 drops lavender essential oil


  • Melt the beeswax and coconut oil in the top of a double boiler or in the microwave in a heat-safe bowl. 
  • While those ingredients are melting, prepare your lip balm containers to be filled. 
  • Once the beeswax and coconut oil are melted, pour in the sweet almond oil and stir to combine. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture. 
  • Let the mixture cool for about a minute and then add the essential oils. Stir until fully incorporated. 
  • Pour the mixture into the containers and allow it to cool and solidify at room temperature. When fully cooled, the balm is ready to use. 
  • To use, apply a small amount to your temples, wrists, collar bones, or back of your neck. You can even place a small amount on your pillow to help you sleep.


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How Does Anger Affect Your Health? Mon, 26 Aug 2024 09:14:00 +0000

If you feel intense, frequent anger, especially when it is an overreaction, your physical & mental well-being can suffer more than you think.


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If you have ever been angry, you understand that it does not make you think straight. Although anger alerts you to danger and can inspire action, spending too long feeling this emotion can have long-lasting effects on your health. That is especially true if you constantly feel antagonism toward someone, a situation, or something. 

Anger experiences that are too frequent, too intense, or last for too long can have problematic effects on your health. Clinical psychologists state that anger belongs to the fight or flight response, during which the adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. If the body is in a constant state of anger, these hormones run rampant in your body, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. That is because the body is always ready to fight or defend from danger. 

Although the body’s stress response aims to protect you, you don’t need it activated at all hours of the day. You definitely do not need it to deal with whatever is causing your anger, be it an uncooperative child or tense interaction with a coworker. Continue reading to learn just how much anger can affect your physical and mental health

Anger Can Interfere With Digestion

There is a lot of research that indicates a strong communicative connection between the gut and brain. In fact, one influences the other! The autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily responses, works to regulate digestion. If the body enters fight-or-flight mode, which occurs during stress, it can disturb the digestive process. Researchers note that stress can lead to numerous, unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, upset stomach, and diarrhea. The longer the stress lasts, the likelier you are to develop acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or even inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Anger Can Affect Sleep

If you struggle to control your anger, it’s possible to experience worse sleep than people who keep their anger in check. One study observed the correlation between higher levels of anger and sleep disturbances. Researchers looked at difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep in middle-aged Korean men and women. The study found that moderate-to-high levels of anger increased the risk of sleep disturbances by 40-70%, depending on the participants. Other research suggests that feelings of anger can increase psychological arousal, which makes it harder to fall asleep.

Too Much Anger Can Harm Mental Health

Just as anger affects digestion and sleep, so too can it take a toll on your mental health. Several studies indicate that anger is higher in people with emotional disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Anger can also worsen symptoms and reduce a person’s response to treatment for mental health disorders. Prolonged anger can affect your ability to think and concentrate, and it can also increase hostility and volatility. All of that can take a toll on relationships and your ability to form bonds. Reacting angrily to things can cause the most harm to relationships. 

Anger Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack

There is evidence that links anger to a higher risk of heart attack. In a systematic review of studies consisting of more than 4,000 people, researchers found more than a twofold increase in heart attacks within two hours of an anger outburst. They also noted an association between the level of heart attack and the intensity of anger. More research is necessary to determine how bad anger is for overall heart health. 

Anger Puts Stress On The Heart

Anger triggers the release of stress hormones, which can be quite taxing to your health over time. Research indicates that anger causes changes in the heart that worsen its ability to pump blood. That increases the risk of high blood pressure and subsequent complications, which include heart attack, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Additional research found that people with higher levels of anger have a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Another study found that higher train anger was associated with a higher risk of death from coronary heart disease and complications.


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Caring For A Pet May Reduce Depression And Anxiety Sat, 10 Aug 2024 09:13:00 +0000

According to new research, having a pet, especially a dog, may help improve mental health by reducing anxiety and depression.


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A recent study involved middle-aged women and researchers observed that having a high attachment to a furry friend helped reduce anxiety. Specifically, dog ownership, not cat ownership, was found to lower anxiety. In fact, researchers noted that a strong connection with a dog contributed to lower rates of depression and anxiety, in addition to symptoms of either disorder. This was especially true for women with a history of childhood abuse. 

Researchers noted that the level of attachment to a pet is a crucial factor in how they help reduce anxiety or risk of their owners’ depression. This bond may be more impactful for certain groups, but that depends on the person’s attachment style and if they endured childhood abuse. Just as with anything, there are other factors to consider before adopting a pet. Although it may benefit your mental health, not everyone is equipped to have a pet. Just keep that in mind when reading about the following study. 

Women With Strong Bonds to Dogs Had Lower Rates Of Anxiety And Depression

Study authors explain that the goal of the study was to better understand if a close bond with a pet reduced a person’s anxiety and depression, especially for women who endured childhood abuse. The study included 214 women who previously enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study 2. 140 of those women owned a pet, 56% of which owned a dog and 33% of which owned a cat. The controlled group in the study consisted of 74 participants who had never owned a pet. 

Researchers purposefully, but randomly, oversampled participants who reported childhood abuse. That means that they included a higher percentage than would normally be found in the general population. This was to better understand the impact of pet ownership on women with mental health issues. The average age of the group was 61, and 156 women experienced childhood abuse. 

During the study, participants were asked about their feelings and behaviors toward the pet they spent the most time with. Did they consider them a friend? Did they talk to them or play with them frequently? Were the pets considered family members? Researchers noted that a higher attachment to dogs was linked to significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dog attachment also revealed lower scores in general anxiety and overall anxiety and depression symptoms. That was particularly true among women with a history of childhood abuse.

Women With Cats Didn’t Have Lower Anxiety And Depression

Although pet attachment was linked to lower anxiety levels, there was no significant reduction in depression or anxiety in women who had an attachment to cats. Is this another reason to understand that dogs are better? We are not at liberty to make that claim. Unfortunately, researchers don’t fully understand why that is. They theorize that may have been due to a smaller sample size of cat owners. Perhaps it was the differences in the lifestyles and personalities of cats versus dog owners. 

Cats are generally more independent than dogs, though. Some people may feel that cats lack the same level of companionship or emotional support, but that is entirely subjective. The social interactions encouraged by dogs may not be as prevalent with cats. Dogs require walks, trips to the park, or even doggy playdates.  Cats tend to stay indoors and may not encourage the same level of social engagement or physical activity. 

The Love For Animals Inspires Researchers

All of the researchers behind the study had pets of their own and shared a similar love for animals. The research was driven by the growing evidence that pets have the power to benefit human health. Many researchers have noticed that elderly patients are able to relax and find anxiety relief when through the companionship of a pet. Pets bring a level of comfort and can help reduce feelings of loneliness. They offer unconditional love and support!

Should You Consider A Pet?

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, getting a pet may seem like the answer. As a disclaimer, not everyone with depression or anxiety will benefit from pet ownership. There are a lot of things to consider before getting a pet. Pet ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities and commitment, physically, financially, and emotionally. 

Many people who experience feelings of depression or loneliness may benefit from interacting with a pet. That pet may even cause you to get out of bed in the morning because that living creature relies on you. For others, getting a pet can be very overwhelming, and it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, stress, or shame. All of that can contribute to more depression or anxiety. Just calculate the risk of getting a pet before jumping in the deep end. You may find that fostering a pet is a great first step!


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