Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 17) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Ask The Herbalist

Our formulas contain many exotic herbs that are very expensive (for other herbalists and manufacturers) and we pride ourselves on going the extra mile to get and provide the BEST for the people (customer), especially if those exotic herbs are available and not curtailed by government regulations (which many are). And in addition to above, providing these unique herbal formulations and compounds for a very economical and reasonable cost. To be the BEST formula, the formula would have to contain the BEST organ-gland specific herbs from around the world. Now THIS, is what makes unique, at least in my opinion. However, the products speak for themselves. We are the BEST and provide the BEST!

Blood & Lymphatic
Blood and Lymphatic Tea
10 Day Blood Cleanse

First, perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the 10-Day Electric Greens. Modify your diet (mostly raw foods and vegan foods, drink plenty of good alkaline and/or spring water; drink plenty of fruit and vegetable juice, etc.). Take daily Immune Booster formula, Vitamin C, Rainforest Tonic, and Blood & Lymphatic formula (3 capsules each) and drink Detox Tea daily. Do this for STARTERS!

Full Body Cleanse
Blood & Lymphatic
Immune Formula
Vitamin C
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

Keep doing everything you're doing. Take 3 capsules of Brain Booster formula 2-3 times per day. Drink 1-2 cups of Brain Booster per day as well. Also, do not worry! Think positive as you consume the herbs daily and eat a mostly vegan/raw foods diet. 

Brain Booster
Brain Booster Tea

He needs to perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Male Cleanse. In addition, he needs to change his diet too, eat more healthy, less meat and dairy products! Consider the Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (EBook).

Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Yes, very safe and effective! Please read "5 Health Benefits Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy".

You are experiencing PICA which results when there is mineral deficiency, so your body is making you crave clay during the time of your menses. Your menses must be heavy, and you're losing a lot of nutrition (minerals) in your menstrual blood. Recommended products include: Menstrual Cycle, Female Hormonal, and Vitamin & Minerals OR Electric Greens Combo (or both formulas).

Electric Greens Combo
Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Multi-Vitamins and Minerals

You don't have to take 3 capsules at one time. You can take 1 or 2 capsules. You have free will in how you take your capsules! Read "How To Take Herbs".

I was never an oatmeal eater, but it's one of the best cereals one could eat. "How To Make Your Oatmeal Delicious And Less Boring".

The X-ray will expose you to radiation, and I have no clue of what the TB test consists of.

Please read our new article "Nocturnal Emissions" in the Articles section, Beloved! 

No, especially if your cycle is officially over. The TFC will help you. Drink Female Health Tea (1-2 cups daily) and inhale Female Inhaler daily. Take 3 capsules daily of Female Hormonal! 

Female Hormonal
Female Inhaler
The Female Cleanse
Female Health Tea

I recommend Aloe Vera, Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn, Plantain, Slippery elm bark. Ulcus Buster formula, Colon & Digestive Tract, and Intestinal Cleanser as well, Beloved!

Colon & Digestive Tract
Intestinal Cleanser

I'd recommend to stay away from iron supplements on the market. Only take organic iron supplements (herbal-based) e.g. Iron Phosphate formula. Our Electric Greens Combo would supply both minerals and iron. 

Electric Greens Combo
Iron Formula

Greetings! If a thing is from a natural source (i.e. plant or fruit) we say GO FOR IT!!!!! Give it a try, Beloved! Read "What is: Raw Foods?", "The Best Sweeteners To Have On The Keto Diet".

Both alfalfa and devil claw are plants that are commonly used for health treatments. As long as the supplements are natural you should be able to empty the contents into freshly squeezed juices, smoothies and herbal teas. Most gel capsules are simply just to mask the taste of the contents. Read "How To Take Herbs".

Please follow the advice in the Toe Nail Fungus article, soak the feet as the article advises. Your body is asking to be detoxed. Skin problems point to blood problems. Read the article "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder as well, Beloved! I recommend the Full Body Cleanse, and Foot Oil. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Foot Oil

Not true! Only true of man-made drugs and other products! Herbs have intelligence. Read "Herbs vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs", "Are Herbs Safe To Take?".

We only deal with herbs here!

Keep the child cool (cool bath, cold towel on head, etc.)! But more importantly, have the child to cleanse periodically with the Children's Full Body Cleanse. Fever's occur when one is toxic. Fever causes sweat of toxins via the skin. "Why Children Should Detox".

Zinc Formula
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