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Ask The Herbalist
Kindly but firmly request or demand that the entity leave your home. Tell the spirit it is not invited and you do not wish its presence to remain in your home. Strike singing bowls (quartz made) or Tibetan bowls daily. Burn incense of Sage, Dragon's Blood, Myrrh, or White Copal of which help to banish negative spirits and forces. You can also burn essential oils of Niaouli, Sandalwood, Chamomile (Yellow or Roman), and Myrrh in a diffuser. Saturate your home with black and/or brown crystals, i.e. Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Dravitz, Jet, Black Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, etc. Also say positive affirmations throughout the day. Summons your angels to protect you and to assist you in getting the negative entity to leave your home. Ask the Universe to send you to someone or for someone to come to you to help you (if you are having difficulty locating a qualified spiritualist in your city or town).