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This is a gentle face and body scrub made with coffee, oats, and vanilla essential oil. Coffee and oats help naturally exfoliate the skin.


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Did you ever think of putting coffee grounds on your skin? Did you have the same thought about oats? If you did, then you clicked on the right article! This homemade face and body scrub is incredibly easy to make and helps nourish the skin. Learning about the different uses of ingredients, especially foods, can open your world to exciting possibilities. Plus, there are many benefits to scrubbing different foods on the skin. 

Is Coffee Good For Your Skin?

In short, yes, or it is possible that caffeine encourages healthier skin. A 2013 study found that caffeic acid, an antioxidant in coffee, may enhance collagen production, which works to reduce signs of aging. A separate study from 2015 found a link between drinking coffee and reduced signs of “photoaging.” In the case of the study, photoaging referred to pigmented spots and wrinkles. 

There is one caveat about coffee and cosmetics. Most coffee-related research focuses on drinking coffee or using cosmetic products that contain caffeine. Most studies do not focus on coffee scrubs, so it is difficult to generalize the results of these studies in relation to the coffee scrub in this article. That said, there is likely no harm in using a coffee scrub on your body. Much like other exfoliants, coffee scrubs can help:

Are Oats Good For The Skin?

Much like coffee, oats are best known for their culinary uses. Oats have been a cultivated food source for humans for over 3,000 years. Some researchers note that the oldest cultivated oat grains date back to the early Bronze Age. Despite the mass consumption of oats, people have used them for a variety of cosmetic purposes, including natural skin cleansers. One of the primary benefits of oats is that they help to hydrate and nourish dry skin. Many studies show that skin care products containing oatmeal can reduce skin dryness and associated symptoms, such as itching, flaking, or tightness. In addition to keeping the skin well-hydrated, oats also help to balance the skin’s pH. Oats are essentially a pH buffer, helping your skin maintain a healthy pH of around 5.0.

Does Avocado Oil Encourage Healthier Skin?

Avocado is naturally rich in vitamin E, potassium, and lecithin, all of which work to nourish and moisturize the skin. The skin’s outermost layer, the epidermis, can easily absorb these nutrients, which can encourage the formation of healthy, new skin. The antioxidants in avocado oil may help to repair damaged skin or soothe irritated skin and redness. That makes avocado oil a helpful ingredient for people with psoriasis or eczema. Finally, some studies have suggested that avocado oil may help ease the symptoms of sunburn. A 2011 review of studies found that the vitamin E, protein, essential fatty acids, and beta-carotene in avocado oil help soothe the skin and encourage healing. 

DIY Face And Body Scrub

Ingredients For Coffee Infused Oil:

  • 1 cup avocado oil
  • 1/2 cup coffee grounds

Ingredients For Scrub:

  • 8 tablespoons coffee grounds
  • 4 tablespoons oats
  • 4 tablespoons coffee infused oil
  • 20 drops vanilla essential oil


  • To make the coffee infused oil, put the coffee grounds into a glass jar and pour the avocado oil into the jar. Screw the lid on and let it sit in the sun for a few weeks, shaking every so often. 
  • After a few weeks, strain the oil through a cheesecloth and save the strained oil to make the scrub. 
  • Add the coffee grounds and oatmeal to a blender or food processor and blend until you get a fine powder. 
  • Pour in the blended mixture into a bowl and then add in the coffee infused oil and essential oil. Mix well until you achieve an even consistency. 
  • To use, mix this scrub with a little water and spread over your face and body. Rinse with lukewarm water and then finish your skin care routine.


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These 5 Exercises Are Great For Lower Back Pain Thu, 15 Aug 2024 09:16:00 +0000

Certain exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the lower back, which can help reduce pain and prevent injury.


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Weak muscles, especially the ones in the pelvis and core, can lead to injury or back pain. You may experience low back pain when sitting, standing, getting up, or engaging in everyday activities. It can interfere with your daily life and cause you to be in a constant state of discomfort. According to research, though, strengthening these muscles may help treat lower back pain

The various exercises that we’ll tell you how to do in this article may help you manage pain and prevent injury. As with any exercise, make sure that you don’t push it too far, or else you may increase the risk of causing more pain. Listen to your body and stop doing a specific movement if you feel pain. Doing too much too fast can increase pain and delay the healing process. Continue reading to learn about great exercises for lower back pain.

Drawing-In Maneuver

The transverse abdominis is the muscle that wraps around the midline and works to support the abdomen and spine. It can help stabilize the spinal joints and prevent injury during regular movement. To engage in the exercise:

  • Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor about a foot or so away from your buttocks. Relax your arms by your sides. 
  • Take a deep breath in and exhale fully, pulling your belly button toward your spine. During this process, engage your abdominal muscles without tilting your hips. 
  • Hold this position for five seconds and then repeat for a total of five times.

Lying Lateral Leg Raises

The hip abductor muscles, which run along the outsides of the thighs, help move the legs away from the body. They also support the pelvis when you stand on one leg. If these muscles are weak, they can affect mobility and balance, and increase the risk of lower back pain. To do the exercise:

  • Lie on your right side, stacking your left leg on top of your right. You can prop your head up with your right hand and rest your elbow on the ground for support. 
  • Engage your core by drawing your belly button up toward your spine. 
  • Raise your left leg up without moving the rest of the body and hold for two seconds at the top. 
  • Repeat for a total of 10 reps and then perform on the other side. Complete three sets on each side. 

Glute Bridges

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the buttocks and one of the strongest muscles in the entire body. It is responsible for hip movement, including hip extension activities like squats. If your glutes are weak, you may experience back pain because they help stabilize the hip joints and lower back. To do the exercise:

  • Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor about six inches away from your buttocks. Relax your arms by your sides. Your fingertips should almost touch your heels. 
  • Engage your glutes and press your feet firmly into the floor as you lift your buttocks off the ground in a slow, controlled motion. At the apex of the position, your body should be in a straight line from your hips to your shoulders. 
  • Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and then slowly lower your body down to the starting position. Repeat for a total of 15 times. Complete a total of three sets, resting for one minute between each set.

Partial Abdominal Crunch

The abdominal muscles help support the spine, and strong abs can help maintain proper hip alignment. That can increase overall core strength and stability. To do the exercise:

  • Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor about a foot or so away from your buttocks.
  • Cross your hands over your chest and take a deep breath in. During your exhale, contract your abdominals by pulling your belly button toward your spine. 
  • Slowly lift your shoulders off the ground several inches. Don’t pull your head up with your hands. Keep your neck in line with your spine and avoid rounding your back. 
  • Return to the starting position and repeat for a total of 10 times. Complete three sets of 10.


Back extensors run along the spine and help you maintain an upright position. They support the spine and pelvic bones and allow you to arch your back. If this exercise increases pain, though, stop it altogether. To do the exercise:

  • Lie face down with your arms extended out in front of you and legs long. 
  • Lift your hands and feet about six inches off the ground, or until you feel a contraction in your lower back. 
  • Engage your core muscles by lifting your belly button away from the floor. Reach your hands away from your feet and make sure to look at the floor during the exercise to avoid neck pain. 
  • Hold for two seconds before returning to the starting position. Complete a total of 10 times.


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Do You Have “Office Chair Butt”? How Sitting Can Affect Your Glutes Thu, 08 Aug 2024 09:18:00 +0000

Yes, “office chair butt” is a real thing, and it results from sitting too much. Sitting can affect the overall look and health of your glutes.


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In case you are not up to date on TikTok trends, “office chair butt” is a real thing. That term has sparked discussion amongst content creators, who speculate whether sitting at work can negatively affect the strength and appearance of a person’s buttocks, or glute muscles. A few videos talking about “office chair butt” have gained millions of views. This is just on TikTok, but do these content creators have a legitimate fear?

Can Sitting Too Long Damage Your Glutes?

Although “office chair butt” may be a common phrase, it does not have a real medical meaning or definition. Sitting for prolonged periods, however, can negatively affect your butt. Sitting in a chair for hours, days, weeks, months, and years, like most people do, can decondition your glutes and cause muscle loss. 

When the body is sedentary, muscles are not engaging or working. That is true for all muscles and not only the glutes. Over time, not working these muscles can cause them to weaken, and weakened muscles can be infiltrated by fatty tissue, which makes them less resilient. Excessive sitting can also alter the appearance of the muscles. That results in the classic “flat butt” appearance because the muscle is replaced with adipose tissue (fat). Basically, the body molds to the shape of the chair, and excessive sitting may even cause hip and back pain because of tightened muscles. 

Does Sitting Injure The Glutes?

Although sitting for extended periods may weaken muscles and alter the appearance of the butt, it doesn’t harm the glutes directly. Weak gluteal muscles, though, can increase the risk of muscle strain, especially on the muscles in the back and thighs. If someone sits in the same position for a very long time, it is possible that their butt bones can put too much pressure on the gluteal muscles. That is quite rare, though. 

If you experience pain from sitting for long periods of time, you may have “dead butt syndrome,” not office chair butt. Pain in the glutes can stem from sciatica or tendinopathy, a tendon injury in one of the gluteal muscles. “Dead butt” can also refer to gluteal amnesia or issues with your muscles’ ability to contract after long periods of sitting. 

Activating your muscles is easier the more you activate them. If you sit down all day, the muscles are not being activated, so you feel the effects of sitting a lot more. When you do end up using those muscles, they may not be as reliable as they once were. The “dead butt” weakness usually comes with tingling, numbness, or pain. If you experience these symptoms, consult your healthcare provider or consider physical therapy and training to start activating and using these muscles. 

How Do You Prevent Office Chair Butt?

If you have a sedentary job or you tend to sit for long periods, you are at risk of developing office chair butt. Women may be more likely to develop office chair butt, as a higher percentage of women have jobs that require them to sit for long periods of time. The same goes for older and middle-aged people, who have collectively spent more hours sitting at work. 

Like many chronic health conditions, office chair butt can be avoided. The best way to prevent it is to stay active and activate the glutes throughout the day. If you don’t have a standing desk, you can get up every hour and engage in 20 squats. You can also activate your muscles while you are sitting. You can do some glutei squeezes or calf raises every 15 minutes or so. Outside of the office, you can do clamshells, glute bridges, squats, and step-ups to increase glute strength. Just make sure that you execute the exercises with proper form, as improper form can increase the risk of injury.

Practicing a few healthy behaviors can help you avoid office chair butt. However, all butts are not the same and we celebrate the different shapes and sizes of every butt. The goal is just to promote glutei health and overall health. Engaging in exercise or small movements throughout the day can not only help promote healthy glutes, but also improve self-esteem and overall fitness.


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3-Ingredient Homemade Facial Moisturizer Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:11:00 +0000

Customize your facial moisturizer to your skin’s needs. Keep that glow alive with a simple blend of carrier oils and essential oils.


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Making your own beauty or skin care products does not mean your home has to look like a science experiment. You don’t need beakers of sweet almond oil, gallons of olive oil, tubs of shea butter, and essential oil dropper bottles around the house. A few simple ingredients can take you far on your journey toward a more natural skin care routine. The homemade facial moisturizer in this article is an easy entry point, provided you’ve been looking to get started.

Oils Moisturizing 101

To moisturize with oils may be counterintuitive for some people, especially if you have oily skin. Well, we are about to change your life. Your skin is most likely oily because it doesn’t get the moisture it requires. It likely over-produces oil to compensate for the lack of moisture. Before you just dunk your hand in a vat of oil, though, keep in mind that certain oils benefit facial skin, while others do not. That isn’t to say you cannot use them on your body, but facial skin is delicate and requires the right ingredients. 

Start With Your Base Oil

Before we get started on your base oil, just keep in mind that you should never moisturize a dirty face. Always cleanse your face in some way before you moisturize. Your base oil is your carrier oil, which makes up two-thirds of the facial moisturizer. Great carrier oils for all skin types are argan oil and jojoba oil. Not only are both of these oils very light and nourishing, but they are easily absorbed by the skin, so they don’t leave a greasy residue. Other oils you can choose from include:

  • Apricot kernel oil: Great for any skin type, especially dry, normal, or aging skin.
  • Sweet almond oil: This is an all-around great oil for the skin, but it takes a little longer to sink in than others.
  • Avocado oil: Great for dry or aging skin
  • Grapeseed oil: Great for oily, normal, or acne-prone skin.

Extra Nourishing Oils

For your second ingredient, you want to add a nourishing oil that builds on the benefits of your base oil. Some of these oils come with a hefty price tag, but they last a long time and have the benefits to boot. Here are some ideas for nourishing oils to add to your moisturizer:

  • Rosehip seed oil: Known for its firming and anti-aging abilities, this oil is incredibly regenerating and great for dry and aging skin.
  • Evening primrose oil: Whether you have acne-prone, normal, aging, or oily skin, this oil can help even out complexion and fight acne. 
  • Tamanu oil: This is a wonderful oil for oily or acne-prone skin, or even skin with lots of scars. 
  • Carrot seed oil: You don’t need a lot of this oil, which is superb for any skin type
  • Sea buckthorn oil: A powerfully nourishing that benefits people with aging or dry skin. 

Add Your Essentials

Essential oils are potent, so a little goes a long way. There are so many essential oils with varying benefits, so it can be hard to choose which one to add to your DIY skin care products. Some are more intense, so always do a patch test on your arm and wait 24 hours to see if you develop a reaction before applying to the face. Never apply essential oils directly to the skin, as they require dilution to reduce intensity. Some great essential oils include:

  • Chamomile essential oil: This is wonderfully soothing and great for all skin types, but it can be a bit expensive.
  • Rose essential oil: A fairly inexpensive essential oil, rose is great for dry, normal, or aging skin. It is also possible to find this mixed with jojoba oil
  • Lavender essential oil: Great for acne-prone, oily, or dry skin, lavender is quite healing, but just remember that a little goes a long way.
  • Peppermint essential oil: great for oily or acne-prone skin, peppermint is very astringent, so it may tingle the skin. 
  • Lemongrass essential oil: This oil may help brighten and tone the skin, and is beneficial for oily or normal skin. 

Homemade Facial Moisturizer


  • Base oil (such as argan oil or jojoba oil)
  • Nourishing oil (such as rosehip seed oil or tamanu oil)
  • 4-7 drops essential oil of choice


  • Fill a small four-ounce bottle two-thirds of the way full with your base oil. 
  • Add your bonus nourishing oil until the bottle is just about full. If you use carrot seed oil, just put a few drops in. 
  • Add four to seven drops of essential oil, screw on the cap, and shake well to combine. Make sure to shake the bottle before every use. 
  • Keep the moisturizer in an amber-glass bottle in a cool, dark place for eight to 12 months.


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Tips To Help You Prevent Sunburn This Summer Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:10:00 +0000

How do you avoid a sunburn during the summer? Learn how to care for you skin and keep it safe from the sun with these helpful tips.


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Although it’s not officially summer, the sun is out and the weather is warming up. That means that your exposure to UVB rays from the sun is inevitable. These rays cause the skin to redden and blister if you don’t take the proper measures to protect your skin. Allowing the sun to damage the outer protective layers of the skin increases the risk of dry skin and skin cancer. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) said that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer at one point during their lifetime. 

There’s nothing like a relaxing day in the sun. While it’s important to swim in the lake or ocean, get a tan, throw a football, and enjoy snacks outside, it’s equally as important to protect the skin while outside the water. You may find it shocking that a recent study found that 46% of Americans never wear sunscreen. The same study revealed that 62% of Americans use anti-aging products. This is strange, considering that sun-damaged skin looks older, as too much sun exposure damages the outer layers of the skin. It’s actually better to apply a natural sunscreen daily to keep the skin looking young and healthy. 

Summer is around the corner, which means that sunburns are as well. The sun can burn your skin quickly if you are not prepared. Keep the following tips in mind to help you prevent sunburn this summer

Be Selective About Your Outdoor Time

If you want to keep your skin healthy and safe, avoid time in the direct heat, which tends to occur during peak sun hours. Generally speaking, peak sun hours range from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but these times may vary upon your location. If you are out on the lake or on the beach, water reflects the sun’s rays, giving you more sun exposure. Not only does spending time in peak heat increase the risk of sunburn, but it also makes you prone to dehydration. If you have to be in the sun during peak hours, wear sunscreen, light clothing, and a hat for extra protection. 

Apply Sunscreen At The Right Time

There are sunscreens that are both gentler on your skin and eco-friendly. They are reef-safe, meaning that they don’t damage the coral, which is dying or already dead in most areas of the ocean. Apply sunscreen about 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. This allows the sunscreen time to set on the skin, and you won’t start sweating it off immediately in the sun. You should also choose a lip balm with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. 

Wear Sunscreen Responsibly

To piggyback on the aforementioned tip, you should wear the right type of sunscreen. If you are going to spend time near or in the water, purchase water-resistant sunscreen, otherwise it will wash away easily. Another thing to consider is that you should apply enough sunscreen to fill a shot glass when you first apply. Additionally, opt for non-spray sunscreens for your children. According to the FDA, spray sunscreens are discouraged for children because the chemicals can be inhaled and cause respiratory problems. Many people think that spray sunscreens are easier to apply, but they don’t apply enough and it’s easier to miss spots. 

Don’t Be Shy, Accessorize

Hats and sunglasses are your friends during the warmer summer months. While a regular baseball cap may suit you on a slightly sunny day, a hat with a wide brim that goes around the hat is best for peak heat sun time. Sun hats and farmer/beach hats offer wonderful protection for your ears, neck, and face. While all sunglasses are beneficial, sunglasses that have polarized lenses with 99-100% UV protection better protect your eyes and the surrounding skin.

Seek Shade When Possible

Naturally, an efficient way to avoid sunburn is to seek out shade. Depending on how shady the area is, though, you may still need to apply a layer of sunscreen for protection, especially if you are prone to sunburn. If you have fair skin, 15 minutes of direct sun exposure can lead to sunburn. A good rule of thumb is to spend at least as much time under cover as you do in the sun. 


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Turn Back Time With These Anti-Aging Oils Fri, 28 Jun 2024 08:46:00 +0000

There are easy self-care tips that can help contribute to youthful, glowing skin. Experiment with these effective anti-aging oils.


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Have you looked in the mirror lately, only to see that your skin does not look as young as it once did? That is the curse of time, folks, but you do not have to feel ashamed. Aging is a natural part of life, but it can hurt your soul to see wrinkles or fine lines. Fortunately, there are nourishing ingredients that can help give your skin a healthy, youthful glow. And you don’t have to spend a fortune on these items, either!

Most people spin a lot of plates at once, so they don’t have time (or can’t afford) monthly facials and other self-care luxuries. What if you didn’t have to leave your house to nourish your skin with magical elixirs? Could you get behind that wheel? If so, then you need to familiarize yourself with various oils that help give your skin a nice dewy glow. The thought of putting oil on the skin might seem strange, but certain oils can actually help clean out pores, moisturize, and prevent the skin from producing excess oil.

What Does The Skin Crave After Age 40?

Your skin craves different things as you go through life. During adolescence and into your 20s, you do your best to control oil production and breakouts. Once you reach your 30s, collagen and elastin levels start to decline. That causes skin to lose its plumpness without proper hydration

When you hit your 40s, you may see wrinkles, fine lines, and even dark spots. Dryness around the eyes, neck, and lips is quite common, and your complexion craves nourishment to fight off environmental damage. After age 50, the skin becomes thinner and more prone to irritation. Your goals during this time are to minimize loss of firmness and prolong cell turnover. You want to prevent moisture loss at all costs. 

Benefits Of Using Natural Oils

Oils help provide essential nutrients that protect the skin from dehydration. Some of the key benefits of using oils include:

  • Sealing in moisture to prevent dryness
  • Helping other products penetrate the skin more easily
  • Absorbing into the skin without leaving a greasy appearance
  • Increasing collagen production to increase firmness
  • Soothing inflammation and irritation
  • Delivering antioxidants to help reverse signs of aging

There is ongoing research focused on the ability of plant-based oils to benefit from the skin inside and out. They are not as harmful as many commercial skin care products, which can adversely affect the skin. When choosing plant-based oils for the skin, it is better to select cold-pressed varieties because they contain more vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants. Continue reading to learn about the top four anti-aging oils

Argan Oil

Many beauty experts refer to argan oil as “liquid gold.” Argan oil provides a large amount of vitamin E and fatty acids, and it absorbs quickly into the skin, which helps improve elasticity. A 2015 study found that argan oil improved skin firmness and elasticity after 60 consecutive days of application. Study authors noticed a visible difference in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Rosehip Seed Oil

Naturally rich in vitamins A, C, and other antioxidants, rosehip seed oil can do wonders for the skin. Researchers note that it exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and cell-regenerating properties, all of which help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, scars, dark spots, and wrinkles. One study found that rosehip seed oil was able to significantly fade surgical and burn scars in 180 patients. It also stopped premature aging and helped restore skin tone. 

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil mimics the skin’s natural sebum, which helps to balance dryness or oiliness. It may help to improve skin texture and tone because of the vitamin E and anti-inflammatory properties. In several dermatological tests, jojoba oil demonstrated an ability to increase the skin’s suppleness, the effects of which were effective as time passed. Continued use of jojoba oil helped to reduce superficial facial lines. 

Castor Oil

One of the great things about castor oil is that it is able to deeply penetrate the skin with fatty acids, helping to smooth out fine lines. Studies show that it may help fade scars and dark spots, which researchers attribute to the large presence of antioxidants. The antibacterial properties in castor oil can help clear up acne and moisturize dry, flaky skin.


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DIY Sandalwood Tanning Oil Wed, 26 Jun 2024 09:19:00 +0000

The sun is out, and your buns might be too! If you want to get your tan on, encourage an even tone with this DIY sandalwood tanning oil.


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Heading to the beach, pool, or lake this summer? What would a day by the water be without a little color? The goal is not to turn into a lobster; rather, it should be to get a subtle kiss from the sun in the form of a tan.

Spending a lot of time in the sun can be dangerous if you don’t take the proper measures to protect your skin. You can continue to apply sunscreen (preferably a safe mineral version) and spend trade off between sun exposure and time in the shade. Should you want to absorb some free vitamin D and tan, you may want to use a tanning oil

How Does Tanning Oil Work?

Essentially, a tanning oil helps to accelerate the process of tanning when you are out in the sun. Tanning oils attract more UV rays to help you achieve a deeper tan by allowing your skin to absorb them at an increased rate. When you apply a thin layer of tanning oil to the skin, you lower the skin’s refractive index. The result is a nice looking tan, but how healthy is this process for your skin? 

Most tanning oils lack SPF protection, even if you use natural oils, including coconut oil, sunflower oil, or olive oil. Most tanning oils have 15 SPF or less, but that is not enough to protect your skin from UV rays. Without proper SPF protection, the skin is not protected from sun exposure. Tanning is inherently “not great” for your skin, but you can tan smartly. If you want to tan, try to use an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every couple hours. Don’t forget to find shade so you aren’t in the sun for too long. 

A quick note: tanning is ultimately caused by an increase of melanin pigment formation. That only results from damage to the skin from harmful UV rays. Just keep that in mind when you decide to tan. 

Sun Protective Natural Ingredients

It is very important to understand that natural oils do not offer the same sun protection as natural oils. A 2021 study found that raspberry seed oil sits around 2.6 SPF, while carrot seed, coconut and wheat germ oils range from 0 to 2.8 SPF. A previous study from 2010 looked at the SPF of carrier oils and essential oils. Carrier oils ranged from 2 to 8 SPF, while essential oils ranged from 1 to 7 SPF. Olive oil and peppermint essential oil scored the highest. The only downside is that the study wasn’t conducted on human skin.

Even though the DIY tanning oil recipe in this article is not the same as regular sunscreen, it is healthier than a store bought tanning oil. This tanning oil contains olive oil, which has oleic acid and supports clearer skin. It also helps repair sun damage and may soothe dry skin. Plus, olive oil has high levels of squalene, which protects skin cells from aging. 

This tanning oil also contains avocado oil, which helps increase collagen production. Avocado oil is also rich in UV-protectant carotenoids, which offer mild protection from sun damage. Carrot seed oil offers vitamin A and vitamin E protection, which help fight off UV rays. Finally, raspberry seed oil is rich in antioxidants and doesn’t leave a greasy film after application. 

DIY Tanning Oil


  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon red raspberry seed oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon carrot seed oil
  • 10 drops sandalwood essential oil (optional)
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon bronze mica powder (optional)


  • Add all of the ingredients, including the optional ones if using, to an amber glass bottle and shake well to combine. If you have a bottle with a pump or pop top, that is ideal. 
  • Use as needed for mild sun exposure to help get a golden tan without burning the skin. 
  • As a reminder, this is not a replacement for sunscreen and should not be used as such.


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Seemingly Harmless Habits That Prematurely Age The Brain Fri, 07 Jun 2024 09:01:00 +0000

Just like the body, the brain changes as you age. Habits that may seem harmless may actually be hurting your brain health in the long run.


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The older you get, the more difficult it is to remember information. Which restaurant did you eat at last week for lunch with your friend, James? Better yet, where are your car keys that you just had in your hand 40 minutes ago? Remembering such things becomes more difficult with age, and it also takes longer to learn something new. 

Although brain aging is a natural part of life, there are many things you can do or not do to keep your brain healthy. Are there foods that contain nutrients that can boost brain health? Absolutely, but you don’t have to immediately transform your diet to encourage brain health as a jumping off point. You can help prevent your brain from aging prematurely by assessing your daily habits. 

Health experts agree that most people engage in seemingly harmless everyday habits that can prematurely age the brain. What are these habits and what can you do instead? Continue reading to learn about the mistakes you need to correct. 

You Dismiss Chronic Stress 

Stress is a natural part of life and the body can quickly recover from acute stress that results from a specific situation. Problems arise when you do not address chronic stress that you carry around. People are excellent at keeping the stress response on all day, at least at a moderate level they may not even notice. Psychiatrists state that people can carry around unconscious stress even when nothing stressful is happening. 

Ideally, you recognize stress and find ways to release it throughout the day. You can engage in stretching, mindful meditation, or exercise to help reduce stress. It can be helpful to create short-term states of acute stress to help relieve chronic stress. For example, jump in a cold shower or cold plunge, sit in a hot sauna, or engage in high-intensity interval training. You will be stressed during the activity, but the activity leads to relaxation and better quality sleep later on.

You Aim For Enough Sleep, But The Quality Isn’t Good

You may aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but it means nothing if the quality of sleep is poor. You probably know that you feel tired in the morning if you tossed and turned all night. Both the quantity and quality of sleep are integral for optimal brain health. While you are asleep, the brain sorts out memories of the day and places them in the right place to access in the future. The brain also cleans beta-amyloid, the protein that wreaks havoc on the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, during sleep. That process is interrupted if you don’t sleep enough or if you sleep poorly. To improve the quality of sleep, set a consistent bedtime, minimize alcohol intake, reduce fluid intake before bed, and avoid screens at least one hour before bed.

You Don’t Get Enough Social Interaction

Whether you have a new baby, you work remotely, or you are retiring, many situations in life can make it difficult to be social. Regular in-person interactions are necessary for your brain to thrive, but online interactions can be helpful as well. When you meet someone new, the brain forms a new connection between cells. Having a strong social network has been proven to improve mood, which coincidentally improves the health of the brain. If you are isolated and lack community, be that in-person or online, you may age the brain more quickly than you would like. Keep yourself engaged with people!

You Rely On Takeout Too Much

How common is it for someone to have a regular job and a side hustle? Whether you jump from job to job or have kids to care for, business can make eating at home very difficult. To save time, you eat out, and those food choices aren’t always the best. Fast food, for example, contains lots of saturated fats, added sugars, and highly processed ingredients. Studies confirm that diets high in these types of foods increase the risk of dementia. Other studies suggest that these foods lead to conditions, such as obesity or diabetes, that negatively affect brain health. For example, uncontrolled diabetes can cause the brain to shrink! 

You Don’t Engage In Regular Physical Activity

Are you familiar with the brain-boosting benefits of exercise? According to studies, regular physical activity, especially cardiovascular movements, are necessary to keep the brain young. Exercise can increase growth hormones in the brain, including nerve factors that improve brain wellness and function. Beyond working out, you can incorporate other things that count as “being active.” Gardening, hiking, swimming at the beach, or even cleaning can do more good than you realize. Not to mention, these are sustainable things that seem more feasible than going to the gym for an hour three times per week.


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Why Is Your Skin Starting To Sag? Fri, 31 May 2024 09:37:00 +0000

While it may not be possible to sip from the fountain of youth, you can do things to prevent your skin from sagging as you get older.


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Nobody wants to look in the mirror and see saggy skin. It is a reminder that the days of your youth are long gone and that old age awaits. Or, you don’t have to look at it that way! Are you a glass-half-full person, or what? You can figure out the cause of your sagging skin and take the necessary steps to fight the effects of aging and keep the skin looking as healthy as possible.

If you want to take an integrative approach to skin longevity, you have to determine why your skin is sagging. Don’t jump to a conclusion because you don’t want to treat the wrong issue. Knowing exactly why you have dark spots, redness, or even aging or sagging skin can help you establish a treatment plan. Photoshop and botox injections are not the answers! Your skin can look healthy if you do the work to understand why it doesn’t look the way you want. Below are three of the most common causes of sagging skin and what you can do to support it. 

Lifestyle Factors

If you are an SPF addict and you don’t spend lots of hours in the sun, you may want to look at your lifestyle habits. How is your sleep? Do you have high stress levels? A lot of research indicates a clear connection between the health of your skin and your stress levels or sleep health. Due to melatonin, your skin enters repair mode when you sleep. Melatonin plays an integral role in skin repair from UV light, stressors, pollution, and environmental exposure. If you don’t rest, your skin can suffer because the body isn’t producing enough melatonin for the skin to repair itself. 

Next, you have stress. According to research, the skin acts as a stress perceiver and is a target for the body’s stress response. Psychological stress tells the brain and the skin to release hormones that trigger inflammation. Those hormones impair wound healing, accelerate aging, and worsen skin conditions. 

The mind and body, including the skin, will be grateful if you add stress-relieving practices to your daily routine. Yoga, meditation, tai chi, journaling, exercise, or dancing all count. Whatever works to relieve stress, so long as it isn’t harmful to your health, is beneficial. Consider meeting with a therapist or psychologist if you need to talk with someone. Tending to your mental health can, whether you believe it or not, improve your complexion

UV Exposure

Collagen and elastin are the skin’s structural proteins that keep it taught and firm. If anything gets in the way of those two proteins, your skin will most likely sag. If you like to sunbathe, you expose yourself to a lot of UV rays, which can penetrate the epidermis and damage skin cells, proteins, and elastic fibers that maintain firmness. In fact, one study found that 80% of signs of visible skin aging (wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines) are attributed to sun damage. Even if sagging skin isn’t your main concern as you age, UV exposure is to blame for the majority of aging skin that you see. 

You cannot magically undo years of UV skin damage, but you can start taking better care of your skin when you want to venture into the sun. Dermatologists agree that you should wear sunscreen every single day, especially if you are going to be outside. If you plan to spend time in the sun, make sure to reapply every two hours. Additionally, consider using a cleanser, retinol, and moisturizer to remove dead skin and encourage cell turnover.

Age-Related Skin Sagging

You can’t turn back the hands of time. Even if you live a clean lifestyle, sleep great, nourish your skin, reduce stress or use the most expensive skin care products and treatments, your skin will still develop fine lines and wrinkles. Sagging is just a normal part of aging. It’s never a bad idea to spend more time caring for your skin. After all, it is the largest organ in the body. Just understand that sagging is natural and will happen over time. For example, collagen production starts to decline in your mid-20s, and you lose about 1% each year. Women in menopause experience a significant drop close to 30%! 

Sometimes, you just have to face the facts: you cannot fight life’s clock, nor should you feel like you have to. You can, however, cleanse the skin, use a toner, apply moisturizer, use eye creams, lather up in body butters, and protect it when out in the sun. You can also eat to improve skin health (click here for more info on that) and take supplements to encourage healthier skin. Just make sure to look for high quality products if you want to use supplements.


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7 Movements To Help Relieve A Tight Lower Back Tue, 14 May 2024 09:02:00 +0000

A tight lower back can limit your ability to move or even be stationary with ease. If you have tension in the low back, try these stretches.


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After the common cold and flu, low back pain is the top reason that people in the United States visit their healthcare provider. Pain in the lumbar spine, or lower back, is commonly accompanied by tight lower back muscles. If the low back is stiff, you may experience difficulty standing upright, sitting down, or changing positions. Low back stiffness can be caused by everything from injury and arthritis to nerve damage and sprain. It is up to you to stay on top of your pain to help maintain mobility and flexibility. 

Symptoms Of A Tight Low Back

A tight lower back can worsen over time, so you have to take action and take steps to ease tension when you feel it. The last thing you want is to let it reach a point where it is so tight that when you shake a bedsheet to make your bed, you collapse in pain. Tightness in the low back is usually accompanied by spasms, general pain, and occasional cramping. The pain usually feels like a dull ache and you may feel restricted when you twist or move. It’s also possible to feel tightness in the pelvis, hips, and legs. 

How To Improve Strength And Flexibility

Many simple stretches and movements can help improve both flexibility and strength. The goal is to lengthen and extend the spine to your comfort level. The last thing you want to do is worsen the pain or injury while trying to make it better. Stretching the hamstrings, doing core exercises, and engaging in hip mobility work can all benefit your spine. Consider the following stretches and movements to help relieve tension and improve flexibility in the low back. 

Knees To Chest

This stretch works to loosen muscles in the low back and increase flexibility, all while stabilizing the pelvis. To begin, lie flat on your back with both legs extended. Draw your right knee to your chest and interlace your fingers around your shin. Hold this position for five to 10 seconds, keeping your pelvis flat and square. Release your right leg and then repeat with the left leg. Release your left leg and then draw both knees to your chest and hold the position for 30 seconds. 

Pelvic Tilts

This exercise aims to strengthen the abdominals and lower back muscles, while simultaneously increasing pelvic flexibility. Lie flat on your back and bend your knees, planting your feet flat on the ground. You should be able to touch your heels with your fingertips. Engage your core so that the base of your spine presses into the floor and hold for five seconds. Relax and lift your butt off the ground slightly before returning to the ground. Continue alternating between these two positions for three sets of 10 reps. Make sure to take a minute to rest between each set. 

Child’s Pose

Besides corpse pose, child’s pose is one of the most relaxing yoga postures that can take pressure off the low back. It also works to lengthen, stretch, and align the spine. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. Widen your knees and bring your big toes together as you sit back onto your heels. Aim to bring your forehead to the mat and extend all the way through your fingertips. If necessary, place a bolster or pillow under your chest. Allow the body to relax and let go of any tension. Remain in this position for one minute. 

Reclining Single-Leg Stretch

A tight low back can cause tightness in the hamstrings, but stretching them can help realign the spine and reduce pain. Lie flat on your back with both legs extended. Lift up your right leg to extend it toward the ceiling, keeping a slight bend in the leg. You can bend your left leg and press your foot into the floor for support if necessary. Interlace your fingers behind your right hamstring or use a towel around the top of your right foot. Pull your leg toward you and stop once you feel a good stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating on the left side. Complete two to three times per side. 

Hip Circles

This exercise aims to increase flexibility, release tension, and loosen the lower back and hip muscles. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. Start by swaying your hips from side to side. Start to rotate your hips in one direction and make big circles, completing at least 10 circles in one direction. Repeat in the opposite direction and then rest. You can complete another set or two if you wish. 

Legs Up The Wall

This yoga pose aims to relax the pelvis and low back. It also provides a great stretch for your hamstrings and aims to improve blood flow from the lower extremities back to the heart. Begin in a seated position with the right side of your body against a wall. Lie down on your back and swing your legs up the wall, placing your heels against the wall. Aim to scoot your butt as close to the wall as possible. Relax your arms in any comfortable position and focus on relaxing the low back to release tension. Remain in this position for two minutes. 

Cat Cow

Not only does this pose improve spinal flexibility, but it also stretches your hips and lower abdomen. Pay attention to your muscles during this movement, especially if you feel stiff or sore. Start in a tabletop position, with your hands on the ground beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Start by rounding your back, dropping your head down and engaging your buttocks to tuck your tailbone toward your head. Hold this for a second before arching your back, extending your head back.


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