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Ask The Herbalist
Perform either the Full Body Cleanse kit or the 10 Day Colon Cleanser. Either kit will do!
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Our products will greatly help your brother but they will interfere with the medication that will cause more strokes in your brother because all medications are poisons - PERIOD! Herbs will fight against those poisons so as to heal him. Should you choose herbs from Dherbs, I recommend Cerebrovascular formula, Circulation Aid formula, Veins Formula, and Central Nervous System formula. There is healing for your brother!
Central Nervous System
Circulation Aid
Veins Formula
I recommend Brain Booster, Circulation Aid formula, and Central Nervous System formula! Read our article "Ear Problems" for more insight into this sitaution.
Perform Full Body Cleanse Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen (twice, back to back)! Warts will take some time to heal but you can heal. Go RAW FOODS and drink plenty of green vegetable juice. Bath in hot water, sea salt (1 box), and 6 drops of essential oil of tea tree!
Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
I recommend you first DEROX with the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse and then followed by the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen. Read our articles on these subjects too under "Articles".
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Yes, I would suggest the person performs the Full Body Cleanse every 3-4 weeks and overdose on drinking vegetable juice (green veggies). While the person is not detoxing, I would recommend the person takes 3 capsules of the Pancreas Formula 2-3 times daily.
Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Check out Sugar Formula, Pancreas Formula. I would also suggest you perform the Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen 2-3 times per year as well.
Try Dherbs Full Body Cleanse (2-3 times per year) and after the FBD, he should take 2-3 capsules of Eye Formula. "Eye Problems" and "The Blunt Facts On Marijuana" articles I have written to learn about the pros and cons of marijuana, Beloved!
Full Body Cleanse
Eye Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
You can't clean meat, Beloved. Period! Folks are doing something just to be doing something! All meat is corrupted and toxic! Period!
Capsules are more potent than teas but teas get into the body faster. So you can choose what you're looking for. Both capsules and teas work however!
For bacterial infection: First perform the Full Body Cleanse and follow that up with the 10 Day Colon Cleanser. Change your diet: raw foods (75%) and vegan (25%). Drink plenty of vegetable juice. Drink Dherbs Mucus Tea daily (1-2 cups).
P.S. Don't hate traditional doctors! It's negative energy. Read my article "Leave Medical Doctors Alone".
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Mucus Tea
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Detox your body every 3-4 months with the Full Body Cleanse. Use a natural deodorant (brands are listed in Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (EBook). A few brands include Ayurveda, Peelu, and Nature's Gate. Avoid using commercial brand deodorants and antiperspirants! Change your diet: go raw food (75%) and vegan (25%)! Please read the "Boils" article.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)
Ozone therapy is the BOMB! I use ozone everyday when I'm home. I greatly like oxygen/ozone therapies! Great stuff! Increased oxygen levels is 50% of the cure for all diseases (the other 50% being alkalinity coming from the minerals). Please read "Ozone is Not Smog – Ozone is Good & Natural!".
I would say to put your children on the Rainforest Tonic Tea, letting them drink one cup per day. The Vitamin C formula is something I would also suggest for your children's immune system as well. Peace and Love! I appreciate you very much, Beloved!
Perform the Full Body Cleanse kit 3-4 times a year (especially when you have some time). Take Herbal H Formula, Intestinal Cleanser and Colon & Digestive Tract (3 capsules daily) when you're not detoxing. Drink plenty of vegetable (and fruit) juice daily!
Full Body Cleanse
Colon & Digestive Tract
Intestinal Cleanser
Herbal H Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
It is very, very rare but could happen. If it does happen, make sure you bathe daily (in hot water and 1 box of sea salt or 8-12 ounces of sea salt) and use oil on your skin rather than lotion. While bathing, make sure to scrub your skin with a loofah brush. Drink plenty of fruits and/vegetable juice as well. Steaming (going to a steam room) will also help this condition. The condition will not last long; usually just during the duration of the cleanse.
This is your choice! You should be able to use your mind (logic and common sense) and read the descriptions of each separate kit and know what it is for and what its major functions are.
The Full Body Cleanse is mainly for cleansing of the whole body with an emphasis on the eliminative channels.
The Male Cleanse and The Female Cleanse are predominantly for cleansing and healing of the sexual reproductive systems and addresses the endocrine or hormonal system.
The Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen is predominantly for people who desire to shed excess pounds (waste).
The Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen is predominantly for people who are experiencing a so-called viral infection and/or STD, i.e. Herpes Simplex Virus (1&2), so-called A.I.D.S., or human papilloma virus (HPV).
The Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen is predominantly for people experiencing so-called "diabetes" and other pancreas problems, i.e. hypo/hyper-glycemia.
The ParaWrm Cleanse is predominantly for people experiencing parasite and/or worm infestation and infection, STD infection, i.e. genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia; and malarial infection.
The Uterus Cleanse is predominantly for females experiencing infertility or who are having difficulty conceiving or getting pregnant.
The Fibriod Buster Cleanse And Regime is predominantly for females experiencing fibroid tumors or cysts, i.e. uterine fibroids and ovarian fibroids.
The Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen is predominantly for people experiencing chronic and/or severe respiratory issues or lung issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia and also people who have excess mucus in their bodies.
The Anti-Depression Cleanse is predominantly for people experiencing long term or short term depression, melancholy, and sorrow; bi-polar disorder, and other neurological and nervous system disorders.
The Substance Abuse Cleanse is predominantly for people experiencing drug addiction to harmful chemical substances such as alcohol/liquor (beer, wine, etc.), cigarettes, marijuana (a plant, but still addictive due to the sensation it gives); illegal drugs, i.e. crack cocaine and/or powder cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, crystal, PCP, etc.; and legal drugs, i.e. prescription drugs/medication.
The Sickle Cell Cleanse is predominantly for people who are experiencing sickle cell crisis (including anemia) and/or malarial infection.
NOTE: The above kits are 3-week kits (20 day kits being technical or to be exact) and all prescribe a raw foods or mostly raw food diet. Our site has more in depth and detailed information on each individual kit and what the kit(s) are comprised of. No kit is the same! They all differ in activity formulas (and a few may have slight differences in diet though they mostly prescribe raw foods).
Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
ParaWrm Cleanse
Uterus Cleanse
Substance Cleanse
Orexis formula is the only appetite increasant formula we sell.
Inorganic (Un-natural) iodine is a poison like inorganic sulfur and that's why you skin broke out. I suggest you immediately perform the Full Body Cleanse and use Oxy-Oil on the skin externally. For fibroid tumors, the answer is here: "Fibroid Tumors".
Full Body Cleanse
Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)
Please read our detailed article on "Lupus" as it details remedies and solution at the end of the article.
Of course they can be taken together! I recommend that people drink them separately so they can do their desired function; but again, it's your choice! You still get benefits regardless of how you take them. Please read "How To Take Herbs".