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Ask The Herbalist
I recommend you start with a Full Body Cleanse. After cleanse start with Eye Formula, Circulation Aid formula, and Vitamin A - these are daily maintenance formulas. Please take time to read the following article: Eye Problems.
Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
Eye Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Vitamin A
Mushrooms do not have any estrogen activity! Read "The Magical Health Properties Of Medicinal Mushrooms".
Diatomaceous is a natural substance from the earth that has been known to be beneficial to human's health, however there is a lot of controversial issues surrounding it and its uses. Because it's a non-food product we do not support use of the substance.
You can do this by supplementing with our Vitamin C formula, Blood & Lymphatic Formula, and Electric Greens Combo formula!
Simply perform your cleanse of choice and just eat as best you can, okay?
The best liquid to use in making a tincture would be apple cider vinegar.
By all means, that child needs to perform the Children's Detox to undo all the harm the poor child has suffered. Read "Why Children Should Detox".
Take 3 capsules of the Nerve Formula mid-day and before bedtime. Also, drink 1-2 cups of our Nerve-Calming Tea daily too! It will take some time to naturally heal. Just remember that, Beloved!
It is reported to do such. Use other non-meat, and non-dairy alternatives other than soy!
Regardless of the name of a disease, you will always be able to get relief and/or heal a disease by detoxing your body periodically, changing your diet (to a vegan and raw foods diet), drinking good water (alkaline or spring water), drinking good, fresh vegetable juice and fruit juice (daily), changing your thought patterns (thinking healthy and positive), supplementing with herbal and nutritional supplements. Start with our Full Body Cleanse, and follow it up with our 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen. Perform these for starters.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Start with a Full Body Cleanse, next utilize the Nerve Formula, and the Nerve Tea.
Full Body Cleanse
Nerve Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Nerve-Calming Tea
Consider these herbs Echinacea, Goldenseal, Cayenne, Ginger, Nettle, Suma, Burdock Root, and Dandelion Root.
I'd recommend the friend performs the Full Body Cleanse followed by our 10 Day Kidney Cleanse. Hereditary or not, there's always something you can do.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Kidney Cleanse
I really don't recommend healing while pregnant, however, the best cleanse that you could perform while pregnant (that would also help the baby nutrition-wise) would be to perform the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen. Drink plenty of Red Raspberry Tea too during your entire pregnancy. Like, 2-3 cups daily!
Yes, give the oil a try for 90 days. The essential oils in the product help with all testicular issues. Product Links: Male Testicular Oil
Sometimes, unnatural practices require unnatural approaches to healing, i.e. surgery, physical therapy, etc. Herbs can only assist in the repair but should not expected to do what only surgery and/or other modalities may be other to do (to undo the damage from running). Herbal wise, the person should consume large amounts of MSM Sulfur (9 capsules per day, or 3 capsules 3 times per day), Joint Aid (3 capsules 2 times per day), and Enzymes (3 capsules 2 times per day).
Sorry, but we don't give advice pertaining to prescription drugs. We are not licensed physicians. Please consult a licensed medical doctor.
A form of cleansing, happens sometimes when people perform enemas. Start taking 3 capsules of Electric Greens Combo 3-4 times per day. Also, start drinking 1-2 cups of Ginger tea daily. Your body uses this approach for cleansing during your pregnancy for the sake of the baby.
Yes! Perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse. Get your mind right!
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
First perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the 10-Day Electric Greens Cleanse. Drink plenty of good water. Drink plenty of good, pure, freshly made fruit juice and vegetable juice. Do the above for starters.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen