Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 153) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

No cure???? Cures only exist for people who believe in cures! Sounds like you do! Well, the first thing I would recommend for your is to perform or 3-week Full Body Cleanse kit and regimen. YOU CAN HEAL IF YOU THINK AND BELIEVE YOU CAN!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

YES! There are additional things he should be using. He should perform the Full Body Detox 2-3 times a year; drink blueberry juice daily, and in addition to the eye formula, use CIRCULAID formula and MUCUS BUSTER formula. Stay tuned to a new article on eye health called EYE PROBLEMS.

Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
Eye Formula
Mucus Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The  ANTI-V formula, BLOOD & LYMPHATIC, and PARASITE formula. 

Anti-V Formula
Blood & Lymphatic
ParaWrm Formula

Please have her perform the Full Body Cleanse as soon as possible and take the DETOX TEA as well.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Try incorporating herbal laxative teas (i.e. senna, cascara sagrada, Smooth Move, etc.) and a cup of prune juice 1-3 times daily. You may also want to perform an enema. What you're feeling is natural and the bloating will soon give way to numerous bulky bowel movements.

Consider taking the Menstrual cycle formula as a daily regimen.

Menstrual Cycle Formula

You are free to coordinate your own time schedule as far as taking the pills are concerned. Do what works best for you. There is no set time in which you must take the pills. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Although herbs are natural, not all herbs are safe to take during pregnancy. Herbs may contain substances that can cause miscarriage, premature birth, uterine contractions, or injury to the fetus. A pregnant woman should avoid goldenseal, pennyroyal, rue, blue cohosh, black cohosh, beth or birth root, and cramp bark to name a few. Before you buy herbs, research it to make sure it's safe to take. Please read "Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Detoxing".

We recommend to start with the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Pancreas Kit and Regimen.

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

No! Not fresh water seaweed. But seaweed sold in a health food store. Try Dulse, Kelp, Spiriulina, or even Dherbs Multi-Vitamin and Minerals formula. 

Multi-Vitamins and Minerals

Energizer formula and Brain Booster will greatly assist you!

Brain Booster

Perform the Full Body Cleanse. After the Full Body Cleanse, take 3-6 capsules daily of Brain Booster, CNS formula and Circulation Aid. Change your diet (consider raw foods/vegan). Raise your pH balance. Get into yoga! There's so much you can do to help yourself.

Full Body Cleanse
Brain Booster
Circulation Aid
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

I'm not sure why they would prescribe you medication, as there is no cure for HPV. In most cases, HPV is cleared by the antibodies that your body produces. The virus can linger in your body for about 1-2 yrs. Therefor, you have to aid and strengthen your immune system to make it strong enough to fight off HPV and other virus. Eat a clean diet, stay away from processed food, aid your immune system with fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin C. We strongly suggest to perform a Full Body Cleanse followed by either the Anti V Cleanse or Anti V formula. 

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Formula
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Make sure you drink 1 glass of water and eat something before taking your pills. Eat first and then 45 minutes later take your pills. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

One performs the Full Body Cleanse and drink Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle tea.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

To clean out your colon, we suggest the Bowel Motion formula and Intestinal Cleanser. The Full Body Cleanse is also ideal to cleanse your colon out. 

Full Body Cleanse
Bowel Motion
Intestinal Cleanser
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

This person seriously needs to perform our Full Body Cleanse. You see, it doesn't matter what the disease is, cleansing the body is the answer - ALWAYS! I highly advise the person performs the Full Body Cleanse and drink Detox Tea during the 3-weeks.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

This situation denotes your colon needs attention. Please give our Colon Formula and Bowel Motion formulas a try and these will help your puggy stomach to dissolve. 

Bowel Motion
Colon & Digestive Tract

Have her perform the Full Body Cleanse. After she's done, she needs to take 6 capsules of the Kidneys-Bladder formula for maintenance of her kidneys. She should drink Juniper Berry and/or Uva Ursi tea daily as well. 

Full Body Cleanse
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Have this person perform the Total Male Cleanse for 3-weeks followed by a daily/monthly regimen of Prostate Formula (3 capsules daily) and Male Hormonal Formula (3 capsules daily). There is great help for this person! There is no need to suffer!

Male Hormonal Formula
Prostate Formula
The Male Cleanse

Vitamin C
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