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According to new research, having a pet, especially a dog, may help improve mental health by reducing anxiety and depression.


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A recent study involved middle-aged women and researchers observed that having a high attachment to a furry friend helped reduce anxiety. Specifically, dog ownership, not cat ownership, was found to lower anxiety. In fact, researchers noted that a strong connection with a dog contributed to lower rates of depression and anxiety, in addition to symptoms of either disorder. This was especially true for women with a history of childhood abuse. 

Researchers noted that the level of attachment to a pet is a crucial factor in how they help reduce anxiety or risk of their owners’ depression. This bond may be more impactful for certain groups, but that depends on the person’s attachment style and if they endured childhood abuse. Just as with anything, there are other factors to consider before adopting a pet. Although it may benefit your mental health, not everyone is equipped to have a pet. Just keep that in mind when reading about the following study. 

Women With Strong Bonds to Dogs Had Lower Rates Of Anxiety And Depression

Study authors explain that the goal of the study was to better understand if a close bond with a pet reduced a person’s anxiety and depression, especially for women who endured childhood abuse. The study included 214 women who previously enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study 2. 140 of those women owned a pet, 56% of which owned a dog and 33% of which owned a cat. The controlled group in the study consisted of 74 participants who had never owned a pet. 

Researchers purposefully, but randomly, oversampled participants who reported childhood abuse. That means that they included a higher percentage than would normally be found in the general population. This was to better understand the impact of pet ownership on women with mental health issues. The average age of the group was 61, and 156 women experienced childhood abuse. 

During the study, participants were asked about their feelings and behaviors toward the pet they spent the most time with. Did they consider them a friend? Did they talk to them or play with them frequently? Were the pets considered family members? Researchers noted that a higher attachment to dogs was linked to significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dog attachment also revealed lower scores in general anxiety and overall anxiety and depression symptoms. That was particularly true among women with a history of childhood abuse.

Women With Cats Didn’t Have Lower Anxiety And Depression

Although pet attachment was linked to lower anxiety levels, there was no significant reduction in depression or anxiety in women who had an attachment to cats. Is this another reason to understand that dogs are better? We are not at liberty to make that claim. Unfortunately, researchers don’t fully understand why that is. They theorize that may have been due to a smaller sample size of cat owners. Perhaps it was the differences in the lifestyles and personalities of cats versus dog owners. 

Cats are generally more independent than dogs, though. Some people may feel that cats lack the same level of companionship or emotional support, but that is entirely subjective. The social interactions encouraged by dogs may not be as prevalent with cats. Dogs require walks, trips to the park, or even doggy playdates.  Cats tend to stay indoors and may not encourage the same level of social engagement or physical activity. 

The Love For Animals Inspires Researchers

All of the researchers behind the study had pets of their own and shared a similar love for animals. The research was driven by the growing evidence that pets have the power to benefit human health. Many researchers have noticed that elderly patients are able to relax and find anxiety relief when through the companionship of a pet. Pets bring a level of comfort and can help reduce feelings of loneliness. They offer unconditional love and support!

Should You Consider A Pet?

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, getting a pet may seem like the answer. As a disclaimer, not everyone with depression or anxiety will benefit from pet ownership. There are a lot of things to consider before getting a pet. Pet ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities and commitment, physically, financially, and emotionally. 

Many people who experience feelings of depression or loneliness may benefit from interacting with a pet. That pet may even cause you to get out of bed in the morning because that living creature relies on you. For others, getting a pet can be very overwhelming, and it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, stress, or shame. All of that can contribute to more depression or anxiety. Just calculate the risk of getting a pet before jumping in the deep end. You may find that fostering a pet is a great first step!


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The Shocking Truth: Meat And Antibiotics Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:19 +0000

Antibiotics have been given to farm animals to have them gain weight quickly, as well as ward off diseases.


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Antibiotics have been given to farm animals to have them gain weight quickly, as well as ward off diseases. Unfortunately the antibiotics given to livestock can result in a superbug, not only on the animals but on the ones who consume it as well. While the FDA was supposed to be more strict, there seems to be no change.


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California Advances First U.S. Ban On Toxic Chemicals In Processed Foods Mon, 29 May 2023 09:00:00 +0000

The California Assembly’s Committee on Health officially approved a bill to ban five toxic chemicals from processed foods.


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The consumption of processed foods and ultra-processed foods can lead to a long list of health issues. Studies have shown that these foods increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, and more. These foods are convenient, but far from healthy, yet a large percentage of the U.S. population eats them on a regular basis. 

In April 2023, the California Assembly’s Committee of Health officially approved a bill that would ban five harmful chemicals in processed foods. The California Assembly approved this bill in May 2023. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is one of the bill’s co-sponsors, and it relayed that California would be the first state to impose such a prohibition if the bill becomes law. 

5 Chemicals On the CA Ban List

Legislation A.B. 418 would ban the use of the following chemicals in candy, cereals, and other processed foods:

  • Brominated vegetable oil
  • Potassium bromate
  • Propyl paraben
  • Red dye no. 3
  • Titanium dioxide

Brominated Vegetable Oil

One research study noted that brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is a food additive used in certain fruit-flavored beverages as a density stabilizer for citrus oil emulsions. BVO is prepared by the reaction of liquid bromine with unsaturated vegetable oils. It presents a high density and you can typically find it in soda. Historically, BVO has been associated with a long list of health issues in animal studies. A study from 1983 fed adult rats diets containing BVO at different amounts for two weeks before mating. The rats consumed the same diets through gestation and lactation for the female rats. The offspring also consumed BVO. In 2% of the diet, BVO completely blocked reproduction. At 1%, the rats experienced impaired conception, smaller litter size, and lowered maternal weight. Postnatal mortality rate was also high, with survivors showing severe behavioral impairments. At 0.5%, the rats experienced severe behavioral impairments and post weaning activity. 

Potassium Bromate

Many health experts are shocked that potassium bromate is used in food products. The International Agency of Research on Cancer described potassium bromate as highly toxic. It produces oxidative DNA damage in rat kidneys, and there is evidence that Available data suggests evidence of genetic toxicity and that it may cause renal tumors via oxidative DNA damage. Potassium bromate is a food additive that has been associated with disturbed blood biochemistry in animal research. It’s typically used in bread-making, and it can be toxic to bakers. In fact, one study on bakers in Cameroon noted that they experienced painful eyes, cough, diarrhea, and sore throat as a result of potassium bromate toxicity. 

Propyl Paraben

Propyl parabens exist in a surprising amount of foods and have been associated with negative effects in animal research. In a 2002 study, researchers administered propyl paraben in different doses to three-week-old rats. After four weeks, researchers found that daily sperm production significantly decreased, and testosterone concentrations dropped. Other research on mice noted that propyl paraben negatively affected female reproduction. 

Red Dye No. 3

The EWG notes that Red Dye No. 3 can cause tumors in rats and is a known carcinogen to animals. Red Dye No. 3 may potentially cause thyroid issues in rodents and lead to adverse neurobehavioral outcomes in children. Food dyes like Red Dye No. 3 have also been linked to estrogenic and DNA-damaging effects, ADHD, toxicity, and more in human and animal studies. 

Titanium Dioxide

Titanium dioxide is potentially carcinogenic to humans and may damage DNA, according to the EWG. It may also cause fibrosis of the heart at high doses, as confirmed in animal studies. It may potentially damage the liver and kidneys in high doses, as shown in animals. While more human research is needed to determine the risks of titanium dioxide, preliminary evidence indicates several side effects from excessive exposure. These side effects include:

  • Skin irritation
  • Cancer
  • Respiratory issues
  • Inflammation
  • Reproductive and developmental effects

Banning all of these chemicals is a great first step to help the U.S. catch up to Europe, where these substances are already banned from use in food, with a few minor exceptions. How is the U.S. behind the rest of the world in this regard? These are seriously dangerous additives that can negatively affect overall health.


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The Top Reasons To Make Your Own Skin Care Products Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:15:00 +0000

Save money, avoid harmful chemicals, get creative, and streamline your beauty routine by making your own skin care products.


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With so many skin care products on the market today, choosing the right ones can be very difficult. It’s hard to know which ones are synthetic and which ones are natural. Even the “natural” and “chemical-free” products can contain harmful ingredients. Most products have the potential to benefit your skin, but natural, homemade skin care products are often the better choice. 

It is very difficult to trust products that have a long list of ingredients, especially if you can’t pronounce them. A product may claim to be “natural” or “organic,” but a lot of greenwashing occurs in the beauty industry. That means a company uses misleading labels and language, environmental imagery, or hidden tradeoffs that makes it seem sustainable and natural. In fact, a product can claim to be natural even if it only has a few natural ingredients. A drop of essential oil can make a product natural. These products may also contain ingredients that are not certified natural or organic. 

For those reasons and and more, we encourage people to make their own beauty products when possible. Consider the following reasons to make DIY skin care products. Let us know if you agree or disagree in the comments below. Have you made your own products before? We’d love to hear from you, especially if it was a recipe that we posted!

Better For The Environment

Natural skin care products are simply better for the environment than synthetic alternatives. Synthetic chemicals can harm animals and plants that they come in contact with. If those synthetic chemicals seep into the ground, they can wreak havoc on surrounding ecosystems. The manufacturing of traditional skin care products can also lead to environmental pollution. Companies need to extract certain ingredients, such as aluminum or lead, in order to make products. DIY skin care products don’t need mining or manufacturing because they use simple, natural ingredients. 

You Decide What Goes Into The Products

When you make your own skin care products, you know exactly what goes into them. If a body butter recipe contains shea butter, almond oil, coconut oil, and some essential oils, you know that there are no other fragrances, stabilizers, or chemical additives. Using natural ingredients on the skin helps reduce the risk of common skin reactions that can result from chemicals in skin care products. 

Learn What Works For Your Skin

As previously mentioned, store bought skin care products contain a long list of harmful ingredients. That can make it difficult to determine which ingredients are the best for your skin. The great thing about DIY skin care products is that you can customize them with ingredients that your skin needs. Cater to your skin type or skin condition/ailment to boost the overall health of your skin. You can also research which ingredients have the best compounds, vitamins, and other nutrients that benefit your skin type. 

Streamline Your Routine

Homemade skin care products contain simple ingredients, but they don’t just serve one purpose. What we mean by this is that a facial lotion can double as a deodorant. Homemade shaving cream may also serve as a post-shower moisturizer. Sometimes, you can even use raw ingredients, like shea butter, on their own to help improve skin barrier function and promote hydration and moisture. 

Manufacturing Doesn’t Harm Animals

A lot of big skin care manufacturers continue to test their products on animals. This is a detriment to the wellbeing of animals that receive testing. Fortunately, not all skin care product manufacturers use animal testing, so no harm is done to living beings. These are the more ethical companies that don’t contain a lot of synthetic materials. If you are against inhumane treatment of animals and testing, natural DIY skin care products are the way to go. 

They’re Easier On The Skin

Synthetic skin care products are very harmful to certain skin types. Ingredients in those products can cause swelling, redness, rash, itchiness, or a serious allergic reaction. Look out for paragons, sulfates, synthetic dyes, propylene, petrochemicals, triclosan, and more. You don’t have to worry about that when you use DIY skin care products. Natural ingredients don’t contain chemical irritants and instead of being detrimental to the skin, they actually nourish it.


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Animals Found Guilty In Court Thu, 09 Feb 2023 02:00:11 +0000

An animal trial was the criminal trial of... animals! Trials are recorded to have taken place in Europe from the thirteenth century until the eighteenth.


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An animal trial was the criminal trial of… animals! Trials are recorded to have taken place in Europe from the thirteenth century until the eighteenth.


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The Best Things To Do When You Feel Lonely Tue, 20 Sep 2022 09:42:00 +0000

Loneliness is a common feeling and can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime. The next time you feel lonely, give one or more of these tips a try.


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Feeling lonely is a normal part of life. The crazy thing is that you don’t have to be alone to experience loneliness. You can be in a crowded room and feel lonely, the same way you can feel lonely by yourself in your room. Loneliness is more about not feeling a connection with anyone than anything. You may think that nobody understands you, even your friends and family. 

According to mental health experts, there is a loneliness epidemic, which was amplified by the stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. A 2021 study, for example, found that more than 50% of American adults were lonely by clinical standards. Additionally, there is a strong link between loneliness and mental health disorders. Adults with mental health issues are more than twice as likely to feel lonely and experience side effects of loneliness, compared to people without mental health problems. Finally, doctors found that lonely people tend to have weaker immune function, higher levels of inflammatory markers, and increased blood pressure. 

Connecting with other people is necessary for your own survival. While it is natural to feel lonely at times, being alone too much can take a toll on your mental, physical, and emotional health. Loneliness is not a sign of weakness and you shouldn’t suppress your feelings. That is what it means to be human. You can always talk to someone or experiment with the following strategies whenever you feel lonely

Call A Friend

You don’t have to see all of your friends and family on a regular basis to maintain closeness with others. Research states that virtual interactions, especially with a large group of people, may reduce loneliness and benefit mental health. Sometimes, a quick text can even boost your morale, but you shouldn’t underestimate the value of a good old fashioned phone call. In fact, a 2021 study found that a regular 10-minute phone call may ease loneliness. 

Join A Group Or Club

Take your connections with others one step further by meeting up with new people. People from your past are great and you shouldn’t lose touch with them, but connecting with new people is often thrilling and exciting. Look for community activities or online meetups that pique your interest. Hiking groups, book clubs, business societies, or workout groups can help you form excellent connections. It’s amazing how full you can feel when you and like-minded people engage in a specific activity or talk about topics you love. Plus, joining new groups can help you meet more people and make lasting friendships. 

Draw On Your Creative Side

Expressing yourself is often easiest via creative outlets, including writing, music, and art. Not only do these activities help improve mental health, but they may also help you feel more connected. Creating something gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, two emotions that may be difficult to achieve during a spell of loneliness or sadness. The most important thing about being creative is to find your flow. That means that you should reach a point in your time of creation when distracting thoughts of loneliness fade away. 

Spend Time With Animals

Animals do amazing things for your mental health. They may not be able to talk with you, but they do provide companionship. Another living creature in your presence can provide comfort and their quirks can lift your spirits, or even relieve stress. Plus, walking a dog or taking your dog to the dog park can lead to human interactions. Dog people love to talk about dogs! If you don’t have a pet, consider looking into volunteer opportunities at local shelters or rescue organizations. Research states that engaging in volunteer work helps you feel less lonely. You may even be a great candidate for fostering a pet!

Do Something You Love

Doing something you love can mean more than you know, whether you’re playing video games or going to the beach. Engaging in a meaningful hobby not only fills your time until you can see loved ones again, but may also help you find inner peace. If you don’t have a favorite hobby, consider trying out hobbies that may improve mental health. Some of these include yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, hiking, baking or cooking, and more. 

Take A Class

It’s very rewarding to learn a new skill or language, especially since the learning process can prove challenging at times. As we mentioned earlier, accomplishing a goal or completing a challenge gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Learning something new can open up doors that lead to new connections with people. Whether you sign up for a jiu jitsu class, a language app, a culinary course, or drawing class at your local community college, learning a new skill is highly beneficial. Being in an environment of people who also want to learn can excite you and take your mind off being alone.


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What Pet Owners Should Know About Monkeypox Sat, 27 Aug 2022 09:03:00 +0000

People who contract monkeypox need to isolate from animals after infection transmitted to an Italian greyhound in Paris, France.


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The United States currently leads the world in monkeypox cases, and national and global numbers continue to rise. Although the virus has predominantly spread among men who have sex with men, some women and children are now contracting the illness. Recently, the first case in a pet was reported. It was an Italian greyhound in Paris, France. 

Due to the fact that there are more than 42,900 cases of monkeypox across 95 countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a global health emergency. The WHO calculated nearly 7,500 new cases in the week prior to August 17, 2022, marking a 20% increase from the previous week. After the United States, Spain has the largest outbreak, with 6,119 cases, followed by Brazil with 3,450 cases. Germany comes in fourth with 3,295 cases, and the United Kingdom with 3,081 cases. 

Before this current outbreak, most human cases of monkeypox came from close contact with infected animals while farming or hunting. Monkeypox is dissimilar to smallpox in that it does not exclusively infect humans. Monkeypox is an orthopoxvirus, which is less discriminating in its host. That means that squirrels, prairie dogs, rats, and groundhogs can be infected.

What Pet Owners Should Know

There are more dogs and cats in the U.S. than the combined human populations of Australia and The U.K. The role that these animals play in the spread of infectious diseases within households has been ignored. Because monkeypox can jump species, health experts want people to think how a human infection affects pets. It gets dangerous when an animal infects another animal, and another, and another. If too many animals contract the virus, they can pass it back to humans in a more altered, vicious form. That’s when you start to see a rapid evolution of the virus, which is the last thing the world needs. If

Earlier this month, the Lancet medical journal published a scientific account of the first human-to-dog monkeypox transmission. The dog was an Italian greyhound in Paris, France, and it caught it from his infected owners by sleeping in their bed. Veterinarians want people to understand that pets show affection for owners. They climb in their bed, lick their faces, nuzzle their skin, and go wherever they go. All of these habits are potential transmission pathways. An infected pet can easily pass the virus to other animals via bites, scratches, feces, or urine.

Concerns About Human To Dog Transmission

Before people get up in arms about a serious monkeypox outbreak in pets, there are a few things to know. A severe outbreak may not result just because one case of human-to-dog infection occurred. Veterinarians just want people to understand that pets, especially dogs, are easily susceptible to monkeypox. Additionally, there is no evidence on paper that reported just how much monkeypox was found in the dog’s DNA. That means that the dog may not have had enough for an active infection. Reports about the dog’s antibodies to monkeypox have not been documented either. 

If People Have Monkeypox, Should They Isolate From Pets?

Anyone with a known infection or suspected exposure should not engage in close contact with their pet. Additionally, anyone who is immunocompromised and living in the same house with an infected person should isolate or leave during the infection period. Any and all animals should be kept in isolation from all other animals and people for at least 21 days after the pet’s first known exposure to the virus. That means no dog park!

Lastly, do not surrender, euthanize, or abandon pets just because of a potential monkeypox exposure. Keep the pets isolated after exposure to keep them and everyone safe from infection. Additionally, don’t bathe or wipe your pet with chemical disinfectants, alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide. If you are infected and cannot be isolated from your pet, make sure to wash your hands or care for them with gloves before and after caring for them.


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What You Need To Know About Monkeypox Thu, 26 May 2022 09:02:00 +0000

What are the symptoms? How does it spread? This article informs you of what most patients experience after contracting monkeypox.


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European and American health authorities identified several cases of monkeypox within the recent days. Since May 13th, at least 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases of monkeypox have been recorded in 12 countries, including the United States. This is a surprising outbreak of a disease that rarely appears outside of Africa. Additionally, most of the cases appear to be in young men. 

Just what the world needs, the eruption of a rare virus, the monkeypox. Health officials around the world continue to monitor the spread of this virus, looking out for more cases. For the first time, monkeypox seems to be spreading among people who did not travel to Africa. Health officials do stress that the risk to the general population is low. 

What Is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a zoonotic virus that transmits disease from animals to humans. More often than not, cases occur near tropical rainforests, in which animals that carry the virus live. Monkeypox tends to originate in rodents and primates, occasionally jumping to people who tend to live in West Africa, where the disease is endemic. Scientists first identified the illness in 1958, when there were two outbreaks of a “pox-like” disease in research monkeys. The name, monkeypox, stems from that research. The first documented human infection was in 1970, in a nine-year-old boy from a remote area of Congo. 

What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms of monkeypox in humans are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Beginning with a fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion, monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell. Smallpox, on the other hand, does not cause lymph swelling. The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox tends to be 7-14 days, but it can range from 5-21 days. 

After the initial appearance of the fever, the patient develops a rash, often beginning on the face and spreading to other areas of the body. Lesions can progress though the following stages before falling off: macules, papules, vesicles, pustules, and scabs. The illness lasts between two to four weeks. According to research, monkeypox has been the cause of death in as many as one in 10 persons who contract the disease in Africa. 

How Is The Disease Transmitted?

Transmission is limited among humans, but it can happen through close skin contact, bodily fluids, air droplets, and virus-contaminated objects. Of the recent cases in the U.K. and Canada, for example, most of them were among attendees of sexual health services at clinics in men who have sex with men. In regards to this trend, the regional emergencies director for the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program cautioned, “This is new information we need to investigate properly to better understand the dynamic of local transmission in the U.K. and some other countries.”

How Many Cases Are There Typically?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are thousands of monkeypox infections in about a dozen African countries every year. About 6,000 cases annually are reported from the Congo, with an additional 3,000 cases coming from Nigeria. Because of patchy health monitoring systems, experts suggest that many infected people are not accounted for. Occasionally, there are isolated cases of monkeypox outside Africa, including the U.K. and the U.S. More often than not, these isolated cases result from travel to Africa or contact with animals from areas where the disease is common.

What Is Different About The New Cases?

To date, this is the first time monkeypox appears to spread among people who did not travel to Africa. Again, most of the cases involve men who engaged in sexual intercourse with other men, but health experts do not deem this the sole cause of transmission. Britain’s Health Security Agency said that all of its cases are not connected. This suggests that there are multiple chains of transmission in existence. Infections in Portugal, however, were discovered at a sexual health clinic, where men sought help for lesions on their genitals. 

At the moment, it is possible that monkeypox spreads through sex, but this still remains unclear. In previous documentation, monkeypox has not reportedly spread through sex. It does, however, transmit through close contact with infected people, so transmission via sex is not out of the question. There are many unknowns in terms of dynamics of transmission and the epidemiology of the disease. Health experts need to fill in important gaps with therapeutics and diagnostics and reach conclusions that go beyond addressing the disease.


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Celebrate National Endangered Species Day At Home Fri, 15 May 2020 08:41:53 +0000

National Endangered Species Day occurs annually on the third Friday in May. It aims to educate the public on the importance of wildlife conservation.


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Between politics and the evolving coronavirus pandemic, it’s hard to be uplifted by the news these days. Not to bring thunder to a rainy day, but today honors National Endangered Species Day. Celebrated annually on the third Friday in May, National Endangered Species Day is a day to recognize and support national efforts that protect endangered species and their habitats.

The History Of Endangered Species Day

In 1973, President Richard Nixon signed the Federal Endangered Species Act into law. By passing this law, the United States took action to care for species in danger of extinction, in addition to protecting and restoring habitats. Both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the United States Fish And Wildlife Service (FWS) oversee the Endangered Species Act. The goal of National Endangered Species Day has always been to join efforts with others to protect these species as long as possible.

The Most Endangered Species In The World

Time on Earth is limited for a certain number of species. Human beings have proven to be the biggest threat to the survival of endangered species. Due to poaching, habitat destruction, and global climate change, some endangered species are nearing extinction. With our help and conservation, however, it is possible to save them. The top 10 species that need our help most include:

  1. Sea Turtle: 90% of the Hawksbill turtle population is gone and 80% of Leatherback turtles have been lost within the past 10 years
  2. Gorilla: both cross river gorillas and mountain gorillas have been classified as critically endangered since 1996
  3. Sumatran Elephant: roughly 70% of the Sumatran elephant’s habitat has been destroyed within the past 25 years
  4. Orangutan: the Sumatran orangutan has been on the critically endangered list since the year 2000, with roughly 80% of the population lost due to deforestation
  5. Snow Leopard: found in 12 countries in Central Asia, the snow leopard population is threatened by poachers and herders, who kill them for preying on livestock
  6. Tiger: the Sumatran Tiger and South China Tiger are classified as critically endangered, and most of them were killed for their fur
  7. Irrwaddy Dolphin: 2020 reports suggest that there may only be 100 left in the wild, making a sighting extremely rare and special
  8. Rhinos: the black rhino, the Javan rhino, and the Sumatran rhino are among the most endangered species in the world
  9. Vaquita: considered the rarest marine animal in the world, it is thought that less than 10 of these sea porpoises exist in the wild
  10. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: overfishing is the primary cause of the massive decline of Bluefin tuna numbers over the last 40 years, a 72% decrease in eastern Atlantic and 82% decrease in western Atlantic species

How You Can Help From Home

If you are looking to celebrate National Endangered Species Day, you can help by becoming a member of the National Wildlife Federation. This organization works to support wildlife conservation efforts. You can also donate to the World Wildlife Fund, which has been a leading conservation organizer in over 100 countries for 60 years.

The future of endangered species is dependent on the decisions we make today. Let’s preserve these species so that they don’t become extinct.


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Retailers Pull Fairlife Dairy Products From Shelves After Disturbing Video Fri, 07 Jun 2019 17:04:59 +0000

Fair Oaks Farms is under investigation after a recent release of an extremely graphic video showing calves being abused at the farm.


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Several retailers, including Jewel-Osco Strack & Van Til, and Family Express, have removed Fairlife dairy products from their shelves in an effort to maintain high animal welfare standards across all areas of business. This is in response to the public release of an undercover video revealing inhumane animal treatment at Indiana’s Fair Oaks Farms.

The video, which shows extremely graphic footage, was recorded last year by an investigator for Animal Recovery Mission (ARM), a Miami-based animal rights group. The investigator worked for Fair Oaks Farms, which is one of the largest dairy producers in the country, for several months. In the video he shot, farm employees are kicking, slapping, and using branding irons to burn the faces of newborn calves. Considering how many years this farm has been in business, it’s hard to number how many calves have suffered this inhumane treatment.

The systemic and illegal abuse of animals, which is depicted in the video, is being deemed the “largest undercover dairy investigation in history,” according to ARM. The undercover investigator was hired as a calf care employee, and reported consistent abuse to newborn calves during his entire three months at Fair Oaks Farms. He reported that calves were beaten with steel rebars, kneed in their spines, slammed on the ground, and hit in the face with hard plastic milk bottles.

Fairlife responded to this video with the statement, “We do not condone any type of abuse and are taking this information seriously.” Fair Oaks Farms founder Mike McClowskey is a veterinarian and is extremely disappointed that he was not made aware of this awful treatment sooner, and he is accepting full responsibility for what has happened. The four employees that are shown in the video have since been fired and actions are being taken to prevent further abuse to the animals at Fair Oaks Farms. Local police authorities are demanding the names of the employees to hold them accountable for their actions.


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