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Ask The Herbalist
Perform the Full Body Cleanse and use the Oral Antiseptic Spray while during the detox.
I recommend he takes: Jackrabbit formula, Circulation Aid formula, Formula 69 Extract.
I recommend for you: Full Body Cleanse, Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen, 10 Day Colon Cleanser.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Take nothing else with the Full Body Cleanse, just the 6 formulas. Take the Male Hormonal Formula after you complete the cleanse.
Full Body Cleanse
Male Hormonal Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
You are passing old fecal matter. Green stools denote acid stuff eaten in the past, which caused bitter gall to be released in the colon. This is why the matter is dark green. Still sounds like you're passing yeast substances too - a good sign. If the magnet broke your neck out, discontinue use of it. You can make it without the magnet.
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
I recommend the Full Body Cleanse and while performing it to drink pkenty of licorice root tea! Also, gargle with warm water and sea salt (a pinch of it) once daily. After the Full Body Cleanse try our Fifth Chakra Elixir. It is great to take for throat health.
I would highly suggest you first perform the Full Body Cleanse cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse. Yes, personally I would not take birth control pills. Those things kill women! For your menstrual cycle (after you're done with the 2 cleanses above), take a daily regimen of Menstrual Cycle Formula, Female Hormonal, and Female Health Tea.
Full Body Cleanse
Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
Overdose on MSM Sulfur (6 capsules before bedtime). Change your diet and detox periodically.
Check out our "Childrens Extracts" page and try Sugar Formula (sugar reducer) formula.
Natural sources of amino acids will not harm your body. Please read "The Gut-Healing Amino Acid You Need Right Now".
Try Jackrabbit formula, Circulation Aid formula, and Formula 69 Extract!!!! It's really not about a large penis but knowing how to work what you got - skills!
Yes, it is a good idea to drink water with vitamins added to them. The best form of vitamins and minerals is Khemetian Gold. This formula will also address her potassium imbalance as well. Please read "How Much Water Do You Need To Drink Every Day?".
Have you read our article on "Beware of deodorants and antiperspirants" lots of good information in there! We may produce these items in the future, right now we are concentrating on alternatives to drugs which are killing people, more so than the personal hygiene products. But i'll keep this in mind.
Your mother should perform the Full Body Cleanse cleanse ASAP. She should perform it every 3 monhts. Also, beware of doctors. these people will kill you due to providing incorrect information.
I would suggest you read the following articles: 1. "Eye Problems" 2. "Fibroid Tumors". These articles offer solutions! To stop profuse bleeding I recommend Anti-styptic formula. Great formula!
I recommend you take: Anti-styptic formula and Menstrual Cycle Formula for the excess bleeding. Other good formulas include: Bowel Motion and Colon & Digestive Tract. These compounds will help you!
Yes, give the child "centaury" extract. we will have this herb available next month. It's the best herb for bed-wetting. Visit our on-line store.
Full Body Cleanse and apply Oxy-Oil externally
Full Body Cleanse
Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)
Eating meat and cooked foods will no doubt sabotage your cleanse. You can find out more about oxygen therapy by researching it on-line by doing a Google search. It is openly practiced in Mexico but banned in the United States. If you feel you will cheat then you will. You are speaking your reality into existence. Thoughts create reality. Please read "Why We Should Eat Only Raw Foods".
Jackrabbit formula, Male Hormonal Formula, Formula 69 extract...