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Ask The Herbalist
Perform The Male Cleanse, take hot soaks, don't focus on the matter, and get plenty of rest (abstain from sex).
Of course pills from doctors haven't helped because God did not make you from pills. I suggest you perform: first: Full Body Cleanse second: The Female Cleanse change your diet: no meat, dairy products, refined grains, etc. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Change your pads (don't use tampons). Read the free articles on our website.
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Your diet is the problem. These smelly little white balls result from the diet (poor diet), especially consumption of refined grains (donuts, cakes, bread, pasta, as well as junk foods. Change your diet. You can heal this situation by eating 90% raw foods which will automatically freshen your breath. Try it an see! And continue cleansing too (i.e. Full Body Cleanse every 3 months).
Technically quinoa is a fruit because you are consuming the seeds, but it is considered a grain. It is alkaline and not mucus forming. Please read "Get Off Your Acid: Alkaline Foods You Think Are Acidic".
I recommend you perform the Full Body Cleanse, then the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen, followed by the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen. Start here! After these cleanses, change your diet permanently. Diet is key!
Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
Heartburn is the result of an acid-forming diet (too much processed food - especially meat). The diet must change! Eat more raw foods (fruits and vegetables). Perform the Full Body Cleanse and then daily take Electric Greens Combo, Colon & Digestive Tract, and a good after tea, i.e. Ginger tea or Peppermint tea.
Full Body Cleanse
Colon & Digestive Tract
Electric Greens Combo
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
I suggest she begins with the Full Body Cleanse. Start here!
Read the article "Folliculitis and psuedo-follicultis" because it answers your question. Good information in this article. Start here!
Start with the Full Body Cleanse and after this cleanse, perform a daily regimen of Joint Aid formula, Acid Buster, Electric Greens Combo, and MSM Sulfur (3 capsules of each formula daily). You can heal beloved! Just think positive and believe in your healing!
Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
Joint Aid
MSM Sulfur
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
I suggest he performs the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Dherbs 10 Day Colon Cleanser. Start here!
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Follow the advice in the article as well. Perform the Full Body Cleanse first and then continue with the maintenance formulas (Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder formula, Vitamin C formula, etc.). However, the milk thistle tea is great for all liver conditions and hepatitis falls in this category. It doesn't matter if the hepatitis is A, B, or C. It's a problem with the liver and so the liver needs to be cleansed and detoxified.
Full Body Cleanse
Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder
Vitamin C
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Glad to hear all is going well with this cleanse! Great news and thanks for sharing! After the Pancreas Cleanse AND REGIMEN I would recommend a daily regimen of: Pancreas Formula, PANCREAS AUXILIARY FORMULA, Sugar Formula, Electric Greens Combo. Eat as close to the Pancreas Cleanse AND REGIMEN DIET as possible. Modified diet is very important!
Electric Greens Combo
Pancreas Formula
Sugar Formula
Pancreas Cleanse
Yes, check out our article entitled "SICKLE CELL ANEMIA CRISIS" and "THE METAPHYSICS OF SICKLE CELL CRISIS AND MALARIA" which you can find on our site under "Articles." Recommended Compounds: Full Body Cleanse, Blood & Lymphatic Formula, Vitamin C, OXY-DROPS, KHEMETIAN GOLD
Full Body Cleanse
Blood & Lymphatic
Vitamin C
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Chakras do not heal the body! Chakras are a part of the body, and you can heal through the chakra. Chakras are energy centers and you can perform energy work on the chakras to help the physical body heal as well as the emotional and mental and spiritual aspects of the body or person to heal. For knee pain, I would recommend the following Dherbs.Com formulas: Full Body Cleanse, Joint Aid formula, MSM Sulfur, CALCIUM FORMULA. For depression, great formulas would include: Nerve Formula, ELATION INSPIRANT, SIXTH CHAKRA, ANTI-DEPRESSION ELIXIR. These can be found in our "ON-LINE STORE" Please visit. I go a little into the subject of depression in my "SUICIDE" article. Please read it!
Full Body Cleanse
Joint Aid
MSM Sulfur
Nerve Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
I suggest Detox Tea and the Oxy-Oil (for external use). Please read our "ECZEMA" article for more information on solutions and prevention.
1. Perform the Full Body Cleanse 2. Perform the Uterus Cleanse 3. Perform the Dherbs 10 Day Colon Cleanser 4. Change your diet permanently. Go raw foods vegan! Give up meat and dairy products, refined grains, etc. Read our articles too! Great information!
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Yes, use the same cleanse, i.e. The Female Cleanse.
I recommend Full Body Cleanse. Concentrate on cleansing your blood and removing mucus from your body. Hey, read those free articles on our site. Healing starts with knowledge!
Cut out sodium (table salt), use sea salt! Eat more celery or parsley. Great diuretics! Cleanse your colon (consider Full Body Cleanse).