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Ask The Herbalist
Yes, by all means there is a Dherbs formula for the child, the Children's Detox (which is in liquid form)! Read some of our articles on "Diabetics".
Unfortunately we don't customize formulas. What you can do is find an extract of Cascara Sagrada, or Senna leaf, and supplement with that product. Just make sure it is alcohol free! You could even just give the child prune juice (perhaps diluted with water) in place of Formula #6. Read some of our articles on "Diabetics".
Fresh, organic, raw Kale is excellent for the entire body! Eat up and enjoy! Glad you are enjoying our Liver-Gallbladder Formula! Article: Liver Problems.
What type of fruit smoothies are you having? If your smoothies consist of only fruits then no. The fruit smoothies have nothing to do with what's going on inside your body. You might just be in need of a good cleanse. Eat only when you are hungry. Try not to over eat or drink your fruit smoothies, yes they are good for you but only eat what your stomach is asking for. Start with the Full Body Cleanse followed by the 10 Day Electric Greens Combo Cleanse.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Sheer nonsense! The Body Intelligence is alive and well! The body will naturally repopulate the bacteria of the colon whether you detox, get a colonic, etc. Read our article entitled "How a Colonic Can Help you Cleanse".
Many people are concerned about what happens to the beneficial intestinal flora after colonics are performed. Personally, I think many people put too much energy into worrying about something so inconsequential. If you're really worried about the beneficial intestinal flora after your colonic, you could always take a few capsules of acidophilus (acidophilus bifidus) or a liquid form of acidophilus (dairy-free, of course). I have never taken an acidophilus product after a colonic. I know Nature and my body too well. I know that my body naturally produces everything sold by man in a bottle, and that is purchased from a health food store, including beneficial flora or bacteria. I simply drink a minimum of 4 ounces of vegetable juice after my colonic sessions. If you're into carrot juice, carrot juice is just as effective as acidophilus in restoring good bacteria in the intestines. Juiced cantaloupe is even better than carrot juice in restoring the beneficial flora. Other natural substances that will help the body to repopulate beneficial flora or good bacteria in the intestines include: Blue Green algae, Spirulina, Chlorella, Irish Moss, Kelp, Bladderwrack, Dulse, Ginger, Cloves, Cayenne, Black Walnut Hull, and Carrot powder. Stop listening to these naysayers and keep doing YOU! You're on the right path!
Yes, take Styptic Formula, Menstrual Cycle Formula (tea or capsules) and Eklampein Formula. Take 3 capsules of each; spread them out by taking each formula 2-3 hours apart! Drink Red Raspberry Tea (1-2 cups per day) too!
Please consider our Headache And Pain Formula, Enzymes Formula (helps heal scar tissue), and MSM Sulfur, which are 100% safe to take while pregnant. Take 3 capsules of each formula spaced out at least 2-3 hours a part.
Calcium Carbonate has no place in the human body, Calcium Phosphate is organic and thus helpful. The body is able digest it, and it will help keep the arteries clear, and clean. Cayenne pepper is one of the best things for the blood, veins, and arteries. This fruit will greatly help you in so many ways.
Stop putting so much energy (emphasis) on how much (weight) you're losing. You're creating a block for yourself. In fact, you should even stop weighing yourself. Only do so after you complete the cleanse. Just focus on how you feel, and what you desire -- your objective, okay! Take time to read the following article: Secrets of Weight Loss.
It is true! Brussel sprouts juiced is also great. A natural insulin effect on the pancreas! For Dherbs products on Diabetes and Ulcers see links below. First perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen, lastly perform the 10 Day Electric Greens Combo Cleanse. These cleanses should be performed every 4-6 months. After cleanses, if needed consider Pancreas Formula, Sugar Formula, Pancreas Tea , and Circulation Aid formula as a daily maintenance formulas. For ulcers after cleanses consider the Ulcer Buster, and the Electric Greens Combo Formula. Please take time to read the following articles: "Diabetes", "Ulcers".
Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
Electric Greens Combo
Pancreas Formula
Sugar Formula
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Pancreas Tea
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Have him take Prostate Formula, Male Health Tea, MSM Sulfur, and Male Hormonal Formula!
Male Hormonal Formula
MSM Sulfur
Prostate Formula
Male Health Tea
Sounds like the holy basil triggered a healing crisis effect. The holy basil has gotten your attention that you need to concentrate on your gland at the back of the neck. Try Licorice Root tea, 1 cup daily. Gargle daily too with warm water and a pinch of sea salt.
Try our Energy Booster Tea!
We recommend that you perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the 10 Day Colon Cleanse at least 2 times a year. Individual Dherbs.Com formulas that greatly assist in healing and/or preventing anal problems are Bowel Motion (capsules and tea form), Colon & Digestive Tract, Sen-Fen Formula, Intestinal Cleanser, Circulation Aid formula, and Veins Formula. Please take time to read the following article: Anal And Rectal Problems.
Full Body Cleanse
Bowel Motion
Circulation Aid
Colon & Digestive Tract
Intestinal Cleanser
Veins Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Cleanses for Ramadan should be LIQUID-based i.e. Liquid Full Body Cleanse, or perhaps drinking herbal teas i.e. Detox Tea. To combat or counter your gas (flatulence), start consuming Activated Charcoal (Carbon) 1 teaspoon in a glass of water daily (anytime of the day you feel like it). Work on your colon too. We suggest you try our 10 Day Colon Cleanser to help this problem of gas.
Our choice and vote is that plant-based products are always better than man-made sources. Consider doing a search on the Internet and compare findings and then make your choice in which form of Vitamin B12 you will use and deem best for you.
Energy exists whether we exercise or not. We live in a sea of energy. Exercise helps us to keep our bodily fluids fluid and moving.
The healing for any disease is in positive thinking, positive mental attitude, healthy diet (free of meat and dairy and processed food), righteous lifestyle, etc. However, I would suggest you perform our Full Body Cleanse to begin your healing process.
The Adrenal Glands Complex is beneficial for all adrenal issues. Our bodies naturally produce cortisol, but it's up to our diets and stress levels to keep it balanced out. We would recommend taking the adrenals complex Kidneys, Bladder and Adrenals Formula to help assist leveling your body out.