Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 66) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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For prolapsed uterus I recommend that you first perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse. You can use our Female Health Tea as a douche solution and douche with it. After your cleanses you should take 3 capsules daily of our Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea

Please read our "Epilepsy (Seizures)" article. It has the information you need and are seeking!

When people have difficulty healing, there's always an emotional, mental, and psychological block (where they really believe they have a disease and if it's said to be incurable they subconsciously believe it is incurable so no matter what they do they don't get physical results). Healing must be holistic! Clearly you are getting some results with herbs (Sebi's and mine) which means the herbs are doing their part but you are not doing your part. Belief is key to healing! If you are focused on "NOT wanting" herpes, you are in fact attracting herpes to stay with you because the Universe does not process negative language, i.e. "no" "not" "non" and "don't." So when you say or focus on NOT desiring a thing, i.e. "I don't want to have herpes!" the Universe hears: "I WANT to have herpes" and gives you what you want. You have to focus only on seeing yourself healed. Herpes can't be nowhere in your thought process, vocabulary, aura, etc. And it is! You are not the first person with this problem. I deal with hundreds of other individuals whose minds are not right and they go spend thousands of dollars for physical healing but they invest 0% into mental healing. Your healing depends on sources outside of self. You are looking for test results to prove your are healed rather than knowing, seeing, and FEELING that you are healed. You are looking for external products (herbs) to heal you and not your MIND and God-force. Herbs and diet only play a role. You didn't get herpes from what you ate. It was THOUGHT, EMOTIONS, ATTITUDE, DIET, LIFESTYLE, and perhaps PAST-LIFE KARMA! Let's talk! "All healing is mental"

The human mind can make or break you based upon its conditioning! Just take the cleanse one day at a time and FIND OUT for yourself what the reactions will be. You're all in the future worrying! One day at a time! One day at a time! Take things one day at a time. Read the article "What is: Raw Foods?" because you're asking about cooked foods and prohibited foods (animal flesh) which the kit clearly states should be avoided for 3-weeks. Always THINK positive in life about everything. Your thoughts create your reality!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The best, intelligent and wise thing to always do to every disease is to change the diet to a healthy one. After this, use herbs (Dherbs Cerebrovascular formula, Circulation Aid formula, Brain Booster, and Styptic Formula). I'd also recommend Oxy-Drops.

Brain Booster
Circulation Aid

Glad to hear of your success with the Full Body Cleanse! In re: fertility drugs, don't take our herbs if you are planning to take drugs because you'd be wasting your money. How can man make a fertility drug when God didn't make NO PART of your body with drugs? Drugs are toxic and do you think you can have a healthy baby using toxins? How can poisons make one become fertile? Fertility lies in diet (fruits, herbs), thought process, attitude, and lifestyle. Have you read our "Impotence, Infertility, and Sterility" article? If not, please give it a read, Beloved! To take drugs after DE-TOXING defeats the whole purpose. Check out our: The Female Cleanse and Uterus Cleanse for infertility and PCOS and check out Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen for the weight problem.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
Uterus Cleanse

Have him perform the Full Body Cleanse and start seeing a chiropractic!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

It's not so simple in just recommending herbs to take. You must know certain information to go along with diet and herbs and as such I would really suggest you schedule a health consultation which you'll greatly benefit from. Her product-wise, I'd recommend the child perform the Children Detox (liquid extracts) and then drink Iron Tea (2 cups) daily. Oh, please read our 2 articles we have written on sickle cell as they are loaded with valuable information. Stop worrying! There's plenty you can do for your child!

Iron Tea

First perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

Okay, first perform Full Body Cleanse (and drink our Headaches Tea during the Full Body Cleanse - as many cups as it takes). After the Full Body Cleanse, perform the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen. Please consider scheduling a consultation with our herbalist to diagnose the energetic (emotions) origins of these conditions.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

Perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen ! You may also want to read our article entitled "Diabetes" as well as schedule a health consultation.

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The best way to find out is have your father (or someone on his behalf) to schedule a health consultation so we can get at the root of the problem. While there could be a host of things causing the problem on the physical level, I'm more interested at getting at the emotional root of the problems. Product-wise, I would have your father start with the Full Body Cleanse.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

What you focus on with emotion is what you attract according to the law of attraction. If you continue to give these negative thoughts, your focus you will manifest this outcome. You have to consciously change this pattern to get out of your loop. When you feellike consciously, remind yourself of what you DO want. Allow yourself to create what you really want, which is to feel calm and in love with your amazin woman.

First of all we would highly suggest you schedule a consultation so we can decipher or decode the emotional root of your problems because the problems lies here. Okay, now for the meds. Drugs can't heal you, Beloved! No part of your body is made up from drugs. God didn't use drugs to make you. The drugs are enhancing your problems if not outright causing them. Give Nature a try! We would suggest you perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen. Clearly there are some emotional imbalances that have resulted in physical disease. Depression speaks from the soul. Are you listening? You can heal, Beloved! You CAN heal!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

Take Activated Charcoal and Enzymes Formula AFTER surgery!

Activated Charcoal

Greetings! Because this is common amongst people, we already have an article on the subject written. Please read our "The Importance of Fever" article as it offers prevention and remedy information. Thank you for your interest in!

Not to worry, Beloved Please order our Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (EBook) as it contains 20+ raw foods recipes. The price is only $10. Our Full Body Cleanse Companion (EBook) also contains raw foods recipes.

Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Please read our articles ("Respiratory Health" , etc.) on these subjects in our articles section. I recommend you perform the Full Body Cleanse and the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen.

Full Body Cleanse
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Detoxing will help all of your conditions. Medication only keeps you sick and a legalized junkie for the rest of your life. Try God and God's herbs! Give the Full Body Cleanse a try!!!!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Detox your body (Full Body Cleanse). Drink the Headaches Tea (1-2 cups) daily. Perform the Sea Salt Soak (see our article "Sea Salt Soak" by the same title).

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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