Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 112)

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Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

12-10-14 today is my last day on Dherbs.. Thank you!!! I lost 14 lbs. have not taken any blood pressure medication and my blood pressure is now very normal. Eating the raw food diet was not difficult at all. Our family normally eats meals with out meat anyways and never any pork or beef and we eat lots of fresh fruits. Relia Johnson. I'm so happy!!! *

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I am very thankful for this product. For at least 2 years, I was having issues with my menstrual cycle. I had very heavy flows that lasted for weeks at a time. I would have to the doctor for a prescription to stop the flow. I tried the FBC in April of last year. Since then, I am having normal menstrual cycles again! I would recommend this product to ANYONE! As far as weight loss, I lost 8 pounds. I could have lost a lot more, but I honestly wasn't eating correctly or exercising. I'm definitely ordering again and I will follow the directions for even better results. *

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The Full Body Cleanse is one of the best products I have used to lose weight. It was rough for me in the beginning to stick to the diet, but once I saw the quick results it wasn't hard for me at all to stick with the diet. I will always go back to this product each time I want to lose weight. Plus it's healthy for you! *

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I most admit I was a little skeptical about trying a 20 day Full Body Cleanse but decided to give it a try before my annual physical. In Oct. I realized that I was about 45 days from my annual physical and thought that it would be a great time to try the cleanse because I was suffering with higher than normal blood pressure, very high cholesterol (over 220), low energy level and was overweight, so I decided to order the Full Body Cleanse. Day 1-3 was tough because I had to pack my meals for the day, days 5-7 I was sluggish because my body was going through a major detox but after that it was great. My energy level increased, my skin was glowing and my cravings for certain foods diminished. So a few weeks past and I received my results from my doctor, much to my surprise my results came back GREAT! My blood pressures was good, my total cholesterol levels were excellent (169) and my overall blood work came back with everything in the normal to good range. The best part is I lost 16 lbs. and several inches. Thanks DHERBS for helping me get back on track and changing my lifestyle. *

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I bought the Full Body Cleanse in hopes it would help me lose weight and cleanse my system. I had tried another cleanse from another website and it didn't meet my expectations. My friend recommended I try it after being on it for 4 days. I tried it and I feel energetic and clean. I also dropped 10 lbs. I love this product. I can't wait to do it again. *

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I must say I tried the full-body cleanse and it worked. I felt better looked better and yes I did drop some pounds it was worth it thanks Dherbs. *

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I finished the full body/20 day fast and lost 14 lbs. I am continuing to eat healthy and drink healthy fruit and veggie drinks. My goal was to lose 25 lbs but i am definitely satisfied with the results. My personal training and of lifting weights and walking/jogging has been very beneficial and helped to keep the weight off and even lose more. I am not craving sugar and junk food nearly as much. I have a more positive outlook on life and I give the Lord all the glory. He wishes above all things that we may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers (3 John 2). It's not if i lose 25 lbs., it's when!!! *

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I finished the FBC on the 20th... and it went great. 13lbs down. I tried to eat normally and I was sick. Sugar made me sick and meat made me sick, so veggies, fruits and nuts it is. I've been taking the Weight Release Formula and I will take this until I start the Weight Release Cleanse and hoping to shed more pounds. Thanks Dherbs *

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Hi Dherbs, we have been on it for 17 days - it wasn't easy but it was worth it. I went from 309 to 285 and have 3 more days to cleanse. I'm thinking about doing the 10 day next month. My wife said count her out on that one (lol). I will treat this body like a temple from now. Thanks for the product. *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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