Q: My two year-old son is not circumcised and his foreskin is not pulling back. Is there anything I can do to get his skin : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Don't act too fast; sometimes it takes a while before the skin begins to become elastic. The child is only 2. You can clean his foreskin with warm water, sea salt, and tea tree oil (5-8 drops in the bowl of water or bath water) and you can add 1 ounce of hydrogen peroxide if you like. If the skin is red and swollen it's inflamed start applying Dherbs.com Face and Body Oil and this should facilitate healing. Antibiotics are harming the child. He doesn't need antibiotics! Please read our article on "Dangers of Anti-Biotics". He'll be alright!

Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)

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