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Ask The Herbalist
No other formulas while taking The Female Cleanse. Please read our "Frequently Asked Questions" which explains this. The son can take the Children Detox (liquid extracts) and the Brain Booster simultaneous.
Full Body Cleanse followed by 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
The Full Body Cleanse comes with a colon cleanser, Ma'am!
Your solution is: DETOX! DETOX! DETOX! Change your diet! You must start eating right! Read the book "Becoming Vegan." A great book!
Read the literature on the website, especially in the "Frequently Asked Questions". The diet is RAW FOODS only and no animal products!
Beloved, it sounds like your back is against the wall with pressure from other people directing your life. Are you bending over backwards to try and please everybody? Pain is the absent of pleasure. Sounds like you are missing pleasure in your life. Please read some of our articles on lower back pain and pain relief.
Perform the Full Body Cleanse!
Please read the "Vertigo" article. I don't know what it could be without talking to you and attaining information.
Please read the articles "Healing Crisis" and "Is This Normal?" found in the articles section.
Using the Activated Charcoal promotes good oral health. When using it with non-fluoride toothpaste it creates a natural and powerful supplement for your teeth. You can use it with regular toothpaste, it just won't be considered natural.
I simply just focused and went with the flow and maintained my (studying, meditation). I'd soon wake up in the mornings with my answers or they would come through the day. Living in sheer silence was the key!
It denotes the botanical or technical name of the herb.
Try our Sen Fen Formula or Bowel Motion! Metamucil is POISON and TOXIC!!!
No! But you can perform the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen while pregnant. It's our NEW 10-day cleanse.
These therapies are new and better/safer than chemo and radiation but remember, no therapy can undo bad diet, unhealthy lifestyle, and unhealthy/negative thinking. If you undergo the therapies, don't forget that disease conveys a message to you to change your life to the better. You did something to harm your prostate and no therapy can undo this fact! We have an article "Male Prostate Health" you may find interesting. Herbally, you'd fare well from the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Male Cleanse.
Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
She's pretty toxic and a pregnant woman should not be taking harmful drugs because the baby can be born with jaundice or hepatitis. Herbally she can try our Sinus Formula, Headache And Pain Formula, and Mucus Formula. She should steam her face so her nostrils can benefit from the steam. She should also look into having ear coning performed. Have her drink vegetable juice! She needs to eat as healthy as possible!
I would suggest you perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Male Cleanse. Read some of our free health articles too on male reproductive health. Healing begins with knowledge!
Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Take them in this order: 1. Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen, 2. Uterus Cleanse, 3. The Female Cleanse, 4. Uterus Cleanse, 5. Then as a daily maintenance Cholesterol Formula, Fluid Formula, and Fecundity (taking 3 capsules daily of each formula).
Cholesterol Formula
The Female Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Uterus Cleanse
Fluid Formula
Please read our article entitled "Vaginal Dryness" on our site under "Articles".
If you're not hungry can you skip the meal and eat fruit and nuts as a snack? Can a meal be skipped?
Although your appetite may disappear it's still important to consume your daily meals. Fruits and nuts are okay to snack on, but increasing the amount would be an ideal meal plan while on the cleanse. Sometimes it comes down to portion sizes that make up the meal.