Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 136) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Yes, it takes 90 days to get new blood, 11 months for new organs, and 2 years for new bones. Our detox is for 3 weeks! Who would perform a detox that lasts for 3 months? You have to be practical when dealing with the majority of people. 90 days of detoxing is way too much for them. It must be a gradual process, beloved!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The ankles and feet swell due to excess fluid trapped in the body which points to a poor circulation problem. As for the summer time, i'd have to go more into detail on the various reasons. A consultation is best for this, as i would have to write a book to explain the various reasons. Never the less, you have excess fluid trapped in your body and you should abstain from man-made salt and use sea salt instead as salt causes retention of water in the body. I will also do an article on this subject very soon so please stay tuned to

Fluid Formula

Acai berry is a newly introduced fruit to the U.S. That as amazing qualities. It is high in antioxidants and vitamins. It can be used to help enhance energy leves as well help folks reduce and keep weight off. It's an awesome fruit!!!!! However, the acai berry is not more powerful than your mind!

I trust you read my article that covers these foods below. Beloved, acid foods are not bad (unhealthy) and in fact you need some acid foods to balance out the diet. The problem is with acid-forming foods (cooked foods: meat, dairy, refined starches, refined grains, etc.). So there's a difference between acid foods and acid-forming foods. And you do know that most of what we are eating is hybridized, right? We are not in control of what we are eating today. Even dr. Sebi eats hybridized foods. He can't help it. We don't control the food supply. Remember, ma'am: balance in all things. Some acid foods are good and necessary but acid-forming foods are unhealthy as they create mucus in the body.

Ma'am, you have to do what you have to do but I agree with your daughter in that you should abstain from these dinners due to the ingredients and the fact that it's processed. Sometimes are okay, but not often. Raw foods are better! Make sure you keep eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Stabilized oxygen enhances oxygen uptake in the body. It's good for all health conditions, especially anaerobia (lack of oxygen condition). A good brand is Oxy-Drops. Look for the ingredient "sodium chlorite" and this will let you know what product you are buying. Oxygen drops are not a scam!

I can clearly understand why you didn't receive the benefits you were seeking with The Male Cleanse. You see, your problem is psychosomatic but mostly psychological and emotional in nature. it appears you have a 2nd chakra imbalance that needs addressing. Most of the work you require is energetic. However, periodic performance of the Full Body Cleanse and The Male Cleanse and healthy diet helps repair the physical damage from excess masturbation. I highly and urgently recommend you schedule a personal consultation so we can get to the root of this problem. Your remedy is not solely in a product, but in yourself!

Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The Full Body Cleanse also, drink milk, Thistle seed tea (1 cup daily).

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Put the child on the children's detox and externally apply Oz oil. Paint the child's room blue and let the bed sheet and covers be blue too as blue is the anti-dot to red which is the color of burning and inflammation. Please read our Eczema article. I helped my son from my previous marriage to heal from his eczema in 6 months. Eczema is healable!

We don't recommend this. It would be better for you to do it in the 20 day period.

Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen

Could possibly be a problem with your prostate gland or worse case scenario, cancer? Clearly you have a problem with your urinary-genital system and it is healable so there's nothing to worry about. I would recommend the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Male Cleanse. These cleanses will greatly help you. Work on your kidneys as well ... Drink Juniper Berry or Cornsilk tea daily (1-2 cups)

Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Okay, you simply have a hormonal system imbalance and amennorrhea (no menses). First, perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse. Drink Female Health Tea too during both of these cleanses. After these cleanses, take 3 capsules each of: Menstrual Cycle Formula, Female Hormonal, Yoni Cleanser. Still drink the Female Health Tea as well. Consider a raw foods diet and drink plenty of vegetable juice and fruit juice. If raw foods is too strict, go vegan! No meat, no dairy, etc. Read as much free information on our site as possible, i.e. "Why Women Are So Sick", the "Myth Of Menstruation", etc.

Full Body Cleanse
Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Yoni Cleanser
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea

Sorry but it doesn't work like that! You can't eat unhealthy foods and expect to get healthy. It would be nice, but it just doesn't work like that! Please check some of our articles: "Diet & Nutrition", "Weight Loss".

Change the child's diet (cut out the meat, dairy products, and refined grains). Have the child to perform the children's detox. After her detox, have her take Menstrual Cycle Formula and Female Hormonal daily. Also, pease read our articles on the "Myth Of Menstruation" article.

Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula

For premature ejaculation, we suggest you perform The Male Cleanse but to also go to the root of the problem (which could be emotional and/or psychological). This could also be a circulation problem as well as good circulation is needed to attain and maintain an erection.

The Male Cleanse

Please read the Frequently asked questions page as well as the article "What is raw foods?" we have clearly made it plain in our various literature than you can eat what you desire as long as it is raw. If you like fruit, then eat fruit and as much as you like. Addition raw foods recipes are also listed in our 2 e-books: the Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (EBook) Manual (EBook)s manual and the Full Body Cleanse Companion (EBook) (EBook). There are located in the online store.

Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

When people take a particular formula and claim it didn't work, they have something else going on in their body. You probably were concentrating on the sexual enhancement part but your body intelligence was concentrating on something more important, perhaps circulation or prostate atrophy. You see, all herbs work, so therefore, if you feel you haven't gotten desired results, check your desire against your body's desire and you will arrive at the answer: guaranteed. What you need to do now is focus on cleansing your entire body. Your body may be gravely toxic. Complete the Full Body Cleanse and then give the formula a try!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Yes, they'll have a positive effect on your kidneys. However, you should consider performing the Full Body Cleanse before taking the formulas.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Lower back pain is usually caused by colon problems. I'd say to detoxify your body with an emphasis on the colon. Check out our Full Body Cleanse and Dherbs 10 Day Colon Cleanser. Also, do you feel your back is against the wall in some life circumstance? Are you bending over backwards for someone (to help someone)? You need to ask yourself these questions.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

The question is already honestly answered in our Frequently Asked Questions page (see "FAQ about kits"). If you wouldn't mind doing so, please go there for your answer to your inquiry.

Zinc Formula
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