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Necessary for healthy thyroid function, DNA production, and reproductive health, selenium is a nutrient that everyone needs to stay healthy.


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Naturally found in many foods, selenium is considered to be one of the primary “essential” nutrients that the body needs. This means that the body cannot produce selenium by itself, and it is our responsibility to obtain it from dietary sources. While selenium isn’t a nutrient that is often discussed, it is a vital trace mineral that contributes to eye, joint, heart, immune, thyroid, and reproductive health.

What Is Selenium?

When it was first discovered in 1817 by a Swedish chemist, selenium was thought to be toxic. In the 1950s, scientists discovered that selenium was an essential trace mineral, and doctors began researching selenium’s tumor-fighting properties in animals by the 1960s. Selenium only needs to be consumed in small amounts, despite the large role it plays in bodily health. The recommended daily intake (RDI) for the average adult is about 55 micrograms per day, but some people require more, depending on health needs.

Where Can You Get Selenium?

Selenium is naturally available in both plant-based and animal-based foods. The selenium content of plant-based foods depends on the amount of selenium in the soil where the plants were grown. The amount of selenium in animal products depends on the selenium content of the foods the animals consumed. The selenium content of soil varies around the world, for example, both Chinese and Russian soil is naturally low in selenium. The lower selenium content may explain the high percentages of osteoarthritis and cardiomyopathy in these regions.

Why Do You Need Selenium?

Scientific studies have determined that selenium helps to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, selenium may also counteract the harmful effects of heavy metals and slow the rate of cognitive decline. Let’s explore five amazing benefits of selenium below.

Benefits The Thyroid

Selenium is necessary for a healthy thyroid gland, and this may be attributed to the fact that there is more selenium in thyroid tissue than any other organ in the body. A healthy thyroid helps to regulate metabolism and development, while an unhealthy thyroid may lead to weight gain, slow metabolism, and hormonal imbalance. Studies have shown that women with low selenium levels in the blood have an increased risk of thyroid problems. While initial research shows that selenium protects the thyroid gland from oxidative stress, more research needs to be done to understand selenium’s full effects on thyroid health.

Slows Cognitive Decline

Blood selenium levels naturally decrease with age, and scientists are researching the relationship between lower selenium levels and cognitive decline in the elderly. Some studies have revealed that people with lower blood selenium levels have an increased risk of developing cognitive troubles. Other studies have concluded that selenium may improve the memory of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Nutritional research found that people who follow a Mediterranean diet, which is comprised of high-selenium foods like nuts, oils, and seafood, have a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s.

Boosts Immune Function

Selenium is an essential trace mineral and antioxidant that plays an important role in immune health. Since antioxidants help reduce inflammation by combatting oxidative stress, it is the belief that low selenium levels contribute to reduced immune response. Selenium-rich foods may benefit people who suffer from hepatitis C, tuberculosis, and influenza.

Selenium And HIV

As we previously mentioned, selenium can help enhance immune function, and a healthy immune system is essential for combatting HIV. It is known that selenium levels drop as the HIV infection progresses, but recent studies have found that selenium supplementation may benefit HIV patients. A study in Botswana, which consisted of 878 HIV-positive people, found that daily intake of a multivitamin with selenium supplements helped slow the progression of HIV symptoms. A different study found that HIV-positive patients who took 200 micrograms of selenium per day suppressed the amount of the virus present in their blood.

Reduces Asthma Symptoms

When the airways become inflamed and narrow, one can experience symptoms like chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Asthma patients have inflamed airways and increased levels of oxidative stress. Due to selenium’s ability to reduce inflammation, preliminary studies suggest that it may help reduce asthma-related symptoms. Since people with asthma tend to have lower blood selenium levels, it may be beneficial for asthma patients to consume more selenium-rich foods.

If your goal is to consume more selenium, it is best to obtain this mineral from plant-based foods. The following foods are excellent sources of selenium.

  • Brazil nuts (1 brazil nut contains 75 mcg of selenium)
  • Shiitake mushrooms (1/3 cup contains 18 mcg of selenium)
  • Chia seeds (1 oz. contains 15 mcg of selenium)
  • Lima & pinto beans (1 cooked cup contains 10 mcg of selenium)
  • Broccoli (1 cup contains 2.5 mcg of selenium)
  • Flaxseeds (2 tsp. contains 4 mcg of selenium)
  • Sunflower seeds (1/4 cup contains 19 mcg of selenium)
  • Brown rice (1 cup contains 19 mcg of selenium)
  • Cabbage (1 cup contains 3.5 mcg of selenium)
  • Spinach (1 cup contains 3 mcg of selenium)


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AIDS and HIV Fri, 12 Jul 2013 09:25:51 +0000

No has ever died from AIDS in and of itself. Facts show Acquired Immune Deficiency is the biggest medical hoax ever. Acquiring another person's immune deficiency is like acquiring another person's blindness, appendicitis, or inflamed liver.


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HIV / AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by a virus. It is an incredibly devastating disease, both because of its physical manifestations and the lingering social stigma. HIV / AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a relatively recent disease that has had an explosive impact on the global community.

The disease was first recognized in 1981, and since then has spread with incredible rapidity throughout the world. According to one health report, approximately 34 million people had HIV in 2010. Of those, approximately 16.8 are women and 3.4 million are younger than fifteen. Since 1981, AIDS has led to nearly 30 million deaths.

Causes and Risk Factors

HIV is transmitted via certain bodily fluids. It is most commonly transmitted via unprotected sex (including oral and anal sex). It can also be transferred from hypodermic needles, contaminated blood transfusions, and from mother to child during pregnancy. Certain bodily fluids such as saliva and tears do not transmit HIV.


There are a few different stages to the disease: acute infection, clinical latency, and then AIDS.

Acute Infection

The period immediately following the contraction is called acute infection. This period tends to last one to two weeks, but varies per individual. Because these symptoms are similar to more common infectious diseases, HIV is frequently misdiagnosed during this time. Symptoms during this period include:

  • Influenza-like illness
  • Fever
  • Large tender lymph nodes
  • Throat inflammation
  • Rash
  • Nausea

Clinical Latency

Without treatment, this period can last anywhere from three years to more than twenty, with an average of about eight years. Generally there are few symptoms at the beginning of the period, but at the end people develop symptoms such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Muscle pains
  • Gastrointestinal problems


AIDS develops when the CD4+T helper lymphocyte cell numbers drops below 200 cells per uL. At this point, the immune system is so weak that many other diseases such as various cancers (Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma) and pneumonia.

HIV causes AIDS by depleting the CD4+ cell count. T lymphocytes are crucial for the immune system. Without them, the body cannot effectively fight off diseases, which is why there is such a high occurrence of other sicknesses during AIDS.


Doctors believe there is no medical cure for Aids and HIV. Dherbs believes the body can heal itself, given the opportunity.

Doctors frequently prescribe “cocktails” or combinations of multiple antiviral drugs to combat the specific symptoms. Unfortunately many of these medications also bring debilitating side effects.


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