Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 44) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Herbal Contraception is more effective than pennyroyal. Know a few ladies who took pennyroyal as birth control and ended up pregnant.

Woman's Choice

They can be consumed by males. Black cohosh is healthy for the heart!

Medication has your blood polluted which is affecting your skin, number one. Dialysis and drugs? I don't know if you want mix herbs with drugs, Beloved. A good detoxing (Full Body Cleanse) would do you some good right about now. You have a choice to make! Doctors will remain clueless!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Birth control pills play a big role in female reproductive cancers. Women would be wise to just accept the fact that they are female by nature and God made them to have (deliver) babies and they should stop trying to compete with and be like men. In attempting to stop or prevent life (birth control), they are ending up losing their very own lives. And the birth control pills cause cancer in areas of the body that denote femininity (breasts, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, uterus and vagina). This is a form of language here. You have disease and female organ(s) which basically means your disease is specifically related to an issue of femaleness or femininity, that's why the disease manifests in these "female" organs. In attempting to be like and compete with males, females compromise their feminine integrity and goddess nature which "eats them up" (anger, frustration, sadness, etc.) inside. When the cancer appears in any female organ, it serves as a sign or sensor that the problem lies on a deeper metaphysical level pertaining to emotions, thoughts and attitude."

I believe in giving but it must be from the heart. Many people don't give from the heart but from FEAR! Or, they feel compelled to give and this is not giving freely. It's quid pro quo giving meaning "I'm giving because I want something in return" i.e. Recognition, to be or get in good graces with God, etc. I'm covering tithing in my new manual "The Money Manual." Tithing is just 10% of something, not necessarily money. Tithing can be 10% of your food, time, services, etc. Giving is okay but folks should not give to others without first giving to self for charity starts at home. Poor people should not be giving charity in the form of money for if God needs a dollar God is in worse shape than his poor followers. It is the organization asking for the money and doing so in the name of God. They collect money in the name of God and thus exploit people in the name of God.

Yes, the elixir is okay to give him or anybody! Have you tried sweetening the tea with maple sugar or another natural sweetener?

Nerve-Calming Tea

Greetings! You skin problems are explained in the article "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder" which I suggest you read. (visit articles section). When there's no physical healing, check the mind. Check out the NEW Mental Science Manual and there is a chapter in there on using the mind to heal. Basically you are focusing too much on the problem and not the solution which is optimal health and well-being. You are telling yourself how you don't want these problems and by saying this subconsciously, you are keeping the problems. Have your permanently switched or changed your diet? If not, what are you waiting for? Your blood is begging to be purified. Herbs alone won't get the job done. Let go of worrying about the problem. Focus on enjoying life, getting back in balance and you will begin to heal! Check some of our articles on "Eczema".

It is not true about the herbs. Plants are not like drugs! These herbs will not stain anything in your body. They are organic plants. Doctors are one half of all problems for giving people wrong information, usually in which people will believe or start thinking about. Stick with herbs for your healing. Try our Colon & Digestive Tract and/or Bowel Motion and change your diet and you will be fine. Try nature!

Bowel Motion
Colon & Digestive Tract

It's not the children but the outdated educational paradigms. The children are not the problem so why are we fixing what is not broken? Your children need stimulating things for their minds. They are perhaps Light children who have come here to do powerful things (healing, raising consciousness) and now they are trapped in the public fool system. Consider a consultation, Beloved! Drugging light beings is not the solution. But properly feeding their minds is! Peace and Love! Please read "ADD and ADHD".

If he doesn't like the tea, he just doesn't like it. Don't force it on him. Yes, the elixir can be taken with juice. Let's talk about his situation sometime. I'm creating a new article on ADD at present which should be out soon!

I would recommend MSM Sulfur to help undo all damage due to working out.

MSM Sulfur

Greetings! As far as the best brand I really wouldn't know as there are a few good brands on the market. Just make sure your aloe vera juice is at 99% pure and with no additives. Aloe gel can be added to a fruit smoothie though I personally wouldn't add it to a fruit smoothie.

Unfortunately, no herbs can correct a medical procedure.

Great to hear, Beloved! I feel your excitement. Iridology is an awesome science. California is also an awesome place to visit, especially if you are health conscious. Silver Shield may be a common name of a particular plant so I would need to know the botanical name. Peace and Love!

It's not mandatory to take the anti-viral baths, but it does help enhance ridding your body of viruses through soaks. The bath drops are included in the anti-viral regimen because it is an added benefit in the healing process. Bath soaks allow the herbal oils to seep into your pores helping your body draw out the virus.

Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Anti-V Bath Drops

You can consume trail mix with nuts and raisins, just be sure that it is 100% natural and/or organic. A lot of the trail mix on the shelves of stores today are salted, roasted or contain preservatives. It's best to ensure that you're eating a product that is within the diet of the cleanse.

You can consume organically natural hemp protein while on the cleanses, however we prefer to let the herbs work on it's own. A lot of people feel like they need an additional amount of protein while on the cleanse, but the best source of protein is within the foods we consume.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Try our Colon & Digestive Tract formula (Dherbs) or he can drink Ginger or Peppermint Tea!

Colon & Digestive Tract

We don't sell those items. For bacterial vaginosis we recommend Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse. Please read our articles on "Bacterial Vaginosis" in our articles section.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please see the article "Understanding Acidic vs. Acid-Forming" in our articles section for the answer you seek and require.

Zinc Formula
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