Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 6) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

After a few days, your cravings will subside. If you feel like you need additional help with sugar cravings you can also try the Sugar Control. There are raw food desserts available in health stores like Whole Foods, raw food restaurants or raw desserts you can make. It would be best to purchase the alkaline water. Essentia, Nestle, Voss and Neo Water are some of the popular brands of alkaline water.

Sugar Formula

You do have the option of emptying the contents of the capsules into freshly squeezed juices, smoothies or herbal teas. The intake of the capsules still needs to be spaced out every 2-3 hours, consuming the supplements separately.

We suggest trying the Nerve Formula or Monoatomic Formula to help relax your nerves. You can also try the Nerve-Calming Tea. These supplements can help balance and calm feelings of stress and anxiety.

Nerve Formula
Nerve-Calming Tea

Even with a loss of appetite it's important for you to consume food regularly. You're experiencing nauseous because your body is indicating the need for food. To help increase your appetite we recommend trying the Healthy Appetite Supplement. Please read "Hunger Vs Appetite: What’s The Difference?".

The cleanse is still okay for you to do. Some people experience difficulties digesting capsules after having the procedure. If this applies to you we recommend doing the Liquid Version of the Full Body Cleanse. The capsules are always more potent however. You do have the option of emptying the contents of the capsules into freshly squeezed juices, smoothies or herbal teas.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

We suggest trying the Maintenance Package. It helps to maintain the success and results from your cleanse. You can also cleanse again or just maintain a healthy balanced diet.

Maintenance Package

No, you cannot consume the herbs at once. Your body needs time to absorb each herbal supplement, which is why it's spaced out every 2-3 hours. You do have the option of emptying the contents of the capsules into freshly squeezed juices, smoothies or herbal teas. The intake of the capsules still needs to be spaced out every 2-3 hours, consuming the supplements separately. We suggest taking the Colon & Digestive Tract orally as there is no real way to mask the taste of these herbs. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Colon & Digestive Tract

Hives is not a condition, it is the body's way of reacting to something internally. We suggest giving your child the Children's Liquid Cleanse to clean out his body. The cleanse requires him to be on an adjusted diet. By eliminating toxins from his body and giving his body a break from whatever he's been consuming, it helps pin point the issue of what's causing the hives. After cleansing you'll be able to better assess why he was experiencing hives. Read "Why Children Should Detox".

Yes, that tea helps with the respiratory system. Please see the article "Congestion and Coughs".

All of the Prenatal supplements you listed are good for her to take. We would recommend all of the prenatal supplements, but it should be based on her personal needs. We suggest that she does the 10 Day Electric Greens Combo.

Electric Greens Combo
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

We always recommend starting off with the Full Body Cleanse. It's a detox program that eliminates waste and toxins that often contributes to issues within the body. When you detox all of your major organs, you're giving your body a reset to help it function the way it should. To specifically help with glaucoma we suggest trying the Eye Kit regimen. Please take time to read the following article: Eye Problems.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Eye Kit

You can only have the protein powder if its all natural and does not contain any dairy or whey. Hemp seed protein, green pea protein and spirulina are the best types of protein powder allowed on the cleanse.

Vegan Protein Powder Mix - CocoHemp
Vegan Berry Powder Mix
Vegan Greens Powder Mix
Vegan Protein Powder Mix - Pure Pea Protein

You're compromising the results of your cleanse if you eat foods outside the diet. We cannot say what your results will be. We only know the results you should see when you're following the diet and the regimen as instructed. The main purpose for the raw food diet is benefit from the foods and to give your body a break from the foods it’s accustom to. You’re giving your body everything that it needs, not what it wants. You can’t expect to achieve better health or lose weight eating the same foods that contributes to the issues.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

We're so happy to hear about your success and maintaining those results. We can better suggest what your next step is if you provide us with more insight on what you're looking to achieve next. Please read "The Importance Of A Maintenance Period After Dieting".

Yes, you want to allow your body time to absorb each of the supplements. It's best to allow 1-2 hours in between taking each formula. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

The 10 Day Express cleanse focuses more so on the detoxification of your blood, liver and colon. The tea that's included in the 10 day cleanse helps cleanse all of your other organs. The 20 day Full Body Cleanse includes the formulas that detoxes all of your major organs including the blood, liver, heart, kidney's and colon. The first 10 days of the 20 day cleanse is geared towards detoxing your body, the last 10 days help alkaline the body.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

We suggest you try using the Bunny Rabbit Formula and the Female Hormonal. The Bunny Rabbit Formula can help enhance your libido and the Female Hormonal can help balance out your hormones. You should also try using a natural lubricant. Please take time to read the following article: Vaginal Dryness.

Female Hormonal
Bunny Rabbit

The charcoal needs to be taken at the end of the day. It helps to pull toxins from body from the day and toxins that has accumulated over time.

Activated Charcoal

No you cannot consume the supplement while on the cleanse. The cleanse has a Colon & Digestive Tract that will help assist with bowel movements and your overall digestive system.

Full Body Cleanse
Colon & Digestive Tract
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Guinea hen weed is found in the Amazon rainforest and tropical areas of Central and South America, the Caribbean and Africa. It has a long history as a medicinal plant.  Unfortunately we do not use Guinea Hen Weed in any of our products. We cannot advise on things we don't sell.  If you tell us what you're trying to achieve in taking the Guinea hen weed we can further assist you.

Zinc Formula
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