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Inflammation and mucus often contributes to strep throat, eliminating foods within your diet that cause these things would be best. The Full Body Cleanse would be the best thing to help the step throat from reoccurring. It's a detox program that eliminates heavy metal toxins and waste from your body that often contributes to things like weight issues and certain health ailments. In doing the cleanse, you're detoxing all of your major organs including the lungs, boosting your immune system. The cleanse can help give your body the reset it needs. You can move on the the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen to help recondition your lungs health or continue with the Lungs Formula. Please take time to read the following article: Throat Problems.
Full Body Cleanse
Lungs & Respiratory
Mucus Formula
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)