FAQ: Full Body Cleanse Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 2)

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FAQ: Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse can be used by anyone as long as they weigh 100 pounds. Age is not a factor.

IN ORDER FOR THIS CLEANSE TO BE EFFECTIVE, we recommend an ALL-RAW-FOODS diet for the entire duration. This is because raw foods don’t lose nutrients through cooking or heating, meaning they’re able to provide you with more nourishment. Also, most raw foods are alkaline in nature, which aids in helping to keep your body’s pH levels balanced. NO FOOD that is cooked above 115° F (baked, broiled, toasted, grilled, sautéed, fried, poached, boiled, steamed, microwaved, heated, reheated, etc.) is considered a raw food, so NONE of these are included in this raw- foods diet regimen. A raw-food diet consists SOLELY of raw vegetables (and juice), fruits (and juice), legume sprouts, and sea plants; raw nuts, nut pastes, and seeds; raw herbs and plant oils. A raw-food diet is by its very nature VEGAN, so this means NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS. Nothing but the raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds listed above.

You can juice for the entire duration of the Cleanse, however we still suggest incorporating whole foods into your diet as you burn through foods faster when they're in liquid form. As long as you're consuming fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, you can incorporate juicing as much as you want.

Thank you for contacting us. The cleanse is still okay for you to do but we recommend doing the Liquid Version of the Full Body Cleanse. Some people experience difficulties digesting capsules after having the procedure but if you decide to proceed with the capsules, you do have the option of emptying the contents of the capsules into freshly squeezed juices, smoothies or herbal teas. Please note that some formulations can be extremely bitter.

We're an online retailer based in Los Angeles, CA. If you're a local resident you can always come to the warehouse office location to pick up your order.

The brine that pickles soaks in contains ingredients that aren't natural and are outside the cleanse. We don't recommend consuming pickles unless they're freshly pickled with apple cider vinegar.

All of our products are 100% all natural plant life herbs. We do not use any kind of unnatural ingredients including animal products, gluten, GMO, binders or fillers. There’s no ingredient that mimic drugs. We always encourage customers to do the research on the ingredients that you're concerned about testing positive for drugs. We suggest informing the tester of the herbal supplements that were consuming so that they’re aware.

Yes, you can consume any fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds of your choice besides peanuts. Drinking lemon water on a daily basis is a great thing to do as lemons naturally detox the body and increases your energy level. Lemons have numerous benefits.

The Cleanse is still okay to do while you’re on birth control. The Activated Charcoal is a major part of the detox program, that helps pull out heavy metal toxins, chemicals and drugs from the body. Most birth controls are recognized by the body as chemicals and can be pulled from your system. You should be mindful that the birth control might need time to be affective in your system again after cleansing.

Activated Charcoal

Everyone's body and health is different so responses to the Cleanse will vary. Most people can see weight loss within the first few days of cleansing. You can definitely achieve 15 pounds of weight loss as long as you stick the diet and the regimen as it's instructed. The only challenges that interfere with weight loss while on the cleanse are due to a hormonal issue such as the thyroid or menopause, a rapid increase in muscle mass or you're just at your appropriate weight for your height. You can repeat the Cleanse again if you're looking to achieve a certain amount of weight loss.

Both cleanses help with weight loss. The Full Body Cleanse detoxes the entire body of the things that contribute to weight issues, getting your overall health into a better state first and foremost; which is why it's recommended to do first. The Weight Release Cleanse helps to regulate your metabolism, hormones and food cravings to help with weight loss. It's just two different approaches to help with losing weight. Weight Loss on the Full Body Cleanse is just one of the benefits in detoxing.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

The Full Body Cleanse comes in both capsule and liquid form. The capsules are always more potent and produces better results. The Liquid Cleanse is more so for people who cannot digest capsules. You do have the option of emptying the contents of the capsules into freshly squeezed juices, smoothies or herbal teas. We use vegetable capsules that are standard size. They are not coated like most pills are and are easy to swallow.

Yes, the Full Body Cleanse can help with arthritis. The regimen and the diet helps bring relief from inflammation in the body. To specifically help repair the health of the bones and joints we suggest trying the MSM Sulfur and the Joint Aid after the cleanse. Please take time to read the following article: Arthritis.

Full Body Cleanse
Joint Aid
MSM Sulfur
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Yes, you can eat the good fats that are within the diet; and any other fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that you're comfortable eating raw. If you're doing the cleanse more so for weight loss we suggest limiting the intake of good fats. They're still beneficial to your body, but they can also reflect on the scale.

We use vegetable capsules for all of the supplements we sell.

Yes, you can consume dehydrated fruits and vegetables while cleansing. Just be sure that there's no added sulfur, salt or sugar.

You can do the Full Body Cleanse as often as you like or as often its needed. Its not required of you to do the cleanse every month. It depends on what you're personally trying to accomplish.

All of our products are 100% all natural plant life herbs. We do not use any kind of unnatural ingredients including animal products, gluten, GMO, binders or fillers including dairy.

All of our products are 100% all natural plant life herbs. We do not use any kind of unnatural ingredients including animal products, gluten, GMO, binders or fillers. A lot of cleanses and herbal supplements that are sold on the market contain ingredients that aren't natural and force your body into functioning a particular way. Our products help recondition the organ or bodily functions naturally.

While doing the Full Body Cleanse people often experience a loss of appetite. Your body adjusts to the proper amount of food it needs instead of what its just used to receiving. We suggest looking into the Hunger Control formula we have available as well.

Hunger Control

Yes, you can use any seasonings of your choice as long as it does not contain added salt. You can only consume sea salt and it should be used in moderation.

No, you cannot have air popped popcorn. You're only consuming foods that provides your body with benefits.

You're detoxing your body and your major organs including the lungs; you cannot smoke while on the cleanse. The Full Body Cleanse and the adjusted diet helps eliminate nicotine cravings, however it does not specifically address smoking. We suggest incorporating the Anti-Smoking formula into your regimen to help.

Smoke-Less Formula

The Liver, Gallbladder & Spleen formula can still help improve the health of the other organs that it helps address. It’s still safe for you to consume the supplement.

Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder

Yes, you can use the apple cider vinegar while on the cleanse. You can also use it as a base for salad dressing, cosmetically or consume by itself it on a daily basis.

You cannot consume regular store brought juices or pre-made smoothies like V-8 Drinks. Most of them are pasteurized and contain preservatives or additives that help sustain its shelf life in addition to containing unnatural ingredients. You can only purchase fresh juices that are cold pressed or one’s that have not been pasteurized and smoothies that made from scratch.

Yes, adding lemon to your water and food helps naturally detox and alkaline the body.

Water is an essential with doing the cleanse and with having good health in general. It helps everything in your body from flushing out your system to helping with producing bowel movement. Your body needs water on a regular basis. We suggest incorporating more fruits into the water such as cucumbers, lemons and even orange slices in the water. You can drink them all together and muddle the fruit, but there is no alternative to the consumption of regular drinking water.

The cleanse was designed for the use of one person. You can split the cleanse into two uses for two people for 10 days, but you won't be detoxing your body properly. We always recommend doing the cleanse when you can fully commit to the 20 day regimen. You get a better detox when you do the 20 days straight. In between times you're just reintroducing toxins and waste back to your body, 10 days doesn't allow enough time for your body to adjust to a new habit.


Vitamin C
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