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Made with weighted materials, weighted blankets provide the feeling of weighted pressure to provide comfort, safety, and relaxation.


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Weighted blankets, often referred to as gravity blankets, are often used in psychiatric therapy clinics to help comfort patients. Word of their benefits has spread far and wide, and now they are incredibly popular for relieving anxiety symptoms, reducing stress, improving sleep, battling depression, or treating various sensory issues.

What Is A Weighted Blanket?

Well, the name gives it away, in that it is blanket that weighs between 5-30 pounds. Filled with poly pellets, polypropylene plastic beads, and discs, weighted blankets mimic deep pressure stimulation, which is a hands-on technique that helps relax the nervous system. Deep pressure stimulation helps to stimulate serotonin and dopamine production, and these hormones help promote relaxation and improved mood.

Who Can Use A Weighted Blanket?

Weighted blankets are harmless when they are used for teens and adults, but they should not be used on children, according to Teresa May-Benson, an occupational therapist with the nonprofit Spiral Foundation in Newton, Massachusetts. Two child deaths have resulted from improper use of weighted blankets. The blanket should not weigh more than 10% of the user’s total bodyweight.

5 Benefits Of Weighted Blankets

They Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety disorders can have a large impact on person’s life, from interrupting sleep to having mood swings. Many therapists often recommend the use of weighted blankets for anxiety patients because the deep pressure stimulation reduces autonomic arousal, which is responsible for increased heart rate and other anxiety symptoms. One study, which involved 32 patients with anxiety, found that 33% of them experienced reduced anxiety after using a weighted blanket.

Promotes Melatonin Production

Many people with anxiety or high stress often have trouble sleeping or irregular circadian rhythms. Melatonin is necessary for healthy sleep, and research has shown that sleeping with a weighted blanket triggers melatonin production. Additionally, deep pressure stimulation has been known to improve sleep in patients with insomnia and other sleep disorders, so use a weighted blanket if you want to boost melatonin levels for improved sleep.

Benefits People With Depression

Weighted blankets recreate the feeling of a hug or swaddling, so the comfort of being cocooned can relax people and calm anxiousness. Statistically, babies respond better when they are frequently hugged, cuddled, rocked, and swaddled. People need that comfort and love as they age, though; it doesn’t just go away when you become an adult. The weighted blanket creates the sensation of a warm and comfortable hug, making the person feel as though they are being loved. Research indicates that a weighted blanket can stimulate serotonin production, also known as the feel good hormone. Finally, cortisol levels (the stress hormone) have been known to decrease in people who use weighted blankets.

Aids With Sensory Processing Disorder

The cause of sensory issues is thought to be the result of a brain signal traffic jam, so to speak, and this can lead to anxiety attacks. Interestingly enough, people with anxiety have a lot in common with children who have autism. In both conditions, the individual can experience emotional or behavioral troubles, and placing a weighted blanket on the person can provide a calming effect.

Helps Improve Focus In ADHD Patients

People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) commonly experience restlessness, impulsive actions, and lack of focus. While there have been no studies on the use of weighted blankets for ADHD patients, several studies have used weighted vests. The findings indicated that the weighted vests helped improve attention and reduced hyperactive movements. It is thought that the deep pressure stimulation from the weighted blanket can provide a soothing effect to minimize anxiety and hyperactivity, which may be attributed to the increase in serotonin and melatonin.

More research needs to be done on the benefits of weighted blankets, but initial research has shown that it benefits people with insomnia, anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, and restless leg syndrome.


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Attention-Deficit Disorder Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Students who are alive, energetic, and imaginative are dubbed problem students. If you get their attention, they will be still, quiet, and fully alert for learning purposes. You don't have to drug them down or dull their senses with drugs.


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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are relatively new conditions known in Western medicine, but they have quickly become the most commonly diagnosed childhood health issue. While many children grow out of ADD/ADHD, the condition can last through adolescence and young adulthood.

People with ADD/ADHD commonly experience:

  • Difficulty staying focused
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Difficulty controlling behavior
  • Hyperactivity

ADD/ADHD presents differently in everyone it effects. Some are predominantly hyperactive, while others are predominantly inattentive. Still others can experience a combination of hyperactivity and inattentiveness.

Patients diagnosed with ADD/ADHD may also have other conditions or challenges such as learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or even Tourette’s syndrome.


Doctors and researchers don’t know exactly what causes ADD/ADHD, but they believe several factors can contribute to it:

  • Genetics-a gene has been identified that causes tissue in the brain where ‘attention’ is tends to be thinner than normal. Usually, as the child grows, the brain tissue grows to normal thickness.
  • Brain injury
  • Sugar and sweetener intake
  • Food additives-artificial colors and preservatives are linked to increases in ADD/ADHD
  • Environmental factors-children exposed to cigarette smoke or alcohol while in utero, lead found in paint and plumbing and other environmental factors can contribute toe ADD/ADHD

Healing Options

The National Institute of Mental Health recommends a combination of prescription drugs and mental health therapy to treat ADD/ADHD.

While this may work for some patients, the side effects of the prescriptions drugs-including cardiovascular (heart and blood) problems, psychiatric problems such as suicidal thoughts, becoming manic, paranoia and/or hallucinations, stroke, or sudden death.

There is no medical cure for ADD/ADHD. Pharmaceuticals may help to manage symptoms. Psychiatric therapy helps the patient develop coping skills.

People who suffer from ADD/ADHD have options in managing their condition. There are many recognized natural treatments that can help manage symptoms, which also helps the patient better cope with daily life:

  • Diet – Minimize intake of processed sugars and processed carbs. Eliminate exposure to food additives such as artificial colors, artificial flavors and preservatives. Essentially, eliminate any processed food from the diet. Put the patient on a regular eating schedule. Three meals a day may not be enough. The diet may need to be supplemented with healthy snacks in between meals to prevent spikes in blood sugar and adrenaline levels. Add fiber to the diet through leafy greens, vegetables, steel-cut oatmeal, berries and whole grains.
  • Behavioral Therapy – parents and children both benefit from participating in behavioral therapy such as Interactive Metronome Training for children, and parenting-skills classes for parents.
  • Create a routine – children with ADD/ADHD benefit from a rigid schedule that let them know what’s expected of them and when. For instance, when they will be at school, when they will do homework, when they will do chores, when they can play with friends. Create a schedule and stick to it.
  • Minimize exposure to television – The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no television for children under 2 years old, and no more than 2 hours a day for children older than 2 years old. While the link between watching television and ADD/ADHD is unclear, it is known that helping children develop attention skills can be achieved through activities such as puzzles, games, reading out loud, or using building blocks.


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Bipolar Disorder Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

In addition to working on the brain, nervous system, and endocrine system the natural practitioner must work on the liver of the bipolar individual. Drugs exacerbate the problem. Natural substances from earth used to help assist the bipolar person.


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Bi-polar disorder, also known as manic-depression, is most commonly recognized by extreme swings in mood. Someone can feel happy or euphoric, and then suddenly feel hopeless and suicidal.

Bipolar disorder is medically defined as:
A major mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania, depression, or mixed mood. One or the other phase may be predominant at any given time, one phase may appear alternately with the other, or elements of both phases may be present simultaneously. Characteristics of the manic phase are excessive emotional displays, such as excitement, elation, euphoria, or in some cases irritability accompanied by hyperactivity, boisterousness, impaired ability to concentrate, decreased need for sleep, and seemingly unbounded energy. In extreme mania, a sense of omnipotence and delusions or grandeur may occur. In the depressive state, marked apathy and under-activity are accompanied by feelings of profound sadness, loneliness, and lowered self-esteem. Causes of the disorder are multiple and complex, often involving biologic, psychological, interpersonal, and social and cultural factors.
Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 5th edition (1998), pg. 196.

It is usually a long-term psychiatric condition that may need one or more therapies to manage symptoms so the sufferer can engage in every-day life.

Causes and Risk Factors

Bi-polar disorder is attributed to several instances such as hormonal imbalance, genetics, neurotransmitter imbalance, changes to the brain (either due to injury or other factors). Stress, abuse, traumatic loss can also contribute to the development of Bi-polar disorder.

Other emotional, psychological, or health issues can can make the diagnosis of the disorder difficult. Conditions that commonly occur with Bi-polar disorder include anxiety, ADD/ADHD, addiction or substance abuse, heart disease, thyroid disease, and obesity.


People suffering from Bi-polar disorder experience symptoms at both ends of the spectrum: the highest highs and the lowest lows. Some symptoms are:

  • Difficulty managing relationships at home, work or school
  • Inflated self-esteem
  • Severe lack of self-esteem
  • Poor judgment
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Rapid speech
  • Risky behavior
  • Agitation or trouble settling down
  • Dangerous behavior such as compulsive drug use, alcohol use, and unsafe sex practices
  • Prolonged periods of sadness or hopelessness
  • Anxiety or feelings of panic
  • Difficulty concentrating, or is easily distracted
  • Fatigue, insomnia and problems sleeping
  • Explosive behavior

Healing Options

According to medical experts, Bi-polar disorder requires lifelong treatment. Left untreated, people with Bi-polar disorder can experience financial problems, legal problems, trouble maintaining relationships, feelings of isolation and loneliness that could lead to suicidal thoughts, poor performance at work or school, problems related to drug and alcohol abuse as well as compulsive over-eating or compulsive under-eating.

Treating Bi-polar disorder can be complicated. It generally includes a combination of therapies. In some cases, treatment for substance abuse may also be necessary. Support groups have also been known to be helpful to those suffering from Bi-polar disorder.

Acupuncture, yoga, and massage therapy are also known treatments for Bi-polar disorder. People with Bi-polar disorder are encouraged to learn about the condition and how to manage it, join support groups, find healthy outlets (such as a hobby, sports, etc.), stress management or relaxation techniques, and to stay motivated through goal-setting and productive self-rewarding.

Dietary Intervention

It’s been reported that some people with Bi-polar disorder benefit from a change in diet.

Avoid a “Western” style diet rich in red meats, simple carbs, saturated fats and trans fats. Instead, people with Bi-polar disorder can eat a nutrient-dense diet loaded with fruits and vegetables. Nuts, flax seed and canola oil are also helpful.

There are foods known to aggravate Bi-polar disorder. Patients should avoid caffeine, high-fat foods, high-salt foods, bananas, champagne, red wine, grapefruit juice, fermented cheese, liver, and soy sauce.

Herbs can be very helpful. It’s recommended using nervine herbs for bi-polar disorder. These herbs include Kava Kava, Passionflower, Lavender flower, Jatamansi, Chamomile, St. Jon’s Wort, Valerian Root, Blue Vervain, Hops, Scullcap, Catnip, and Cinnamon to name a few. These herbs can be taken in tea form, capsule form, or liquid extract form and can be taken throughout the day.

Other Healing Options

AROMATHERAPY. There are plenty of good essential oils that are effective in the treatment and healing of bi-polar disorder and they include Neroli, Bergamot, Lavender, Jasmine, Davana, May Chang, Blood Orange, Linden, Valerian, and Melissa (True). These oils can be inhaled, burned in a diffuser, and/or added to bath water.

CRYSTALS. There are plenty of crystals that can be used in the treatment and healing of bi-polar disorder, but by far, the best stone to use for bi-polar disorder is lepidolite. Lepidolite contains lithium.

Other good stones/crystals for bi-polar include Charoite, Larimar (Dolphin Stone), Sugilite, Amethyst, and Peridot. These crystals and stones are ideal for the depression aspect of bi-polar (and can be placed directly on the Ajna chakra located between the eyebrows.

However, for the grounding aspect of bi-polar, the following crystals and stones are recommended: Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, and Magnetite. These stones can be placed anywhere from the bottom of the feet up to the genital region, or, around the body in a grid)

Crystals can be applied directly to the Sixth chakra (Brow Chakra) while lying down (for about 15-30 minutes) or can be made into an elixir (letting the crystal sit in water for a period of 24 hours, receiving both moon and sun light) and drank (a few dropper-fulls or 1-4 ounces).


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Are Herbs Safe To Take? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:52 +0000

Generally speaking, herbs are safe to consume. The real question should be, are man-made pharmaceutical drugs safe.


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Generally speaking, herbs are safe to take, especially the ones that are commonly used today. However, products may vary with each herbalist or herbal company.

People should be more concerned with the contents and effects of pharmaceutical drugs because they are man-made drugs.


Many people are looking towards herbal supplements as a natural remedy and alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. There are many therapeutic benefits of herbs and herbal extracts. Herbs can be used in a variety of ways. It can treat various health conditions but can also promote general health for an individual. In conjunction to a healthy diet and lifestyle, herbal supplements can be very beneficial to one’s health.

Herbal supplements have many properties that can enhance general health and lifestyle by improving:

Herbs are capable of treating various illnesses and conditions such as:


Like many health products, herbal supplements are not heavily regulated in the United States. Manufacturers may not even claim the true contents of their products. Natural health supplements are extremely effective when the right ingredients are used. It is important to educate yourself about the herbs and herbal supplements that seem most beneficial to you.

Everything that is sold at is 100% safe. only uses 100% botanicals, herbs and essential oils. The products have no adverse side effects and none of them are addictive. No animal parts or byproducts are ever used and the products never contain any chemical additives such as preservatives, fillers, solvents or binders.

Herbs are food products and are 100% safe to take, especially nutritive herbs.

Herbs vs. Pharmaceuticals

All herbs considered or alleged to be toxic or poisonous by government sources and agencies are not available to the people pursuant to government regulation. However, hundreds of harmful legal, over-the-counter drugs are widely and readily available to them via government approval.

The government bans so-called toxic or poisonous herbs but allows man-made pharmaceutical drugs to be sold over-the-counter.

No alleged poisonous or toxic herb can be compared to the dangers of some pharmaceutical drugs. Some of the most popular “toxic” herbs include:

  • Comfrey
  • Ephedra
  • Blood Root
  • Ergot
  • European Mistletoe

Side Effects

The most popular side effects of herbs deal with allergic reactions. Some common allergic reactions to ingested herbs include skin rash and upset stomach. If a person is prone to allergic reactions, then they should use small doses and try one new herb at a time.

Do not combine herbs and pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs may interfere and even amplify the drugs effects.


Those who are new to herbs and herbal supplements should start with food and culinary herbs because they are very familiar and low-risk herbs. Popular food herbs are:

Recommended culinary herbs include:

Next, begin experimenting with infusions, also known as teas. Many of the food herbs listed above can be chopped, dried, and steeped for tea.

Thank you for reading !


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Should I Give My ADD or ADHD Child Drugs? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:47 +0000

As a parent, you need to ask yourself if giving your ADD/ADHD child drugs is the appropriate solution.


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As an adult, Drugs are technically designed to treat, cure or prevent disease. The challenge is that drugs aren’t laser beams. They’re more like shot guns.

Instead of exclusively targeting of the disease or condition, drugs can have residual impact that are commonly referred to as “side-effects” or “contraindications.” Because each individual is unique, there’s no way to know how a drug will affect someone until they actually take it. Side effects can be so severe that they actually create a bigger problem than the one you want to treat.

Children are especially at risk of side effects, not just physically, but developmentally as well. In the case of ADD/ADHD, the drugs don’t cure the condition; they simply treat the symptoms.

As a parent, you need to ask yourself if giving your ADD/ADHD child drugs is the appropriate solution.

Drugs commonly prescribed to treat ADD or ADHD

ADD/ADHD drugs are stimulants. They are generally assigned to one of these three classes:

  • Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Metadate, Concerta, Daytrana)
  • Amphetamine (Adderall)
  • Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine, Dextrostat)

There is a non-stimulate drug called atomoxetine (Strattera), however it is reported to have more severe side effects than its stimulant-based cousins.

Known Side Effects of ADD/AHDH Drugs

Side effects generally appear as:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Sleeplessness
  • Stomachaches
  • Headaches
  • Emotional ‘flatness’ or lacking emotion
  • Hyper-focus
  • Muscle tics (sudden, repetitive, uncontrollable movements)

In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an order that all pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and market drugs for the treatment of ADD/ADHD prepare a “Patient Medication Guide” to alert patients to possible heart and psychiatric problems as a result of taking ADD/ADHD drugs. In extreme situations, some children and teens taking Add/ADHD drugs report feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.

The Addictive Nature of ADD/ADHD Drugs

The medical and psychiatric communities are currently at odds about whether children who take ADD/ADHD drugs over extended periods of time are at risk of becoming addicted to these and other drugs.

It’s believed that if the drug is taken under the careful supervision of a doctor that abuse and addiction are less likely. However it is also known that stimulants are highly addictive because of their basic action: releasing more dopamine (the pleasure neurotransmitter).

Whether used to enhance performance (such as studying for final exams) or for recreational purposes (to get high), excessive use of stimulants can lead to:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased body temperature
  • Decreased appetite
  • Insomnia or sleeplessness
  • Feelings of hostility or paranoia
  • Cardiovascular complications
  • Stroke

Healing Options

People who suffer from ADD/ADHD have options in managing their condition. There are many recognized natural treatments that can help manage symptoms, which also helps the patient better cope with daily life:

  • Behavioral Therapy-parents and children both benefit from participating in behavioral therapy such as Interactive Metronome Training for children, and parenting-skills classes for parents.
  • Create a routine-children with ADD/ADHD benefit from a rigid schedule that let them know what’s expected of them and when. For instance, when they will be at school, when they will do homework, when they will do chores, when they can play with friends. Create a schedule and stick to it.
  • Minimize exposure to television-The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no television for children under 2 years old, and no more than 2 hours a day for children older than 2 years old. While the link between watching television and ADD/ADHD is unclear, it is known that helping children develop attention skills can be achieved through activities such as puzzles, games, reading out loud, or using building blocks.

Other alternatives include:

  • Mental stimulation
  • Yoga
  • Listening to or participating in music
  • Swimming
  • Time outdoors

Dietary Intervention

Minimize intake of processed sugars and processed carbs. Eliminate exposure to food additives such as artificial colors, artificial flavors and preservatives. Essentially, eliminate any processed food from the diet.

Put your child on a regular eating schedule. Three meals a day may not be enough. The diet may need to be supplemented with healthy snacks in between meals to prevent spikes in blood sugar and adrenaline levels.

Add fiber to the diet through leafy greens, vegetables, steel-cut oatmeal, berries and whole grains.

Feed them good, live, high frequency, and nutritious foods and beverages and you will see a difference in their health and behavior. Spend that extra money for your children.

So don’t be so strict on them pertaining to sweets. Simply purchase the better candies (found at health food stores) and let them know it’s not the average candy that everybody else consumes, but made with better ingredients.

Purchase plant-based ice creams made from rice, almonds, coconut, or soy (last resort choice) instead ice-cream. These too (non-dairy frozen desserts) are found at health food stores.


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