Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 46) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Ask The Herbalist

Herbs will still do their job, Beloved. The herb actually fights the radiation regardless of the source. That's how they are programmed, to fight that which is unnatural.

You sure can! You can choose any 2 formulas that you feel you need: Blood & Lymphatic Formula, Cardiovascular formula, Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder, Lungs & Respiratory formula, Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals, Colon & Digestive Tract. Detox Tea can also be drank with the 2 formulas you decide to purchase.

Blood & Lymphatic
Colon & Digestive Tract
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals
Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder
Lungs & Respiratory

Yes, start giving him our Nerve-Calming Tea, Sixth Chakra and Seventh Chakra elixirs, and Sugar Formula formula. And please read our article on "Attention-Deficit Disorder" in our articles section.

Sugar Formula
Nerve-Calming Tea

No! No! No! Beloved! There's no allergic reaction to herbs. There's only "Healing Crisis" and LAW OF CURE that unfortunately so many people don't understand despite our explaining this i.e. "Detox Troubleshooting", "Frequently Asked Questions", and article entitled "Healing Crisis" which we are also finding out that people are not reading, so when they do experience healing crisis or the law of cure the first place they run to is the doctor, the #1 poisoners on the planet. Before I go any further, what were you rushed to the hospital for? What were your symptoms?

Beloved, start THINKING "Full Body Cleanse" for EVERY EVERY EVERY disease! When people are sick or have a problem, the first thing that should come to one's mind is Full Body Cleanse (FBC) because this cleanse is for EVERYTHING including kidney infection. I would recommend FBC and have her drink Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals Tea while detoxing!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals Tea

CoQ10 is made by man! I don't take this substance.

Your husband needs to first detoxify his body (Full Body Cleanse) and while detoxing he should take a few of the Crystal Elixirs (i.e. #6 and #7). After his Detox, he needs to take daily Nerve Formula and drink Nerve-Calming Tea. Prayer is good but actions are better. Get that man involved in activities such as yoga, meditation, etc. Have him Detox his body. Look for an energy healer in your area. What zodiac sign is your husband? Aries, Gemini, and Virgo are naturally prone to nerves problems.

Full Body Cleanse
Nerve Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Nerve-Calming Tea

You can double up the children's dosage for yourself as an adult and yes, you can take it every day despite the Echinacea. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Thank you, Beloved! Glad you like the website! I would recommend that you first perform the Full Body Cleanse (FBC). Drink ginseng tea too while detoxing! Consult with our "Herbal Chart" for products to take for any diseases you may be dealing with. Again, begin the FBC right away to reclaim your health. The meds are only killing you slowly but surely. You can heal, Beloved!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

It appears the pain is just too unbearable for you and as such you may have to give in to the surgery in order to get immediate but short term relief. I had a friend who experienced what you experienced and the pain was so unbearable she couldn't sleep. I felt for her and I feel for you. I think you must do what is necessary for elimination or reduction of pain first and foremost. The Full Body Cleanse (FBC) is helping your swollen tissues, but it seems you mind is so distracted that you are in doubt mode and doubt is the subconscious will to fail. If you know you can't do what you need to do (naturally) to deal with this situation, do what you must for present day relief. You have free will here, Beloved! Please use Female Breast Oil and Drink Female Health Tea during your FBC.

Full Body Cleanse
Female Breast Oil
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea

I would recommend the following formulas: Thyroid Aid formula, Iodine Phosphate, and Electric Greens Combo.

Electric Greens Combo
Thyroid Aid

I would need some information about the child's diet and lifestyle to really determine what the cause of the palpitations is. Since the heart is involved, I would suggest the child takes 2-3 capsules of the Cardiovascular formula each night before bedtime. The child can also drink 1-cup of our Hearty Heart Tea daily as well.


I suggest you look into performing our Uterus Cleanse, a 20-day program and afterwards take certain products, i.e. Fibriod Buster Formula, Menstrual Cycle Formula, and Female Health Tea as maintenance. Please read our articles on "Fibroid Tumors". Good information!

Menstrual Cycle Formula
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse

We'd need to conduct an interview for me to get to the root of the matter. Consider a consultation. After your The Female Cleanse it would be in your best interest to perform the Full Body Cleanse to reboot your system. You're off somewhere in your body.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

You may be referring to the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen and if so it is behind schedule and will be released in early November 2008.

10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

Yes, it is okay to consume the elixir formula's while detoxing. It provides an additional benefit to getting your body into a healthier state. We always recommend allowing 1-2 hours to pass before taking additional supplements.

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

ADD is not passed on to children. Many times we are born with diseases that result from past previous life activity. The diseases usually develop or manifest as we grow older.

You're experiencing a healing crisis! Old and bad stuff coming out to make room for the new and good stuff (nutrition). Read the article "Healing Crisis".

Chicken broth? That's animal-based! No animal products, Beloved! If you continue to vomit lower the dosage of the capsules from 5 down to 2 or 3 (for a few days and then work yourself back up). Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen

Of course there's help for you! Perform these cleanses and in this order: Full Body Cleanse, The Female Cleanse, 10 Day Colon Cleanser. You must change your diet as well. Make it a goal to read all or most of our articles so as to educate yourself! Keep the faith and stay positive!

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse


Vitamin C
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