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Looking for an all-natural alternative that cleans your toilet bowl effectively? Make this DIY cleaner and get to scrubbing!


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Get those harsh chemicals out of your home with a natural alternative to a classic toilet bowl gel cleaner. This homemade scrub is nearly as effective as store bought cleaners and it doesn’t plague your home with harsh chemicals. Made with borax and baking soda, this scrub may help you remove stains from a dirty toilet bowl. 

Cleaning a toilet is not necessarily the first thing on everyone’s to-do list. In fact, nobody wants to do it, but nobody wants to look into a stained porcelain bowl either. You want to keep that porcelain looking polished and as good as new. Many chemical cleaning products promise that they can keep your bowl looking as sparkly as ever, but seldom do they do the trick. The difference between those products and the DIY toilet bowl cleaner in this article lies in the ingredients. 


Borax, not to be confused with boric acid, is composed of oxygen, sodium, and boron. It is commonly used as a cleaner, mildew remover, flame retardant, and handful of other things. Because borax has a 9.5 pH, it is alkaline and forms a basic solution when combined with water. A basic solution has an easier time breaking down acidic, fatty, and oily substances. For example, borax can loosen the accumulated grime in a toilet bowl, but just know that it does not disinfect. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda has a lot of uses, both in and out of the kitchen. Due to its mildly abrasive nature, baking soda has an innate ability to clean and remove stains. Baking soda reacts with the grease in stains to form glycerol, a common ingredient in soaps. When you mix baking soda with vinegar, it creates carbonic acid, which is a weak base that boosts vinegar’s corrosive nature. Additionally, baking soda is a weak alkali, meaning it can neutralize acids in odor molecules, which can help eliminate strong smells

Castile Soap

The genius of castile soap is the fact that it is equally gentle and powerful at the same time. Created from saponified oils with moisturizing properties, castile oil is commonly used as a gentle, natural soap for the skin. That said, it is capable of fighting tough stains. In fact, you can use castile soap to clean just about anything. Just do not mix castile soap with acidic ingredients, such as vinegar, or else it may leave behind a sticky film on the surface you’re cleaning. 

DIY Toilet Bowl Cleaner


  • 2 cups distilled water 
  • 1/2 cup borax
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup castile soap
  • 25 drops essential oil of choice (optional)


  • Add all of the ingredients to a medium-sized mixing bowl and still until the borax and baking soda are dissolved. 
  • Pour the mixture into a squirt bottle and use when ready. 
  • Make sure to shake well before each use. Spray a generous amount of the cleaning solution on the toilet bowl and use a scrub brush to clean. Let it sit for 15 minutes before flushing.


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Hydrating With Alkaline Water? Here Are 4 Potential Benefits Sun, 16 Mar 2025 10:14:00 +0000

Is alkaline water all hype, or can your overall health benefit from it? We review 4 potential benefits of hydrating with alkaline water.


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It seems that you cannot wander down the bottled water aisle at a supermarket or grocery store without encountering several forms of alkaline water. Not to mention, there are various types of spring water, mineral water, sparkling water, distilled water, and classic filtered water. You may even find some volcanic water, but that isn’t at your average store. One thing is for certain, though, and it is that alkaline water and filtered water are different prices. Is there truly a difference between alkaline water and regular H2O, though? 

What Is Alkaline?

Let’s remove water from the equation for one moment to get a better understanding of alkalinity. Scientists use the pH scale, which goes from 0 – 14 to measure alkaline and acid substances. If something has a pH lower than 7, it is acidic. If something has a pH higher than 7, it is alkaline, or basic. Most tap water has a pH of about 7.5, whereas bottled water is typically closer to 7.0. 

Alkaline water usually ranges between 8.0 and 9.0, but it can be higher. There are beneficial nutrients you can reap if you drink alkaline water, but dietitians are a bit skeptical of the alkaline water trend. Is alkaline water truly worth it

Nutrition Facts

To give you a better idea of the nutrients in alkaline water, here is the general nutritional information for an eight-ounce bottle of alkaline water:

  • Calories: 0
  • Total fat: 0
  • Trans fat: 0
  • Protein: 0
  • Cholesterol: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 0
  • Fiber: 0
  • Sodium: 4.8 milligrams (mg)
  • Total sugars: 0
  • Added sugars: 0
  • Magnesium: 4.8 mg
  • Calcium: 24 mg
  • Copper: 0.017 mg

Natural alkaline water, or spring water, that runs over rocks will pick up minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and calcium carbonate. Those minerals raise the water’s pH, creating alkaline water. Those minerals are necessary for many bodily functions, including those related to your heart, brain, muscles, and bones. 

Experts state that there are two types of alkaline water: natural from springs and chemically processed. Most bottled alkaline water that you can buy in stores is typically the former. The natural alkaline water is collected and then bottled, but the processed version goes through an ionizer, which uses electricity to add hydrogen to the water in order to yield a higher pH. Continue reading to learn about some of the potential health benefits of drinking alkaline water. 

May Prevent Bone Loss

The older you get, the more you have to worry about bone less, considering that osteoporosis affects about one in five women, and one in 20 men, over the age of 50. Osteoporosis can make bones brittle and more prone to fracture, especially in postmenopausal women. The body needs to maintain a blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45, and one way it does this is by releasing calcium into the bloodstream. That leaves less calcium for your bones. One way to replenish this calcium is by consuming calcium-rich foods, including alkaline water. In a study of 100 postmenopausal women who drank alkaline water daily for three months while taking calcium supplements. Researchers observed that, when combined with calcium supplementation, alkaline water provided some improvements in bone loss. 

May Aid Hydration Efforts

Drinking any kind of water is beneficial for everyone, regardless of athletic ability. Water is necessary to live! Athletes who fail to hydrate properly can experience muscle cramps, reduced coordination, and decreased athletic performance. In one small study, 12 male university students drank natural alkaline water for three days before intense physical activity. The results indicated that they were better hydrated than those who drank tap water. Some people consume more water if it is alkaline, and there is nothing wrong with drinking more water. Researchers agree that people should drink alkaline water if it increases your water intake. More research is necessary to determine if it hydrates more effectively than regular filtered water, though. 

May Offer Cancer Protection

Make sure to take this claim with the tiniest grain of salt. According to some studies, cancer cannot grow in alkaline environments. That has begged the question of whether or not an alkaline diet, which includes alkaline water, can make the body an uninhabitable environment for cancer. Unfortunately, the biggest problem with this theory is that alkaline water alone cannot change your blood’s pH. Drinking alkaline water, while a great way to hydrate, is unlikely to affect cancer cells. For this reason, more research is necessary to support this claim. Currently, research and medical professionals concur that food and water cannot change the body’s pH levels because it is a highly regulated system.

May Combat Acid Reflux

Alkaline substances can neutralize acid, so drinking alkaline water may combat symptoms of high acidity in the stomach, but not for long. Research shows that the contents of the stomach are very acidic. Consuming a product that helps reduce that acidity may provide temporary relief. In fact, it will only last for a short while, for example, a few minutes at best. Alkaline water may be dangerous when consumed with certain medications, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). For this reason, consult your healthcare professional before you combine alkaline water with any medications. 

Alkaline water has grown in popularity, but it is not a cure for various health conditions. More research is still necessary to prove that alkaline water exhibits the potential health benefits listed in this article. Just remember to stay hydrated, with alkaline or filtered water, if you want to keep the body as healthy as possible.


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5 Ways To Detox After Thanksgiving Sat, 30 Nov 2024 08:50:00 +0000

After overindulging at the big feast, you may not feel your best the next day. Here are 5 easy ways to detox after Thanksgiving.


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It’s the day after Thanksgiving and you wake up not feeling like yourself. There’s a fullness that you can’t shake, which came from the stuffing, alcohol, turkey, pies, potatoes, green beans, and more. It’s almost as though the abundance of food reinforces the gratitude people express on Thanksgiving. 

People love a good excuse to overindulge, but they don’t like to feel bloated and guilty. You don’t have to venture on a 10-day juice cleanse just because you gorged on some holiday classics, though. There is good news for people who don’t necessarily want to only consume liquid for days. As it turns out, there are strategies to get your body back on track and feel like you did before you filled it to the brim. 

Use A Body Brush

Using a body brush may seem like an odd recovery tool after a big meal, but it actually encourages the detoxification process. The lymphatic system needs assistance when it comes to proper circulation and drainage. Dry-brushing, as people call it, is performed without any moisture. In addition to promoting detoxification, dry-brushing also helps to enhance immune function and reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you want to learn more about dry-brushing and how to do it, click here

Skip The Packaging

In order for the body to get back on track, it’s best to avoid anything that comes in a package for a few days post feast. Packaged foods are very difficult for the body to digest and can increase the risk of high blood pressure, due to the high sodium content. It’s best to avoid toxins like preservatives and sodium when trying to detox. Head straight for fresh fruits and vegetables! These foods contain both macro and micronutrients that help to flush out the body. A green smoothie might be an excellent way to start the day after Thanksgiving. 

Drink Some Lemon Water

It’s a classic detox tip for a reason, people! Drinking water helps to flush waste from the body, so drink a big glass before you reach for any food the morning after Thanksgiving. To enhance the effects of water, add some fresh lemon juice. Lemon promotes alkalinity within the body and also kickstarts the digestive process, in addition to flushing the liver. In a tall glass of warm water (not boiling), squeeze half a lemon and stir. You can drink this concoction as it is, or add a dash of cayenne pepper as well to spark that metabolism

Focus On Healthy Fats

Don’t go out and eat a bunch of baked goods and fried foods; rather, focus your efforts on healthy fats. Great sources of healthy fats include chia seeds, nuts, avocados, flaxseeds, olive oil, dark chocolate, eggs, and wild caught fish. These foods contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help to keep you full and provide you with energy. Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids can improve digestion, heart health, brain function, and decrease the risk of inflammation. Reducing inflammation also helps you get the body back on track after Thanksgiving, especially since many holiday dishes contain inflammatory ingredients. 

Take A Break From Leftovers

It’s hard to reduce bloating and promote detoxification if you keep shoveling leftovers into your mouth. The whole point is to break from leftovers and focus on lighter foods. A fruit and vegetable smoothie for breakfast or bowl of homemade oatmeal are both great breakfast options. You could take some leftover turkey and incorporate it into a salad for lunch, which should be the biggest meal of your day. Finally, keep it light and continue detoxing at dinner. Consider brown rice with stir-fried vegetables and kimchi. The beneficial enzymes will help the body digest food in a more efficient way, helping you feel less bloated. 


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4 Health Benefits Of Lemons Sun, 12 May 2024 09:13:00 +0000

Pucker up and get ready to enhance your zest for life by learning about the four impressive health benefits of lemons.


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Are you friends with a neighbor just because they have a gorgeous lemon tree that produces so many lemons? We wouldn’t blame you if that’s your situation. Lemons, or citrus fruits in general, hold that much power. They contain a lot of vitamin C and other antioxidants that support various aspects of health. Take the trend of drinking lemon water, for example, which may help support digestion, detoxification, and reduce the risk of kidney stones. 

Lemons are known for their wonderfully acidic juice, but they actually help to alkalize the body, despite that tart flavor. In its natural state, lemon juice is acidic with a pH of about 2. Once it is metabolized in the body, however, it becomes alkaline with a pH level well over 7. And the great thing about lemons is that you can have them year-round in many parts of the world. This depends on the trees’s geographical location and how long the harvesting season is (about a few months). 

Nearly all lemons sold in North America are Lisbon or Eureka. These are classic, small- to medium-sized, bright yellow lemons that have a slightly tangy flavor. Meyer lemons, which are sometimes available in specialty markets in the winter, have a darker peel and sweeter, floral juice and flesh. Continue reading to learn more about the health benefits of lemons.

They Support Heart Health

Due to their vitamin C and antioxidant profile, lemons help protect your cells from damaging free radicals. These unstable particles can damage your cells if you don’t neutralize them. By fighting free radical damage, you ultimately work to prevent atherosclerosis, a condition that’s characterized by plaque buildup in the arteries and can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. 

The phenolic compounds in lemons work to regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and support endothelial function. For reference, endothelial function is how easily blood flows throughout the body. Reduced endothelial function can increase your risk of heart disease. A 2017 study found that higher fruit and vegetable intake reduced the risk of cancer, all-cause mortality, and cardiovascular disease. So eat your lemons!

They Help Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits composed of minerals that build up in the urinary tract and form in the kidneys. Passing a kidney stone can be a very painful experience, affecting about 10% of people. If you increase levels of urine citrate, a weak acid, and make urine more alkaline, you may help prevent kidney stones

Lemons contain a form of citric acid that works to increase urine citrate levels. The citric acid binds with urinary calcium in order to prevent oversaturated urine. It also binds to clumps of calcium oxalate crystals to help prevent them from growing and turning into kidney stones. The National Kidney Foundation estimates that consuming four ounces of lemon juice mixed with water per day may help reduce the risk of kidney stones. 

They Prevent Cell Damage

As mentioned earlier in this article, lemons are naturally rich in antioxidants, which work to fight free radical damage. The research states that citrus fruits contain a wide array of antioxidants, but newer research indicates that the peels of citrus fruits contain higher amounts of antioxidants. When you fight free radical damage with these unique antioxidants, you help prevent cell damage, which ultimately reduces your risk of chronic kidney disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is technically a group of chronic, progressive lung diseases that limit airflow to the lungs, which makes it difficult to breathe. 

They Enhance Iron Absorption

Iron is a mineral that you need for optimal growth and development. The body uses iron to make hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your body. Lemons contain a minuscule amount of iron, but they can enhance iron absorption because they are rich in vitamin C. One lemon contains over 30% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body better absorb nonheme iron, which is found in plant-based and iron-fortified foods. Pairing your iron foods with vitamin C helps you absorb iron even more efficiently. 


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The Zest Of The Best: A Complete Guide To Citrus Tue, 23 Jan 2024 09:06:00 +0000

Full of vitamin C, citrus fruits can benefit your health by warding off chronic disease. Here’s a guide to the best of the zest!


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Citrus fruits are some of the most popular fruits used in the culinary world. The powerful acidity is what people crave. It often rounds out the flavor of sauces, salsas, marinades, juices, and more. The reason people fall in love with citrus fruits is because they hit three of the primary flavor profiles: bitter, sweet, and sour. 

People love citrus fruits for their flavor, but they should love them for their incredible nutritional profiles. The diverse flavonoid and antioxidant compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immune-boosting properties. Additionally, the vitamin C in citrus fruits works to neutralize free radicals in the body, lowering the threat of oxidative damage. They are also rich in potassium, a mineral that the body needs for carbohydrate metabolism, heart contraction, and nerve function. 

There are too many citrus fruits to count, and that’s why we’ve decided to bring you the zest of the best. Keep reading to find out which citrus varieties rose to the top. Well, they topped our list, anyway!

Meyer Lemon

These may be the best lemons on the planet, primarily because they are slightly sour with wonderfully sweet undertones. If you want to make homemade lemonade, the Meyer lemon should be your first choice. It is a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange, and it rose to popularity in the culinary world because of Martha Stewart, Alice Waters, and other chefs of that caliber. 


This citrus fruit has too many names to count, so we’ll just stick with pomelo. It’s one of the only three original citrus species left; all of the other varieties have been hybridized. The white pomelo has a thick pith and a sweet pink/white flesh. They are very popular in Asia during the Mooncake festival. 

Sumo Tangerine

These enormous tangerines are enormously delicious. It’s not the most attractive citrus fruit, but ugly foods are often the most delicious. It’s like an easy-to-peel mandarin, but supersized and more flavorful. Sumo tangerines are new to the United States, and people are loving them. The flavor is bold, with sweet and tart flavors that keep you coming back for more. They do cost more than the average citrus fruit, but they come from Japan, so the price makes sense. 

Blood Orange

The striking red/orange flesh of the fruit looks like a wheel of tie-dye art. The blood orange is mildly tart and beautifully sweet, and the rich pigment comes from the powerful polyphenols known as anthocyanins. You can’t always get your hands on these citrus gems, so make sure to snatch them up when you see them.

Key Lime

Almost everyone has heard of key lime pie, but these small limes are not solely reserved for baking. Many people prefer key limes to regular limes because they have a stronger alkalizing effect on the body. Key limes have a subtly sweet flavor and the juice is more floral and aromatic than that of regular lime juice. 


These little citrus fruits are entirely edible. That’s right, folks; you can eat pop the whole thing in your mouth and enjoy the beautiful combination of the sweet skin and tart flesh. You won’t always find them in stores, but they can pop up at local farmer’s markets. Kumquat trees are also popular in many neighborhoods, so keep your eyes peeled, especially from November to March when they’re in season.

Finger Lime

The finger lime is different from most other citrus fruits, and it gets the name because it is long, just like a finger. The flesh also differs from other citrus fruit. It looks like little gelatin balls, vesicles as they are called. You can think of it like lime caviar that you can turn into a rich marmalade or add to pickling jars. You can also zest the peel for strong notes of citrus in your culinary creations.

Buddha’s Hand

This abnormal, alien-looking fruit belongs to the citrus family, but it’s definitely in a league of its own. The “fingers” open up as the fruit ripens, but you can’t really enjoy the fruit. The only usable part of this fruit is the zest because there is no flesh. Buddha’s hand has a wonderful fragrance and it is often placed as a prayer offering at pagodas or altars in Asian countries. 


This funky little citrus hybrid is a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine, so the flavor is both tart and sweet. Sink your teeth into this fruit and you get hit with an immediate burst of sweetness, and the tart flavor hits you on the back nine. They are easy to peel and make great substitutes for oranges. 


Calamansi is a classic citrus fruit in both Malaysian and Filipino cuisine. The peel is green and the flesh is a bright orange, but don’t let it fool you into thinking that it is sweet. It’s only a touch sweeter than a regular lime, but it does impart unique flavor into your food. If you want to make a homemade sorbet, fresh calamansi juice is an excellent juice to use. 


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Can An Alkaline Diet Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer? Wed, 27 Dec 2023 09:25:00 +0000

Consuming alkaline foods may help change the pH of your urine and saliva, but does this diet prevent cancer? Let’s explore this topic.


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Before delving into the juicy topic of alkalinity and reduced cancer risk, please understand that no single food or food group is known to prevent cancer. Some test-tube, animal, and even human studies indicate that certain foods exhibit cancer fighting properties, but they don’t singlehandedly get rid of cancer. Researchers note that maintaining a nutritious diet, keeping stress levels down, and exercising regularly may potentially reduce the risk of cancer. 

Proper nutrition is very effective as a cancer deterrent, but only when you pair that with a healthy lifestyle. That means avoiding foods, things, or habits that harm the body, such as tobacco and alcohol. Maintaining a healthy body weight also plays a role in cancer risk. Lately, the alkaline diet has been generating a lot of interest surrounding its ability to reduce the risk of cancer. In this article, we aim to discuss whether an alkaline diet helps prevent cancer. 

A Quick Lesson In Chemistry

Scientists report that the blood’s normal pH range rests between 7.35 and 7.45, making it slightly alkaline. Thanks to the body, blood pH is tightly regulated via several respiratory and metabolic systems. Blood pH that is too alkaline can be very fatal and calls for immediate treatment to return blood pH back to normal range. 

What Is The Alkaline Diet?

This diet is based on the theory that certain foods can change the body’s acid levels, or pH levels. The goal of the alkaline diet is to reduce the level of acidity within the body. Based on the information above, no food can alter the pH level of your blood. You can, however, experience changes in both the pH of your urine or saliva because those are waste products. You could never eat enough alkaline foods to impact your blood. The alkaline diet, though, involves consuming different foods and beverages that are categorically alkaline, meaning they have a pH between 7 and 14. Some popular alkaline foods include:

  • Leafy green vegetables (kale, arugula, chard, collard greens)
  • Citrus fruits
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Onions, garlic, and ginger
  • Nuts (raw and unsalted)
  • Root vegetables
  • Some seasonal fruits

On the other end of the spectrum, you have acidic foods. Eating too much of these foods can lead to a series of health complications, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Some popular acidic foods include:

  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Processed foods
  • Fish
  • Refined grains and sugars

Do Cancer Cells Thrive In An Acidic Environment?

Some research indicates that tumor cells may thrive in an acidic environment. Oxygen-starved cancer cells become highly acidic, causing them to become dormant. That occurs when acidic conditions in the body shut down the production of proteins in those cells. By disrupting their metabolic activity and circadian clocks, you essentially force the cells into dormancy. The unfortunate reality is that cellular dormancy can lead to drug resistance and cancer recurrence, so it is problematic. 

Some researchers believe that you can reverse this dormancy by counteracting acidity and resulting effects on cancer cells. That has actually led some people to wonder if the alkaline diet or baking soda can help prevent, or even treat, cancer. Based on the available information and research studies surrounding pH levels and cancer, it is unlikely for a couple primary reasons. 

To date, studies involved cancer cells in a lab and didn’t account for the complex or unpredictable behavior of tumors in the human body. Secondly, as stated earlier in the article, you cannot eat enough alkaline foods or beverages to alter the pH level of the blood. That is because the kidneys and other organs work round the clock to keep blood pH levels in a specific range. 

Do Acidic Foods Cause Cancer?

There is some research that shows that cancer cells are more likely to grow in acidic environments. Unfortunately, no evidence-based research indicates a link between the alkaline diet and reduced cancer risk. That said, what you eat is integral to optimal health and cancer prevention. There are plant-based superfoods that offer antioxidants and other nutrients that may enhance overall health and reduce the risk of cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and lean proteins for better overall health. 

The scientific community supports eating alkaline foods for a separate reason: to improve digestive health. Less acidic foods are easier on the stomach and better tolerated if you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you experience acid reflux on a regular basis, consider eliminating acidic foods and focus on consuming alkaline foods. 

In conclusion, the alkaline diet does not specifically alter your blood’s pH level, so it cannot prevent or treat cancer. Focusing on fresh foods, including alkaline foods, can help improve other aspects of your health, which may enhance the body’s ability to fight cancer.


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Immune Boosting Pineapple Agua Fresca Wed, 23 Aug 2023 22:00:22 +0000

This pineapple mango agua fresca is great to have in the house during hot summer weather.


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This pineapple mango agua fresca is not only a tasty creation for your next backyard barbecue, but it’s also great to have in the house during hot summer weather.


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Here’s How To Protect Your Skin Barrier Sat, 12 Aug 2023 09:06:00 +0000

The skin is the body’s largest organ and the skin barrier protects it from free radicals. Here’s how to protect it from external damage.


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There are countless products in existence that claim to protect and rejuvenate your skin. Some of these products enhance moisture, some cleanse or exfoliate, and others help get rid of wrinkles. All of these products have one common denominator, and that is that they act on the body’s outermost layer, the skin barrier. What exactly is the skin barrier, and what is its purpose? We aim to answer that question and inform you on how to protect it in this article.

What Is The Skin Barrier?

The skin is made up of different layers, each of which serves a unique purpose. The outermost layer, the stratum corneum, consists of tough skin cells that essentially make up your skin barrier. These skin cells, corneocytes, are bound together by mortar-like lipids. Keratin and natural moisturizers are within the corneocytes. The lipid layer contains fatty acids, cholesterol, and ceramides. 

This “brick wall” that is the skin barrier keeps you alive by protecting you from environmental toxins and pathogens. Without the skin barrier, these substances could easily penetrate the skin and cause adverse health effects. If you didn’t have a skin barrier, the water inside your body would escape, evaporate, and leave you in a dehydrated state. Just as your internal organs are necessary for optimal health, so is your skin because it helps the body function properly.

What Damages The Skin Barrier?

The skin plays defense every second of every day, protecting you from pathogens, bacteria, and other threats. Some of the internal and external factors that affect skin barrier function are:

  • Allergens, irritants, and pollutants
  • Exposure to harsh chemicals
  • Excessively humid or dry environments
  • Steroids 
  • Alkaline detergents and soaps
  • Genetic factors
  • Over-exfoliation or over-washing
  • Psychological distress

What Is The Acid Mantle?

The skin barrier has a slightly acidic pH level and this acidity (the acid mantle) creates a protective barrier. It essentially establishes a buffer that prevents the growth of viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can damage the skin and increase the risk of infections. You must protect the acid mantle around wounds. Because the skin’s acidity is necessary for functions that happen during the healing process. Sometimes, though, health conditions can change the skin’s acidity, which weakens that buffer. Diabetes or incontinence, for example, may require slightly more acidic skin care products to ensure the efficacy of the acid mantle.

How To Protect And Restore The Skin Barrier

There are many ways to help encourage a stronger skin barrier and acid mantle. What are some quick and easy tips to keep them both functional and healthy? Let’s take a look at a few strategies that can help.

Pay Attention To pH

The skin has a delicate pH balance that generally hovers around 4.7. The pH of certain products, however, can range from 3.7 to 8.2. According to researchers, you should cleanse with a product that ranges from a 4.0 to 5.0 pH level. If you keep your skin’s pH at a healthy level, you may be able to avoid conditions like dermatitis, acne, and ichthyosis. 

Look For Formulations That Include Ceramides

If you want your skin barrier to function properly, you need ceramides, which exist in high concentrations in the stratum corneum. Research from 2019 found that products containing pseudo-ceramides may relieve dryness, itchiness, and scaling that results from poor skin barrier function. Ceramide-rich moisturizers, for example, help strengthen the structural integrity of the skin barrier. Additionally, ceramide moisturizers may benefit those who are more prone to acne. Acne-prone people tend to have an impaired skin barrier, so strengthening it with ceramide-rich moisturizers may reduce the risk of blemishes

Experiment With Plant Oils

When you supply the skin with the right nutrients, you can help prevent the skin barrier from losing moisture. Research suggests that certain plant oils may supply the skin barrier with proper moisture and offer antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, too. Some of the best plant oils for the skin barrier are argan, coconut, almond, jojoba, primrose, black currant, and rosehip oils. You can incorporate these oils into DIY skin care products, such as lotions or creams, or simply use them directly on the skin.


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Detoxifying Pineapple Salsa Wed, 31 May 2023 23:30:06 +0000

The pepper you decide to use will depend on which one you like more. You can always add more than the recipe calls for if you like to bring the heat.


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The post Detoxifying Pineapple Salsa appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.


The pepper you decide to use will depend on which one you like more. You can always add more than the detoxifying pineapple salsa recipe calls for if you like to bring the heat. The sweet pineapple will tame the flame, so be bold if you want to brave the heat!


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The post Detoxifying Pineapple Salsa appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.

Fiber Rich Quinoa Burger Thu, 27 Apr 2023 00:50:00 +0000

There's nothing like a good burger, and that's exactly what this filling vegan entree is.


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The post Fiber Rich Quinoa Burger appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.


There’s nothing like a good burger, and that’s exactly what this filling vegan entree is.


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The post Fiber Rich Quinoa Burger appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.
