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Comments from Facebook: Full Body Cleanse

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on Full Body Cleanse
I am interested in the The Women's Cleanse.
on Full Body Cleanse
I purchased DHERBS in October and I must say the 4th day was a struggle but I continued and successfully lost 15 lbs. Unfortunately I returned to eating meats and carbs. I will be ordering the 20 day cleanse again and the maintenance plan so I can stay on track. Also, I felt wonderful and energy level was thru the roof. I heard about this product on SHMS.
on Full Body Cleanse
I just started my 20 days today, pray for me... I hope I can be like some of the other people who are having great results...
on Full Body Cleanse
I've been on the cleanse for a week now I've only lost 3 lbs and I exercise 4-5 days a week
on Full Body Cleanse
I finished the 20 days... I lost the 20 lbs I've been trying to take off for a while my skin never looked this good it was uneven in color I was always tired no matter how much sleep I got now with cleared skin and so much energy I feel and look better than when I was in my 20's thank you Dherb I want to try it again just before the holidays.
on Full Body Cleanse
I had the product for about a 8 mos and I'm just beginning today. Praying to follow the program for the next 20 days. Just remembering when to take which capsule is probably the biggest challenge. I've programmed the alarm on my phone. I'm also looking forward to juicing more with my nutri bullet. I want to win this time!! Always wanted to be a vegeterian.
on Full Body Cleanse
Hi! I'm on day 8 of the full body cleanse. I've lost 5lbs so far and my underlying fatigue has disappeared. It was a struggle on Day 6 to abstain from eating meat, but I did it!
on Full Body Cleanse
Hi Yal! I made one week on Wedesday, I dropped 7lbs, looking for more next week!
on Full Body Cleanse
It was great!!! I lost 19 pounds 7 months ago..I m going use it again..
on Full Body Cleanse
I just purchased the full body cleanse!...nervous and excited, like many of you about the whole raw food thing...but im determined : ).. My mom told me about it and she did it and lost 13lbs in 2 im staying positive and will i need to rid myself of all the toxins i know are in my hoping it will also help me quit smoking
on Full Body Cleanse
So I recieved my FBC last week, but started today.... I am so nervous taking pills. I went to the grocery store and purchased all organic raw fruits, veggies, raw nuts/seeds (aww they are good) gallons of distilled water. I also purchased oils and sea salt to take baths... I am praying this goes well. I am so ready for a positive transformation on my eating habitis, my mind and body.
on Full Body Cleanse
I completed the 20 day Full Body Cleanse on July 27th. It was rewarding in a few areas. 1. I lost 28lbs 2. I gained knowledge in another area of health, fitness & wellness. 3. Energy stores have shot up to a place I haven't been in about 4 years. 5. For a person who's lifestyle was health & fitness for all of my life, but for some reason the last 4-5 years have been quite the contrary. I have not been this motivated in years. I'm back in the gym, getting my cardio up, getting my strength up to an acceptable level, before pushing the envelope to start back doing "crossfit". I'm looking forward to doing my first 5k next spring at 55 years old I plan on doing 10 day cleanses every time my ride needs an oil change. LOL!!! Yeah, this is what's up!
on Full Body Cleanse
Today is day 19, I am so ready to end this regimen. I will weigh in tomorrow, don't think I lost a lot of weight, I started at 178.6 went to 171 in 3 days, 170 on day 9, have not weighed in since. I know that this is good, however you need time or a chef. This takes making an adjustment. I got board, very limited to what I ate. The challenge is balancing this with daily life.
on Full Body Cleanse
I'm on day 5 and have lost 5 pounds thus far. I feel great! My body is actually craving fruits & vegetables now. I don't feel week and I noticed that I have to make myself eat. Looking forward to completing the entire program.
on Full Body Cleanse
I'm on day 11 of the FBC today but I now have body chills and a low grade fever. I have a cough that hurts my chest immensely. I know it has nothing to with my cleanse ( I work around children who could pass on colds) I'm just looking for ways to treat the body aches and pains without interfering with the rest of my cleanse.
on Full Body Cleanse
I hope to start soon. I'm tired ALL THE TIME and often in alot of pain. I've been diagnosed with autoimmune inflammatory athritis and I suspect some hormonal shifts. I'll be 47 next month and I think I might be going through the change (HATE IT!). I plan on doing the cleanse right after labor day.
on Full Body Cleanse
i am on my second day. first day went smoothly. still didn't managed to give up the cigarettes yet. working on it. i did cheat with some chips from the health food store. other wise i am on track
on Full Body Cleanse
This is my eighth day on the cleanse. It feels as though I'm to full at the end of the day to barely finish my 5 to 7pm formula. I feel so full. I am also experiencing some cramping. I'm drinking plenty of alkaline water so much that I'm up all night using the restroom.I don't see any weight loss at all. I feel no energy either. I really hope I didn't waste my money on this. I hope I get some beneficial results soon.
on Full Body Cleanse
Dear DHerbs Family, I think there is a company posing as you guys and calling themselves They offer the 6 formulas & activated charcoal for nearly half the amount and they have Djeuty's face on the bottles. I knew something was suspicious, because Steve Harvey was still saying DHerbs. There is no manual, simply instructions on eating raw and what time to take the capsules. Also, there is a female with a YouTube video titled "I'm not supporting DHerbs" or something to that nature......Best wishes in catching the culprits! I'm reporting them to the BBB.......
on Full Body Cleanse
Just got my Dherb yesterday. My physical activity was drastically changed after spinal fusion. As a disabled veteran I put on several pounds even after using treadmill 3-4 times a week. My starting weight is 195lbs. I am starting the full body cleanse today and look forward to some amazing results.
on Full Body Cleanse
Dherbs 20 day full body cleanse. I can say, this is the first program I have every stuck too without cheating. I've struggled to lose weight for a long time and not until I completed the body cleanse was I able to actually lose 10 lbs.
on Full Body Cleanse
Day 2 of my 20 day cleanse and I thought I would be STARVING from just eating fruit, veggies and nuts, but I acutally feel like I have more energy and more alert!! Looking forward to the next 18 days!!
on Full Body Cleanse
What an excellent product! I wasn't sure if I would be able to complete the cleanse for the full 20 days, however it was easier than I thought. I prepared myself ahead by incorporating more fresh fruits and veggies in my diet and very little (if any at all) meat. In fact, I only had a grilled chicken breast now and then. Overall, the cleanse worked wonderfully. I lost around 16 pounds and my energy level was the best it had been in a very long time. Typically, I struggle to get up at 6am, however, while on the cleanse I woke up about 4am each morning with no thoughts of going back to sleep. I will certainly re-order this product.
on Full Body Cleanse
Hi so today I started the full body cleanse. I bought all the raw foods I will need, I am very excited about doing this cleanse. I have been procrastinating for way to long. I heard about this on Steve Harveys morning radio show about one year ago and since then every day I though about it. Like I said I am very happy and excited I am finally doing it. I am looking forward to the outcome. And I am in good spirits about this, and I think that is important to anyone who wants to do this cleans. Well thanks for listening and I will keep in touch about my journey and progress.
on Full Body Cleanse
I just received my 10 ten day express cleanse. I'm excited to start. I'm a little nervous because I've never done a cleanse before but looking forward to start a new healthier chapter in my life.
on Full Body Cleanse
I just ordered the Full Body Cleanse this morning and it is due to arrive Friday, Oct. 31st. I will begin the cleanse on Saturday and looking forward to dropping at least 15lbs by the 21st. I'm staying encouraged and promise myself that I will stick to it until I reach my goal of loosing 40lbs. Thank all of you for your support.......................
on Full Body Cleanse
Hello! Day 4 of the D-Herbs Master Cleanse program. Although, I haven't been exercising due to a hectic work schedule I have lost 5.5 pounds. My goals for the upcoming days are to incorporate more veggies and less fruits since I'm diabetic, exercise and perhaps try one of the tea colonics and clay baths. The program has been someone challenging because I enjoy cooking and experimenting with different ethic flavors and recipes but as I near my 50th birthday, I understand the importance of making better food and life style choices. What has helped me for the past 4 days was simply taking one day at the time and focusing on what is important which is improving my health from the inside which will eventually show on the outside . Although, my blood sugar has been interesting lately, I really do feel better. I don't have a burst of energy but I no longer experience the sluggish, irritable, tired feelings that I became immune to. I have noticed that I am more alert and mentally clear without my adult ADD meds. ha ha ha Wish me luck as I move toward my goals to be healthier, happier and hotter. :-)
on Full Body Cleanse
Hey...started my FBC this morning. Day 1. I'm ready to feel better!
on Full Body Cleanse
Today is July 1, the first day of my Full Body Cleanse.  I have been eating as recommended but I must say, I am STARVING!!!  I don't know if its real or psychological.  I pray I can keep this up.  People please pray for me.  Hopefully after a few days, the cravings for meat will subside.
on Full Body Cleanse
I love my Dherbs, lost 25 pounds the first time, did it again 3 months later and lost an additional 10 pounds. I didn't realize you could do them back to back. I took a break for 3 months and then started over again. One thing I must say is that I felt lost after I finished. When 7a, 10a, 12p, 2p, 5p, 7p came, I wanted to take the pills. Final results 25 pounds and 2 dress sizes and I am now a Vegan. Thank you Dherbs for a wonderful product. It changed my life.
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