Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 170) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

We recommend our Thyroid Aid for your thyroid condition. Your body is deficient in iodine. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism and with a malfunction (or partial removal) of this gland you are prone to gain weight.

Thyroid Aid

The best thing to do is cleanse the body with an emphasis on the blood, keeping it strong, nourished and clean; and eating healthy foods, mainly raw foods - the green foods (vegetables). If you want further preventative care, you can try giving your daughter the Blood & Lymphatic tea.

Blood and Lymphatic Tea
10 Day Blood Cleanse

We do not advise cleansing during pregnancy. Once your pregnancy is over, you are encouraged to cleanse with the Uterus Formula.

Uterus Formula

The best thing for lupus is the Anti-V Cleanse. As for individual formulas, we suggest Immune Support, Anti-V Formula, Blood & Lymphatic Formula and Vitamin C.

Anti-V Formula
Blood & Lymphatic
Immune Formula
Vitamin C
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen

The best thing for you is the Full Body Cleanse. The Full Body Cleanse will allow you to remove unwanted weight, while also optimizing your entier body so that you can maintain that weight and live a healthier lifestyle. There is no harm in doing cleanses back to back. If you are interested in The Female Cleanse, you can start it right after you finish the Full Body Cleanse. 

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please read our Detox Troubleshooting guide on our website. Loose stool suggests that you may need to drink more water or you don't have enough fiber. Are you juicing? If so, try and comsume your vegetables whole as juicing may extract the vegetables natural fiber. If you don't see any improvement, only take 3 capsules of the Colon & Digestive Tract. 

Colon & Digestive Tract

We highly suggest you perform our Full Body Cleanse as soon as possible, in order to reset your entire system. Upon completion, perform the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen to help eliminate harmful pathogens from your bloodstream and assist in strengthening your immune system, which helps to make your body a far less hospitable environment for viruses and infections.

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

It is not necessary that you do cleanse before the Male or Female Cleanse. However, performing the Full Body Cleanse prior will optimize your body and maximize your benefits for the Male and/or Female Cleanse. For recipes, please check the website, as we have a lot of good information and healthy recipes on there. You can also contact us at 866.434.3727 and speak to one of our customer service reps. All of our reps. Are knowledgable in all of our products and would be able to answer any questions and concerns. 

Full Body Cleanse
The Male Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The Full Body Cleanse comes with a dietary regimen prescribing an all-raw foods diet (fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds). This means no meat, dairy, grains, or processed foods.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

We recommend that you do our Pancreas Cleanse, which is a 20 day cleanse that helps to detoxify, nourish, and rejuvenate a sluggish and degenerate pancreas and kidney. Changing your diet is key. Focus on eating mainly vegetables and fruits that are low in sugar. 

Pancreas Cleanse

Yes, your dizziness may result from lack of iron during your menses which means heavy bleeding during your cycle. I suggest the following products to help rectify this problem: Menstrual Cycle Formula, Iron Formula, Female Hormonal.

Female Hormonal
Iron Formula
Menstrual Cycle Formula

Hypertension can be caused by obesity; diabetes; stress; insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium; lack of physical activity; and chronic alcohol consumption. Because hipertension is almost always caused by poor diet. Try changing your diet to one rich in vegetables and fruits. Stay away from processed foods and alcohol. The Full Body Cleanse is an excellent choice to nourish and strengthen all the body's systems and organs.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Coconut Oil has tremendous health benefits. You should absolutely include it as part of your diet regimen.

The Full Body Cleanse is a great start to achieving the health goals that you want. Performing this cleanse can help you lose excess weight, while optimizing your health at the same time. If you have further weight to lose, you should continue with the Weight Release Cleanse. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

If you are doing multiple cleanses, we actually recomend to do them back to back. There is no need to wait. In terms of taking other supplements, we recomend to focus on the cleanse. But you can incorpotate liquid versions of vitamins. You can drink teas like our Vitamin C tea or our Multivitamin tea.

Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Vitamin C Tea
Multivitamin Tea

For fibromyalgia we recommend our Full Body Cleanse. After doing the cleanse we recommend a daily health regimen using our Nerve Formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Nerve Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Because these are herbal supplements they work best when eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. It isn't harmul to take both, pharmaceutical and hebal supplements, but they do tend to work best when taken alone and consistently. 

10 Day Colon Cleanse

If you are on medication, we recomend to not take the charcoal. The charcoal will remove any medication that is being taken. 

We would recommend that you give our Full Body Cleanse a try. It will help you lose additional weight and rejuvenate your body. Once completed, try the Fertility Kit, which is a 20 Day program and regimen that consists of herbs, elixirs, affirmations, inhaler, and dietary program to help naturally enhance fertility.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

All of our cleanses are in capsule form. For this particular cleanse you would be taking for the entire 20 days. There is Colon Formula in the cleanse that promotes bowel movements.

Full Body Cleanse
Colon & Digestive Tract
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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