Horoscope Signs and Herbs, Herbs of The Zodiac, Homeopathic Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Zodiac Herbs

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Zodiac Formulas

Dherbs.Com NEW Zodiac Formulas are 100% natural (plant-based) and designed to address the specific adverse health challenges that the 12 zodiac signs (person born under the sign) are vulnerable to due to a correlation between the zodiac sign and specific body organs and parts. These formulas are not based on the cell salt correlation of the zodiac signs, but are based on the various organs the signs govern and the affinity the plants have for the organs. You are not limited to simply taking your sign’s formula but have free will in taking any zodiac formula that resonates with you or that you feel you can and will benefit from. The formulas can be taken by both genders, young and old. The secrets to health and well-being are enshrined in your horoscope. The planetary system of the zodiac has an influence on the human being and his/her health and because of this esoteric truth Dherbs.Com provides you with yet another all-natural metaphysical tool to help maintain optimal health and wellbeing and to prevent and/or remedy adverse health conditions of the body.
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Zodiac Formulas - Dherbs
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