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Ask The Herbalist
The mouth sores and tenderness is NOT from the cleanse, but are symptoms of your body's healing, which the cleanse has greatly initiated. You see, the herbs don't dictate where the emphasis goes (as far as healing goes), the body does. The body knows all the areas of your body that need addressing (emotionally as well as physically). Internal skin is skin just as well and the skin is the body's largest organ of elimination, so your body will use whatever channel is available to eliminate waste from the body. The mouth is part of the alimentary canal so this situation with your mouth only and simply denotes that much healing is taking place in your colon. Mouth sores are only temporary but they do dictate that the mouth's pH balance is too acidic. The mouth is naturally acidic, but it's a healthy acidic (6.8 pH) . To facilitate healing of the mouth sores, gargle with a little tea tree oil (2-3 drops), hydrogen peroxide (half a teaspoon), and sea salt (half a teaspoon) in some warm water, throughout the day.