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The Alkaline Formula is an herbal supplement that helps maintain normal pH levels by increasing alkalinity.


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The Alkaline Formula is an herbal supplement that helps maintain normal pH levels by increasing alkalinity.


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7 Steps To Balancing Your Body’s Natural pH Levels Sat, 05 Oct 2019 10:46:30 +0000

With a more balanced pH level, you’ll notice the difference in how the body feels and functions. Here’s how to balance your pH level.


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Let’s go back to 5th grade chemistry for a second; don’t get scared, it will only be for a moment. Remember that lesson about acids and bases? In a nutshell, you’re not supposed to mix the compounds, unless you don’t mind the mixer erupting all over your face. Having too much of one compound and not enough of the other can also have a negative effect due to the chemical imbalance. Take that chemistry lesson to heart because it also applies to the human body.

The body’s natural pH level, or potential hydrogen, refers to the acid-base level in your blood. We all have a natural pH scale ranging from 0-14, with seven being neutral; anything below is acidic, and anything higher is alkaline.

Too much acid in the body can cause breakouts on the skin, body odor, bad breath, digestive trouble, and even life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and more. Excess base (alkali) can cause you to suffer from uncontrollable hand tremors, prolonged muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, and even blackouts. Like everything else in the universe, balance is key, and maintaining a neutral pH or slightly alkaline pH is best for your overall health.

How To Balance You Body’s Natural pH Level

As a direct result of our society’s dependence to processed food, most of our bodies are acidic rather than alkaline. Convenience has taken its negative toll on our senses and bodily systems. Fast and processed foods lack the necessary nutrients needed to maintain a healthy pH balance. If you’re curious about your current pH balance, we highly recommend you purchase a pH test kit and test your urine at home. Testing your urine will give you a pretty good idea of where you stand in the pH scale. If it turns out your body is too acidic, here are some steps you can take to normalize and maintain your pH level:

Consume More “Natural” Fruits And Vegetables

Most, if not all fruits and vegetables are naturally alkaline, so long as they’re not processed or genetically modified in any way. It is ideal to maintain a ratio of 80% fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains, and 20% whatever else you’d like to eat. Steer clear of too much meat, dairy, coffee, refined grains & sugars, bleached flour, iodized salt, and processed foods, as these are the most acid-forming foods out there. Eat more chlorophyll-packed greens such as kale, lettuce, broccoli, and turnip greens, and focus on low glycemic fruits such as apples, berries, peaches, pears, and cantaloupe. These foods are rich in oxygen, which will help enrich your cells.

Start Your Day With Warm Lemon Water

A tall glass of lemon or lime infused water is a great way to start your day. Consuming this before any other food helps to propel the body into an alkaline state. Help the body even more by squeezing half a lemon in a glass of warm water to activate the production of enzymes, which encourage healthy digestion.


Regular exercise is not only a great way to stay physically fit, but it also helps increase your pH levels by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from your blood. Carbon dioxide is a naturally acidic compound that is released into your blood from other cells, and the lungs absorb it from the blood. While you’re working up a sweat doing various compound movements, your lungs are hard at work exhaling carbon dioxide, thus increasing your natural pH level. Sweating alone is a great way to assist the body in eliminating excess salt, which accumulates over time. Great exercises can include walking, swimming, interval training, weight lifting (with light weights), yoga, Pilates, and biking.

Don’t Stress

It’s common to experience emotional, physical, or mental shifts in our fast-paced day-to-day life, but an excess amount of stress hormones in the body is considered unhealthy. Whenever you’re experiencing high levels of stress, try to remove yourself from the stressful situation or the state of mind that is causing you to stress out. Be still, calm your nerves, and take deep breaths. Beneficial techniques to reduce stress levels include meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, exercise, floatation therapy, massage therapy, or breathing exercises.

Avoid Direct Contact With Chemicals And Smoke

Our cells and enzymes are extremely sensitive to acidic compounds, which can enter the body through the nostrils, mouth, and even open pores. People frequently, if not daily, come in contact with common chemicals that are abundant in cigarette smoke and household cleaning products. The acid in these chemicals can overload the circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems, and they can weaken the organs with which they come in contact. Opt for natural cleaning products, which you can make by clicking here, to clean your home, and refrain from smoking or avoid people who smoke cigarettes.

Get Plenty of Sleep

This goes without saying, but let us reiterate that a good night’s sleep is vital in allowing your cells time to recharge and regain their strength. Healthy sleeping habits can help you function optimally throughout the day. The better your cells are able to perform, the more likely they are able to rid themselves of unwanted acids and toxins. If you have difficulty falling asleep, click here for tips to improve your sleeping habits.

Just Breathe

It’s not hard to believe that breathing can also help you balance your body’s pH level. The problem is most of us aren’t taught how to breathe properly. Taking constant short breaths gives the body insufficient amounts of oxygen. Long controlled inhales and exhales, on the other hand, help your cells absorb more oxygen while releasing a higher amount of carbon dioxide. Consider performing a breathing exercise that involves inhaling for four seconds, holding your breath for seven seconds, and exhaling for eight seconds. Take the time to perform healthy breathing exercises to help replenish your cells and get rid of unwanted gas in the lungs.


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Arthritis Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:26:05 +0000

Arthritis, regardless of whether you experience temporary or chronic arthritis, the pain and reduced movement caused by it, can be challenging to deal with.


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Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease that affects people of all ages, genders and ethnicities. It’s common among people who are active in sports. It can be caused by injury, genetics, daily life’s wear and tear, or infection.

Usually, arthritis alleviates itself, but when it doesn’t, it’s classified as chronic arthritis. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, the most common of which is Osteoarthritis.

Regardless of whether you experience temporary or chronic arthritis, the pain and reduced movement caused by it, can be challenging to deal with.


Arthritis is marked by these symptoms:

  • Joint pain
  • Joint swelling
  • Reduced mobility in the affected joint
  • Skin redness around the joint
  • Stiffness, especially after periods of rest
  • Warmth or heat around the joint

Lifestyle Changes

There are many recommended lifestyle adjustments that can help manage arthritis, including:

  • Low-impact exercise such as swimming or water therapy
  • Yoga or pilates for flexibility
  • Strength training for stronger muscles
  • Massage to improve circulation in muscles and joints
  • Splints, supports or orthotics when participating in exercise or engaging in daily activities
  • Avoid staying in the same position for extended periods of time
  • Avoid movement that places extra strain on the affected areas

Healing Options

There are natural solutions to help people with arthritis.

  • Application of heat or ice to the effected area.
  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables loaded with Vitamin E
  • Eat foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, Winter squash, and walnuts.
  • Herbs that are anti-inflammatory in nature can help heal arthritis. These herbs include:

Other herbs known to help with arthritis are:

  • Devil’s Claw
  • Boswellia (Frankincense)
  • Uva Ursi
  • Mullein leaves
  • Saffron
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Feverfew
  • Guaiac wood
  • Organic sulfur, commonly called MSM Sulfur
  • Noni juice

Apply a healing salve directly on the problem areas made from:

  • a base butter or oil such as shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut, olive, or almond oil (or any other good oil)
  • add 10-15 drops of the following essential oils:
    • Peppermint
    • Clove
    • Wintergreen
    • Eucalyptus
    • Birch
    • Spearmint

Magnet therapy helps make the problem area alkaline. It also enhances circulation to the area, which promotes healing.

Medical Care

Over-the-counter or prescription medications as well as surgery may be recommended by a doctor. These treatments can have side effects, and offer no guarantee of recovery or cure. If you choose to pursue medical treatment for arthritis, talk with your doctor extensively about the benefits and dangers that may result.


Arthritis or its symptoms may be prevented by:

  • Avoiding repeated motions for joints – even something as “innocent” as playing video games for hours at a time can cause arthritis later in life.
  • Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Know your family history. If arthritis runs in your family, the sooner you work toward prevention, the longer you may be able to live without it.

Solutions from


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FEATURE: What Is Your Acid/Alkaline Balance? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

I will bet your doctor has never talked with you about this! Even though your body greatly depends on your acid/alkaline balance, it’s one of the least-discussed physiological functions in the body. All metabolic processes, including immunity, digestion, and hormone production work best in a slightly alkaline environment. A healthy cell, the basic unit of […]


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I will bet your doctor has never talked with you about this! Even though your body greatly depends on your acid/alkaline balance, it’s one of the least-discussed physiological functions in the body. All metabolic processes, including immunity, digestion, and hormone production work best in a slightly alkaline environment. A healthy cell, the basic unit of life, is slightly alkaline. That means its natural pH-the location of a substance on the acid-to-alkaline scale-is on the plus side. Even blood is slightly alkaline-and must remain that way. In the body, pH balance is constantly being adjusted by buffers that keep the blood from becoming too acidic or too alkaline. Bones, lungs, kidneys, and other processes also help keep pH at normal levels.

When you’re in balance, you think clearly, are able to resist disease, and recover speedily from illness and injury. High-alkaline producers are generally natural peak performers. They have excellent lung capacity and digestive function, and large reserves of alkaline minerals in their bones. They thrive on stress, withstand the unhealthy effects of the standard American diet, need hard endurance exercise, and rarely get ill. They also age at a slower pace.

The wear and tear of daily life gradually causes cells to lose their healthy alkalinity and become more acidic, which makes the body more prone to disease. You can restore acid/alkaline balance in your body and regain your physical strength, stamina, and energy.

Still there are many misconceptions about acid/alkaline balance. Your body keeps your blood within a very narrow pH, because otherwise you would die. However it does so by using calcium from your bones to buffer acidity and this could lead to osteoporosis. Some foods that are acidic cause alkalinity after digestion, so using the pH of the food itself does not tell you if it is good. And it is not true that you need only alkaline foods: you need a mixture of real foods, mostly vegetables, and not too much.

Do you:

  • Have thick, strong bones and muscles? Are you strong, with a large frame and big bones?
  • Enjoy lemon or vinegar without stomach upset?
  • Tend to be a high-energy person? Are you always on the go and full of energy?
  • Have a tendency to put on weight?
  • Have great physical endurance, and can sprint up stairs easily?
  • Need a few hours of sleep each night?
  • Prefer highly active sports and gravitate toward high-stress activities?
  • Feel bright and energized after a steak dinner or other meal of meat?
  • Feel de-energized after a low protein, high carbohydrate meal?
  • Have lots of energy in the midst of intense situations?
  • Have the ability to do deskwork for long hours without becoming tired or losing mental clarity?
  • Rarely get a cold or flu, and are free of allergies?
  • Have a great digestive system? Are you able to digest a wide variety of foods?

If most of your answers were “yes,” you are likely to be an alkaline type. Meats and fish (in no more than four-ounce portions) several times a week or even every day, as well as fresh fruit, vinegar, olives, and olive oil (basically the Mediterranean diet) are good for you and will energize you. When alkaline types try to eat a vegetarian diet, they find themselves feeling depleted and cranky.

Do you:

  • Have thin bones and muscles?
  • Get an upset stomach when you eat acidic foods such as lemon juice, citrus fruits, tomatoes, or vinegar?
  • Sneeze when you drink wine?
  • Have a weak digestive tract?
  • Have frequent muscle aches and pains?
  • Feel sluggish in the morning?
  • Frequently get colds, flu, and other respiratory conditions?
  • Not feel your best when you drink alcohol, coffee, or colas?
  • Not feel your best or feel lethargic when you eat red meat or sugary desserts?
  • Feel best when you eat a more vegetarian diet?
  • Often feel exhausted after vigorous exercise or very physical work?
  • Often experience fatigue and lack of stamina?
  • Feel physically and mentally tired after an hour of deskwork?
  • Have heartburn, canker sores, and food or environmental allergies?
  • Have a history of arthritis, gout, lung disease, or frequent bladder infections?

If most of your answers were “yes,” you are likely to be an acidic type. You will have more energy if you stick to a largely vegetarian diet of fresh, whole foods and more alkaline fruits like papaya and melons, plus cold-water fish like tuna or salmon 2 or 3 times a month, and small amounts of raw seeds and nuts. This diet helps balance your body’s acidic state.

Credit: Dr. Susan Larkin, adapted by Karen Vaughan

Karen Vaughan is a New York State licensed acupuncturist and an herbalist trained in both western and Chinese herbal medicine. She has the advanced designation of Registered Herbalist from the American Herbalists Guild and is the only RH in New York City. Her MS degree is in Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, New York. This degree offers four years of training in acupuncture and herbal medicine, grounded in both the Chinese classics and in western medicine. She has had post graduate training in Chinese gynecology, dermatology, tui na (Chinese physical therapy) and addiction treatment.

Her special areas of treatment are Autoimmune Diseases, Diabetes and Dermatology, but she does general Chinese Medicine as well.

She does Herbal Consultations, Acupuncture, Acu-aromatherapy and Raindrops Technique essential oil treatments.

She works on both a physical and spiritual basis, well grounded in science but not limited to the concrete.

Call (718) 622-6755 for an appointment in Manhattan and Park Slope, Brooklyn or email her with inquiries at

Dherbs Solutions:


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Cancer: Causes and Remedies Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.


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Cancer is defined by the National Cancer Institute as a disease “in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.”

There are actually more than 100 different types of cancer, which are usually named for the organ or cell-type where the disease starts. That said, cancer is organized into these categories:

  • Carcinoma – cancer that starts in the skin
  • Sarcoma – cancer that starts in the bone or musculo-skeletal system
  • Leukemia – cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow
  • Lymphoma or myeloma – cancer that starts in the lymph system or immune system
  • Central nervous system – cancer that starts in the brain, spinal column or nervous system

Tumors exist in two states: benign and malignant. Benign means “not fatal or pernicious.” Malignant means “highly injurious, pernicious or fatal.”

More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with some type of cancer each year. Of those, more than 577,000 will die.

Causes and Risk Factors

No one really knows why some people get cancer and others don’t, so discussion is generally more focused on risk factors. Known risk factors are:

  • Age
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight
  • Exposure to chemicals and other toxins
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation (such as radioactive fallout, xrays, radon gas, etc.)
  • Some viruses and bacteria such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr, Human papilloma virus (HPV), Human immunodeficiency disorder (HIV)
  • Artificial hormone use such as medication containing estrogen and progestin (most commonly used to alleviate symptoms of menopause)
  • Family history and genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Being overweight


Cancer patients/suffers begin to get thin and this is caused by an internal “eating up” process where certain cells start attacking other cells. While an “eating up” is taking place in the body, a neoplasm characterized by the uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells invade surrounding tissue, which metastasizes.

There are no specific symptoms with cancer. However, there are signs that may mean immediate attention is needed, including:

  • Lumps
  • Skin abrasians or discoloration
  • Persistent cough
  • Change in bowel movements or urination
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Unexplained anemia
  • Hoarseness
  • Swollen glands
  • Changes to warts or moles
  • Persistent nausea, indigestion or trouble swallowing or eating
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Persistent fever
  • Non-healing sores
  • Persistent headache, muscle ache or bone ache

The Dangers of Chemotherapy and Radiation

Western medicine’s approach to treating cancer is the cut, slash and burn technique that usually involves surgery combined with radiation or chemotherapy treatment.

Chemotherapy is chemical therapy designed to kill the cancer cells. The challenge is that the immune system doesn’t always distinguish the difference between the cancer cells and healthy cells, making chemotherapy a physically difficult treatment. Side effects can be severe, including vomiting, hair loss and other issues.

Radiation is based upon the toxic element “radium oxide“, a serious poison to the human body. Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myalgia. Radiation is used under the illogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going to kill the cancerous cells of the body without harming and killing the good/beneficial cells of the body?

In the East, the doctors don’t tell the patient that they have a fatal disease and only have a certain amount of time to live. However, they do tell family members.

Healing Options

In healing cancer, first and foremost, you need a strong and positive mindset and strong will to live.


These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States. If you have an oxygen machine or ozonator and a body bag/suit, oxygenate or ozonate yourself twice daily (45-60 minutes). The oxygen or ozone will penetrate your skin and saturate your blood killing cancer cells instantly. You can also take oxygen/ozone baths daily. In these baths, you leave the machine going while in the tub. An oxygen/ozone bath should be anywhere from 1-2 hours. You can enhance this bath by adding a few pounds of sea salt (to alkalize the water) and MSM sulfur. Every glass of water should be oxygenated or ozonated in addition to being alkaline. If you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine, you may add oxygen drops (20-30 drops per glass) or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (1/8 of an ounce) to your water. You can also add these to your bath water if you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine. Oxygenated oil (Oz-Oil) can be used to rub the entire body down with so as to help oxygenate the body.


Magnets may help to shrink tumors. Magnet strength sizes 4,600 gauss to 14,000 gauss are ideal. The higher the better! Never sleep with magnets above your eyes (preventing brain ionization). The magnets should be applied to the tumor and left on.


Crystals work on the energy level where cancer begins. Crystals can cause cancer frequencies to change and thus rapidly begin the core healing aspect.


Colonics and enemas are essential in healing from cancer, especially colon and rectal cancers. Colon-cleansing herbs include Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Buckthorn, Aloe Vera resin, Rhubarb, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Jalap Root, and Glucommanan to name a few. Bentonite clay (liquid form) helps to remove heavy metal toxins from the colon as well as mucoidal plaque. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very soothing and healing to the colon. Aloe Vera juice is very alkalizing.

Dietary Intervention

A healthy diet is crucial in preventing cancer. This means eating plenty of foods that are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. This includes whole-grain breads and cereals and 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Also, a healthy diet means limiting foods high in fat (such as butter, whole milk, fried foods, and red meat).

The best foods to eat to eradicate cancer are green colored foods – kale, parsley, spinach, greens, cabbage, broccoli, etc. Greens foods are great alkaline foods saturated with nutrients. Green drinks or veggie cocktails drank daily are exceptional.


Just about all vegetables should and can be eaten. Green vegetables and vegetables with color are best! Vegetables loaded with enzymes, minerals, and other valuable nutrients. Do not cook the vegetables.


Melons are the best fruits to eat in healing from cancer followed by various berries, especially those with antioxidant properties (blueberries, Goji, lycii, elderberry, etc.). Citrus fruits, in spite of their natural acids, are very alkaline.


You will want to use blood cleansing herbs such as Echinacea (purpurea, pallida or angustifolia), Goldenseal root, Chickweed, Manjistha, Yellow Dock, Cerasee, Burdock Root and Dandelion Root. Blood cleansing herbs will also cleanse the lymphatic fluid too. You will also want to use tissue rebuilding and repairing herbs too, such as Comfrey Root, Burdock Root, Sarsaparilla and Chaparral.

Immune boosting herbs are also ideal in healing from cancer. These herbs include Suma, Ginseng, Astragalus, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D’Arco (LaPacho), Cat’s Claw, Yew Tips and Codonopsis to name a few. These herbs stimulate the body’s natural anti-cancer defenses. They increase the activity of natural killer cells, which recognize and destroy cancer cells at first sight and improve the efficacy of interferon.


Seaweeds are very oxygenating, alkalizing and nutritious. The best seaweeds to consume are Super Blue Green algae, Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse, Irish Moss and Kelp. Seaweeds will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation from radiation treatment.


You will want to use the healing and therapeutic mushrooms Reishi, Maitake and Shitake. Maitake is the most potent of the healing mushrooms. These mushrooms should be taken in extract form. These mushrooms greatly help to dissolve tumor growth.


Hydrotherapy can be used in the healing regimen for cancer. The best water to drink for healing purposes is alkaline water followed by distilled water.

VITAMIN B-17 (Laetrile)

Leatrile/Vitamin B-17 is banned in the U.S. in drug form, but it is plentiful in Wheat Grass. Drink plenty of wheat grass to get as much Vitamin B-17 as you can.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these solutions to help with cancer:

Full Body Cleanse
10 Day Blood Cleanse
10 Day Colon Cleanser
Blood & Lymphatic
Electric Greens Combo
Anti-T Formula
Alkaline Formula
Immune Formula
Immune Booster Kit
Multi-Vitamins and Minerals
Full Body Cleanse Bath Drops

Thank you for reading !


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Calculi: Kidney, Bladder, and Gall Stones Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

A vegan diet is greatly advocated for healing purposes as well as overall qualitative lifestyle purposes. Just as diet plays a role in sickness and disease, likewise it plays a role in healing and recovering from disease.


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Calculi refer to stones that are the result of poor diet and lifestyle and that develop in the kidneys, bladder, and gallbladder.

Causes and Risk Factors

A major causative factor in the development of calculi (stones) is elevated cholesterol levels, which form the basis of that which holds stones (calculi) together.

Cholesterol crystallizes and combines with bile in the gallbladder and form gallstones, which block the passage and causes a host of symptoms such as upper right abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting which usually results after eating fried or fatty foods which are very acidic and thus mucus-forming.

Animal fat from meat and dairy products crystallize with mineral salts and various acids (e.g. oxalic, uric) in the kidneys and bladder and form kidney stones and bladder stones, which obstruct the ducts to these organs and cause severe pain and inflammation.


Common symptoms among stone sufferers are:

Kidney stones

  • Pain with urination
  • Severe pain on the sides of the body and back
  • Pain that spreads to the lower abs or groin
  • Pink, red or brown urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cloudy or bad-smelling urine
  • Constant urge to urinate
  • Frequent urination
  • Fever and chills

Bladder stones

  • Blood in the urine
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Penile discomfort
  • Frequent urination
  • Trouble urinating
  • Cloudy or dark-colored urine

Gall stones

  • Pain in the right shoulder
  • Pain in between your shoulder blades
  • Sudden or intense pain in the upper right part of the abdomen
  • Sudden or intense pain in the center of the abdomen or below the sternum

Natural Healing

There are plenty of herbs that can be used to help eradicate stones in the body. Antilithic (anti-stone) herbs help prevent stone or gravel from developing and include:

By far, the greatest herb one could take for purposes of dissolving and eliminating any stone condition is Chanca Piedra, a potent South American herb (which literally means “to break stone”). A tea of this herb should be drank 2-3 times daily in addition to taking capsules of one Dherbs.Com Kidneys-Bladder and Adrenal formula Kidneys, Bladder and Adrenals.

Dietary Intervention

To improve calculus situations, there must be a change and improvement in diet.

Just as a person cannot develop high cholesterol without eating meat and dairy, a person cannot develop stones (kidney, bladder or gall) without eating meat and dairy products.

A vegan diet is greatly advocated for healing purposes as well as overall qualitative lifestyle purposes. Just as diet plays a role in sickness and disease, likewise it plays a role in healing and recovering from disease.

Make sure to drink plenty of water as water is a natural solvent and helps to dissolve hardened stones.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs.Com formulas that can assist in dissolving and eliminating calculus include:

Thank you for reading!

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Eczema Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:52 +0000

You can use cornstarch or arrowroot powder to sprinkle on the skin to help soothe the irritated skin; or, you can use cool aloe vera gel on the skin. Calendula cream orgel may also provide relief of the itching.


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Eczema is a form of dermatitis, or inflammation. Another name for eczema is atopic dermatitis. Eczema is a broad term that refers to several persistent skin conditions including dryness and reoccurring skin rashes.

There are four common types of eczemas:

  • Atopic eczema, which is an allergic disease generally found in young children.
  • Contact dermatitis, which can be caused by an allergen or an irritant.
  • Xerotic eczema, which is a condition where very dry skin becomes so serious it becomes eczema. This is most common in colder months.
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis, which is closely related to dandruff and causes peeling of the scalp, eyebrows, and face.


Eczema doesn’t have just one cause. There are many factors that affect eczema. Some of the most common reasons for eczema are:

  • Genetic factors
  • Allergies
  • Contact with skin irritants
  • Diet
  • Weather

The most common and frequently encountered allergen that causes the contact dermatitis form of eczema is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a plant that many people happen to be allergic to. When the skin comes in contact with the allergen, a rash occurs.

Nickel also is an allergen that can result in contact dermatitis. The most common cause of this is jewelry. Many brands of jewelry, especially earrings, contain nickel. If you notice a reaction from wearing a certain piece of jewelry, discontinue wearing it and try to find a piece that does not contain nickel. Gold is a safer option.

Three quarters of all eczema cases are linked to irritant exposure. That means something our skin is coming in contact with is causing the eczema. Contact eczema is curable as long as the substance that is causing the irritation is identified and avoided. Some common irritants include:

  • Fragrance in beauty products
  • Laundry detergents
  • Animal dander
  • Cleaning products
  • Soaps

Certain foods have been thought to trigger eczema as well. Two of the most common culprits are dairy and wheat products. Many people happen to be allergic to these foods and the result can be eczema.

Wheat is found in most breads, cookies, pastas, cakes, crackers, pretzels, and snack foods. It is usually the gluten in wheat that causes the allergy. Allergy to gluten is a digestive disease called Celiac Disease. People who have Celiac Disease should steer away from products containing wheat gluten. This will help to alleviate any eczema or digestive issues that have resulted. Today, there are many great gluten- free products widely available at your local grocery store.

Dairy is a common trigger of allergy as well. Dairy is found in milk, ice cream, cheeses, and yogurt. Dairy intolerance is known as Lactose intolerance. Lactose is the sugar found in cow’s milk. This allergy can cause many digestive issues and can come out in the skin as eczema. Avoiding dairy and switching to dairy- free alternatives of these foods will help to alleviate the problem.

Other less common food triggers of eczema include:

  • Seafood
  • Corn
  • Nuts
  • Soy Products
  • Eggs

By finding out what triggers affect your eczema, you can learn to control it.

Healing Eczema Naturally

Avoiding skin irritants and changing your diet can be the two simplest ways to control your eczema. Cleansing the body with proper foods is a great way to start. Start by eating more raw, unprocessed foods. Dark colored vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals and will help to detoxify your body.

Find out your triggers and learn to eliminate them from your life. This will alleviate your eczema and help you to heal.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs recommends several products that will assist you in detoxifying your body and helping with your eczema. Some great products to try are:

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com.


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Throat Problems Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:49 +0000

Throat problems often result from problems with the lymphatic system, mucous membranes, and/or inflammation (mucus), especially mucus. Physically, a swollen throat means that certain things in your body are taxed, particularly your spleen (which correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes, with the culprit being mucus. Itchy, Irritated […]


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Throat problems often result from problems with the lymphatic system, mucous membranes, and/or inflammation (mucus), especially mucus.

Physically, a swollen throat means that certain things in your body are taxed, particularly your spleen (which correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes, with the culprit being mucus.

Itchy, Irritated Throat, and Hoarseness

An itchy and irritated throat suggests mucus accumulation. Hoarseness (of a person’s voice) is sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or shouting.

Even when singers develop hoarseness (a symptom of laryngitis), it’s a sign that the voice needs to be given a rest.

Itchiness, scratchiness, and irritation of the throat may also denote presence of the physical manifestation of a sexually transmitted disease. Usually, when there is STD-related itchiness and irritation of the throat, it is due to performance of oral sex on a partner infected with a venereal disease or sexually transmitted disease (i.e. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or trichomoniasis). It is also a sign that the defense or immune system is taxed or debilitated.

Difficulty in Swallowing

When there is painful swallowing, it’s usually because the throat is inflamed, called tonsillitis. It is a sign that you should abstain from eating solid foods and consider fasting to give the throat a break or rest, especially from talking.

Individuals born under the astrological sign of ‘Taurus’ (between April 20 and May 20) are greatly prone to throat problems as the throat is located in the neck (upper region) and the sign Taurus governs the neck, so Taureans are prone to neck problems, thyroid problems, and throat problems.

A swollen throat means that certain things in your body were taxed, particularly your spleen (correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes.


It may not appear or seem like it, but your tonsils have a specific purpose. They are part of your lymphatic system and corresponds to your defense or immune system.

The greatest health challenge of the tonsil is ‘tonsillitis,’ which basically means ‘inflammation of the tonsil.’ When there is tonsillitis, it only means the tonsil is inflamed due to unhealthy mucus accumulation.

Tonsillitis is a condition of mucus trapped in the tonsil and thus obstructing the mucous membranes of the tonsils. There is healthy mucus (clear in nature) and there is unhealthy mucus (thick and green-yellowish in nature).

Tonsillitis is greatly reversible. All you have to do is remove the mucus obstructing the tonsil as well as the mucus in the entire body.

If you suffer from tonsillitis, there are alternatives to surgery. Take herbs and change your diet in accordance with maxim of the Order of Hippocrates: “let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.”

Strep Throat

Strep Throat is another adverse condition of the throat and is basically ‘tonsillitis’ or a symptom of it.

In both ‘tonsillitis’ and ‘strep throat’ we have the presence of a form of parasite (Streptococcus) that travels in the blood and clearly houses itself in an unhealthy mucus environment in a localized area of the body, in the case of strep throat, the throat.

In both tonsillitis and strep throat, the throat is diffusely red (due to inflammation), and tonsils often are covered with a yellow or white exudate (due to mucus).


Laryngitis is medically defined as: “Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the larynx, accompanied by edema of the vocal cords with hoarseness or loss of voice, occurring as an acute disorder caused by a cold, by irritating fumes, by sudden temperature changes, or as a chronic condition resulting from excessive use of the voice, heavy smoking, or exposure to irritating fumes. In acute laryngitis, there may be a cough, and the throat usually feels scratchy and painful.” – Mosby’s supra, pg. 677

Throat Cancer

Throat cancer can result from various circumstances and for various reasons. Habits (bad habits) are perhaps the biggest cause of the physical manifestation of throat cancer.

Smoking is a leading cause of throat cancer. The 700+ dangerous ingredients, especially the coal tar, in cigarettes does great harm and damage to the throat, causing cellular degeneration and necrosis in throat.

Drink Devil’s Brew (alcohol) also does great damage to the throat. Like coffee, it too burns the tissues of the throat despite not being hot like coffee. Alcohol greatly burns the tissues of the body and enhances necrosis (degeneration of the tissues).

Coffee burns everything in the body (unless it is drank at room temperature). It can damage the esophagus (and is actually reported to be the number one cause of cancer of the esophagus).

Using chemical-grade oral hygiene products (i.e. mouthwash, oral rinse) can be harmful due to their containing of alcohol and artificial sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame as well as containing petroleum-based dyes (i.e. Blue Lake, Green Lake, etc.).

Healing Throat Problems Naturally


A sore throat can be healed by gargling with warm water (1 cup), lime or lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and sea salt (a pinch). Just add the water, juice, and salt in a cup, stir, and pour into mouth and gargle (do not swallow). This can be performed throughout the day. Though optional, you can add one drop of essential oil of Eucalyptus to this solution.


Demulcent herbs are also ideal in healing throat and tonsil problems. Demulcent herbs are soothing, coating, and mucilaginous in nature and that protect irritated and inflamed tissue. These herbs include Mullein Leaf, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm Bark, Irish Moss, and Plantain.

Other herbs for throat and tonsil conditions include Lobelia, Licorice Root, Eucalyptus, White Pine Bark, and Wild Cherry Bark.

Echinacea Root and Goldenseal Root are always helpful in healing situations and can be consumed as well.

These herbs supra are best consumed in tea or extract (tincture) form. Licorice Root and Mullein Leaf tea are the best herbal teas to drink throughout the day.

Natural cough syrup

A natural cough syrup (which utilizes natural ingredients such as herbs, glycerin, honey, etc.) is far better to use than any commercial-grade cough syrup, some of which contains alcohol.

If you must have a cough syrup and the brand you purchase contains honey, this is far better than what you’d find in a pharmacy or drug store. Just remember that honey is predigested bee food (excrement, regurgitation) and it should never be given to children under the age of two.

Steam therapy

Steam inhalation is also ideal in healing. You can boil a pot of water on the stove top or purchase a small steamer and add 2-3 drops of essential oils of Eucalyptus, Pine Bark, and/or Camphor to the water and simply inhale for a few minutes (10-20 minutes max).


Because light blue or sky blue crystals and gemstones emit a soothing and pacifying frequency, these stones are ideal to use in all inflammation conditions. Blue, especially light or sky blue, is soothing in nature so simply place a stone of this color on your lower neck (about an inch or inch and a half under your Adam’s apple) while lying down for approximately 30 minutes.

Blue is the antidote to red and remember, inflammation’s frequency is red, so blue (light/sky blue) counteracts red and is thus healing in all conditions where there is inflammation or burning.

Light or sky blue-colored crystals and gemstones include Turquoise, Blue Calcite, Dolphin Stone (Larimar), Blue Lace Agate, Aqua Aura Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Angelite, Celestite, and Tanzanite.

You can also make a gemstone elixir with these crystals/gemstones above (all of them or simply one of them) by place them in a glass of distilled water and allowing them to sit over night (preferable with exposure to moonlight which has a healing frequency).

You can also wrap a blue or light-blue colored scarf around your neck when there’s a problem with the throat so as to stimulate healing. You can wear the scarf when out in public or while at home lying down on the bed.

Cough drops

Cough drops can be helpful, however, just make sure the brand does not contain harmful ingredients, i.e. man-made menthol, saccharin, aspartame, sugar, etc.

Despite a few minor ingredients, Zand and Riccola brands offer the best cough drops available on the commercial health food market. If you can do without cough drops, by all means do so.

Dietary Intervention

Diet is always important in healing. While healing, abstain from all meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches, boxed/jarred orange juice, coffee, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, junk foods, etc. These are all mucus forming due to being acid-forming.

Drink plenty of good water too. The best waters to drink are alkaline water (available at health food stores), distilled water, and spring water in this order.

Water can also be made more alkaline via alkaline drops (also sold at health food stores).

Chew on licorice sticks if you can find them or have access to them. Licorice sticks are medicine for the throat, especially the vocal cords. Simply suck and chew them throughout the day for as long as you like.

Dherbs Solutions compounds or formulas ideal for healing throat and tonsil problems, including:

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Acid Reflux: Heartburn Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:43 +0000 Acid Reflux Heartburn

Antacids are toxic and harmful to the body. Acid reflux is one of the easiest things to heal from when you know what causes it. It is so caustic it can actually burn through or eat through the tissues of the GI tract. On a metaphysical level, it may also denote anger in your heart. Anger has red energy and red is the color of fire or inflammation.


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Acid Reflux Heartburn

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn and esophageal reflux, is medically defined as “A painful burning sensation in the esophagus just below the sternum”. Heartburn is usually caused by the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus but may be caused by gastric hyperacidity or peptic ulcer.

Under normal conditions, the sphincter muscle of the esophagus prevents acid-containing stomach contents from being regurgitated back into the esophagus but if the muscle becomes lazy or perhaps relaxed, then acid reflux or heartburn can occur.

Acid Reflux Causes and Risk Factors

Acid reflux is one of the easiest things to heal from when you know what causes it. It is caused by consuming excessive amounts of acid-forming products (food and drink) which disturbs the natural acidity levels of the GI tract.

Consuming too much acid-forming food or beverages such as meat, dairy products, refined grains, refined starches, and other processed and refined food-stuffs including acidic and effervescent beverages (i.e. soda pop, beer, wine, milk, processed orange juice, coffee, hot cocoa, etc.) throws off the acidity levels of the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract.

Acid Reflux Symptoms

When this acidic content attempts to exit via the mouth, a burning sensation is felt (in the lower heart area which is why acid reflux is also called heartburn). It is so caustic it can actually burn through or eat through the tissues of the GI tract causing ulcers, especially peptic ulcers.

If you also experiencing a nasty, bitter, or acerbic taste in your mouth during your bout with acid reflux, you are simply tasting the acidic contents of the esophagus.

Healing Acid Reflux (Heartburn) Naturally

Acid reflux is nothing but a condition of hyperacidity due to poor diet. People are harming themselves by way of what they consume.

Medical authorities state that antacids help acid reflux and heartburn is because antacids are calcium-based and calcium is the most alkaline mineral in the body and it naturally counteracts and neutralizes acidity. That’s why they are called antacids, meaning ‘anti acid.’

Antacids can offer symptomatic relief, but many commercial antacids can cause as much harm as good when used extensively over time.

Some lifestyle behaviors, such as smoking or being stressed out, can also increase body acidity.

To relieve acid reflux naturally, change your diet, stop smoking and develop stress relief strategies to help manage your body’s chemistry in a healthy way.

Dietary Intervention

Cut back on or outright cut out acidic foods and beverages (like those listed above). With so many healthy food options, there’s no excuse to not do better or improve pertaining to diet.

Acidic foods are:

  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Refined grains
  • Refined starches
  • Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages
  • Hot chocolate or cocoa
  • Energy drinks

Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, especially mango and papaya. However, do not eat a lot of citrus fruit due to the acidity they contain (even though it’s a healthy acidity). Good acid mixed with bad acid creates confusion in the body.

Drink vegetable juice daily. Vegetable juice is alkaline and will neutralize the acidity level of your GI (gastro-intestinal) tract. You don’t need antacids! Vegetable juice will work better than OTC (over-the-counter) antacids, which pollute the bloodstream.

Add 1-2 ounces of Aloe Vera juice to your drinking water. Liquid chlorophyll (1 tablespoon or 1 ounce) is also good to add to your drinking water.

Start drinking alkaline water. It’s best to simply purchase an alkaline water machine.

Stop consuming acidic products and start consuming more ALKALINE foods like raw fruits and vegetables.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs solutions include:

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