Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 147) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Cerasee is a great blood and lymph cleanser. It's great for the reproductive chamber too, to cleanse and rebuild it.

Make a tea using anise seed and/or caraway seed, sweeten it with maple syrup, and add a little lemon and put in a baby bottle and give to the baby. However, remove the acid foods. Tell her to use hemp, almond, or rice milk. They are far better than soy milk.

You are misinformed on the black beans or any beans for that matter, Beloved. Beans should be avoided during the Full Body Cleanse unless eaten SPROUTED. Sprouted beans are the only exception because they are not cooked!

I have heard many good things and results about this process. Be willing to take a chance and learn for yourself. That's how you grow! RISK! Take a shot! Give it a shot!

Our capsules are NOT gelatin but I understand your sentiment. I would say order the Children's detox and the Detox tea and perform the Full Body Cleanse this way (though 2 bottles are missing from the bottled version of the FBC with the Children's version). But the tea will make up for this. Order: Children's Detox Detox tea Carbon. (activated charcoal) Take these products every day for 20 days. Extracts at four separate times, the tea once a day, and the carbon before bedtime! Ask The Herbalist I have one more question, I take Amla internally (tablets and loose ground powder) is it good for hair growth, also can I take it everyday along with other herbs. The most common herbs that I take every day is Chia seed, Black Seed, and Cayeene pepper mixed together, I sprinkle this combination on my foods, thank you. Amla helps for hair growth! You are taking good stuff!

Full Body Cleanse
Activated Charcoal
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Try the MOON CYCLE formula, Anti-Viral Formula, and Immune Booster and see how these formulas work for you during your menses.

Anti-V Formula
Immune Formula
Menstrual Cycle Formula

Jackrabbit formula is an aphrodisiac! Male Hormonal Formula is male reproductive nutrition. Prostate Formula feeds the prostate gland.

Male Hormonal Formula
Prostate Formula

With your frame of mind and coupled with what you are already doing, you could expect PROFOUND results, Beloved! Give them a try! You won't regret it!

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Perform in this order: Full Body Cleans, Anti-Viral kit, and Parasite and Worm kit. Time frame between each kit? 3 days, 7 days, 10 days, or 14 days! It's really up to you!

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
ParaWrm Cleanse

It's your choice! If it has carbonation in it, I wouldn't drink too much of it. Spring water is best on the market (unless you can find a brand of water that is alkaline and antioxidant). Drinking too much distilled water can leech vital nutrients from the body. Switch up between distilled and spring.

I recommend you take the 2nd Chakra elixir. The elixir helps YOU to open up your chakra. You have all the power, not the elixir. The elixir is just a tool. A closed chakra means many things and yes, it will result in some physical ailment in the area the chakra is located in. 2nd chakra ailments deal with emotions, sexuality, and relationships. Most women are damaged in one or more or all of these things which shuts down the chakra energy and eventually manifest in some kind of female reproductive area pathology like fibroid tumors. In all honesty, you would do well to detox your whole body ? BE WHOLISTIC, don't isolate! Detoxing helps to open up all the chakras of the body. Look into the Fibroid Buster kit as well. Read some of our free articles too.

Uterus Formula

Try Menstrual Cycle, Female Hormonal, and Female Health Tea.

Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Female Health Tea

Try our 10 Day Colon Cleanserr. After the cleanse, take 3 capsules of Herbal H Formula 2-3 times daily. Drink 1 cup of Aloe Vera juice daily. Have your read our article of "Hemorrhoids" on our site?

Herbal H Formula
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Yes, you can use Bowel Mover Tea every night without worry of addiction or harm.

Bowel Motion Tea

Beloved, sounds like you ordered all the right stuff to facilitate healing. The only thing I could think of for you to add would be the IRON PHOSPHATE FORMULA!

Iron Formula

Yes! But take something internally as well, i.e.HAIR-SKIN-NAILS, Vitamin C, and MSM Sulfur.

Hair Skin Nails
MSM Sulfur
Vitamin C

Please read the Psoriasis article on our site under "Articles." It contains remedies for this disease.

I would recommend the FULL BODY CLEANSE hands down! For purifying the spiritual ka I would use all 7 chakra elixirs and get chakra balancing performed or learn to do it yourself. Purifying physical ka: Full Body Cleanse, bathing in sea salt and essential oils, and some of the other things offered in the "Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual" and "Full Body Detox Companion."

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Your body is too acidic and thus is loaded with mucus! For congestion: rub essential oil of eucalyptus on your chest every night. First rub on a little olive oil and then the eucalyptus oil (3-5 drops). Drink BREATHE EASY TEA by Traditional Medicinal. Order the RESPIRATORY inhaler from Dherbs.Com and use throughout the day. Bathe in hot water and add 1 box of sea salt and 5-7 drops of eucalyptus oil and soak in it for 30 minutes.

Breathe Easy Inhaler

I would suggest you guys both perform Dherbs Full Body Cleanse. Don't confuse our kit for other kits. After the Full Body Cleanse, perform 3-week the Anti-Viral kit. Now if money is a factor, make your own choice and choose either the Full Body Cleanse or the Anti-Viral kit. After whatever cleanse you guys perform, you will need a maintenance regimen to perform on a daily basis. Please visit our HERBAL RECOMMENDATION CHART to learn what formulas we recommend as a maintenance regimen for a specific disease.

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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