Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 25) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Follow the advice in the "Toe Nail Fungal Infection" article! Start soaking the feet! Callouses can be reversed! 

Nail Oil

Try Read some of our articles on "Crystals".

Kangen ionized water is one of the best alkaline waters available today. Installing this water generator will help ensure that your always consuming water that is pure and beneficial for your health.

Mastitis, is inflammation of the breast. Inflammation is caused by mucus, and mucus is the result of an acidic body predicated upon an acidic diet. A diet high in animal products, (meat and dairy products), as well as refined grains, starches, and effervescent acidic beverages can cause this. Many times, mastitis denotes that an injury is present. The pus actually serves to help out in the situation. Doctors will prescribe antibiotics for mastitis. Since when have antibiotics been able to get rid of mucus and pus? Never! So why would a woman take antibiotics for an inflammation problem? There are natural remedies for mastitis, just as there are for every other breast complaint. If you suffer from mastitis, especially while breastfeeding, start consuming Mulein leaf tea, (3-5 cups daily) Mucus Formula, (capsules and/or tea, 6-9 capsules daily or 3-5 cups per day). You don't want to breastfeed if pus is coming out of the nipples. Instead make an alternative milk (see our article Alternative Infant Formula Milk) to feed the baby while you are healing your breasts. Think positive too! Consider our "Mental Science Manual" e-book to help get and keep your mind right! 

Mucus Formula
Mucus Tea

Let him try Centaury Extract which helps to increase the appetite

Please read our article "Low Blood Cell Count" which is located in our Articles section. Your answer is there Beloved! 

Simply perform the Full Body Cleanse, (drink Female Health Tea while on this cleanse), read our 'Mental Science Manual', and 'Love Manual' which is great reading. The manuals shows you how to use your mind, and heart to heal disease, disorders, and injuries. These are very important tools in the healing process. After you detox, perform The Female Cleanse. After the TFC, complete the Uterus Cleanse. 

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse

The body vomits in response to eliminate something out of the body. Please try the following: Perform the Full Body Cleanse, and read our Mental Science Manual, while you're detoxing. Drink plenty of water as well. Perform this kit, and then contact me again in 3 weeks. We'll see where you are at, and if you need to do anything else. We'll get to the root of your problem, Beloved!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Beloved! Perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by The Male Cleanse! 

Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please read the article "I'm Thin, Will I Lose Excess Weight During the Detox". Visit our articles section. You guys have nothing to worry about. You will only release weight if you NEED to do so. Just read the article for more insight and understanding. The Full Body Cleanse and drinking the Hearty Heart Tea will tremendously help your friend. He needs to do something and fast though. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Your friend should perform the Full Body Cleanse as soon as possible. Or, in the alternative, she should use Oral Antiseptic Spray for her throat, and take Menstrual Cycle Formula for her period, and Iron Phosphate for her anemia.

Full Body Cleanse
Iron Formula
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Magical Alchemical Elixir, and Children's Detox are highly recommended. Don't forget good diet too. Beware of chemicals (in the foods, beverages, etc.) as they further impair the brain. Read some of our  Child’s Health articles.

Have her perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the 10 Day Blood Cleanse. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Blood Cleanse

Take Cardiovascular Formula, and Circulation Aid formula Beloved! There's help for you. 

Circulation Aid

The only thing I can recommend is performing the Full Body Cleanse, and changing your diet. Are you mentally strong willed? If so, use mental science. See the Mental Science Manual. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Saw palmetto berries would be the best thing to take. Read our free articles. We have some articles that touch on this subject, e.g. "The Superficiality of Breast Implants".

These damn doctors prescribe antibiotics for every damn thing under the sun. Have her perform the Electric Greens Combo Cleanse (which is very safe during pregnancy). Have her drink vegetable juice daily too! She can detox for the problem (blacked salivary glands) but the cleansing needs to be subtle. Check out the new article entitled "Salivary Glands Complaints".

10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

He can first perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen. 

Full Body Cleanse
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Perform Full Body Cleanse. Soak hand in hot water, and sea salt (1 cup). Let hand soak for 30 minutes per day. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Try the Full Body Cleanse, followed by 10 Day Kidney Cleanse. Also start drinking our Kidneys Tea daily.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals Tea
10 Day Kidney Cleanse

Zinc Formula
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