Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 149) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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I suggest BOTH! First perform the FULL BODY CLEANSE, secondarily, perform the FIBROID BUSTER kit and regimen. With fibroids your size you will need constant cleansing of your body and a change of diet. You require a life change! Do this and you will heal naturally!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse

The bleeding is normal as the body is attempting to regulate and normalize itself. That's all! Purchase and drink Red Raspberry Leaf tea until you can buy the maintenance products you need.

Female Health Tea

It's best to take all 3 of them! They can't hurt you, only help you! Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Male Hormonal Formula

You son is most definitely an INDIGO CHILD (specifically a CRYSTAL or RAINBOW CHILD manifesting all 7 spectrums of color of the Rainbow). His preoccupation with lights could denote many things. For one, he is Light himself (light-worker). It could be that he still remembers the Light before re-incarnating this time around. We all eventually move into the Light in order to move on. Mongolian spot? A very negative term! Buttocks denote an injury that occured on that area in a past life. Birthmarks don't mean something adverse will happen to you in this lifetime where your birthmark is. It doesn't mean this at all. Just be open to experience and learn from and with your child. Live in the moment and just be open!

There are really no products to make one gain weight. In my opinion, people should just accept the way they are if they feel fine at a present weight. Most people want to gain weight for societal reasons and this is not being authentic. We should only consume things for NUTRITION! Life is about the spiritual, not the physical. The physical is only the vehicle for the spiritual. If you want to give her a gift to help with protein, then I recommend the Vegan Protein formula.

Vegan Protein

Please read the FULL BODY CLEANSE FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on our site. It advises against sex during the detox but it's your choice in the end (free will).

YES... you can use them at the same time if you like. However, it is always BEST to take formulas separately. But of course some people don't have the time to do so, therefore, they should take them all at the same time. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Gotu Kola is very safe to take and one of the best herbs you could ever take. It's the best herb for the brain and brain function. India doesn't have the toxins like the United States does. There's nothing to worry about! Take it from me!

Read our HPV article. I suggest you get 2 Full Body Detox kits and 2 Antiviral kits and perform them back to back. For maintenance: YOU: Yoni, Anti-Viral, Female Hormonal HIM: Antiviral, Male Hormonal, Rainforest Tonic

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Formula
Female Hormonal
Male Hormonal Formula
Yoni Cleanser
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

I would recommend that you perform the Dherbs Lungs & Respiratory kit and regimen first and foremost. Follow this kit up with the Fertility kit and regimen. For CONSTIPATION: Dherbs Bowel Mover and Colon Conditioner For NERVOUSNESS: Dherbs Nerves formula For SLOW OXYGEN TO THE BRAIN: Brain Tuner

Bowel Motion
Brain Booster
Colon & Digestive Tract
Nerve Formula
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen

Yes, you may take these two great female herbs for your pathologies. Also, think about performing the Full Body Cleanse kit, The Female Cleanse, and Fertility kit. You can conceive if you conceive first in the mind.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

I would recommend that he person performs the Full Body Cleanse. I would also recommend that the person take Carbon as well as Smoke-Less. Have the person bathe in hot water and about 6 boxes of sea salt per bath and this will help neutralize the cocaine in his/her body.

Full Body Cleanse
Smoke-Less Formula
Smoke-Less Inhaler
Activated Charcoal
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

It's supposed to taste like water. It's an elixir and water is the base! It is vibrational medicine. It works on the subtle body, therefore it's effect is subtle, but effective.

I recommend Iodine Phosphate, Thyroid Aid formula, and Electric Greens Combo! Start eating a lot of sea weeds too (found at your health food store). They are rich in iodine.

Electric Greens Combo
Thyroid Aid

The cleanses are only designed for the consumption of one. Unfortunately it is not enough for two. You won't be able to reap all the benefits from the cleanse if it's split for two. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Yes! Please read our "Vision and Eye Problems" article. I recommend the Full Body Detox, the Eyes Formula, and drinking blueberry juice (cup) daily. The article will have more information.

Full Body Cleanse
Eye Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Go to online store and you can find it there!

Cellulite Oil (4 oz)

Your vagina could be burning after sex due to lack of vaginal lubrication, STD that you are unaware of, etc. Cranberry Juice (unsweetened) is good for urinary tract infections and healing STDs. Please read "Vaginal Dryness".

Ideally, 3 capsules should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. When cravings are strong, and addition 3 capsules should be taken in the course of the day, or after you have eaten something sweet.

Sugar Formula

Glad to hear about your success with the Full Body Cleanse! I would highly recommend the Weight Release Kit and Regimen. NO MEAT though! Try vegan alternatives if you must have something - but no meats! You will release weight (waste)! Your weight is nothing but waste!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen


Vitamin C
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