Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 36) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Only your body will reveal the answer to this question in time! Be in the unknown, because the unknown leads to the known! Stay positive and focused. See your results! FEEL them! Please read "When Will I See Results After Taking The Herbs?".

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Liver, Gallbladder & Spleen Tea

Hemp seed is nutritious! Check some of our hemp seed recipes.

You should listen to how you feel and DETOX! Detoxing will help you, and your situation. The drugs have made you toxic! Here's what you need to do first and foremost, perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen, followed by the 10 Day Colon Cleanser. While performing these cleanses, drink 1 cup of Female Health Tea daily, and read the "Mental Science Manual" and apply the principles.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
10 Day Colon Cleanse
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

All you have to do is first perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen. After the cleanses, change your diet, and stop eating mucus forming things. Please read the article: "Respiratory Health".

Full Body Cleanse
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Put bentonite clay on the insect bite (apply daily). Perform the Sea Salt Soak (read article by the same name on our site). Stay off the feet for a while (perhaps the weekends).

Please read our article on "Bacterial Vaginosis" in the articles section on our site. I also recommend a Full Body Cleanse, and The Female Cleanse. After Cleanses start a daily regimen of Yoni Cleanser, Female Hormonal, and Menstrual Cycle Formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Yoni Cleanser
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Yes, MSM Sulfur, is a great herbal product to promote hair growth? Often referred to as the "Beauty Herb". Please read our article entitled "Hair Problems".

MSM Sulfur

Please read "Hair Problems". Strong genetic predisposition, plus, the harm from eating meat will manifest in weak energy areas. The hair of the head may not be their weak energy area.

Please read "5 Ways To Fight Free Radicals And Why It’s Important". Try the Antioxidant Formula! products include Black Heritage Soap, and Oxy-Oil.

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

You can't compare the meats of 4,000 years ago with the meats of today. God, allowed man to eat meat only after the fall, so the meat diet is one that, is based upon being degenerate. For meat to provide protein it must be eaten raw like animals in the wild eat it.

Sounds like the lymphatic gland may be unclogging, and allowing mucus to move, use Mucus Formula. You may need about 11 more ear coning session (every other 2 weeks if you can afford it). 

Mucus Formula

Perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed the ParaWrm Cleanse.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
ParaWrm Cleanse

Normally it lasts about a month. Use 30 drops of Oxy Drop per glass of water. You should be drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day. 

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

Too many raw nuts could cause a feeling of being bloated, but nuts are pretty good to eat while detoxing. Most people don't have a problem with nuts, while cleansing. Okay, so you have diabetes and the weight is from the diabetes association, correct? It is ideal to first perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the Pancreas Cleanse. If you don't release the full 35 pounds of weight with these 2 kits, you then perform either the 10 Day Colon Cleanser, or the Weight Release Cleanse. Also, whether cleansing or not, drink 2 cups of Pancreas Tea daily. If the weight (waste), is due to the diabetes then your body responded to the contents of the Pancreas Cleanse (because your body needed it), and this is a sign that you should only be performing the Pancreas Cleanse, and not the other cleanses I named above.

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
Pancreas Tea
10 Day Colon Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse just loosened up pockets full of intestinal gas. Stay focused on your colon. Drink our Dinner Tea daily, and take Colon & Digestive Tract daily (preferably at night before bed). Pour olive or coconut oil on your stomach and massage it each night. Congratulations, on completing the detox Beloved!

Colon & Digestive Tract

Don't put too much emphasis on getting rid of HIV! Focus on optimal health, and well-being. Get your mind right! Recommended reading, The Mental Science Manual e-book. Subconsciously, and subtly you have already freaked out, and your body knows it. Relax! Chill Out! Focus on healing! Not on disease! You can and will heal! Keep the faith!

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

Yes! Drugs and herbs don't mix. Consuming both, drugs, and herbs defeats the purpose of taking herbs. Herbs are for healing. Drugs are toxic and poisonous. Article: "Can I Take Medication With My Herbs?"

No, The Full Body Cleanse would actually help your colon!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Wild Yam is a great source of natural progesterone hormonal precursor. It helps dissolve gas pockets in colon, helps against spasms, (especially abdominal spasms), balances estrogen and progesterone levels, helps to regulate the female menstrual cycle, tones and nourishes female breasts, and alleviates pain (headache).

Woman's Choice

Vitamin C
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