Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 146) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

Herbs are not a single solution. Other measures must be taken. Detox the body! Soak in sea salt with every bath you take. Steam your face every day or as much as possible. Start here for beginners! Great herbal formulas from Dherbs include BLOOD & LYMPHATIC and ELECTRIC GREENS CELL FOOD Formula.

Blood & Lymphatic
Electric Greens Combo

NO! The drugs would just pollute the body via the blood and major organs!

By all means, start giving the baby the herbs!

Have your daughter-in-law first perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Uterus Formula kit and regimen. Also, read our articles on Fibroid Tumors.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse

First, the child's diet must change: no meat, dairy, eggs, processed foods, etc. Have the child perform the Children's Cleanse every other month. He would also benefit from taking the Electric Greens Combo, it only comes in pill form but you can open up the capsules and mix the herb mixture in their food or drink. 

Electric Greens Combo

The birth control pills have caused you to clot. BC pills cause clotting and eventually cancer. Personally, I'd deal with the skin issue. It isn't worth dying over. Face problems convey the message that it's time for you to FACE something you've been avoiding in your life. Physically it means your blood is polluted and needs to be cleansed. Sounds like you need to detox again. While detoxing, perform facial steaming of your face. 2-3 days out of the week clay your face (with Bentonite Clay). Use Oz-Oil on your face after you steam and clay it. Healthy eating is compromised when you consume toxic matter such as pharmaceutical drugs.

Full Body Cleanse
Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)
Facial Clay Mask

It sure will! Continue to use it over time. Also take the HAIR-SKIN-NAILS formula to help with the collagen loss.

Hair Skin Nails

I say have him perform The Male Cleanse (TMC). You say the surgery messed him up ... how? His daily regimen (after the TMC) should consist of (1) Prostate Formula (3 capsules daily), Male Hormonal Formula (3 capsules daily), and Male Health Tea (2 cups daily).

The Male Cleanse

Sounds like your body is talking to you. Joint problems usually convey the message that you are too rigid in some area of your life and need to bend and become pliant or loose or yielding (Taoism). Think about this and make the connection for only you know about your life and how you are. Remember: pain is a sensor! It conveys a message! Please read "Remove Uric Acid Crystals From Your Body For Healthy Joints".

Joint Aid
Joint Aid Tea

The Full Body Cleanse! Please check our HERBAL RECOMMENDATION CHART (on the home page of our site) for more information. Just look under LUPUS!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

In re your father, painkillers are not the way because they only mask the symptom (pain). First, get your father a magnetic bed pad for him to sleep on. Do a Goggle search on the Internet to locate a magnet distributor. He needs to sleep on a magnet pad nightly. A magnetic back brace also wouldn't hurt. He could wear it daily during daylight hours. Order the Headache and Pain tea and give the tea 2-3 times per day. Also order the carbon (activated charcoal) and give him this each night (to help remove the pain killer residue that is eating up his nerves). If he can bathe still, put him in hot water with 2-3 boxes of sea salt each bath and let him soak for about 30-45 minutes. Perform the above for starters and keep us abreast.

Activated Charcoal

Skin problems are blood problems. Clean your blood periodically. Detox 3-4 times a year. Also, Oz-oil is very helpful for skin blemishes. Change your diet (eat more fruits and veggies). Please read "Why We Should Eat Only Raw Foods".

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
10 Day Blood Cleanse
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

Take a look at our 3-week Uterus Formula kit and regimen. Read our free articles on fibroids too!

Uterus Cleanse

Have the person take 3 capsules of our Kidneys-Bladder-Adrenal formula 3-5 times per day and drink 1-2 cups of Juniper Berry and/or Cornsilk tea.

Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals

I don't carry "Viento" but I have a similar product and at a more economical price. Viento is $50. I suggest Dherbs "Rainforest Tonic" which only costs $19.95

Try HAIR-SKIN-NAILS, MSM Sulfur, and Male Hormonal Formula.

Hair Skin Nails
Male Hormonal Formula
MSM Sulfur

Start detoxing with the Full Body Cleanse every 3-4 months. Place a magnet via adhesive on the cyst and wear throughout the day for numerous days. Get a loofah brush and scrub the cyst while showering and/or bathing! Do this for starters!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Cerasee is a great blood and lymph cleanser. It's great for the reproductive chamber too, to cleanse and rebuild it.

Make a tea using anise seed and/or caraway seed, sweeten it with maple syrup, and add a little lemon and put in a baby bottle and give to the baby. However, remove the acid foods. Tell her to use hemp, almond, or rice milk. They are far better than soy milk.

You are misinformed on the black beans or any beans for that matter, Beloved. Beans should be avoided during the Full Body Cleanse unless eaten SPROUTED. Sprouted beans are the only exception because they are not cooked!

Vitamin C
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