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Ask The Herbalist
Healing takes time so please take things one day at a time, Beloved! Live in the moment! Don't worry about the future and future outcomes! Live in the day (today)! If the peroxide burns stop using it. Have you tried the Face and Body Oil, Beloved? No matter how frustrating, STAY POSITIVE! There is great wisdom in pain and irritation! Expectations? Get rid of them because if you don't get what you expect you will be disappointed. Detox and then take a brief break and just rely on food. After you detox (FBC) try the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimenand perform it 2-4 times straight if you can afford it. Have you read our "Eczema" article? Don't forget to drink plenty of vegetable juice!
Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)