Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 111) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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We have free health articles. Look under "Articles" on our site. I recommend the Fibriod Buster Cleanse and Regimen for your health issue.

Uterus Cleanse

Please read our article "Vaginal Odors and Discharges" on our site. It is very detailed. Your discharge says so much! It's conveying a message to you. The situation is mostly diet-related. Stop eating meat, dairy, refined grains and starches. Go raw foods (50%) and vegan (50%) immediately. Drink a lot of fruit and vegetable juices. Get colonics and perform enemas (weekly enemas). Give our The Female Cleanse a try! Read some of our "Articles"! Keep your head up! Don't give up! Most people give up when they are just 3 feet from the gold. The answers you desire always come at the point when you are ready to give up. This is why you found Dherbs.Com! We are NOT the answer, but we can help point you to it! There is healing for you, Beloved! Stop thinking about the discharge and start thinking about life without the discharge. Constant thoughts create your reality!

The Female Cleanse

Perform the Full Body Cleanse first and then The Male Cleanse. Take about 7-21 days off before you start the next kit.

Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Try our Hair & Scalp Oil! It's a big seller!

Hair & Scalp Oil

High blood pressure can be eliminated by changing your diet (cutting back heavily on meat), cutting out table salt for sea salt, staying away from stress, etc. Perform the Full Body Cleanse and follow this kit up with a daily maintenance regimen of Cardiovascular formula, Nerve Formula, and Circulation Aid formula. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Drink more water! Detox 2-4 times per year! There is much help for you. You can heal!

Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
Nerve Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

1. Full Body Cleanse 2. Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen 3. The Female Cleanse, 4. Thyroid Aid formula and Weight Release Formula

Full Body Cleanse
Thyroid Aid
Weight Release Formula
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

It can help! Healing is holistic so you must think about diet, lifestyle, etc. Products can only help YOU heal YOURSELF! Oxy-Oil is a powerful product. Give it a try!!!!

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

The blackness of the lips is simply a consequence for the habit of smoking marijuana. If you become a raw foodist and eat raw foods for 3+ years your lips will lighten up. Please read "The Blunt Facts on Marijuana".

Thank you for your words, Beloved! Start with removing excess mucus from your body. Perform the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen (if you are able to). Individual formulas that will aid you include: Circulation Aid formula, Eye Formula, and Vitamin A. Drink blueberry juice everyday. Follow the information in the "Eye Problems" article in this month's newsletter. There is great help for you, Beloved! Change your diet! Cut back heavily on meat and dairy products. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water (8 glasses per day).

Circulation Aid
Eye Formula
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Vitamin A

You don't want to control a thing you do not want. You want to eliminate it! The diabetic medicine (synthetic insulin) has harmed your kidneys and eyes over the years. Your body is telling you to get off of these harmful meds. You may want to try our Pancreas Cleanse and Regimen. Also look into our Pancreas Formula. It is natural insulin precursor. It is 100% SAFE! There is great help for you, Beloved!

Pancreas Formula
Pancreas Cleanse

Every "body" is different so I have no specific answer for you. Try it and see. Herbs will not hurt you they only help. Our formulas are concocted to help you heal! No formula heals you. You (and God) do the healing. Herbs are tools that only facilitate healing! Drugs cause disease and damage! Please read "Are Herbs Safe To Take?", "When Will I See Results After Taking The Herbs?".

I recommend that you start working on your colon. Perform either the Full Body Cleanse or the Dherbs 10 Day Colon Cleanser. These will greatly help your condition and you will notice the change. Individual formulas that are good for you afer the detox include Electric Greens Combo, Colon & Digestive Tract, Cardiovascular formula. Don't forget diet! Your diet is too acid-forming. You need to eat more alkaline foods (fruits and vegetables). Cut back on the meat and dairy products. Dietary change is very important for you!

Full Body Cleanse
Colon & Digestive Tract
Electric Greens Combo
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Sure I can help! First, beginning with the Full Body Cleanse. Follow this kit up with the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen and (you can wait about 7-14 days to start after completing the Full Body Cleanse). After this kit, perform the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen. The above kits will target all of your major concerns. For stress, start drinking Valerian Root tea (1-2 cups daily). Check out some of our inhalers too (Happy Inhaler). There is much help for you, Beloved! Read some of our free "Articles" too. Many are very inspirational!

Full Body Cleanse
Happy Inhaler
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

It's not what you can give him, but what you can stop giving him, i.e. meat, dairy, refined grains, processed foods, etc. He needs a dietary change, especially more fruits and vegetables in his diet. More salads! More water! Start him off on the Children Detox (liquid extracts) which will greatly help him! Please read "Why Parents Should Keep Children Meat and Dairy Free", "Bad Breath". Also please check some of our articles on Bad Breath.

The miscarriages are more spiritual than anything. Babies have no soul until after birth, so until birth, you only have biological entities forming in your body, so you are dealing with physical health problems. You need to work on strengthening your reproductive system. Evidently you system is weak. The C-section was unnecessary and doctors did it to make money. That's all. You don't do a C-section for a fetus of 7-8 weeks. That's ludicrous! Antibiotics? Those things are dangerous and are still in your body until you detox. The poisonous drugs they put in your body caused the Hypertension. Beloved, here's what I would recommend in your case: first perform the Full Body Cleanse that will target all of the above. After this, perform The Female Cleanse. After this cleanse, perform the Uterus Cleanse (which is optional in your case). You don't need birth control pills or any foreign device in your body. Just change your thoughts (see yourself pregnant, holding/nursing your baby), develop a healthy attitude (that you are worthy of holding a baby to term). Change your diet (vegan is best, eat more raw foods; fruits and vegetables). Drink Dherbs Female Health Tea daily. Remove all fears that you cannot hold a baby. Remove all thoughts about a 3rd miscarriage and how you will be devastated as you are setting yourself up for this by the very thought. Thank you for your interest in Dherbs.Com

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse

1. Electric Greens Combo (2-3 capsules) 2. Vitamin C formula (2-3 capsules) 3. Iodine Phosphate (2-3 capsules) 4. Rainforest Tonic (2-3 capsules) 5. Male Hormonal Formula 6. Male Health Tea (1 cup daily)

Electric Greens Combo
Male Hormonal Formula
Vitamin C
Male Health Tea

For the T Syndrome, start with the Full Body Cleanse. Perform it 3-4 times a year. Change your diet too. Go more raw foods (fruits and vegetables). Cut back on meat and dairy products. Drink vegetable juice daily!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Beloved, give the Full Body Cleanse a try! Change your diet to a predominantly vegan-vegetarian diet. Drink 8 glasses of water daily, start eating a lot of fruit (your favorite ones) and drink vegetable juice daily and you will see improvements in your life and health.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

I would say give yourself 7-21 days before you start the next kit and regimen.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

For night time leg cramps, take Circulation Aid formula (3 capsules) and Veins Formula (3 capsules, morning and night).

Circulation Aid
Veins Formula

Zinc Formula
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