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Health experts say that caffeine is generally safe in low amounts, but consuming high levels may cause these unwanted side effects.


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Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks are the most commonly consumed caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is a substance that can help boost your mental and physical performance, in addition to your mood and metabolism. Studies suggest that caffeine is safe for people to consume in low-to-moderate amounts, but seldom do people do that. In fact, most people consume caffeine in excess, which causes some unwanted and dangerous side effects. 

According to research, your genes may influence your caffeine tolerance. Some people seem to consume much more caffeine than others without experiencing negative side effects. On the other end of the spectrum, individuals who are not used to caffeine can experience negative side effects after a moderate dose. If you feel that caffeine is a problem in your life and your health isn’t thriving, you may need to lower the amount you consume. Keep an eye out for these side effects that result from drinking too much caffeine. 

Digestive Issues

It is very common for people to drink a morning cup of coffee to encourage a bowel movement. Coffee has laxative properties because it causes the body to release gastrin, a hormone that accelerates activity in the colon. It’s not surprising, then, that high amounts of caffeine can lead to loose stools or diarrhea. Some studies suggest that caffeinated beverages, especially coffee, may also worsen acid reflux in certain people. If you suffer from digestive issues, consider cutting back on the amount of coffee you drink, or switch to tea to see if that helps your situation. 


It’s important to note that caffeine does not cause classic addiction the way that cocaine and amphetamines do. That said, caffeine does trigger certain brain chemicals similarly to those drugs. The reality is that chronic caffeine consumption can potentially lead to a psychological or physical dependency. One study surveyed 213 caffeine users, who completed questionnaires after 16 hours without caffeine. Daily users experienced an increase in headaches, fatigue, and other withdrawal symptoms, in addition to strong caffeine cravings. Although caffeine does not cause true addiction, regular caffeine consumption can make you dependent on its effects

Muscle Breakdown

Rhabdomyolysis is a serious condition that’s characterized by damaged muscle fibers entering the bloodstream. That can ultimately lead to kidney failure and other serious health complications. Trauma, drug abuse, muscle strain, infection, and bites from poisonous insects or snakes can cause rhabdomyolysis. Although it’s relatively rare, a few reports of rhabdomyolysis have been related to excessive caffeine intake. One woman developed nausea, vomiting, and dark urine after drinking 32 ounces of coffee containing 565 milligrams of caffeine. She recovered after receiving fluids and medication. To reduce the risk of rhabdomyolysis, aim to keep your caffeine intake to less than 400 milligrams per day. 


Most people consume caffeinated beverages to stay awake, but too much caffeine can make it difficult to get restorative sleep. Studies have found that consuming large amounts of caffeine increases the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Additionally, consuming a lot of caffeine can reduce total sleeping time, especially in the elderly. You may not realize how much caffeine is interfering with your sleep, especially if you are not aware or honest with how much you consume. An energy drink, for example, can contain up to 350 milligrams of caffeine.

Depending on the time at which you drink that beverage, you may still have caffeine in your system when trying to fall asleep. Caffeine remains in your system for about five hours, but it can remain in there for up to nine hours. One study investigated how caffeine indigestion affects sleep. Researchers gave 12 healthy adults 400 milligrams of caffeine either six hours before bedtime, three hours before bedtime, or immediately before bedtime. The time it took to fall asleep and the amount of time they spent awake at night increased for all three groups.


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8 Tips To Start Living In The Present Moment Mon, 23 Jan 2023 09:29:00 +0000

We all strive to live in the present moment, but seldom do we actually do it. Be more engaged, kind, open-minded, and judgment-free.


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Mindfulness is something that many people strive for, but grace and peace of mind aren’t easy for everyone to achieve. When you eliminate non-essential possessions, you ultimately free yourself from many of the emotions that keep you stuck in the past. By clearing out the unnecessary, you open your world to the freedom of shaping your life in the present moment, which is the greatest gift of all. 

When you inhabit the present moment, you don’t worry about what happened in the past, or what will happen in the future. The only important moment is the one you’re in, the present. By living in the present, you can often live a more engaged, connected life, being free from judgment and more open-minded. The ability to be present may be the cornerstone of mindfulness and meditation. It’s not just a state of mind that monks aim to achieve; rather, everyone can strive to be more present

If you have questioned your ability to live mindfully, you are not alone. Becoming a more mindful person doesn’t happen overnight; rather, it takes work and practice makes perfect. Read on to learn about tips that can help you start living a more mindful lifestyle in the present.

Listen Without Interrupting

In theory, this is an easy tip to follow, but it can be difficult in practice. It is very natural to want to interrupt someone during conversation, especially if something the person said relates to something you’ve experienced. Just listen when people speak to you and don’t block out what they are saying in order to immediately follow up with your next talking point. Genuine interest in a conversation can help it flow naturally, and you won’t need to plan your next comment. 

Journal It Out

You want to keep your thoughts flowing, and allowing them to become stagnant can leave you frustrated or blocked. Swirling thoughts in your mind can remove you from the present by directing your attention to past or future scenarios. Journaling is very powerful and can be of great help when you need to get your thoughts out. After you put pen to paper, make a conscious effort to either let them go, or return to them at a later date when you have the time. 

Forgive Past Hurts

It is very easy for someone to harbor resentment towards another person because of past hurts. If you want to move forward in life, the best thing you can do for yourself is to forgive. Although the harm was their fault, allowing that hurt to impact your mood in the present is your choice. Let go and choose to be in the present moment!

Stop Multitasking:

Juggling too many things at once is an efficient way to burn out. The mind cannot be in two places at once, so make the decision to be in the present moment. Don’t give little bits of your attention to everything you can; rather, give your full attention to one thing at a time and you’ll find that you naturally inhabit the present moment

Love Your Job

If you are one of those people who just “survive” the workweek, then you are wasting 71% of your life. Living for the weekend means that you are far from living in the present. If you dislike your job, there are two options: find a new job that you love, or find something about your current position that you appreciate. Look at your work in a more positive light to invite more mindfulness into your life. 

Stop Worrying

This is easier said than done, but you cannot fully appreciate the present if your mind is elsewhere. Don’t worry about tomorrow because it will happen whether you worry about it or not. Worrying does not accomplish anything, except redirect your energy out of the present. Focus on today and don’t waste your mental energy worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. 

Let Your Phone Die

This is a scary thought, but people spend too much time on their phones, whether they scroll the gram or answer emails. You can easily worry about the future and take the present moment for granted when the focus is on your phone. Worrying about your phone’s battery percentage also takes you out of the present. Make it a point to either shut your phone off or let it die so that you can bring yourself back to the present via meditation or gratitude. Be grateful for your morning meditation or yoga sequence and watch the rest of your day fall into place. 

Conquer Addictions

Addictions can have a firm grip on your life, and it can feel as though they hold you hostage from reaching your full potential. Don’t let your addictions remove you from the present moment. Find some help and take the necessary steps to overcome these addictions. When they no longer influence your decisions, you can allow yourself to live in the moment addiction-free.


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Melody Trice Tells Steve Harvey About Her Past Food Addiction Sat, 23 Mar 2019 07:00:05 +0000

Melody Trice tells Steve Harvey about beating her food addiction.


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Melody Trice tells Steve Harvey about beating her food addiction.


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The Health Benefits Of Unplugging From Electronics Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:06:00 +0000

Unplugging from technology can help you reduce stress, decrease the risk of depression, and help you drastically improve your posture.


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In today’s day and age, you cannot go a day without looking at screens. They are everywhere! From your phone and laptop to the tablet and TV, it’s near impossible for you to escape screens. Whether you pay bills online, binge your favorite show, or work on the computer all day, the average adult spends about 12 hours a day in front of screens. 

The smartphone is basically an extension of the self, and most people have it with them from the second they rise to the second they go to sleep. These technological devices have made life more convenient, connecting people from across the globe. They also made life during the pandemic a whole lot easier. People were able to work remotely, engaging with other employees via Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, Google Docs, and Slack. People were always connected to technology, but the pandemic transformed this connection into a hyper connection. 

How Has Hyperconnectivity Changed People?

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people haven’t had a moment to unplug. They watched online cooking tutorials and all of the shows from every streaming service, and scrolled through every social media platform. People may not be aware of it, but all of this screen time takes a physical toll on the body. “Tech neck” is a term that describes the hunching posture that occurs as a result of looking at screens, primarily computers and phones. The average human head weighs about 10-12 pounds, and leaning forward to look down at screens puts incredible strain on the spine. Additionally, people can experience “text claw,” which can lead to a higher risk of tendinitis in the wrist and forearm. 

Why Should You Disconnect?

A relationship with technology is not a bad thing, but sometimes it does more harm than good to your mental and physical health. Too much time spent “plugged in” can lead to poor posture, sleep deprivation, stress, and loneliness. Unplugging from your devices offers numerous benefits, including an opportunity to reconnect with the self. When you disconnect, you’ll find that you are more present and appreciate the natural world. Read more about the benefits of unplugging below. 

The Health Benefits Of Unplugging

You Get To Enjoy The Little Things

When you spend time away from technology, it’s a lot easier to find joy in things that would otherwise bore you. Spending time doing a puzzle, playing a card game, cooking a big meal, or reading a book seem more rewarding when you don’t check your phone every five minutes. When you are attentive to your phone, you don’t really enjoy the activity that you’re doing. Unplug and you’ll find that you’re more appreciative of the smaller things that you wouldn’t notice otherwise. Smell the roses or walk on the beach and absorb the scenery!

Mental Health Benefits

When you spend too much time on social media, it’s easy to experience insecurity, anxiety, depression, dissatisfaction, and envy. When you unplug from social media, you are able to take a break from “ideal bodies” and negative comments. This toxic tornado of negativity can sweep you away and cause you to self-destruct. You can be more grateful for your life and body when you aren’t always on social media. It’s common for people to be completely unaware of how great their lives are when they are always on social media, which doesn’t accurately represent real life. 

More Time For Gratitude

As we mentioned above, social media can cause you to experience jealousy, envy, and unnecessary comparison. You can remove all of those negative feelings from your life when you unplug from your devices. Power down those phones or laptops and focus on what you have in your life. More often than not, you’ll find that you can reset and experience more gratitude. 

You’ll Be More Present

It’s hard to be fully in the moment when you are worried about an incoming text, funny video, or Instagram notification. Whether you are sharing a meal with the family or walking around the neighborhood, doing things without technology forces you to be in the moment. No matter what you are doing, unplugging allows you to just be there. Where? There. That’s what life is all about. 

Reduced Loneliness

Even though technology allows you the opportunity to connect with people from every corner of the world, it’s very easy for it to make you feel lonely. Virtual relationships are not substitutes for the real thing. Lack of physical contact with people can result in unfulfilled interactions, which you have online. We know this is hard to do during the pandemic, but close those laptops and power off those phones for real in-person connection. Meet for a socially distanced hang with masks on, and commit to no phone usage for the entire time. 


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Is Your Cellphone Increasing Your Anxiety? Thu, 03 Dec 2020 17:45:00 +0000

Statistical analysis confirms that there is a correlation between increased anxiety symptoms and excessive cellphone use.


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The smartphone is an incredible tool and you can always find one in the hand of nearly every person, no matter where you go. Be they young children, adolescents, or elderly people with walkers, their eyes are glued to the screen. They swipe, they scroll, they watch, they troll, and they get pulled into the endless vortex of social media, Internet, and games. The smartphone changed our lives, but are our lives more fulfilling and peaceful? No, they aren’t. In fact, anxiety and stress levels are through the roof, and smartphones influence that more than you realize.

Why Are You So Addicted To Your Phone?

The average person checks their phone 96 times a day, which is once every ten minutes. Some people get offended when you start talking to them if they are on their phones. Many experts believe that that anger comes from the fact that you break up the dopamine rush. With every notification you check and every unlock of the home screen, you receive a sudden dopamine boost. It’s like a hit of a drug, and the brain wants more after every time you check the phone. Because of this, people can never truly relax and calm their minds. 

A recent study from the University of Arizona found that adolescents who depended on their phones were more likely to experience symptoms of depression and loneliness. This is interesting considering that people who are more depressed or anxiety-prone are more likely to engage with social media. It’s a vicious cycle and your cellphone won’t let you escape. This statistic is amplified by the increased depression and anxiety as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Couple that with increased screen time and you have a recipe for phone addiction giving you anxiety. 

What Does Your Phone Addiction Do To Your Body?

As a result of constantly engaging with the phone, your stress levels increase, your sleep suffers, and you become more anxious. All of these things actually stimulate addiction. The crazy thing is that you feel obligated to keep up with social media, emails, and whatever the world is doing. Obligation easily evolves into addiction, and addiction creates stressful behaviors. The addiction to the phone often increases feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem, both of which worsen depression and anxiety. Your phone worsens your anxiety more than you realize, and we’ve detailed that below.

You Use It To Escape Reality

Many people take on a different online persona, or the very act of engaging with the virtual world is more pleasant than being in the real world. Understanding the reason you go online or check social media is very important. Do you do it to catch up with friends, stalk people, or get likes? Are you comparing yourself to others? The reason you scroll can determine how you feel after using it. Ask yourself these questions and more and you might discover a solid answer as to why your phone increases anxiety. 

It Screws Up Your Sleep

Many scientific studies show that the blue light from smartphones makes it more difficult to go to sleep. Blue light from any device inhibits melatonin production, which is a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycle. If you are scrolling through social media and stressing yourself out, in addition to exposing yourself to blue light, up until you lay your head on the pillow, you will not sleep well. A 2017 study found that smartphones are one of the primary causes of sleep problems in teens. Failure to sleep can increase stress and increase the risk for depression and anxiety.

You Don’t Give Yourself A Break

If you don’t give yourself a break from your phone, how can you expect your anxiety to calm down? If your phone is within reach, you are going to check it. Your anxiety forces you to unlock the screen and check in with the world. If you bury your phone under the couch or put it in another room, the chances of you picking it up are much less. Take it a step further by taking time off from social media apps for a week. Several studies found that taking time away from Facebook for a week improved overall happiness. Change your digital life and your anxiety will thank you.

Can You Break The Addiction?

Social media is replete with funny memes, hurtful comments, political arguments, and more. You can argue the pros and cons of social media all day long. Add the Zoom conferences and necessity to check work emails into the mix and you have a serious problem. You have to set boundaries with your phone. Figure out when it’s okay to use it and when it’s not. No phone use at the dinner table, while watching a show with family, and definitely not within the hour before bed. Additionally, don’t look at your phone for the first hour of your day. You can also try to set a time limit of phone use per day. You can use apps to time your usage, or block apps altogether after a certain time limit. It is possible to break the addiction, but you have to work at it, otherwise you’ll remain addicted and filled with anxiety.


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How To Beat The Symptoms Of Sugar Withdrawal Sun, 12 Apr 2020 09:01:00 +0000

With trendy low-carb and low-sugar diets swarming the health world, people can experience sugar withdrawal. Here’s how to beat the symptoms!


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Sugar is probably America’s favorite addictive substance. It’s no secret that Americans regularly consume an excess amount of sugar, and this has led to increased rates of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. More recently, however, low-carb and low sugar diets (like the ketogenic diet) have risen to popularity, causing people to drastically cut their sugar intake. We’re not saying this is a bad thing, but reducing the amount of sugar in your diet can cause withdrawal symptoms.

The Presence Of Sugar In Your Diet

Sugar is tricky because so many natural sugars that exist in fruits and vegetables are beneficial for your health. When it comes to sugar, however, nutritionists often discuss why you should eliminate the refined or added sugars (think bread, soda, or processed foods) from your diet. These sugars include high fructose corn syrup, table sugar, or artificial sweeteners like aspartame. When you eat these foods, you trigger the release of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that controls the reward centers in the brain. As your sugar tolerance builds, you have to consume more sugary foods to yield the same sensation of pleasure. This can lead you down the path of sugar addiction, even if you are unaware of how it controls your taste buds and behavior.

Cutting sugar from your diet can lead to some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, including migraines, fatigue, and bloating, just to name a few. You shouldn’t let these symptoms block your path toward a healthier diet and lifestyle. There are several steps you can take to beat these symptoms and overcome sugar withdrawal with ease.

Identifying The Symptoms Of Sugar Withdrawal

Detoxing from sugar can induce unpleasant physical and mental symptoms, and each person can react differently to the absence of sugar in his or her diet. The severity of the symptoms typically depends on how much sugar you were regularly consuming, and for how long you consumed it. Symptoms can worsen at certain times of the day and you may find that stress can trigger or worsen symptoms.

Mental Symptoms

Eliminating sugar from your diet can cause different mental or emotional symptoms. Depression, anxiety, difficulty focusing, sleep troubles, nervousness, and irritability are all common when you eliminate sugar from your diet.

Physical Symptoms

As far as physical symptoms go, headache is the most common sign of detoxing from sugar. It is also possible for you to feel lazy, dizzy, nauseous, fatigued, or experience cravings for other foods like bread, pasta, and chips.

The Cleveland Clinic says that you can break your sugar addiction in 10 days! Let’s do it!

How To Beat The Symptoms

Quit Cold Turkey

You should cut sugar out of your diet as if you were ripping off a bandage. There’s no use in doing it slowly because it is more painful that way. Studies have shown that gradually eliminating sugar from your diet can make the symptoms stick around for a lot longer than they need to. Quitting sugar cold turkey can lead to more intense symptoms, but for a reduced amount of time. Cutting out sugar all at once can help your body become accustomed to living without it more quickly.

Increase Dietary Fiber

People who eliminate sugar from their diet commonly experience cravings for unhealthy foods. Keep yourself full between meals by eating foods that are rich in fiber. Not only does fiber help to stabilize blood sugar levels, but it also helps to keep you energized and full, avoiding symptoms like nausea or headaches. Several high-fiber foods include legumes, vegetables, and nuts and seeds.

Stay Hydrated

If your stomach continues to growl throughout the day, chances are that you aren’t drinking enough water. Drinking a glass of high quality H20 often solves this uncomfortable feeling. Thirst can be confused with hunger, so keep yourself hydrated to squash any unhealthy cravings that may arise. If you want a sugary bar or dessert, drink a glass of water first and wait 30 minutes to see if you really wanted it or if you were just thirsty.

Eat More Protein

Reduce your cravings for sugary foods by adding more protein to your diet. You don’t have to go out and become a savage carnivore because many plant-based foods contain lots of protein. Click here to see which plant-based foods have high protein content. More protein in your diet helps to decrease levels of ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone, and protein helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.


Since you will most likely be a little frustrated that you can’t consume sugar anymore, blow off that steam in the form of exercise. Not only does exercise help to reduce stress, but it also works to combat fatigue and stress-induced cravings. A 2015 study found that short bouts of moderate exercise helped to reduce sugar cravings.

Eat Bitter Foods

Shut down your sugar cravings by eating bitter foods. These foods will shut down the receptors in the brain that crave sugar. Bitter foods like arugula, kale, radicchio, watercress, endive, dandelion, frisee, bitter melon, seaweed, miso paste, and broccoli help regulate blood sugar levels and curb the symptoms of a sugar detox. 


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Here’s What Sugar Does To Your Brain Sat, 28 Apr 2018 12:15:43 +0000

Did you know Americans consume five times more than they should? See what sugar is doing to your brain so can you stop ruining your body.


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Back when our ancestors discovered the benefits that sugar—more specifically glucose—had on our brains and bodies, they had not considered just how “hooked” their predecessors would become on it.

Nowadays, sugar can be found in many compositions, such as corn syrup, honey, fructose, or glucose. It is produced both naturally and artificially, and is sold by the millions all around the globe. But why is it consumed over and over, and why can’t we get enough of it? The answer is in our brains.

The key relationship between glucose, a kind of simple sugar, and the brain, goes back to the most basic of our biological functions. It is the primary source of energy, and one that our most energy-demanding organ essentially needs. According to an article published by Harvard Medical School, “brain functions such as thinking, memory and learning are closely linked to glucose levels.” Basically, we cannot function properly if our sugar intake isn’t balanced.

Look at it this way; every time we consume certain carbohydrates, our intestines break them down into glucose. This is the same glucose, or sugar, that is absorbed into the bloodstream, so that it may be used for other tissues and become the main fuel for brain cells. Thanks to our neurons, we are able to process information, recall memories, and simply experience life; it is through each microscopically electrical transmission that they communicate. But if glucose is lacking and neurons are not well fed, this communication simply breaks down. The body is almost like a machine, which is why it is integral to understand the effects of the chemicals that are put in it.

However, as there is good on one side, there is also bad on the other side of the scale. Too much sugar can have a negative effect on the brain.

The white and brown sucrose, which we mainly recognize as table sugar, comes from sugarcane or sugar beets. It is refined, processed, and turned into cakes, bottled juices, and candies. It is the sweet stuff most of us love, and much different from the natural sugars (glucose and fructose), which are found in natural plant-based foods like fruit. Added sugars (or disaccharides) are found in 74 percent of the packaged foods in American supermarkets, which is why Americans consume roughly five times the amount of sugar they should. This high consumption rate has been linked to vascular dementia and poor immune function.

Sugar has a side effect on the brain. From the moment sugar touches the tongue’s receptors, the brain receives signals to activate a rewarding reaction of feel-good hormones such as dopamine, a neurotransmitter also artificially found in cocaine. The more we consume it, the higher our tolerance becomes, turning our consumption into a vicious cycle of more and more sugar. But what happens when we just can’t get enough? The body doesn’t necessarily overdose on sugar, but the nervous system has proven that it eventually breaks down from it.

A 2012 study on rats conducted at UCLA showed that the ones that had over-consumed fructose had damaged the communication among brain cells. Due to the heavy sugar intake, the rats developed a resistance to insulin, a hormone that strengthens the synapsis between cells, slowing down their ability to form memories and learn. When sugar takes over certain functions in the brain, the brain tries to avoid working for itself, which is why it is beneficial for patients with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia to avoid sugary foods or beverages.

Learning about the real effects, both the good and bad, that sugar has on us is the key to maintaining the balance that will make a difference in our lives. Try to obtain sugar from natural sources, as opposed to processed food products and baked goods we tend to go for when sugar cravings strike.

10 Sources of Good Sugar

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Raw Organic Honey
  • Raw Agave Nectar
  • Carrots
  • Pineapples
  • Prunes
  • Beets
  • Whole Grains
  • Grapes


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Curb Sugar Cravings With These 2 Ingredient Mints Wed, 30 Aug 2017 18:35:22 +0000

What if you could get rid of sugar cravings with one healthy homemade snack? Eat one of these when you crave sugar and the feeling will fade.


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Sugar is addictive. Not only does it make you crave more sugary things, but it can also cause you to develop cravings for other unhealthy, typically processed snacks. Did you know that Berkeley, CA became the first city in America to put a tax on sugary drinks in attempt to control soft drink consumption? This was in 2014.

There are a lot of things that can cause you to crave sugar. Some believe that hormonal changes are the sole cause, while others attribute these cravings to things like stress, adrenal fatigue, parasites, food allergies, Candida, and bacterial infections. Food allergies seem like an odd thing to cause sugar cravings, but it is common to crave what you are allergic to. It isn’t impossible to get rid of these cravings, though.

Eating a lot of sugar can cause you to experience symptoms like fatigue, cloudy thoughts, weakened immune system, and inflamed joints. Excessive sugar consumption can also lead to imbalanced blood sugar levels.

Fun Fact: Sugar does not cause diabetes. Eating animal based products, which are loaded with fat and hormones, is the real cause of diabetes.

Eat More Sea Vegetables

Eating sugar works against your body by depleting it of minerals. It is beneficial to eat sea vegetables like kelp or spirulina because they have a high mineral count. Blend some spirulina in your smoothies and you won’t develop those sugar cravings.

Go Natural

There are so many sugars and artificial sweeteners out there, and they all harm your body. Instead, try using stevia, which has zero calories and works to regulate blood sugar levels. Stevia is your best bet because you only need a little to sweeten something. You can also use raw agave syrup, grade B maple syrup, or organic dates (more so used in baking) to sweeten things.

Avoid Processed Foods

This is probably the most important thing you can do to get rid of sugar cravings. Processed foods, which can include sugary foods, are just as addictive as drugs like heroin or cocaine. When you eat these foods, dopamine levels rise and fall very quickly, making you want to feel pleasant and good again; that ultimately leads to sugar addiction.

2 Ingredient Coconut Mints To Stop Cravings


  • ½ cup organic coconut butter
  • 2 teaspoons organic peppermint extract
  • silicone ice tray with small slots to freeze mints


  • Melt the coconut butter in a double broiler. If you don’t have one of those, just place a metal mixing bowl on a pot filled with boiling water.
  • Once the butter is melted, add the peppermint extract and thoroughly combine. Remove from the heat and pour the mixture into the silicone ice tray.
  • Let the mints set in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes. You can then pop the mints out and store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Enjoy when you feel a craving coming on.


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5 Tips To Get Rid Of Your Sugar Addiction For Good Fri, 25 Nov 2016 14:30:07 +0000

Sugar can be hard to say no to, especially if you're stressed, tired, or around it during the holidays. Use these tips to stop eating sugar for good.


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It’s no secret that a lot of people have a weakness for sweets. When you eat sugar, you are only left wanting more of it. Whether your poison is soda, cake, candy, chocolate, or sweetened coffee drinks that are popular during the holidays, sugar can take a toll on your health and ultimately put you at risk of developing health conditions like diabetes, obesity, or heart disease.

It’s important to know that sugar in processed foods and candy is much different than the sugar, which naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables. The sugar you get from an apple is most definitely not the same sugar that’s in a chocolate bar. To help kick your sugar cravings to the curb, we have some great tips. We recommend implementing 2-3 of these at a time and not doing them all at once. If you feel like doing all 5, then more power to you!

#1: Scare Yourself Away From Sugar

Sugar may not look like a fire-breathing dragon, but there are definitely reasons to be scared of it. This means informing yourself about what sugar does to the body. When you eat a lot of sugar, your pancreas and liver become stressed, inflammation around joints can occur, and you can develop diabetes and cancer. Too much sugar can stress you out and interrupt proper hormonal function. Plus, high sugar intake can lead to obesity and depression, both of which are major health conditions in America. Are you scared of sugar yet?

#2: Get Excited About Healthy Food

It can be hard to trick yourself into going on a diet. Don’t go on a diet; rather, think of it as embarking on a healthier lifestyle. Start making smoothies in the morning with fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat superfoods like chia seeds, avocados, and snack on almonds or walnuts. Start buying more produce items that you aren’t used to and learn how awesome they are.

#3: Drink a Lot of Water

It’s important to understand that sugar cravings are usually because the body is deficient in something. Most people don’t drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water every day to stay properly hydrated. If you are dehydrated, you can crave sugar. A great way to drink a lot of water is to carry around a stainless steel thermos so you can refill it all day.

#4: Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is one of the best ways for your body to recuperate and repair itself. It is recommended that you get 7-8 hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. A refreshed, well-rested person is less likely to reach for sugary treats throughout the day. Someone who is constantly tired will reach for sweets and unhealthy snacks because they don’t have the mental clarity to make healthy choices.

#5: Do A Cleanse

The time after Thanksgiving is the perfect time to do a cleanse. When you take part in our Full Body Cleanse, you’ll be eliminating sugar, processed foods, meat, dairy, and caffeine from your diet. It is a drastic change from what you’re used to, but it’ll definitely help curb your sugar addiction. The sugar you’ll be getting will be from fresh fruits and raw nut butters. If you cleanse now, you’ll be able to show off your slimmer, healthier body to your family when you see them over the holidays.


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6 Natural Remedies to Help You Stop Smoking Cigarettes Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:00:48 +0000

Smoking causes disease and kills millions of Americans every year. Use these 6 natural remedies to help you quit smoking cigarettes.


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While smoking tobacco has been viewed differently over the years, it has been understood for some time that it can cause major health problems such as heart disease, lung cancer, and even erectile dysfunction. According to the American Heart Association, roughly 25 million men and over 21 million women in America smoke cigarettes, and nearly 1 in every 5 deaths is cigarette related.

Nicotine, which is the naturally occurring, addictive ingredient in the tobacco plant, is the thing that keeps smokers addicted. When a person inhales tobacco smoke, it directly enters the lungs and nicotine gets released into the bloodstream, which makes it travel to the brain in seconds. Nicotine increases the release of dopamine, which is a chemical that improves your mood and feelings of pleasure. Smoking tobacco can then make you feel good, which is why people become addicted. Since smoking cigarettes negatively affects your health, here are 6 natural remedies to help you quit.

#1: Exercise

Exercise can help relieve the body of stress and help take the mind off smoking tobacco. When you’re exercising, your focus is not on smoking, rather, you concentrate on the way you feel. Exercise helps to boost the body’s production of endorphins, which improve one’s mood and decrease the desire and need for tobacco.

#2: Acupuncture

Acupuncture also helps release endorphins by using certain pressure points. It may help to relieve anxiety and increase overall wellness. Placing the needles in certain points actually neutralize stress hormones, which the body releases into the bloodstream when stressed.

#3: Do a Cleanse

Taking a biochemical approach to repair the body is a great natural remedy that can aid one’s path to quitting tobacco use. First one must detox, repair the damage, and then care for the body. Remove tobacco or mind altering substances, caffeine, or sugar from your diet. Stick to plant-based foods that provide the nutrients you need for recovery because a poor diet can lead to tobacco cravings. Additionally, refrain from hanging around people who smoke tobacco.

#4: Drink More Water

Nicotine is addictive and hard to quit because it lives in your body as a toxin. It can be hard to flush out of your system, but drinking lots of water can help rid your body of nicotine because water is a natural detoxifier. Drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water every day can help detoxify your body. You can also drink half your body weight in ounces of water to be properly hydrated. If you weight 150lbs and divide that by 2 to get 75, you should be drinking 75oz of water every day.

#5: Eat More Ginger & Ginseng

Ginger and ginseng can help you on your path to quitting tobacco use. Both of these herbs help soothe the digestive system, and combating nausea, which commonly occurs during withdrawal, may help you overcome the urge to smoke.

#6: Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way

There has to be a will to stop smoking cigarettes. The individual needs to commit to stop smoking and use the herbal remedies in this list to avoid continued tobacco use.


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