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Ask The Herbalist
The miscarriages are more spiritual than anything. Babies have no soul until after birth, so until birth, you only have biological entities forming in your body, so you are dealing with physical health problems. You need to work on strengthening your reproductive system. Evidently you system is weak. The C-section was unnecessary and doctors did it to make money. That's all. You don't do a C-section for a fetus of 7-8 weeks. That's ludicrous! Antibiotics? Those things are dangerous and are still in your body until you detox. The poisonous drugs they put in your body caused the Hypertension. Beloved, here's what I would recommend in your case: first perform the Full Body Cleanse that will target all of the above. After this, perform The Female Cleanse. After this cleanse, perform the Uterus Cleanse (which is optional in your case). You don't need birth control pills or any foreign device in your body. Just change your thoughts (see yourself pregnant, holding/nursing your baby), develop a healthy attitude (that you are worthy of holding a baby to term). Change your diet (vegan is best, eat more raw foods; fruits and vegetables). Drink Dherbs Female Health Tea daily. Remove all fears that you cannot hold a baby. Remove all thoughts about a 3rd miscarriage and how you will be devastated as you are setting yourself up for this by the very thought. Thank you for your interest in Dherbs.Com
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse