Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 50) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Please purchase our "Alternative Health Directory" e-book which lists a plethora of vegan and raw foods resources (books, magazines, lists, etc.). It's just what you're looking for.

Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Change of diet, lifestyle, thought process and attitude is the true remedy for all disease! For spinal arthritis Full Body Cleanse Cleanse (performed 3-4 times per year).

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Thanks for sharing your success with our product! I would suggest a daily regimen (3 capsules each) of Mucus Formula, Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen , and Lungs & Respiratory Tea. I'd also perform the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimenat least once a year.

Mucus Formula
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Lungs & Respiratory Tea

Yes! Please read our article entitled "Calculi: Kidney, Bladder, and Gall Stones" in our articles section. We cover this condition in detail in this particular article.

Please read "Hair Problems" and "Black Hair, Nappy Hair" articles for remedies and recourse.

You don't heal from cancer with posion such as radiation! God did not make your body of or with radiation so radiation can't heal you. It will only harm you. But in the end, the choice to under go it is totally yours!

Organic salad dressing is a healthy alternative, but because they're bottled they usually contain preservatives to sustain their condition on store shelves. We recommend sticking to raw and fresh ingredients like using extra virgin olive oil as a base for homemade dressings. Adding apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, sea salts and other spices are common ingredients for homemade dressings.

Unfortunately you cannot use either milk for a smoothie as you are not allowed to consume any dairy. Soy is not a natural food and most store brought almond milk is pasteurized and contains preservatives that helps maintain shelf life. You can consume almond milk if it's homemade. We do have a raw homemade almond milk recipe available on our website.

We recommend The Female Cleanse, Uterus Cleanse, Bunny Rabbit, Female Hormonal, and Female Health Tea. Don't forget to read our free health articles too!

Female Hormonal
The Female Cleanse
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse
Bunny Rabbit

YES it will interfere! Because Tamoxifen is a drug and thus poisonous and herbs work to remove poisons from the body! Please read "Can I Take Medication With My Herbs?".

Bunny Rabbit

Read the articles "Hair Problems" and "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder".

I'd wait until after September 21 (Fall) and perform The Female Cleanse.

The Female Cleanse

Yes the Weight Release helps you to maintain reduced weight! We don't recommend the use of herbs with drugs/medication (poisons). Herbs cancel out poisons!

Weight Release Formula

Yes, try our Bowel Motion, Fluid Formula, and Weight Release Formula and Weight Release Tea!

Bowel Motion
Weight Release Formula
Weight Release Tea
Fluid Formula

One bottle won't do anything! It's an on-going process! There are no adverse side effects! Herbs are not drugs, Beloved; and how long will it take? YOUR body is the answer to this - just be patient and do your part in your healing!

Uterus Formula

Charcoal filters can be beneficial to filtering your water however they don't always eliminate all the fluoride and other things in water. Filters always help to improve tap water, but choosing which one is more beneficial is best.

Activated Charcoal

Precancerous cells? LOL!!! This is a fraud to scare people (women) and it works too! Pre cancerous cells means PRE = BEFORE, cancerous cells. Precancerous cells are normal cells and thus there's no need to worry. This is just an excuse to incite fear in you and have you allow them to put you on drugs and/or perform surgery. If the Full Body Cleanse (FBC) is too much for you, order 6 bottles of Electric Greens Combo and take 5 capsules every 2-3 hours for 20-days following the food/dietary regimen of the FBC! Just keep doing what you're doing!

Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Perform the Full Body Cleanse and externally apply our Face and Body Oilafter perform the Sea salt Soak (see article "Sea Salt Soak"in our articles section). Within 7-10 days please look for our new article "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder" in the articles section and it will really give you insight, so much so that I am unable to divulge everything here in Ask the Herbalist. But please stay tuned to! You can heal, Beloved, and we are here to assist you.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)

Yes! Try our Face and Body Oil. Look or our new article "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder" coming within 7-10 days.

Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)

Vitamin C
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