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Ask The Herbalist
I would suggest you start off with the Full Body Detox and after the Full Body Detox you can utilize the Fibroid Buster formula as a daily maintenance formula until you perform the Full Body Detox again or the Fibroid Buster 3-week regimen. Time frame? Read our article "When Will I see Results." Please know your tumors can shrink naturally.
Full Body Cleanse
Uterus Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse
Please read the "Metaphysics of Autoimmune Disorders" article and "Bi-polar" article (which touches on disorders such as autism). Regardless of the disease or disorder, a person should always DETOX with the Full Body Cleanse and change their diet to a vegan one. Peace and Love!
Glad you enjoyed the "Vinegar" article. I don't recommend vinegar on the skin. However, a little inn bath water won't hurt (say about half a cup). I recommend Oz-Oil for the skin. Oxygen is what the skin needs.
Yes! The Full Body Detox won't interfere with your work.
You are too acidic and the Body Intelligence is rejecting the acid for your own good. You cannot stop it from coming back up nor should you want to. The proper thing to do is to stop eating acid-forming foods which is the real problem. Acid-forming foods include all meats, all dairy products, all processed food-stuffs, soda pop, coffee, wine, pastries, refined grains, anything processed and refined. Eat more raw, organic fruits and vegetables (especially green vegetables) for they are alkaline which counteracts acidity. Our Electric Greens formula does the same thing.
No medicine is good for you. Medicine (pharma-drugs) do not do anything positive. I recommend you try our Iodine Phosphate formula and Thyroid Aid formula for your condition. I cannot guarantee you anything because I don't know how you will be thinking, what your attitude about healing is, what your diet is, how you live, and what your environment is like. But thyroid problems are usually caused by iodine deficiencies and our formulas help most people with this condition. Try it just like you gave the drugs a try.
Yes. The formula has no negative bearing on a woman who is beyond her menstruating years. The formula helps the uterus and hormonal system.
Yes! You would be wise to stop using Vaseline which is nothing but congealed petroleum (mineral oil). This crap has no business on the human body. It's toxic! It prevents the pores of the skin from breathing. Discard it! Instead, use Un-Petroleum, a safe alternative.
It's all in your head. I think you are worrying too much. Do the kit and you'll be fine. Nothing to worry about. Damn near everybody in the U.S. needs to do a Parasite and Worm Kit.
I think you know the answer for yourself. Therefore, stop eating the coconut oil. Take some vitamins and minerals and see if this helps. Sounds like PICA, a nutritional deficiency which causes cravings. Blood loss most certainly will cause loss of nutrients.
Yes, it's safe! A good tea that helps you lose weight by working on your metabolism. However, weight loss does not come from drinking tea so it won't be naturally lost due to drinking tea. Weight loss must become weight release and must be a wholistic approach.
You can keep your weight up during the Full Body Cleanse simply by not worrying about or concentrating on your weight. Read our article "I'm Thin, Will I Lose...."
Yes, it is safe for your dog to take Candida buster formula.
The Full Body Detox kit comes with a prescribed dietary plan and notifies a person what they can and cannot eat during the detox.
You don't isolate a parasite. Therefore, perform the Parasite and Worm cleanse and PURIFY the entire body of ALL parasites and worms that may be in your body. Think wholistically; not fragmentally. Go after all parasites and worms, Beloved!
Cancer stems from a host of things, not just one thing like working at night. Disease results from negative thoughts/mindset, negative attitude, poor diet; insalubrious lifestyle, and insalubrious environment. You don't need to take melatonin. Your body (pineal gland) produces it. As a night worker, just make sure when you are sleeping in the day time your room is completely dark, just like how Dracula used to sleep in the darkness of his coffin during the daylight hours. This is why Dracula was a thousand years old but looked young. He slept during the day (which produces melatonin which is an anti-aging hormone) and he operated at night whereby he also produced melatonin. Dude never aged! You do the same, just don't suck on no necks to get blood though -- LOL!!!! And no! There are no herbs to reverse anything that comes from actions or behaviors that are unnatural. You reverse the effects of night-time work by doing the opposite. In your case, it's your job (which you don't want to quit unless you can find another one), so you just get some good sleep during the day in pitch darkness.
None of our products (nor anything natural) will adversely affect beneficial flora in the body. You do not have to take probiotics while taking any of our formulas. In re the taste of our teas, they are pretty well-tasting considering we use Stevia in all of our teas. Hey, try it yourself and see for yourself.
For High Blood Pressure and increased sex drive, FIRST, perform the Full Body Cleanse for 3-weeks. It will greatly help you! After your Full Body Cleanse, perform the The Male Cleanse for 3-weeks. After this, as a maintenance regimen, take 3 capsules of Circulation Aid, 3 capsules of Cardiovascular Formula, and 3 capsules of Jackrabbit formula and you will get your desire, especially when you remember to change your diet and lifestyle. A vegan (vegetarian) diet is best for you. But the choice is yours to make.
Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
You sure can!!!!!! However, you're not curing cryptosporidium, you're eliminating it! There's a difference! Also may want to try our Parasite and Worm Kit.