Q: How can I motivate myself to stick to healthy foods and exercise? : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Ask The Herbalist

Motivating yourself to stick to healthy foods and exercise is not as difficult as you think.  The real reason people beleive it is difficult is because garbage foods are addictive, just like drugs.  Once you properly cleanse/detox your body (and brain), you will begin to crave raw fruits and vegetables just as you now crave your favoriate drug/food  If you don't beleive me, simply try it.  Contact Dherbs and get products to thorougly detox and cleanse your body, and eliminate parasites.  The cleaner you are internally, the more you will crave healthy foods and have the energy to exercise.  A dirty body does not want to move.   Of course there are many ways I can assist you in motivating yourself to adhere to the detox and cleansing until your healthy cravings kick in.  If you tell me a bit about your specific challenge I will respond with a bit on that as well.   I hope this was helpful!

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