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Ask The Herbalist
You should try our Full Body Cleanse and soaking the hand in hot water, sea salt (13-26 oz), and hydrogen peroxide (1 cup) daily.
The Female Health Tea is available, but also, check into Female Hormonal and Fecundity for enhancing ovulation.
Get her ears "candled" or "coned" (see "Ear Problems"article on our site). It's the best procedure for removing excess ear wax buildup - guaranteed!
It's the Children & Infant Ear Oil Extract.
Please consult our articles on "High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)", "Diabetes", and "High Cholesterol" for recourse and remedy (which are listed near the bottom or end of the articles). Or, consult our "Herbal Chart"!
Beloved, we cover juices in our Full Body Cleanse Companion (EBook) which is a E-Book download. Please go there for this information as it is already covered and we are backed up on answering e-mail inquiries.
Back problems also have an emotional cause. Are you bending over backwards for somebody or something? Do you feel that your back is against the wall in some regard or matter? Turning vegan is a good idea and should really improve your health. Have you read our article "Dangerous Dairy" Now as far as your family wanting you to do things you don't want to do, you need to follow your heart and do you. Always be true to yourself. It's the only way magic can happen or occur.
We answer your inquiry in our article on "Alkaline Water". Distilled is BEST for Detoxing whereas Spring water is good daily drinking water. But you're Detoxing!
Maca is a great herb for all female reproductive problems.
Please read our "CANCER: Causes and Remedies" article in the Articles section. Herbally, she needs to perform (and a.s.a.p.) the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse followed by the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen (very important regimen). She should drink Rainforest Tonic Tea during all of her cleanses.
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Purchase our NEW Mental Science Manual E-Book that helps you work on your mind, thoughts, and emotions - the root of healing! Read the article "Immune Tea" and begin doing those. I would suggest you perform The Female Cleanse. Your body is telling you that you need to deal with past sexual hang-ups or look more into your sexuality and be at peace with yourself. You may want to consider a consultation as well!
Vitamin E is crap (soybean oil). Use olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, or some other natural oil.
Try our Full Body Cleanse, followed by Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen, followed by The Female Cleanse.
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Yes there is an option! Please read our "Thyroid Gland" article on our site in the articles category.
Both! The body is always healing itself and many times it feels uncomfortable to us. Please read "7 Natural Remedies To Help Get Rid Of Warts", "Warts".
Why did you think the herbs would be a cure? Did you get this from our article "Genital Herpes"? Have you read it? Maybe you never read them. How did you come to the conclusion that the herbs would be a cure for herpes?
Maple Syrup (Grade B), Stevia (herb), Agave Nector. Please read "The Best Sweeteners To Have On The Keto Diet".
Go with the Bowel Motion for starters and then you can go down to the milder working Colon & Digestive Tract.
Sure you can. The herbs would do no harm to you. Please read "Are Herbs Safe To Take?".
Sickle cell is of dire importance. Give the baby Vitamin C Extract in water (in a baby bottle). Alternate between Vitamin C and Children's Blood Formula. Add 2 dropperfuls to baby bottle. Purchase Oxy-Drops and add 10 drops to baby bottle containing water. You can add the 10 drops of Oxy-Drops to the Vitamin C and Blood Extract. Give Vitamin C in the morning and Blood extract in the evening time. Please read our articles on "The Metaphysics Of Sickle Cell Crisis And Malaria" and "Sickle Cell"" in our articles section. Sickle cell is of grave importance.