The Dangers of Drinking Soda Pop
Some soda pops may contain is polyethylene glycol, used as anti-freeze in automobiles and as an oil solvent.
Some soda pops may contain is polyethylene glycol, used as anti-freeze in automobiles and as an oil solvent.
The pH of the body refers to how alkaline or acidic it is. Acidic blood has a lower pH. Alkaline blood has a higher pH and is considered a better state of health. High levels of acid are referred to as acidosis. Acidosis can lead to serious health complications such as: Heart Disease Cancer Weight […]
Many people become confused about acid or acidic foods due to hearing so much about the harm of an acidic or acid-forming diet.
Antacids are toxic and harmful to the body. Acid reflux is one of the easiest things to heal from when you know what causes it. It is so caustic it can actually burn through or eat through the tissues of the GI tract. On a metaphysical level, it may also denote anger in your heart. Anger has red energy and red is the color of fire or inflammation.
Geographic tongue is an inflammatory, typically chronic, tongue condition that affects about 2% of the American population.
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