Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 143) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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No, our Full Body Cleanse is not similar to the Martha's Vineyard diet as you can eat RAW FOODS during our detox. Our kit and regimen comes with everything you need including the diet plan and regimen. It's very complete! Very unique! THE BEST!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

No need to panic, Beloved! The human body is magnetic itself. The magnets should pass via his intestines. When? Of course I can't tell you for sure but just know that they will pass. Nothing to worry about!

Be careful how you brush your teeth. Use a wet (warm) cloth instead of bristles from a toothbrush. Brush with herbs of goldenseal, white oak bark, cransebill, and barberry powder. These herbs stop bleeding!

This medication will harm you and could even kill you! You want to build the blood, not alter it. You may want to consider our STROKE BUSTER formula as it is better and safer for you. I also would recommend CIRCU-LAID formula. These formulas will greatly help you!

Circulation Aid

NO! The HIV medications are unnatural and are harming your body. The herbs will help your body to heal! You don't have to take your HIV meds, but it's your choice!

I recommend the CHOLESTEROL BUSTER, Circu-laid-Formula, and VITAMIN C Formula as an alternative.

Cholesterol Formula
Circulation Aid
Vitamin C

Read my article on "Surgery" for my answer about surgery. In regards to fibroids, I believe in removing them naturally. I recommend the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Fibroid Buster Kit and Regimen and then a daily Fibroid regimen. Biological clock ticking? Get rid of this notion! It's all in your head. The mind can give you anything you desire! Think healthy and think positive! Any time you believe that you can conceive you will achieve - guaranteed!

Full Body Cleanse
Uterus Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse

Read our article on ULCERS! All ulcer conditions can be treated by consuming aloe vera juice, drinking cabbage and brussel sprout juice. Consider Dherbs Ulcer Buster, Electric Greens Cell Food, and Colon Formula.

Colon & Digestive Tract
Electric Greens Combo

That's the beauty of the magic of Dherbs: BEST PRODUCTS and at a LOWER PRICE compared to the competition. Your math is excellent! You will agree our products are better than any others you have tried in the past - guaranteed!

Yes, that's one way. Make a tea out of them. You could put the herbs in a muslin cloth or tea ball and add to boiling water; and then it's easier to make and less clean up.

We list them in the " Alternative Diet & Lifestyle Manual." I use "Aubrey Organic" brand of shampoo and conditioner (available at good health food stores). Avalon organic also makes good products. An article is coming soon!

Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

No, ma'am! The kit only suffices for one person! Some people purchase 1 kit and share with another person (lasting up to 10 days) and before the 10th day they buy another Full Body Cleanse to keep the detox going for the entire 20 days. You could do this! But just purchase another Full Body Cleanse kit by Day 7.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Sounds like it is time for you to detox with the Full Body Cleanse! The cleanse will greatly help your liver to heal. It will help all of your symptoms (conditions).

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Hemp is a seed, not a nut, so hemp seed milk is okay for him. Nuts: cashews, peanuts, soy; Grains: rice, oats; Fruit: almond, coconut, banana, date. Hey, I'll do an article that will be up on Dherbs early next week! Peace and Love!

Eliminate totally or greatly cut down on meat and dairy products, leave salt alone (use herbal seasoning), and remove stress from your life. Try our Nerves formula, Cardiovascular formula, and Circu-laid formula. Read our free High Blood Pressure article.

Circulation Aid
Nerve Formula

Medication won't help you! Read our article HERBS VS. PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS! Herbs and change of diet will help heal you. Try our Nerves formula, Cardio-Vascular Formula, and Circu-laid Formula. Before you do anything though, I would highly recommend you perform the Full Body Cleanse. Low protein diet cut down or cut out MEAT and DAIRY products. Period! Give meat-based alternatives a try!

Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
Nerve Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Man, this is unfortunate, but I hear these stories all the time. These surgeries are very dangerous but they are recommended so doctors and hospitals can make money. Hey, did you read our EYE PROBLEMS article? I highly recommend that you read it! A lot of good information there! Peace and Love! Eye Problems formulas - Eye Formula, Cardiovascular, and Mucus Formula

Eye Formula
Mucus Formula

We provide you with all the ammo you need in our free articles. Read the articles WHAT IS MEAT?, PROTEIN PROPAGANDA, THE DANGERS OF EATING MEAT, etc. You'll have all the ammo you need to counteract or retort any meat-eater's argument about eating dead animal flesh!

Check out our on our home page. Your answer lies there (as well as for any other disease). These are some of the products I would recommend? Full Body Cleanse, Immune Booster, Rainforest Tonic, Blood and Lymphatic Formula

Full Body Cleanse
Blood & Lymphatic
Immune Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please give our Full Body Cleanse kit and regimen and Pancreas kit and regimen a try. These products will greatly help you - guaranteed! Please read our "Diabetes" article.

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Vitamin C
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